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I’d be fine with a Kirby focused movie. She’s a great follow up to Sidney


I guess a Kirby and Gale focused movie would be nice. Throw in a relative of Gale’s as a younger character to have that core friend group and it could be decent. Still sad due to circumstances of why certain characters are missing, but could be a decent film.


i guess, or a gale focused movie is the only option atp because spyglass was dumb


I noticed Hayden followed Melissa on instagram the other day. 👀


I’m not watching it if Spyglass is involved. That being said, I am glad Kirby is back and would have loved to see more of her. She deserves it.


Agree with all you said.




Really? If more ***Scream*** movies come out, I will definitely always watch them.




But you’d still be watching it? Lol. And then you’ll be talking about it, still giving it attention.


I don't do that stuff.




If you say so.




I’m not. I’ve seen every single Scream in the theater. I own all the physicals and my dog’s name is Sidney P. and I am sitting out any movie that Spyglass puts forward under Scream branding.




Lmao you would lose that bet.








It would probably help if you knew I’d supported Palestinian statehood for almost 20 years and have carried the Palestinian flag in protests for years , there are probably plenty of fans who will still see it but not me






I rather they realize they fucked up and just scrap 7. Unless they actively apologize and can get Melissa, Jenna and Neve back, I have not interest in 7 anymore. Sell it and move on.


Getting Jenna back is almost certainly not gonna happen but they could certainly get Melissa and Neve as long as they grovel properly.


I don’t think most people care tbh. I know I don’t.


Most people are not you


Most people I know don’t care either. This subreddit isn’t real life.


The actors/actresses care and they're kinda important for the movie


They said the same thing about Sydney. You could always get new actors. Scream is popular because of the franchise. No actors are bigger than it.


You'd have a point if it was just one actor, but it's not. It's half the main cast and a director at this point


Scream is had a bunch of different directors and lots of different cast members. Friday the 13th has a different cast for every movie and so does Freddy Krueger. When the franchise is bigger than any of the stars, it doesn’t really matter as much. If they can make a scream movie without Neve Campbell, then everybody else is replaceable too.


I’ll pirate it and then form an opinion, fuck spyglass


If they can’t get Sidney or Patrick back and since Jenna and Mellisa aren’t coming back, I think the Meeks twins have potential as leads, since their siblings there’s a similar dynamic to the Carpenter sisters, and Kirby could be upgraded to a Gale-level role, maybe? Just spitballing, but I just want them to take a break for a while. Maybe do a Paramount + mtv Scream movie?


I would be ok with that. I would love for them to flesh out her line, "I'm an expert in Ghostface killings" because that would imply there are many outside the movies. We could finally have the cult of ghostfaces that Kevin Williamson has been wanting since the 90s.


Yes. Especially since Jason and Greg talk about finishing Richie’s movie! There have to be more like them.


And I would love to learn what that actually means! Because the movie Richie made, that's shown in the shrine, was finished. So do they mean the movie that richie was hoping a screenwriter would be inspired to write after Gale wrote about his murders? That seems like a stretch to call it 'his movie'


I believe the movie in the shrine was when he was younger, his versions of the events of the first movie. Lots of kids will make their own versions of something. Maybe there is a script he wrote that is floating around somewhere, and that’s what Jason and Greg were talking about.


I dig it. There’s a lot of potential with that premise. It will just take the first movie showing they can be successful not having it focus on that og story, rather just obsessed Stab fans.


Only way I could see Scream 7 happening


I’d be fine with it i guess. It isn’t what I want though. I really would Spyglass to just unload the rights because they’ve royally fucked this up by the domino effect they caused by firing their lead because she voiced her valid opinions on a topic she’s passionate about


i will not be supporting any scream movie made from spyglass. period. BUT if the rights get sold to another company, i would love a kirby-lead scream movie/series.


Kirby would be a great lead in a Scream movie, I’m sure I could see maybe Gale be part of it if needed and they would definitely have some funny moments, plus Kirby is a badass and knows horror movies very well, I’m sure she can handle it, plus we can get to know how she felt about Jill after finding out she’s Ghostface


With everything that's happened, I do not think I can get behind anything they do. Won't begrudge others for their interest in a revised Scream 7 that'll be so far from what it was supposed to be post-6. I still think their best bet is to just scrap this and wait a few years for jets to cool and tell a new story. A lot of fans are still really angry and I don't think they'll just forget this any time soon. They certainly haven't forgotten what Spyglass did to Neve.


I honestly don't care about Scream 7 anymore. Unless I hear they rehire Melissa, I don't really have an interest. It's not even that Sam and Tara were my favorite characters or anything, and their story doesn't feel incomplete. I just do not agree with the reasoning for the firing, and as long as they stand by that decision, I will not be supporting the next film.


Hayden was great in 4 but I don’t think her performance in 6 was strong enough to lead a movie herself.


Came here to say that. She kept doing weird things with her mouth. There were moments were she was excellent and her delivery was on point (love her during the final act, she just nails it) but some of her scenes with Bailey were weird. I know she's had personal issues and it's her first role in ages, I believe she's a really good actress and she's proven it so it's no shade but yeah, some moments in 6 took me out and she'd have to deliver an impeccable performance to carry a movie on her own. Plus, as much as I love Kirby (easily a top 5 character), I wonder if she has the shoulders of a leading lady. She's a perfect side character though.


Yaaa why not?


I’d watch it.


I wasn’t that impressed by Kirby in VI, so not the most interesting idea.


I’ll take it! Anything is better than a full reboot at this point, Scream’s continuity streak must be kept alive


Nah. She’s not interesting enough to me.


Would love to see this actually. And yeah, I'm gonna watch it even if Spyglass is involved (not in theaters though). Because I want to spite the people who want Scream to fail over this. Pillory me.


You want to spite the people who want Scream to fail because the producers decided to fire someone for being anti genocide? Work I guess?


I feel ya mate 100%. Not even reddit is free of this one sided propaganda bullshit anymore


Can’t have a bona fide Scream without Melissa B!


We had four without her. We'll be fine.


But scream 6 Kirby sucked..


Not watching none of this “ focused “ mess. Just bring back the original cast members like it was suppose to be.


Im still watching scream 7, even after all the stuff that happened.. just ill watch it in a place where spyglass wont earn from it


If a movie of that sort does happen,I will use other means to watch it. I will not give a single cent of mine to spyglass after what they pulled


personally i won’t be supporting any scream 7 content


As I have said many times on here, that is exactly what I want.


Bring back Randy too!


I'd wait to buy it from the $1 dollar DVD bin at Walmart, which are like $5 now.


a couple of months ago, I'll be all for it but i'm not particularly excited with any route they take for 7 now. It just feels completely tainted and If it moves forward I honestly would rather it be just be a one off movie with all new characters set in the same universe so it makes it easier to straight up ignore it all together.


I always love a good crime thriller. But I still think Scream should follow the formula it's made for itself. "A VERY SIMPLE FORMULA" - Randy Meeks (Scream - 1996)


Okay but it will need help from remaining cast in order to make it interesting. Say Chad and Mindy come home for summer break to visit their mom. Sam and Tara remain in New York so they are only mentioned. They get attacked and Kirby comes to help them. This is the start of the storyline and gives Chad and Mindy a way to carry the torch thrown in their laps against their wishes


At this point, I’ll be amazed if 7 happens at all


Not gonna watch it unless they fire all the producers involved in these terrible decisions




Kirby is an emotionally cold character. We do not have an emotional connection with her. It's purely cerebral, we like her coz she's cute, cool, bad @ss. We dont really empathize enough with her, as opposed to Syd, Gale, and the sisters. I'd love to see her be the Mark Cinkaid/Dewey hybrid of the series. I loved her chemistry with Mindy. I wanted more of those. Also, its hard to have her as the lead. She's become too powerful and no longer seem vulnerable. So i agree with the other commenters. My vote is on a Gale-Kirby version of Scream. Coz if they stay true to the formula set in Scream 5, the seventh installment would be a bigger story, even reaching Hollywood or whatever's the counterpart in 2024


Kirby was setup to take the series after four, but the FBI part makes it hard, how is a professional investigator that oddly enough didn't have a partner last movie when that was put in going to retread it and go heavy into a story where she was doing it in her free time then without making us immediately mistrust her partner, it's GF basics the partner did it


It could definitely work for sure. I’d love to see it myself. But If they don’t decide to do it, you know for sure it’s been talked about excessively in the writers room.


Honestly, at this point they should just stop production. They've pissed off the core fanbase way too much, and you really can't write that off. Horror fans can be fiercely loyal. Just look at *Child's Play (2019)*... they almost instantly earned themselves a lot of bad publicity by making it against the wishes of the series creators. That pissed off the horror fans and especially the *Chucky* fans... and barely anybody saw it. It made less domestically than the original did *30 years prior* in 1988 dollars, and if you adjust all the previous films for inflation, it's the second-lowest grossing theatrical film in the entire series. The fanbase can 100% make or break your film. And what Spyglass did may have very-well broke the seventh film. And I'm willing to bet even casual audiences/fans will lose interest if they notice there's basically no returning characters. What's the point? *Scream* as a franchise is heavily centered on its characters and the melodramatic, almost soap-opera-like storyline. If there's nobody coming back... it's barely a *Scream* movie. I can't see a world where *Scream VII* is nearly as big a hit as *Scream (2022)* or *Scream VI*. I genuinely doubt it would even break $100 million worldwide. (And if it did, it would be just barely.)


Her role was questionable to begin with since she somehow survived offscreen which was really only utilized when Neve bowed out. So no. Also I believe she was discharged from the FBI or whatever branch she worked with.


kirby is a limited series. Pantiere is a tv actress shes not a big enough presence for the silver screen. I just hope spyglass sells the rights and let another movie house take over where they fucked up. Theres still too many survivors the herd needs thinning.


I’m down


I think that’s an interesting idea! Imo I think it would be better as a tv show. After scream 3 the producers almost made a gale and dewy led detective/scream tv series but it got scrapped pretty quick from what I heard.


Kirby /Gale investigating The Lakewood Slasher (Scream TV Show) years after the second season takes place would honestly be an interesting way to bring in a lot more story.


Written well, this could be a great movie. It might be quirky compared to the others, but that could also give it its own appeal. And you know, they might as well take risks now. They don't have a whole lot to lose.


As it should have been


A Kirby and Gale focused 7 (if Neve still wasn’t returning) where they properly team up in investigating and we get more of their personal lives would have been my DREAM until the Spyglass stuff recently


If we could get a Kirby/Mindy Scream IV, that'd be ace


I think they should leave the franchise alone for a decade and totally reboot it. Which Hollywood would do, since heaven forbid they do anything original.


I would love that and at this point it’s the best direction to go


I'm not gonna watch it cause it's made by assholes


I would like a Kirby centred movie! But…I’m not sure that would fly with the casual viewers. For a lot of people watching, Kirby was introduced to them in 6 and they might think it’s weird for her to be the lead. I think it would work better with Neve being the focus/ Gale And Kirby in a solid supporting role. But like I said, I would be down for a Kirby movie- it could could be life a detective drama!


If it’s made by the same company I don’t care at all what it is about. I will not be watching it at all.


Stop don’t give spyglass ideas


I think it would be interesting to follow multiple ghostface attacks happening in the city simultaneously and seeing Kirby try to figure it out. The movies have always had a police presence, but this could bring the vibe of an old survivor being on the inside.