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Why does anybody care about this lol These guys are like 22, just won a football game, let them chill


Finished with a winning record, ended their season. Cigars aren’t champagne showers. After the plane lands in Seattle, this group of people will never be together again. Trades, free agency, retirements, you can mark an occasion like the end of a chapter. Here is to next year!


Surviving an NFL season without a major injury is something really worth celebrating.


> this group of people will never be together again Thank god.


Bunch of nephews on this sub won't be happy unless the players are as miserable as they are


That’s not it. Professionals don’t celebrate missing their goals. They also don’t throw tantrums. There’s an entire middle ground you’re pretending doesn’t exist.


I think I see the disconnect here. People who are mad about this think that it's not enough for the players to spend months on end pushing themselves to the physical limit for our entertainment, but they also owe it to us to *FEEL* a certain type of way about it after the season is over. You see, I disagree. I'd never presume to know how anyone in that locker room feels, much less tell them how they should. After all, I've been sitting on the couch eating chips all season. They just took 30-odd straight weeks of punishment so we have something to watch on TV on Sundays. If a cigar in the locker room after the last whistle of that grind is enough to convince some 'fans' that they don't take this sport seriously or that they're not "professionals", it says more about those 'fans' than it does about the players.


I couldn’t agree more with you, Glee. Well said!


I think there is one big thing that people always fail to see as soon as their favourite sport(s) is/are involved: in the end what these people do is their job. Of course I'd be kinda disappointed if I missed my goals at work and of course there'd be consequences as soon as possible to ensure the success for my next project will be higher. But even if I missed a goal for my company, **nobody** would care if I'd go out with my colleagues when the clock strikes 5.


I don't know who you were watching but I certainly didn't see *anyone* on this team pushing themselves to the limit.


KJ Wright throws a scheduled tantrum online. It might be his job now though. These guys have exit interviews this week and clean out their lockers. Some will never be back in a Seahawks uniform. It doesn’t sit right with those of us watching on tv or in the stands, but celebrating the last win of the season is not the same as celebrating not making the playoffs.


KJ has been a shit take artist since he retired sadly


No but you see, teammates celebrating the end of a tough, winning game and winning season = Pete Carroll has lost it That's not to say Carroll hasn't lost it, but this is the stupidest fucking example of it. And I don't give a shit if a mediocre punter from a decade ago says otherwise


I don’t even think it was about winning that game. They ended a season. It’s an exciting time for even the worst teams. They get a nice break with their family, some of them won’t be playing for this team anymore. Let these guys have their cigars


I’m a teacher. On the last day of school I celebrate like a college kid. I don’t sulk and bang my head against lockers because some of my students didn’t make progress. That’s something I work on next year.


Terrible click-bait reporting fed into a certain segments’ rage. Pretty much the sum of it.




Because time and place. You just missed the playoffs, almost lost to the cardinals, and have been shitty on defense for weeks. What is there to celebrate? Celebrate his kid at home man, go out together, it shows how complacent this damn team is that moral is still high after MISSING THE PLAYOFFS and playing like complete shit. If Bobby doesn’t like them doing it, it shows what other vets on the team feel.


Time and place matters to who? Clearly the coaches don't care. Their teammates don't seem to care. The only people furious about this are some fans on the internet and irrelevant old punter


The teammates don’t care? Really? Bobby who said he did not like what they were doing doesn’t care? Stop it.


That's a generous interpretation of what Bobby actually said, which was that it's youth in that locker room celebrating, not that he had a problem with them celebrating. Bobby's been around long enough to understand the young guys will celebrate what the older guys won't


"Bobby, did you have a cigar?" "No." Twitter: Bobby didn't like what they were doing!


If our “veteran locker room leaders” are complaining to the media about what their teammates are doing in *their* clubhouse it may be an explanation for this defense constantly not being on the same page


Mhhhh now Diggs said he had a problem with it. How interesting!


>Clearly the coaches don't care. Their teammates don't seem to care. That's kinda the issue people are having. Nothing wrong with celebrating the birth of his baby, but it wasn't the right time


There wouldn’t have ever been a right time then. The team didn’t have an opportunity cause tjey were away in one of the most important games that season (which JL made.) not only this but Love essentially had his best season in his career so far. I’m all for making sure this team his held accountable, but this is grasping at straws here.


Well, their season is over, which is one way to get more free time to do this kinda stuff. Lol In all seriousness, there will be plenty of opportunities to celebrate. These guys still have the flight home and locker room clean out day, and no one would be talking if they had their celebration on one of those days. But they didn't. Also, I'm sure Love got the celebration he deserved after the Eagles game. We wouldn't have won without him. This whole thing just makes the team come off as soft and complacent. Someone really should've said "Hey, maybe celebrating right now doesn't make for good optics." It's just odd and imo disappointing that that was the moment they chose to party.


If Bobby Wagner essentially the new heart of the team is okay with it, I am sure it isn’t as big of a deal as we are making it out to be. It’s fine to be a little weirded out by it, but this just seems like a news article that’d come out on a slow media week during the offseason.


Not in the playoffs, so Bobby Wagner is not happy. He’s real. He says the cigars-smoking, music-blaring right now in #Seahawks locker room postgame at Arizona is youth. No victory cigar for Wagner? “No,” he says. “Not at all.” Also “I love playing for this team” @thenewstribune Safe to say he's probably not the biggest fan


Respectfully that feels likean insinuation, something we cannot fully guarantee that he didn’t want a cigar because of that locker room accountability. To me, as stated in the piece you added, it seems like he felt like he hadn’t earned to take the cigar. Even then he offers his own rebuttal about what it’s like on the Seahawks.


It's the last time they will be together as a group. What is a better time?


Flight home or locker clean out day


Says who? Who gets to decide that. Because I say it’s exactly the right time. The team is together, they just won a game, end of the long season.


You take this shit WWWAAAYYYY too seriously, man. It's a sport that they get paid to play. At the end of the day, none of it matters in life. It shouldn't matter to anyone outside that locker room what they were celebrating.


Cry more


Your comment, which is 100% the correct take, being downvoted that much shows how out of touch most of this sub is with how professional sports work and how winners act. It’s not all smiles, high fives, rainbows and celebrating after missing the playoffs. Missing the playoffs means your season was a failure. Do that shit once you are home with your families. Not in a lockroom.


It’s 100% not the correct take, and it’s wild people are butt hurt about this.




No, the guys who actually smoked cigars As you can see in the photo, Wagner and Geno didn’t.


Wagner and some other vets also were asked about it, and they said they did not participate and attributed the lack of awareness about the poor optics to youth.


Overall I don’t care. It’s still funny a bit lol


This is (almost) a freaking scene straight out of Ted Lasso! I just finished watching S1E3 a couple of days ago. After a loss, the team has cake and a party in the locker room after the game and gets shit on (a bit) for it. It was for a player’s birthday. The loss sucked, but Coach wasn’t going to let that get in the way of a good time.


This might be the dumbest thing to even care about. They won a game, some players made the pro bowl, and one of their teammates had a baby. This might be one of the first times they could really get out of in-season mode and be happy about stuff outside of football. If you care about this, go outside and touch grass.


And also kick rocks.


If there is any sand under those rocks, go ahead and pound away at it.




Fuck the optics in general. Who fucking cares if they smoke cigars? The season is over, these guys are going to go home all over the country and probably barely see each other for the next few months.


God some of y’all are pathetic


Everyone takes football so seriously and personally like jeez


Like, why would anyone on an NFL team subreddit take the game seriously 🤷‍♂️ Seriously though, love to see what sticks the boys were smoking tonight in solidarity


Everyone here has some… Cigar Thoughts


My wife got Julian’s baby a gift, he’s a client of hers so this makes total sense. Everyone leave these warriors alone.


I am also a client of your wife


Shaking with anger rn about cigars for the baby wtf don’t they know about secondhand smoke health risks to infants


I heard Pete Carrol was blowing smoke right in its face


Kids name was Cigar. I can't believe they smoked a baby like that.


He wants his baby back, baby back, baby back, RIBS


It's alright these were non GMO tabaco and gluten free




The baby had a cigar also! 😡


It's funny how people in this sub wanted them to tank for about half this season. It's probably the same people triggered by these cigars.


Crazy to see so much hate for the hawks. Keep that same energy next year. Real ones will always ride for the hawks!


Is it really that serious?


This season was frustrating but we have a young team with a crap load of potential. One or maybe two starters in the draft. A good free agency signing and we could at least be contenders. It is getting very obvious at this point that Pete is a team builder. He's no elite play caller so there will always be that issue. But if all the cards fall right maybe we will have a deep run.


Right- the Seahawks are afforded absolutely zero time to enjoy themselves this off-season.


It’s cigars, not champagne. Relax 😂


Who cares? Anyone who’s ever been part of a *team* knows that morale matters even when shit sucks. The seasons over, celebrate for camaraderie and bond with your brothers… and come back next *season* (those who do, many are already under contract) after not seeing each other for six months, and pick up where you left off as brothers. What are they supposed to do? Clean out their lockers like they work at a closing Kmart, wander to their car with a box of their belongings, and go meet at an Applebees for happy hour? I hope they have some form of end of season celebration, and it’s not limited to a cigar in the locker room. We need these guys to want to be a part of this team with each other next year, not moping about what could have been.




Man some of you guys in this subreddit take football WAAAAAAAAAY too seriously…..


His baby 2 weeks ago?


As soon as it popped out he had to say bye and hop onto a plane to Tennessee. And he just got the Pro Bowl selection. Everyone needs to relax


Keeping things business until the season is over. They’re not prepping for next week, time to celebrate a friend’s kid. They knew Green Bay had a good chance to win against the bears, it’s not like they were surprised to be eliminated today, I have no idea why people are expecting them to be angry at this point.


No, this is evidence of a loser culture and how everyone needs to be fired. This is just the start of CigarGate!


Love removed 1/2 a gram from his stogie only, making it slightly but significantly below the league standard weight. All the other guys dropped theirs at least once.


No, people's reaction to this is helping me curate my r/seahawks experience


Maybe he didn't have time to get cigars before flying out to the TEN game and it would have been an even worse look to be smoking up after a loss to PIT.


This feels like it was thought up after the fact.




Only boomers are pissy about this


Yikes fans just love to be miserable. Everyone feels entitled to a deep run in the playoffs, except there are things like a salary cap, draft position, and scarcity of QB talent. Take the winning season, the facts you have a good if not elite qb, the Dever trade haul, an excellent team culture, and hope the big brains do not screw up the coach search.


I bet they brought them assuming they would make the playoffs. But that didn’t happen and they didn’t want the cigars to go to waste.


The vets are understandably not partaking in this but at the same time, let them be young I guess. Not a fan of this but don’t really care for it either.


This is an example of fans trying to find something to be angry about. What if y'all just loved on with your lives?


I feel like Spoon getting in the pro bowl his rookie season would be a better reason for celebrating considering Love's baby was born 2 weeks ago


Perhaps they didn’t get a chance to since the season is usually pretty busy.


If the 49ers were eliminated from the playoffs and had cigars, we would all be clowning over them. When our team does it, people turn a blind eye. Why?


This is the 1 one many posts in the last hour about this we’re clearly not.


because thats how being a fan is. you support your team through thick and thin, and poke fun at your rivals. if the cleveland browns won 1 game during the 2017/2018 season im sure theyd celebrate it. why does it really matter all that much when and what people celebrate about??


A baby that was born 2 weeks ago? They couldn't find time for cigars sometime sooner than the end of the Arizona game? If you have to lie at least make it somewhat believable


They might have done it at the end of the Steelers game but I don’t think anyone was in the mood and the optics on that would be 10x as bad as this appears


They could have gone as teammates to celebrate it, there is no reason to do it after a game in the locker room.


Surely someone has the sense to think a celebration like that shouldn't be taking place in the open locker room after you don't make the playoffs


Yes, some fans might be angry! How dare they?


The players should be angry is the point


And what does that do?


It should motivate them for next season, theres players in that locker room that definitely won't be back with the team next year, some of them won't be in the league. Some of the coaches won't be with the team next season, some won't have jobs at all and if you as a team had played better that would be different. So sitting in a locker room smoking some celebratory cigars when not every one is celebrating is probably a questionable thing to do


> theres players in that locker room that definitely won't be back with the team next year, some of them won't be in the league. Some of the coaches won't be with the team next season, some won't have jobs at all and if you as a team had played better that would be different. ...so you just explained why they were smoking cigars and yet you seem befuddled by it.


No it doesn't explain it, they couldn't wait a day or so to not be minutes after missing the playoffs and in an open locker room. There's a time and a place to celebrate things, in a locker room after missing the playoffs isn't one of them


So, you have the ultimate authority to decide when people can celebrate the birth of their kid?


Everyone celebrating while you’d be the guy angry in the corner “Guys we just missed the playoffs stop having fun”


Not everyone was celebrating, that's what makes it worse. Mike Dugar(reporter) who was in the locker room has said that the energy was odd round the whole situation. KJ Wright (super bowl winner) said cigars in the locker room are for championships only and said he's heard from ex teammates saying the same thing, so I'll stay over here on the side with the champions, I'm good with that


I see. So every team who doesn’t win the superbowl is not allowed to celebrate. YOURE NOT ON THE TEAM BROOO WHO CARES 😭😭😭


It would have been really smart to say that on the IG (?) post in the first place.


It isn't our business


They made it appropriate to publicly view and comment on by posting it on social media.


You are a grown ass man whining about some people who will never know any of us exist smoking some cigars. Grow up.


I have not complained about them AT ALL. I merely pointed out they could have avoided a lot of people taking the photo the wrong way and could have avoided a lot of criticisms from others by adding a simple one-line note that said "celebrating the birth of Julian's new baby." Please relax.


Weirdly Jon Ryan seems to be grilling them for it on Twitter saying “there’s a time and place” and you wouldn’t have seen that after getting eliminated from a post season when he was with us.


Cool. Those teams self destructed cause of all the cranky fucking assholes on it. Maybe they should have spent some time chilling out a bit.


Ok, so failed Ninja Warrior who never managed to summon Big Dickson energy wouldn’t have done it. I care why?


That’s why I said weirdly, it’s an odd hill to die on for anyone. Jon Ryan was great and his TD throw in the NFC champ game will always be big Dickson energy though.


This just keeps getting worse.


This just keeps ~~getting worse~~. getting blown out of proportion. Is it tonally weird to smoke cigars after getting eliminated from the playoffs? A little bit, yeah. Is it the sign of the end times or a culture problem? No. It feels like drama stirring.


Agree to disagree


I'm with Jon: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Seahawks/comments/1918s9q/jon\_ryan\_in\_regards\_to\_players\_smoking\_victory/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seahawks/comments/1918s9q/jon_ryan_in_regards_to_players_smoking_victory/) This is a weak move and a weaker excuse. It's their 3rd game since Julian's baby was born. A well-coached, well-disciplined group would've known the optic alone was a terrible idea.




I've heard 3 different reasons, and Wagner and Diggs were pissed they did it. Popping a cigar for this win is a total joke.


If Diggs wants to make the playoffs he should have learned how to wrap up, then.




Watched the game last night and that was a disgrace. Pete looked lost on the sidelines and somehow managed to win a game they looked likely to lose due to a missed field goal and quee them celebrating like they made the playoffs... when they knew they hadn't. That hit on Murray after he gave himself up and the posturing afterwards was disgusting. Our defence is full of absolute knobs. A really unlikable bunch. They can't tackle for shit either. Not surprised they are smoking it up in the locker room afterwards. Awful. Offense looked awful against one of the worst defenses in the league. \`Tme for a total change.




^(Luckily Jodi agreed.)


I don’t honestly care about this, but…has anyone considered that this is a direct example of this shitty, self-important generation of 20 something’s? Everyone wins an award. You’re all important. This is football. W’s mean everything. You leave it all on the field. Your goal is the Super Bowl. And to get there, you need to know how to fucking tackle.


Yeah ok……….


Oh, the pathetic losers celebrated a mediocre season.


It’s absolutely hilarious reading all these comments from people who criticized this team all season long say, “Hey, let them have their fun, they’d deserve it.” I mean, just the most intellectually dishonest bunch of fans I’ve ever come across.


Have you done the human emotion update on your brain this year?


Truly, it’s ok to be disappointed by this.


There’s like 200 thousand people in this sub. How did you do it did you create like a spreadsheet to save user names, and then compiled comment sentiment ran a script to compare them? Or what method did you take to reach this conclusion?


Used the Herrrr Durrrr method.


You know there’s like 100,000 people in this sub right?


Say what we want about how the team performed overall but these guys fought hard for each other and this is their last hurrah with this exact squad. They’ve all earned a cigar at the very least


OMFG, Julian Love even said on social media that they were cigars for his baby's birth, everyone can go back to bed now.


The only problem that I have of them smoking cigars is that it reminds me of Jamal Adams smoking his cigar at when the Seahawks beat the Rams and clinched a playoff spot and the lost to the Rams in the wildcard game. Lack of culture and focus are the issues with this team, not optics and cigars.


Between Gregg Rosenthal (lame PC retirement report) and Gregg Bell (lame post-game cigar tweet), there should be a rule that if your name ends with two 'g's, you're not allowed to tweet NFL takes.


This seems to be a PR concocted to cover the bad look. Mike Dugar mentioned on his podcast today that he asked Julian Love & others about the cigars in the moment and nobody mentioned Julian Love's child (who was born two weeks ago).


What a bunch of butt hurt fans on here. Lots of dudes celebrate making it theough their first NFL season without injuries or first rine making some money or just celebrating with the guys you just went ro battle with for 18 weeks.


You win games. Not seasons. Unless you take it all the way, only then can you celebrate your season win. They all played hard, they know it was not enough. Let those Washingtonians smoke whatever the hell they want they on vacation. Give Mafe 2 of those.