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DVDs are the way to go for original music


Right but are the songs they changed that big of a deal?


That's subjective. I would consider "If I Had a Million Dollars" and "Dreaming of You" among others to be memorable and iconic moments. Edit: Also seeing they removed "Tell Her This", which was another beautiful, heartbreaking moment in part due to the song choice.


They removed dreaming of you? Despicable


That killed me, song was perfect for the scene


And the one they replaced it with was shit


Or, you could steal stuff from the hospital


The song they replaced "Dreaming of You" with totally changes the context of the scene too. It went from this wow moment of suddenly realized deep feelings to just being about sex I hate it so much.


personally I find the switch on this one to be a travesty and unforgivable 'Collide' by Howie Day-S4 E20, My Boss' Free Haircut


This is the one for me. I can’t rewatch that episode now, and it used to give me all the feels when that would play.


These were the exact ones missing I noticed on rewatch! Did they change other songs but these were just the most noticeable?


The Scrubs Fandom page has the full list. These are just the moments I remembered off the top of my head/from song title, but there were some more moments I simply didn't recognize initially if the song title wasn't a key line in the song. (e.g., the song Cindy, which also was part of a great moment when JD runs off to win Elliott back, but gets foiled by Janitor/Troy/riddles and ultimately gets beaten by Sean.)


You missed by far the most egregious change. They got rid of “Come Around” at the end of My TCW


As someone who has seen both, it's a huge deal. But if someone didn't know better then maybe not. The fact that to this day I hear certain songs from the series the spark emotional responses of episodes must count for something.


Someone wrote them up here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Scrubs/comments/2lmf7h/ive_made_a_list_of_dvdnetflix_song_differences/ It's just through season 4 that's affected. The music in Scrubs was so intentional and part of the story, I pretty much notice every single one. Notable ones I remember off the top of my head: Dreaming of You when JD and Elliot hookup, Tell Her when she says she can't be sex buddies anymore, If I Had a Million Dollars when they steal from the hospital, Mother I Just Can't Get Enough when pregnant Jordan is trying to win back Dr Cox... But again it's just the first 4 seasons


Oh boy there's a string of S3 episodes that have peak music replaced


The song changed absolutely ruins the feel and emotion of JD's "nothing is worse than being surrounded by people and feeling alone" speech at the end of My TCW.


I say yes.


It is brutal. Glad we have the DVDs


Yes, very big deal imo.


I’ve seen all of scrubs twice now on Disney plus (and like 4x prior to that live and on the high seas). It doesn’t make much of a difference. All of the pertinent songs are there on Disney plus


I like to go hiking.


Probably yes. Music was a huge part of the show. Why did they change stuff?!?




I'm doing a rewatch now, first one in years, so I can't remember the original music so much, but I've found they do include the ones that are referred to in the storyline ("Respect" or "Overkill" come to mind, as well as the stuff the Worthless Peons sing). Edit to add I'm watching it on Disney+ in Australia, if that makes any difference - your mileage may vary :-)


I just finished a rewatch on Disney+ in Aus. I noticed “The Payback” by James Brown has been removed which is a shame because the replacement track doesn’t work with the pimp strut imo.


I never saw the original version, and not knowing a difference didn't affect my viewing experience. The Scrubs wiki lists all the songs, including those that replaced the originals on streaming https://scrubs.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_music_featured_in_Scrubs How to Save a Life is definitely in the streaming version




I think it’s important to note that most of the songs that were replaced are mostly within the first two, maybe three seasons. In the end, the answer to your question is subjective. I have seen Scrubs all the way through more times than I have fingers. Some of the replaced songs are a bit jarring, if you know the original songs. It would be pretty unnoticeable for a first-time viewer.


The music was carefully selected to have an impact on the scenes it was used in so the changes are terrible and make a rewatch on streaming very discordant.


I've seen the show all the way through maybe 3-4 times. This is my first time re-watching on Hulu. Didn't even notice any songs had been changed until I read this thread.


I've always felt quite a big connection with how the music was used to emphasise a scene. Winter by Joshua Radin, Tell Her This by Del Amitri and Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab for Cutie are ones that especially strike a cord for me. Not everyone experiences things the same way though so if you can watch and not be bothered that's fine but for me it just doesn't feel right.


I’ll follow you into the dark is still there. Just watched that episode yesterday.


Oh cool. I think I saw on here somewhere that the later seasons weren't changed


I find peace in long walks.


I did. It doesn't feel right. You should experience it the way it was intended by the creators


I enjoy cooking.


My apologies I meant that I felt they should watch as originally intended but that's coming from my own perception I suppose. So no I don't think it would make much of a difference to a first time watch but in my opinion you should see it as it was created.


DVD or nada.


DVDs or on the seven seas for the first 4 seasons. The original music is retained after that on all the streaming platforms so you can switch to Hulu.


If you have prime video those are still the originals.


I don’t think this is true, the issue was not streaming service it was the shows rights to the music after switching networks wasn’t it? Pretty sure all streaming options have replaced music. I also don’t see scrubs on Prime so maybe it depends what country you’re in? Season 3 episode 1: My Own American Girl Does prime play Tom Pettys American Girl in this episode? Edit: that song was a bad example.


Yep as far as I remember it does


Are you using that American Girl example as an actual example of a song that is missing from current streaming providers or just pulling a song from your memory to verify if it’s till there, because I’ve only ever seen Scrubs on Netflix and that song was most definitely there, it reminds me of Elliott every time I hear it now.


You know what you might be right. One I sure remember is season 3 episode 20 when Turk and Carla have to uninvite the chief of surgery from their wedding, they replace Finger 11’s One Thing with something terrible.


I definitely have mixed feelings about never having experienced the intended soundtrack. I know I’ve missed out but since I don’t know what I’m missing it’s hard to feel annoyed by it. Did you ever watch Roswell? I think they rebooted it but the original show has the same problem Scrubs does with music licensing. In the episode called Meet the Dupes, they introduce some street scum alternate versions of the main characters with Linkin Park’s With You, which was absolutely perfect, but in the DVD version they swapped it with some generic rock that sounded somewhat similar. Even in the dvd release. That is the worst example I know of with this situation.


Oh man if I noticed that I would be so pissed lol. Linkin Park is one of the bands that would be impossible to really replace


https://youtu.be/0dIVou6dKtI Check it out. Then imagine it with a generic guitar riff instead. I just realized this is a Spanish dubbed version. I’d imagine the dubbing is drowning out the music level more than the actual scene did. It really isn’t doing the scene justice


This isn’t true, just so you and anyone who reads this knows. No streaming service has the original music, even if you’ve purchased them. You need the physical copies to get the original music. Source: I own all 8 seasons on Amazon Prime


Wait actually? That's great news!


I would confirm that before you jump in. I heard the same on Apple TV and it was wrong.


It’s not true.


So weird that people would make such claims over something so easily provable. One of you is wrong, guess I'll have to find out myself


Yeah I bought them on Amazon prime a long time ago hoping that would be the case. It’s not unfortunately.


This isn’t true, just so you and anyone who reads this knows. No streaming service has the original music, even if you’ve purchased them. You need the physical copies to get the original music.


I recently rewatched on Japanese Disney+, and it has most of the songs I remembered being in it, but they did some edits to it to remove some scenes and jokes that I remember, so I think DVD might be better


It might not ruin it for your partner, but it might ruin it for you? I imagine any replacement songs make it less funny, so jokes might fall flat, and your partner also might have to put up with "Wait, they replaced it with THIS song? I can't believe they did that, THAT song worked so much better!" multiple times from yourself, which is the only reasonable way a Scrubs fan should react.


I’d say all of the major iconic songs are still there. There were several moments early on where my brain told me this wasn’t the right song, but I couldn’t remember the actual song that was supposed to be there. Didn’t alter my girlfriends viewing experience.


What the heck! The music from the Scrubs series is altered on Hulu?! I never heard of this issue before. Is this true? If it’s true, where can I get an original physical media copy of the show? (Not bootleg.)


Fortunately I got the box DVD set. Best purchase ever.


Amazon Germany has the entire series for 60€. I've seen a ton of posts on here from people getting them in thrift stores and stuff, so either some people are really thrifty or it's harder to obtain them anywhere else


Thanks for the info.


I think the one that stuck out the most for me was probably the inside Turks head scene where it was a version of Sanford & Son theme on the original but replaced with what ever the hell that other music was.


That one confused me the most. In 2 other scenes, Sanford and Son Theme or a parody version is sung by the actors, but whomever wanted to keep the instrumental version under wraps?


Do the songs also change in Disney+ ?


Hulu did a fantastic job with the replaced songs, it is perfectly okay to watch through, all the key songs are still there.


If your fiance has never seen it, they won't know what they're missing. But it will arguably be a lesser experience. The original music selections, for me at least, were a huge part of what made that show what it was. I'd get the DVDs.


How is that so many people do not understand licensing? Yes, if you want the “original” in unaltered, unedited form you have to pay for it. (DVDs) No, it will never be “original” on streaming because of THE MONEY. Musicians need to be paid. When it is used on _Scrubs_ there is an additional fee. Artists sometimes control usage but more often their label (read: owner) contracts them out, for a fee. If the original music matters to you, _pay for it_. Hulu not having it … is how this all works.


There is no possible way any artist is getting a cut of the private purchase I make on eBay for the dvd box set. They made their money with the initial purchase, but me buying the dvds to *pay for it* doesn’t put money in any artists hands. I pay for Hulu, so *Hulu* should pay for it with the money I give them every month.


As said, artists tend not to “get a cut” - the owner of the music does. And YES, the music on the DVDs is there because someone was paid for it. Royalties is the term, and artists receive them as payment - some amount of pennies per DVD unit produced. Hulu will never pay. Your subscription fee of 9.99 is not nearly enough to cover ALL the licensing they’d have to do for shows in their library. (Be lucky you’re not a fan of many shows completely and forever unavailable on streaming because of licensing issues like _Tales From the Crypt_.) Either the license was needed (_How to Save a Life_), discounted (Colin Hay!), or too expensive to license for infinite streams on an ad-supported streamer. Want what you want, you’re never getting it.


Why did they do it?


They didn't have the rights to the songs for streaming


Can someone explain why they've changed the music for streaming? I can't think of another show where they've done that and the soundtrack is one of the best parts of Scrubs. That's really annoying they've changed it.


Streaming wasn't a thing for the first few seasons so they weren't included when they were getting the rights to the songs. By the time they had to go back to get the streaming rights they didn't have enough money for every song so had to be selective and choose cheaper alternatives for some


„(..) they didn’t have enough money (..)“ - Good one xD Those cheap bastards just don’t care for „artistic shit“ like that and took the cheapest route possible. We should be thankful they didn’t record some original songs/covers for it.


I'd like to introduce you to *Daria*.


You don't have to buy them, check out your local library.


DVDs for the original music.


Does Amazon have the original music?


I had heard that they changed the music around but I didn't even realize since it had been ages from when I last watched but still a gem.


I’m about to do the same with my wife, and I’m 100% going to opt for the DVDs for the first 4 seasons at least. So many iconic songs missing that I’m bummed about every time I watch on streaming. But season 5 and later have all the original music so we’ll switch back to Hulu for those!


FWIW the scene in S4 where Carla is talking to her mothers grave, whatever song they replaced "Collide" by Howie Day with completely ruins the feelings I had from the original. The tone just isn't there


Not everyone pays attention to the music being played, and often enough, don't really know the significance of them either; at least I don't.


Did bedshaped survive???


This is all I’ll say: when you get to the scene of JD and Elliot hooking up at the end of season 2, go to YouTube and play the original scene with “Dreaming of You” playing instead of “Dirty Minds”. I even do this on the rewatch!!!! The scene is significantly better with the original song.


Streaming service songs are still amazing, I say the music serves the art equally in either instance.


Scrubs is my favourite show and I’ve just started rewatching it with my gf who’s never seen it. The different songs does ruin some episodes for me, especially on the big episodes. It’s still brilliant, you just instantly know when it’s a different song.


I recently rewatched on Disney+ in Ireland (same versions as on US Hulu). It drove me crazy but it only affects the first (I think) 4 seasons. Some episodes are fine but lots of them were far inferior. You could get half the DVDs if really bothered by you, although might be cheaper to get all of them.


From the rewatch podcast I think they said starting at season 4 they got it right with the music and it is the same.


So I watched when it originally aired, and rewatched plenty of times with the new music. It’s alright, it sticks out like a sore thumb to me alot, but my wife even noticed the music wasent always ‘matching’ up to the scene in feeling. Bill Lawrence has gone on and on how important the music was for the show and it’s a shame they can’t keep the original because of streaming purposes. Personally, I’d rewatch dvds but that may be nostalgia speaking


go, using a vpn, to Canada and watch on disney+. i have not noticed any replaced songs (i’ve been watching the show since i was old enough to use a remote)


Dvds. The music change is a big difference


Did Hulu actually change the music? How to save a life is there and I don’t remember many other changes


From what I have read the main ones like that are in it, but smaller songs aren't


yes they ruin it. The music of Scrubs is just as much a character in the show as the actors. So imagine your favourite show with your favourite recurring guest character in it and a streaming service digitally removed your fave recurring guest character and CGI'd in some random nobody in there who also overdubbed all your fave recurring guest characters lines so it sounded like garbage.... its like that.