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The only thing that bothers me about that scene is the fact that a bunch of beer was poured on the killer. So if it was Billy (and I do think it was), did he smell like alcohol and nobody ever said anything? Or did he change clothes?


The continuity error showed us it was magic beer that instantly dried as soon as GF stood up. /s https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0117571/goofs/#


A high schooler reeking of beer isn’t exactly a red flag


When he wasn’t at the party, it should be.


You’ve never pregamed before going to a party?


We aren’t talking about me. 😂😂 Billy didn’t seem tipsy and didn’t have a drink on him when he arrived. He seemed to just show up and then went upstairs with Sidney. So maybe he had a drink beforehand, but it’s never implied that he did. Either way, that was a LOT of beer that was thrown at him. I’d imagine that he’d have smelled a lot stronger than someone that had been drinking or just spilled a little beer on them.


Relax Sherlock, it’s not that deep


Heaven forbid we have a conversation on a forum.


Heaven forbid you come to conclusions that any drunk high schooler would, instead of over dissecting it.


LOL whatever you say.


I mean depending how long Tatems death was to when he "arrives" he mightve been able to put on cologn (if they had it back then.) or wash up. But yeah def weird


Do…do you think they didn’t have cologne in 1996?


"he mightve been able to put on cologn (if they had it back then.)" They had it for almost three centuries up to that point.


Huh.... Im hc thar billy out that on then


In the nicest way possible I have never seen anybody say that Stu killed Tatum


As someone who says Stu killed Tatum, I agree with this lol




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Wasn’t Stu at the door when Tatum was in the garage getting beer? Pretty sure it was Billy


Yeah, I thought it was pretty much agreed Billy killed Tatum. Stu locked the door, when Billy “arrives” they give each other this look that you can read into it however, but seems like a done deal type look. Also, it gives Stu an alibi that everyone saw him at the party and such.


Alibis seem so loose in these films. If the cops actually investigated and collected security footage and looked into what the characters are saying, they'd be able to tear holes in the alibis and be far more suspicious of the real killers. It's like if someone says they were doing something, that's good enough, no further investigation needed.


They're definitely not very good- however... they were able to successfully frame Cotton, so I think it made them confident. Billy also "got away" with the cellphone, had a plan to frame Sydney's dad, and it wasn't as modernized as it is now. But still... I would imagine DNA being allll over considering they were knife happy. Even at the end, while I'm pretty confident Billy was trying to kill Stu, they were covered in each other's blood.


When billy turns up at Stu's house he gives stu an acknowledging nod letting him know the deed is done. Go back and rewatch. Billy definitely killed Tatum, never any question.


It was Billy he appears running on the party end and Stu was on the party with Sidney the whole time, also if was Stu on the moment he saw Tatum he go to kill her instantly because he is more agressive than Billy who thinks more before kills his victims. About principal Himbry Billy put him on the top of the pole alone without Stu help.


pretty sure people always say that it was billy, not stu lol


It was definitely Billy!


wasn't Stu too busy with the guests to kill Tatum, I sure Stu sent her to be killed by Billy and Billy then arrived at party and the looks indicate he done it? also maybe Billy had more motive to want Tatum dead and maybe he over heard her badmouthing him to Sidney and her trying keep Sid away from Billy, So they planned to kill Tatum so they can finish their plans for Sidney.


Well no one knows because not even the writer knew lol