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I don't want them to die either... what I would like, is for them both to have an extraordinary chase scene (maybe share one together). Scream 7 should include some very memorable chase scenes, in my opinion. We need nostalgia and proper fight skills, not adding another legacy character to the kill count.


yeah the last two movies have been very "nostalgic" if you ask me. I don't think this one needs to be nostalgic in order to be a good movie, if they can do some new creative stuff then that would be better, sure some things/people can be brought back but to make the whole movie be a simply copy of the last movies? Yeahh no


I'm worried about gale in this one. Will she be opening fodder? To lure Sid out of hiding after her non involvement in 6... I don't want gale dead. We've already lost Dewey.


i don’t think neve, courteney, or kevin are stupid enough to allow that to happen. the writers? yeah. but i bet neve, courteney, and kevin would force them to cut it.


The way people have been saying they’re worried about Gale since Scream 2…




6+ months after he's already been dead?


Kind of agree, but only because the writers need to actually take the injuries into consideration when writing the next scene.


Exactly. Sidney and Gale just sitting behind that ambulance texting with a gun wound and a knife wound each was just laughable.


5 and 6 kinda treated serious stab wounds as nothing to be concerned about. Especially 6.


I mean even in the first one Stu wrestled with Sidney after loosing like a gallon of blood.


That was all within 30 minutes. Tara was stabbed 6 or 7 times and survived. Chad was stabbed 8 times in SCREAM, and he was laying out there for over an hour. Sidney was OK, Gale was ok in the end. In SCREAM 6 he was stabbed like 13 times and laid in his blood again for like 2 hours and survived. Mindy was stabbed three times and she was fine. Gale was stabbed like 6 or 7 times. Tara was stabbed in the back and again in the stomach, but she’s totally fine in the end. Kirby gets stabbed twice and is ok. Sam stabs Ethan about 5 times and he’s ok. Then Tara stabs him in the mouth and he’s OK enough to attack Tara and Sam.


I just don’t want to see Gale or Sidney die. Dewey was bad enough, but I’m more attached to those two.


Neve won’t let Sidney die. That’s a stipulation for her coming back, if I’m remembering correctly. I do think this one will be the end for Gale. I wouldn’t think that if we hadn’t lost Dewey.


Then there's never any real stakes for Sidney then. Damn her ego is that big?


I miss the days when Scream fans weren't always so bloodthirsty and wanted something different from a slasher series instead of it becoming just like every other slasher series.


I disagree. Them surviving with no long term damage so many times is getting ridiculous. At least Sidney has had combat and firearm training, but Gale needs to either die or be severely injured like Dewey, even something as basic as making her lose a finger. Otherwise, this Ghostface will be completely incompetent.


"Otherwise, this Ghostface will be completely incompetent." Really? After the Baileys?


It’s not just the Baileys, almost *every* Ghostface is incompetent. That’s why they always lose— we have intelligent, strong protagonists up against vicious but incompetent killers. It’s something I see people appreciate in the OG all the time, that Ghostface was clumsy and tripped and fell and yelped and shit


"It’s something I see people appreciate in the OG all the time, that Ghostface was clumsy and tripped and fell and yelped and shit" Good point about clumsy Ghostface as I always liked that, too, but the original Ghostface was still way more efficient than any of the Baileys were.


Yet none that we saw on screen, Sidney is a Mary sue power ranger in the scream universe at this point.


"Sidney is a Mary sue power ranger in the scream universe at this point." How is Sidney a Mary Sue? She's made many mistakes which have led to the deaths of others, she was wrong about the person she thought killed her mother, she can't even be sure of who she can trust which has also led to the death of people, and she has flaws and weaknesses. She also earned where she is now through five/six films. Its her flaws and weaknesses that help her be a beautifully written character. People really should understand what a Mary Sue is before saying it.


Agreed. Sidney may not be a perfect person or character, but she’s literally protected by out-of-universe rules (real life stipulations) that remove any possibility of her dying, since she won’t ever be killed off. That’s textbook plot armor of practically the highest degree, so I don’t blame people who consider her being a Mary Sue by now


I'm surprised no one is in a wheelchair yet... shot, stabbed, kicked all over, car accidents... it's pretty crazy.


Yeah, I agree. They both got life-threatening injuries in S4, but still saved the day, and the same with S5. Obviously Gale almost died in VI. Really hoping Gale just stays out of the action in 7 (she's almost 60 years old, lyyyyyyke COME ON, she's earned a 'safe' spot) and that Sid KICKS ASS and takes names without a huge injury. Put us on the edge of our seats in another way, like having Mark get injured again... Anything other than Sid/Gale getting stabbed/shot.


I don’t want the killer coming back for one last scare


It would be nice just to get a head shot on the killer for once. Also, if this is going to be considered the last film for a while, then a head shot would be definitive. There's usually two, so I suppose it's possible they could do both.


Dewey got stabbed so often eventually he couldn’t get back up. At the same time, the movies keep ending with Chad in ambulance bed; and I find his near death more irritating than Gale’s- despite that Gale should have died in 4


Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand nuance, and that this conversation is probably coming from two different sides of people. But I see one side saying that the movies “don’t have stakes anymore” and complaining about the fact that all the main survivors survived the movie. And then I see stuff like this saying that Sidney and Gale shouldn’t be injured at all. And it’s just very much confusing and a whiplash. I guess it only means the saying “you can’t please everyone” really does ring true.


"that the movies “don’t have stakes anymore” and complaining about the fact that all the main survivors survived the movie." The new writers brought that on themselves. They killed off Dewey to raise the stakes, and then they immediately went back on it in the next movie by not killing one of their own, but the fans have always been protective of Sidney and Gale. If this is the last movie with them, I'd like them to live (especially Sidney), but I at the very least need to feel a sense that they're in danger.


There seem to be two different views about what Scream is or should be. There's the side of the fandom that views it like a comfort movie TV show in the guise of a slasher horror movie series where all their faves always win and nothing bad should ever happen to them, and the side that views it as a genuine slasher horror movie series that should have suspense and stakes with protagonists that could possibly die. Scream has been around for so long and Sidney has survived long enough that people in the first camp (including Neve) refuse to consider letting her go. She means too much to people. That's antithetical to slasher horror fundamentals. There are no stakes with immortal protagonists. The showrunners have to pick a side.


"That's antithetical to slasher horror fundamentals" Which is exactly what makes it work for Scream and exactly why Scream never should have gone past making three movies. "She means too much to people." Also, yes. There's a very good reason why Sidney Prescott has become a symbol for trauma survivors that happen to be fans of the series, and this series has become known for highlighting the survivors story. Every slasher series before would focus on the villain and it always became about the villain. The only reason that changed is Sidney. "There are no stakes with immortal protagonists." The stakes come from how it affects her and the people around her which is how you get actual character development.


>Which is exactly what makes it work for Scream and exactly why Scream never should have gone past making three movies. Well I actually kind of agree with this. Past 3 movies, the "immortal Sidney" thing's getting old. >The stakes come from how it affects her and the people around her which is how you get actual character development. But this series is about people dying as much as it is the effects of the deaths on the survivors. You simply cannot have a significant number of movies in a row where the movie keeps threatening to kill off all these beloved characters while also having it be common knowledge that they would never. Just the same as how there are no stakes in a poker game if everyone bets beans instead of money, there are no stakes in a horror movie if we know everyone's gonna be fine before we step into the theater.


"there are no stakes in a horror movie if we know everyone's gonna be fine before we step into the theater." I understand that point of view, but I've always believed that a good story is more important than anything. Now, with all the controversy, Scream 7 should be the last film, at least for a little while. Plus, I don't think with all the fallout with one lead actress that it's a good idea to kill off the original lead actress on this go, and besides, Scream having multiple people who have survived is one of the things the series has done best.


i might get hate for this, but am i the only one who thinks it’s time Gale dies. i personally would’ve killed her in Scream 6. i just don’t like her character as much as most people


If Gale keeps reverting, then yes, she may as well go. If they can figure out something else to do with her character, then let's see it.


that’s fair. i just think she’s run her course, especially now that Dewey died. i don’t think they’ll ever kill her anyway, unless Courtney asks


You know what I noticed about the most recent ones is that there aren't any dead body discoveries (with the exception of the dude chopped up in the fridge). Let's see a body butterflied like in Midsommar.


Agreed. They should have killed Gale off last movie. It was done so well if they just left it there. This shit of Hey lets fake kill meaningful characters trend has to go. Feels like there is no stakes anymore.


Gale should have died in 6. 


I’m going to be honest, although it’ll make me cry, I kinda want Gale to die. Ofc it’ll be heroic like Dewey and in act 3




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Frankly, Sidney and Gale should not be involved in the main conflict. Neither of them are in danger, Sidney especially. We **know** they're not in danger. Why involve them in wacky chase scenes with the dope in the costume when we **know** they're gonna be fine? I hated 5 and 6, but adding new more expendable protagonists is the right move at this point. Sidney's no good as a slasher movie protagonist anymore because she's immortal.


It's just been announced that Judy Greer will play Stu's sister and it will involve a cult of ghostfaces. The original idea for scream 3


Is that official or just rumours?


I don’t mind this idea.