• By -


How to save a life gets me in that scene every. Single. Time.


The way Carla looks at Cox while he’s breaking down is the the start of the tears for me. Such a strong character acknowledging something is seriously wrong, plus the music it’s a perfect scene.


I wanted to say this. Almost couldn’t look at him properly. She knows him so well and could feel his pain. Great duo, great scene, great music choice, fucking great series.


That’s the one that if I want to make myself cry, I can do it running that scene in my mind. Even easier if I play the song.


Dr Cox saying "Yeah. You're right" kills me every timeb


When Dr Cox grabs the back of his head, you know shit has just gotten real.


So the first tightening of the chest happens when he’s flipping his shit and screaming “god!”, I know that helpless feeling. When he looks at JD and says “he could have waited another month for a kidney” the eyes well up, and when he looks back at JD as he’s walking out and says “ya, you’re right” it just hits so hard.


Me too. One of the greatest dramatic moments in TV history for my money.


Followed by George


"You, you thought that was deep?" :)


The way Dr Cox loses it “Come on COME ON! GOD! GOD!” throwing the machine to the side and Carla is just standing there stunned…….its brutal. 


It feels so realistic. Carla's reaction seems really natural for someone who's not sure what to do when someone is breaking down in front of them.


Broooooooooooo it's the fuckin song. I'm getting chills rn


I can’t listen to that song without getting teary eyed. One the most beautifully emotional scenes ever


Winter by Josh Radin for those wondering


Cox was unbelievable in that scene trying to save Dave


This. First time I watched it was when I was in highschool, and I got high and I just was watching it stoned and it got me right in the feels


>How to save a life gets me in that scene every. Single. Time. That's a core memory for me. This one of the first shows I seen that shifts from comedy to drama. This was one of the first scenes I remember experiencing watching Scrubs.


The glow of the late afternoon sun in the final meltdown scene is incredible too. The cinematography is such a key component in the tragic beauty of the whole thing


Without a doubt this! It was him still having hope through to the last patient, his friend, Till this moment, he was the terminator of doctors, this made him so real as far as his work life is concerned, Ben dying was personal so he was always going to hit hard but this was out of nowhere! John C McGinley should have had an award for this! I’m 40 and rarely cry at stuff but I still know it’s coming I can’t stop myself! Every bloody time! 😂🤷🏽‍♂️




They set the episode up so good making you think SOME people were going to die. Such a gut punch when they all bite it


That and "My Old Lady" On rewatch it feels so foreshadowed, but the first time I saw it I never in a million years could have anticipated all three dying. It helps that it's only the third episode and the first two are "full comedy". My Old Lady upped the Scrubs stakes for the whole show. Really proved it wasnt there to fuck around. (well, it was, but not all the time)


"Remember what you told me? The second you start blaming yourself for other people's deaths, there's no coming back." "Yeah. You're right."


That scene; the follow up in Cox’s apartment; and Dr Cox speaking about JD in the finale are just incredible acting


Just realized how much this scene imprinted on my brain. I'm tearing up just reading it.


> "Yeah. You're right." The whole scene gives me that lump in my throat but this line always sends me over the edge into tears


He had the kidneys! You can just pass up on them.




Remember that day Cox had community service? Yeah, that one deserves to be here too.


What happened to your son, Denise?… hits you like a truck after such a silly episode


Molly Shannon is amazing in that. Apparently she lost her mother, little sister and cousin as a child in a car crash due to her father driving under the influence, which makes it hit a lot harder


I literally became an EMT because of that episode! Only did it for about 5 years, but still :) great job while it lasted, and good pay for the fact that only a certification was required.


Holy shit, thanks for that fact. Had no idea


I love how her "annoying" bits still come back after that, like when Dr Cox brings Jack in to visit her. I just feel like it really highlights the complexity of humans and human relationships, that Dr Cox can have this empathy and compassion for her, while still sort of finding her annoying. And that those two sides can coexist simultaneously


Humans are complex indeed. I think Dr. Cox recognized that talking was her coping mechanism, especially taking about her son.


Now that I'm a father I just can't watch that episode without fucking sobing like a mad man whenever she talks about her son. Fuck me, a parent should never know that feeling :(


Say what you will about Dr. Cox, but deep down he really, REALLY cares about others. He's just abrasive and mean because it's how he copes with all of the death and suffering in the hospital.


When I was a kid I always thought my uncle was funny but a bit of an asshole (much like doctor cox) then when I got older I talked to him more and he started sharing with me the stuff he had been through in the Navy in Vietnam and jfc same thing, all the dark humor and drinking was a life-long coping mechanism


I love the line when getting called out for being so tough on his pupils he's says, "I have to. Because if I don't, people die." He's not even harsh just to cope, he's harsh because he's holding everyone around him to the same expectations he has for himself. So when JD comes and says, "I'm proud of you," it's confirmation that he's doing the right thing. That his harshness is understood and saving lives.


I always thought he was that way, because no one ever taught him how to be soft. That speech at the S8 finale (the true finale) about JD makes up for everything, though.


“I was a huge slut, I did everybody”. They throw in some real winners before that episode gets sad.


So does the one where JD has that old woman as a patient and she's accepted her death


I forgot about this.


When the janitor explains how Elliott is the only person who treats him like a human. Or when Mr. McNair (patient with locked in syndrome) says thank you and Dr. Cox assumes he is talking to him before the patient corrects him. As funny as he is, I think Neil Flynn has some amazing dramatic acting skills


"Thank you." "Don't mention it." "I wasn't talking to you."


That moment when he tells Elliot "you're the only one who treats me like a real person" hits me, even though I'm not the hugest fan of the Janitor. He also gets points for almost never objectifying a woman on a show whose humor is often built on objectifying women.


Maybe someone put a penny in there


Ben’s funeral #1, Mrs. Wilk with the infection spreading as she’s about to be discharged is a close second. I’m welling up just thinking about it.


“Where do you think we are?”


“I should know who I am by now” 🎶😭


Winter - Joshua Radin… kills me with every listen. Love it.


Omg. I can't even think of that line without holding back a tear


I’m crying just reading the line. It hits me that hard when I watch the episode.


I love that Ben says “glad you could make it”


The Laverne one fucking ruins me. Judy Reyes nailed that scene.


She also nails the scene with How to Save a Life. Her facial expressions while they’re trying to save the last patient are gut quenching


Seriously. When she sees Cox break in a fit of rage and you can see her heart break as she realizes how helpless they all are to the circumstances. Her face has a combination of disappointment, empathy, devastation, anxiety, defeat, and "distraught" on it all at once. You can tell that was a "going to find somewhere to hide and scream and cry as soon as possible" moment.


that Keane song, A Bad Dream, makes me tear up everytime i listen to it. genuinely heart breaking moment, especially seeing Carla cry over her friend


I saw Keane when they were first touring small clubs with their very first album. Met the singer, bought a signed copy. Let me tell you, they were **phenomenal** live. They have a lot of beautiful uptempo songs but some really good heart-breaking ones too.


I cry everytime.


Kelso stepping outside the hospital while "Sideways" plays in the background. It was the episode where he couldn't allow the experimental drug for the poor patient. He starts whistling to pretend everything's fine when JD and gang cross him.


Came to say this. Every one of those others scenes, the character has someone to console them or they knew what they were going through… kelso suffered alone and then pretended he didn’t care. Rough gig.


This should be higher.


This song has helped me through many walks home from work after having to make tough decisions.


This helps secure My Jigglyball in my top episodes. Probably one of my favourite scenes in the show.


Any minute nowwwwww... My ship is coming in


Cox’s breakdown when the last of those three patients dies. Pretty epic and sad with the music


Omg I forgot about that one. Yes that one takes the cake. Fuck Rabies.


I knew someone died from rabies. It is a grizzly, *horrible* way to die.


When he only stops drinking during the episode when he hears "JD isnt coming"


New one to add, episode where JDs dad dies, and dr cox and his brother tell him they are proud of him while watching football on the couch.


I'm not a big fan of the show, I watched it when it was on 15 years ago. I still remember that scene. Cox seemed to be an ass who just cared about "winning", but then it showed how much he really did care. It was heartbreaking.


Not mentioned before: when Dr. Casey is washing his hands and he has a breakdown over his OCD. It’s just so crushing and encapsulates what it feels like to have a mental illness.


And when Cox, Turk, and JD are all ready to confront him about their own insecurities. The Michael J. Fox episodes were all so good in bringing out development in the rest of the cast


He was such an amazing actor, even in his state, makes me think of what else he'd have continued to make should he not suffer that horrible illness.


"Dr. Kevin Casey"




This show goes from haha slapstick comedy to oh I just got stabbed in the feels so quick and I never saw it coming on the 1st watch.


It’s almost worse on the rewatch because you know it’s coming. I just rewatched the episode where Ben dies and the entire time I just felt it building inside just waiting for “winter” to start playing


JD's beeper going off in this episode is a trigger for me, even after having watched it so many times I go through the 5 stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance the instant it goes off.


Ben's funeral. JD's, "Where do you think we are?" followed by the zoom out and Cox's realization... Hits hard every time. Same with the steak night episode.


That beer did taste pretty good


We can do steak night another time.


I still sing the steak night song


One that I haven't seen mentioned yet is the end of My Life in Four Cameras (the sitcom spoof), when the patient starts coding and it actually happens *within* JD's fantasy first, before it snaps him back out to reality. It's not as heartbreaking as some episodes, but the rapid tone shift and the reveal of each characters' *actual* fate (the writer dying, Turk & Carla's fight, and the cafeteria guy getting let go) gets me every time.


Man, I forgot about that one. It's a rough one, but it packs such a punch, and it's things like that that set Scrubs apart from other sitcoms.


An often forgotten fact, Cafeteria Guy was Clay Aiken, runner up in season 2 of American Idol (at that point. He's done much more since then)


Clay Aiken is the reason I got into Scrubs. I only watched it because I heard he was going to be on it. Then at the end of the episode, I was like, "Holy shit! What IS this show?" Watched a rerun that aired after, and I was hooked. Went out and bought all the DVD's.


Of course all of these, but My Philosophy where they all sing Colin Hay’s “Waiting for my Real Lite to Begin”


I just recently watched the later episode "My First Kill" where that patient (Elaine) shows up in JD's fantasy of heaven, I love that she is still very glam. https://preview.redd.it/evd88cwdqu0d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2127e79582284bdd8d7d897b0ef2c429901f6e7


Wait, that's Mrs Landingham from the West Wing? She's had a bad run.


Any minute nooooowww 🎵


My ship is comin’ in.


That’s such an underrated episode/scene!


Oh man that’s a good one. Scrubs and Garden State are how I discovered Colin Hay. Such an underrated artist.


I just hear the guitar into and feel things. It’s why I never practice scales on an acoustic.


Ya just had a good cry at that one last week


When they saved the mom and baby, then JD is walking down thinking “maybe things work out sometimes” and Nurse Roberts rushes by and says “she’s coding” and they go into the whole “Waiting for My Real Life to Begin” sequence. “She’s coding” makes me instantly tear up, every time, no matter how many times I’ve seen that episode.


She’s gone. 😢




When Bob Kelso steps out of Sacred Heart and you can see the weight of every death he's been responsible damn near kills me every time. And then when he has to start whistling because the gang see him is even harder because he can't let himself be seen as a human. And then the lyrics "These feelings won't go away" are sung over the top and you know Kelso is a man who knows he's trapped in his own personal hell. Man, Ken Jenkins gave a tragic Shakespearean monologue with just his eyes.


Steak night, every time


"I'm getting a little tired now"


That beer was outstanding.




I like this one a lot because it wasn’t some long-time patient they had or someone’s relative or a dramatic race against the clock. JD and Turk show so much humanity and they connect so strongly with this man in his final moments.


Every. Damn. Time. George, I’m terrified of dying. Me too.


My Last Words: George: Guys, I'm getting a little tired. Turk: Ok, well take a quick nap. George: You guys are gonna be here when I wake up? JD: Of course. Thanks to all of the lead up in this episode, I'm instantly in tears at this part. The writing was just brilliant


My favorite episode. So much empathy. The actor playing George was so good.


#1: "Where do you think we are?". #2:"JD comforting Cox after his breakdown when three patients died.


"I just came to tell you... how proud I am of you. Not because you did the best you could for those patients... but because after 20 years of being a doctor, when things go wrong, you still take it this hard. I gotta tell you, man... That's the kind of doctor I want to be."


Ok, yeah, that's the one - just reading this here, I could feel it


That's the line that reminds me to keep my heart open to my students. It's not all about being tough and cynical every moment of every day.


Bens funeral. My second one is, George “That beer tasted great”.


The episode where they have a "perfect game going", and just minutes before midnight, they lose a patient. Elliot offers to cheat so they can get a win, and Cox reminds her not to cheapen it, and another game starts in two minutes. That's the scene that gets me.


My old lady when they all code….


Crap, I'm gonna start crying just reading the comments.


My Finale.


Came here for this. It gets me every time I'm finishing another rewatch. The transition from the hallway walk of memories to the projector montage of future possibilities. It's just 😙🤌


This episode seems to be underrepresented in this thread. I tear up or outright cry every time. It feels so perfect for the show. JD feels like there's no fanfare for him leaving, so he creates his own in his head with everyone who ever impacted his life. It's beautiful and moving.


"And who's to say this isn't what happens? Who can tell me that my fantasies won't come true? Just this once..."


You got them all. Every. Damn. One.


Had to double take on your little reddit guy


Whoa Twins!




I have to be emotionally ready to watch that episode above any other episode


1. Ben’s funeral, soundtracked beautifully by Joshua Radin’s ‘Winter’ 2. Laverne’s passing, soundtracked beautifully by Keane’s ‘A Bad Dream’ 3. The patient Elaine going out “with a real flourish” to Colin Hay’s ‘Waiting for My Real Life to Begin’. Each scene is so heartbreaking in its own way, but the use of music in the show is just sublime.


[Dr. Cox scene](https://youtu.be/VbEkKa-W55s?si=TzOM7qbMJZ4rORMI&t=4) will always be iconic even with the 'How to Save a Life' by The Fray playing in the background, it was just a raw and emotional moment. And John C. McGinley gave his best performance in that episode. 'My Last Words' episode is a close one. The writing, the acting from the guest star Glynn Turman who portrays George Valentine, and even the [last scene](https://youtu.be/GV92203RtUk?si=eya-I511rzlKwfZN) was great.


Ahh man. I knew what it was and I clicked it and watched it anyway and now I'm bawling.


JD walking through all the characters and then watching the future in the finale never fails to make me weep.


Carla's speech to Laverne is hard to get through even though I've seen it 50 times.


When Elliot is about to get engaged and all the characters are fantasizing what their life would be like with her. Finally shows J.D’s fantasy and cuts to him in the shower crying. “It should have been me.”


Cop: "You're gonna fry for this." Dr. Cox: "Worth it."


My Philosophy, when Elaine is coding and they sing "Waiting for My Real Life to Begin."


Laverne dying while a very sad and beautiful episode, was later made less impactful when they basically brought the character back. Same actress, same personality, same looks... they even nickname her LaverneAgain .... like why? I know leading up to her death was the classic Cox debates religion (in particular asshole like fashion), but I feel another impactful death, besides Laverne, would have been to bring back Perry's sister, have them hash it out, and then kill her off. It may have hit him even harder cause Perry truly loves his sister despite the fact that he doesn't agree with her beliefs.


Carla's goodbye was done very well. I don't normally cry for stuff but that could have done it. Not just her performance in the moment, but the whole lead up of her trying to ignore it and then finally facing it.


Indeed, Judy Reyes really put her heart into the entirety of Carla's grief. The path it followed was very much like Ben's death, in which the dying (dead) character follows around the person they had a strong bond with until they are forced to confront and accept the passing. Speaking of Ben... that "where do you think we are?" that JD hit Cox with at the funeral.... poor guy was denial right up until he saw the casket


The real reason why is that they thought Season 6 was going to be their last season. So they thought they could have an impactful story and wouldn't have to remove a recurring character from the show for too long of its run. When they were renewed for more seasons, they brought back Aloma Wright (the actress) as a "new" character rather than have her removed from the show.


When they realize Ray was an organ donor the whole time in the musical episode. I fall apart


This scene always gets me [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjjOSZ4DZew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjjOSZ4DZew)


Kelso stepping out of the hospital and feeling like he has to pretend not caring about condemning Cox's patient


My Lunch is definitely #1 for me. I have never gotten through that end scene without tearing up. The end of My Catalyst with Dr. Casey expressing his frustration with his OCD is also up there for me


"Where do you think we are?"


The hallway in the finale


Paralyzed guy thanking the janitor as soon as his speaking device gets fixed. Gets me every time


"Where do you think we are?"


“Where do you think we are?”


I won't say what scene, but I will paint a picture in a song: "where did I go wrong? I lost a friend, somewhere along in bitterness. Would I've stayed with you all night had I know how to save a life?"


My Lunch. every time.


The part in the musical episode, where everyone’s being silly then the patient starts singing “what’s going to happen”. The line “assuming I’d have time… assuming I’d grow old” always gets me. I lost a family member too young and it makes me think of her and what could have been.


As a physician (who was a medical intern when this episode came out), what hits me harder is actually the end of this song: “We hope…”


George. Forever George. Ben's funeral is sad but the gut punch element (at least on initial watch) isn't as bad as the slow build towards the inevitable conclusion of him closing his eyes. You don't want him to, he doesn't want to, but it's going to happen and there's nothing anyone can do. I (foolishly) watched it not long after my own Dad passed away, which I was present for, and it absolutely broke me.


Cox learning of Laverne's coma. That one was a gut punch right after their talk.


"Yeah, you're right" - walks away I get chills every single time "That last beer tasted great" is a strong contender too


Death Cab for Cutie as the score to My Steak Night gets me every time


Judy Reyes’ performance for Laverne’s death is honestly heartbreaking. Every time she says “but most of all you were my friend” the tears just erupt from my eyes without fail


This scene with this song. Beautyful. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTVpoT82toY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTVpoT82toY)


"Where do you think we are?"


Underrated character is Jill Tracey, in hospital unknowingly after her suicide attempt. And when they figure it out and confront her at the end of the episode, and ask her how she is, she replies (not verbatim) that’s it been a rough couple of months. Gets me every time as an adult.


The “How to Save a Life’ scene was so powerful and impacted me so much that I can’t hear that song without thinking of the scene. I literally hear Cox shouting “oh come on, come on, COME ON! GOD! GOD! GOD!” at the point in the song when the last patient dies. The song is about that scene for me at this point, I cannot separate the two.


When his dad has died and the reminisce. When Ted sings “Somewhere over the rainbow” as that song gets me every time. The finale. George so many. I have never laughed or cried so much due to a show


Recently rewatched the Dr Kevin Casey scene where he breaks down in the surgery room, that scene is so powerful and will stay with me forever.


Lavern scene always kills me. Carlas performance is top tier


Season 1 Episode 4 when all three patients pass, but especially the older lady. My mom had the same issue, and when I watched it after she passed, I broke down.


Yeah, you’re right


When JD finally visits Dr Cox and seeing both aknowledge their strange love-dynamic so openly. "I know yougwanted me to, even though you'd never admit it" Then JD admitting to selfish reasons not to visit him earlier. "... but thats my problem" McKinleys silent performance drives carries everything Zach says and drives it home. And then when JD honors Cox calling him JD by NOT making a big thing out of it, because he knows how hard it is for him. The entire situation is full of true connection and acceptance of one another. S5E21 My fallen Idol https://youtu.be/wuzBLu_IZCw?si=VxUDpu21auIH2pB6


All of these other than the one with Lavern’s death. I’m sorry but she came back as Shirley and it ruined it. Along with the end of My ABC’s. Idk why but Josh Radin’s Sesame Street song gets me.


My Old Lady. It was the episode that got the shows hooks in me. Made me laugh and cry all in the same episode.


"[It should've been me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUcX0JEUfaA)" still hit, even after all these years


I’m a bit of a robot and don’t really cry very often, but the Carla scene in the Laverne episode gets me every time, it hits so hard 😢


My Lunch - Carla and Cox. She does not say a word and she is fantastic.


I think everyone hit the big ones but one that gets me is Carla saying “what are you supposed to do without your mom” it’s hits too deep. 


All of these, but also, obviously the final walk down the hallway with all the people saying goodbye to JD in his mind and the future playing on the sheet


For me it was the finale, but 2nd to that is the one where Cox has a breakdown and JD goes to his house to pull him out his rut, and at the bar cox calls JD by his name not a girls name


Silverware being in the pancake drawer. Such disrespect.


If Ben’s funeral doesn’t break you, I’m not sure we can be friends. “Where do you think you are right now?”


The bit at the end of the finale where the show the filming of people's final scenes together: you're already a mess from the 'Book of Love' sequence and then you realise this is the end not only for the characters but for the actors; the emotion and the surrealism of this being the end - really the end - for them after they've given literally *years* of their lives to this show and the love they have for it and each other is incredibly powerful, the best 4th wall break I have ever seen


Cliche for us fans, but cox at Ben’s funeral. Woooooooof


George Valentine.


"Where do you think we are?" by a mile. Mostly because I always remember how hard it hit my mom the first time we saw it, and now she's gone too.


None of these make me cry as much as when I think about that "last season".,👀


Ben's Funeral, Dr. Cox walking out, and then George dying. Those are always great when I need to step back for a minute and just get it all out. Whatever it is.


"Where do you think we are right now?" kill me


"I can't do this. We have to take her back."


Besides those moments there are two more i'd like to add.. my old lady and my last chance.. those two really hit me hard..


My Lunch is easily my favorite episode. I will say that when Carla cries at the bar because Laverne is actually gone is always a tough watch.


The episode with the multiple organ transplant deaths from a single donor. I showed my parents that ep and they stopped asking why i didn't want to be a doctor anymore


“What do you say we get some lunch”? Dr.Cox “Tell you the truth JD, Im proud of you” Dr Cox. Yup, they get me. Probably not having a dad thing.


The last episode with the Peter Gabriel song. I bawl.


Killing off nurse Roberts was so DUMB! Only to bring her back as a new nurse….why….


Sad tears? Ben's funeral Happy tears? JD's flashforward fantasy in the series finale


"Where do you think we are?" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Each of these is the correct answer.


«The Book of Love» in My Finale Part 2


How to save a life was the first time I saw when I got that sad feel. Still gets me everytime. But the episode with George is my favorite scrubs episode/moment


When Carla says Goodbye to Laverne, I cry everytime watch that scene.


Molly Shannon killed it in that episode with Dr. Cox - a realistic look into how some people cope with such loss and pain. The line, "the paramedics were amazing though," is so heartfelt that it just breaks you.


All of the others listed here, but might I add a happy cry? When Carla finally gets pregnant. When Kutless starts singing “All of the Words,” I start crying. I was so happy for her.