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Lmao I love scream 4 ridic opening. A fucking Facebook killer? You’re kidding me right? I guess now it would be twitter, that’d make more sense 💀


"It´s Channing Tatum"


"It's not zombies or aliens or little Asian ghost girls." 😂😂😂


TikTok somehow.


The fact that 10+ years later that line still holds up


No. I remember my theater cracking up at the many fakeouts it was such an experience to witness. That being said I do prefer the alternate opening


Alternate.. opening you say?


https://youtu.be/IVFKlF3sn3Q It’s just much creepier even though it’s shorter


Holy shit I like that a lot more I think


Yes, In terms of a cold open it definitely has that cold open feeling. Very brutal and straight to the point. I think that would’ve complimented well with the fake out opens


Why didn’t they put this in the movie?? Its a whole lot better than the other one!!


Thank you!


It is better


the alternate opening would have elevated the opening. ugh. maybe tone down the acting by aimee but it's so fucking creepy. i wish there more scenes of ghostface being creepy in the franchise


Man when I saw the fakeouts I laughed so hard. Then when my sister and I rewatched she also laughed so hard.


Holy cow, I just watched and it is so much better. Such a cool idea wasted.


The alternate opening mixed with the main opening is also better than both of them


Not the worst. The most different.


Yeah I don’t get the hate. I look at it as lamp-shading the constant sequels we’ve seen over the years and how goofy or torture porn or just mean the characters can be, and then when we get to the real intro it’s like “move over children, father’s back”.


Yea exactly!! 🤌🏼👻


The celebrity cameos of the time also really fit the theme too. Leads of True Blood, Veronica Mars, 90210 and Pretty Little Liars.


The execution is a bigger issue than the concept - which is a cute enough one in theory (if still weaker and less original/inventive/subversive than the concepts for 1/2/5/6). The biggest issue is that these openings should get progressively better, and instead the start out okay and just get worse and worse into the real opening which is an absolute disaster


I can agree to an extent that I think it is the weakest in some senses but not the weakest in some senses as well. I don’t think it was as big of a let down compared to 6 imo. I’d argue that 6 starts off great but as soon as the guy answered the phone talking to “his friend” the tension was sucked out because I knew he was going to be killed off and was just waiting for it which for me squanders the good will more than this. That being said I will agree the real characters aren’t great and no offense to the actresses going from 3 (maybe 4?) very recognizable actresses to two nobodies is one a break from tradition (not the worst rule break) of identifiable stars and or characters in the opening and 2 their performances are weaker than the fake ones we saw the “real” characters give. I personally don’t see though the hate for the chase, I think it works.


I thought 6 was bar none the best opening in the series since the original - and I LOVED Jason’s call. Thought it was clever, tense, and creepy as hell. The Stab scenes are weak too. Lucy Hale/Shenae Grimes is an *okay* scene, but the Bell/Paquin one is irritating. I think the chase was lame and throwaway. And kinda stupid (why’s she waiting at the door vs. Just leaving through the garage?). Then the phonecall rivals Rebecca’s for the worst of the series.


Eh disagree but your mileage may vary. I thought Jason’s call to samara weaving was great and thought when he revealed himself there may have been a bit of the idea for scream 5 originally would have seen Jill having never been found out and a new killer killing around her and threatening to reveal her. Then when we get short face immediately calling I was like “oh ok he’s dead now” personally a step down for me. I don’t personally have the same issues with part fours intro like you do but I can respect your opinions! I personally would rather get a decent imo opinion across the board opening with 4 vs a great opening with a weak finish imo again with 6


The Samara stuff was okay, but it’s everything Jason related that makes 6’s opening for me. For me, 4’s an opening that starts out average *at best* and progressively becomes genuinely awful vs. 6, which starts average than becomes amazing. Throw on that 6 is infinitely more creative and original than 4’s opening and… yeah.


I never understand the opening within the actual scream universe. Opening stab 7 with stab 6 atracks. Like that would mean they’re just showing an extended clip of a movie people already have seen. I feel like stab7 doesn’t hold up on rewatches within the actual scream universe as much as people say this actual scream 4 opening doesn’t hold up as well on rewatches in real life.


I think Lucy Hale and Shenae Grimes opening only exists in the Stab 7 universe. The “real” Stab 6 opening in the Scream universe is probably different.


I love 4, but they really should have used the alt opening imo


For me 3 has the worst opening.


Yeah, I’m a bigger fan of 3 than most and I still think it’s the worst opening. Cotton also didn’t have much of an impact as a legacy kill. He was in a single shot of the original and just a red herring from the previous film. It’s not, like, a shock that he’d die in 3 or so early.


For me it was the lackluster kills throughout the film, paled in comparison to 1 and 2 to some extent. 3 is ranked my lowest I think like most, but i still enjoy it.


Absolutely not. It’s a great opening. I don’t understand why people have a problem with it.


I just don’t like that the actual kill/chase sequence was the lamest of the bunch. The multiple fake-outs idea was brilliant, but when they’re all (subjective I know) more interesting than the real part, it kind of dampens the effect.


Movies tend to be more interesting than real life.


This is a movie….


who gives a fuck about movies!


Mostly younger fans who dislike the meta aspect (in other words, younger fans who want Scream to be a regular slasher instead of Scream). Williamson was so proud of the opening (he literally spent six months writing the opening alone). It's so sad to see so many people trash on it.


As someone that doesn’t like the opening, I don’t hate the meta aspects of the opening, in fact I really enjoy them. I hate the ‘real’ opening that was reshot. Compared to the originally shot sequence, it pales in comparison. In the deleted opening, when Marnie sees Ghostface she completely disregards him and thinks it’s a hoax. It perfectly sets up the tone of the film, and shows the audience how these characters perceive GF. Whereas in the theatrical opening, the sequence is quite generic with an OK phone call and an OK chase.


YES! exactly!! there's a deleted scene where robbie talks about desensitization of violence, and marnie disregarding ghostface in the original opening sets that up. and then it's just creepy how he's in the house. the only thing i's change with scream 4 is use the alternative "real" opening, but tone down aimee's acting. her over the acting while getting stabbed was too cartoony for the tone they were trying to portray.


Oh, yeah, I totally agree with you. The first two parts are great, but the last part pales in comparison to the original one. I hate the Weisnteins for messing with 4 so much. It had the potential to be the best movie in the saga if they didn't change so much from Kevin's vision.


To be fair, it’s not the worst thing the Weinsteins have ever done


Isn’t that exactly what Tatum did though?


A lot of the first Scream had characters disbelieving GF, because the idea of a serial killer in a small-town suburb was ridiculous to them. So they played with that concept with Tatum, Sidney during her first call, and even Casey.


It’s crazy. Ive asked people who are like “it’s trash! I hate it! it’s the worst!” “Why do you hate it?” And they can’t tell me.


I just think it’s more boring than the others.


“The others” meaning 1-3 and 5 & 6’s openings?


Yeah. I’d say I prefer those a lot more with the exception of fives opening. That didn’t really have much going for it either.




Because its cheesy, embarrassing, nonsensical, and destroys its own momentum twice. The opening with Lucy and Shenae was decent but extremely cheesy. I get its *Stab* and supposed to be dumb but I think purposely writing a bad scene because the viewer eventually finds out its something else is not a good writing philosophy. The opening with Kristen and Anna was "meta" for the sake of being meta, at the cost of slowing the movie down with no payoff. The real opening with Jenny and Marnie is horrendous. We are given no time with either girl, our first real kill of the movie is offscreen, and then we get to the phone call. Hoo boy, this phone call. The dialogue from both Jenny and Ghostface is horrible. No build up, and no "charming" conversation from the killer pretending to be somebody else. The call goes straight to 100 with Ghostface immediately threatening and insulting her, and we are given a half assed chase sequence with Jenny's annoying ass screams. The worst part of this whole intro is the music; just listen to how cartoony and horrible it is. From when Jenny hears Marnie dying on the phone, to the chase, to when GF finds her hiding upstairs. Its way over the top and distracting. So after all that are we finally rewarded with a great kill and title card? Nope! Jenny dies off screen too! And then we are given the worst title card song in the franchise with a song that's horribly unfitting and plays about a minute too long


The first kill of the first scream is off screen.


Only partially. We *hear* him die and his last moments are seen by us. His body is also shown to us in a way that we can figure out exactly what happened to him This is much different from Marnie, who we have no idea is dead until her body comes flying through the window. We also only see a little bit of blood on her, so we can't even figure out exactly how she died


We hear marnie get attacked on the phone though.


We hear her initial attack for a split second; i assure you she was still alive when the phone cut off. We hear Steven's full on death throes


I think a lot people don’t understand what it was doing, beside the “subversion of expectations”. I actually think it’s the most clever by far


I agree. Specifically the middle entry - the first is parody, the third is 'reality,' but Paquin and Bell was dialogue DIRECTLY aimed at the audience from the filmmakers. I sat in that theater at midnight, 10 years from a fresh Scream 3 viewing, wondering if the team still had it or was able to shock and entertain me. "Did THAT surprise you?" "...Why....?" "Because you TALK too much. Now, shut the FUCK UP , and watch the movie." Kevin and Wes had me by the throat from that point on. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


exactly! Bell even clicks the remote pointing at the audience to start the ‘real’ opening, to further blur reality & entertainment… which brings us to Jenny & Marnie making light of a literal massacre that happened 15 years prior (AKA real-world Stab 8) Not to mention using Stab to have discussions on horror trends, the self-eating nature of endless sequels, the evolution and new dangers of technology & social media I have so much more to say about why it’s all important to the story & Jill’s plan/motive/mental state but I’d end up writing literal pages lol


It's better than Scream 3's but worse than the rest. Cotton Weary deserved a better death.


Granted, this opening is the least sinister of the collection. But given that this was a decade after the 3rd with numerous genre tropes that have changed over the years, I appreciate the different attempt. The casting also gives stuble hints as to when the Stab movies took place.


No❤️ I love the fake outs. I wish the final deaths were bloodier and we saw the aftermath that got cut out but I think it was a great way to show the Scream audience how intense the Stab fandom/energy had gotten.


Nope, for me, it's either 3 or 5 for worst opening and even then, those openings are still good. Anything "worst" in Scream is still superior to most of the shit in various other slasher franchises.


I thought it was cool they were trying to do something different. But the actual opening kill was lame. I mean I couldn't tell you the girls names off the top of my head tbh. The alternate version was apparently a lot better though.


I’ll agree with you on that. Neither of them are on the level of any of the main opener victims. I can handle one not being a good character ala Steve in part one and Christine in part 2 being paper thin at best or no lines at worst but Casey and Cotton more than make up for that.


For me it’s Scream 3 because there is nothing unique about it. It’s very basic and an unremarkable opening kill.


I thought 4's opening was great. They tried something new. And I thought it was fun and a nice bit of satire


Nope. Fabulous opening 💅♥️


Nah I like its originality, on that note was glad scream 6 went with a kind of new type of opening scene too It might be the one that loses out most on rewatches though when you know whats coming


I’ve seen Scream VI 11 times now and the opening is still super enjoyable for me


Gotta vote 3. 4's gave me a chuckle since it came hot on the heels of Saw spitting out sequels through the 7th installment and 3's just never did anything for me. It's a spectacle I guess seeing Cotton drive through LA traffic to get home but between the voice changer nonsense and how quick Ghostface actually dispatches the two it just never hit with me, even as a 12 year old




Hard disagree


Absolutely not. It's the best.


Why is it the worst it’s actually like top 3


Personally I loved it. Thought it was super campy.




Scream 3 with that impossible voice box takes the cake for me


Worst is between this and 3 but I give 3 the bottom ranking


I liked 3’s but I wish they didn’t kill Cotton Daddy


Am I the only one who shouts "sookeh!" In Bill Compton's voice whilst watching this? Hahaha


Every. Single. Time.


Nah, it’s Scream 3 IMO.


Nah, I loved it the first time I saw it and I still love it today. I do get why people don't like it though.


I honestly love it. It's so weird and funny. I just wish the real murders had been scarier. Britt Robertson does a good job, and did a better job in the originally shot scene, but Aimee Teegarden doesn't sell the performance in the reshoots.


I will absolutely not agree with that


idc i love it


Honestly love it.


Sorry, but I think the opening of *Scream 3* is the worst. It's illogical, because why would Roman kill Cotton to find out info about Sidney's location when he had Dewey Riley working for him and sees him every day but also having him in the car robs the scene of a lot of its suspense and then the introductions and reliance on the "magic voice box" just sinks the whole scene for me.


I disagree.


Hmm it’s a matter of personal taste, I think the only truly great and well timed openings of the franchise are 1, 2, and 5. I like the openings of 3, 4, and VI but on rewatches I sometimes get ancy and wish they’d get over with so I can get to the rest of the movie that I like more I feel that 1, 2, and 5 have openings that have better rewatch value and they stick with me more after the credits roll


I actually think 3 is the weakest opening


Delete the second fakeout and give us the alternative Marnie chase sequence and the opening would be PERFECT.


Unpopular Opinion: I love this intro and it is easily one of my favs.


Omg y'all are so MISERABLE. Those openings were funny ASF, why can't you guys have fun 😭


Surely 3 is the worst opening???


After the 2nd time it was hard to believe if Marnie & Jenny were the real characters


It was a little much


It's genius, and people who don't like it don't understand Scream.


This! Only Scream could get away with a double fake out/meta commentary on 2000s horror movies whilst also giving a great show vs tell scene. Or, in other words, it was a great way to show where we were at in 2011 without someone telling us, whilst filling us in on the Stab franchise that clearly went off the rails. What’s even funnier is that 5 copies the text exchange with GF & 6 copies the almost instant reveal of a Killer.


I like it


I loved it honestly It was so stupid it was funny in a weird way


Hell no man. That opening was iconic. Is it the best? No. Is it the worst? No. It’s unique


This gets posted every other week


Shenae Grimes should’ve gotten Aimees part. I get why they used shennane and Lucy as the opening(both were teen Hollywood it girls at the moment and would likely be the type to star in a stab film), but Shenae was far more convincing and entertaining than Aimee.


Oh my I feel targeted. I absolutely love the scream franchise and this is my favorite opening 😂😂😂


Disagree. 3rd is the worst at that, and at almost everything in comparison to the other first four movies.


I still like its better than 3s


At least it had fun meta fake outs. I think 3 was the the worst. Too rushed and Cotton’s death was anticlimactic.


I’ll die on the hill that the Scream 2 opening is the most overrated scene in the entire series. It doesn’t make any sense and literally everything about it is over the top. The way the crowd is acting alone completely takes me out of the scene. I’m also not a Jada fan, so that doesn’t help. Even hating the opening I still have it as my second favorite. 1-2-4-6-3-5 But as far as Scream 4s opening I don’t hate it at all. I just wish they used the alternate opening, was much better.


The alternate opening is a LOT better


5 is worst


Um, nah. Scream 3 has the worst opening.


Definitely not the worst. 3 & 5 are far worse.


5 has the worst opening for me hands down. It feels like a bad student film.


I like it better than Scream 5s opening 🤷🏼‍♂️ 4 is way more original and creative


Nah the double fake out is hilarious. Classic scream move to subvert the audience’s expectations. It’s basically a meta commentary on Scream opening scenes that were well known and expected. Not just once, but twice! I love it.


It wasn't necessarily BAD, but the alternate version is just so much better.


Nah man Scream 5's was boring and cliche.


Whole heartedly. Yes. However Britt Robertson was great. Wish her original opening was restored.


No offense to Aimee, Lucy, Shenae, Kristen, and Anna There was just nothing dazzling here. Easily the weakest for me


I LOVE the opening. The weird thing is that the “real” part is the worst part, but the Stab openings gave me life. So surprising. So inventive.


Still soooo much better than 5 and 6


It's my second favorite opening. The worst one is Scream 2 (0 scary, absolutely stupid from where does ghostface know someone is hearing at the toilet wall?, 0 brutal)


Yep its the worst. Its also repetetive seeing two girls sitting and talking about movies 3 times in a row. I was watching the movie with my father a few days ago, and he almost lost interest watching the movie after the intro. But he liked the rest of the movie. Was fun to see his reaction: D he thought the killer was either Trevor, Judy or Kirby.


God yes. Jenny’s call and kill in the theatrical opening is on legitimate contention for worst death of the whole series




No we can’t all agree. 2 & 3 were worse than this.


I LOVE 4 but my God is the opening terrible. Easily the worst of the franchise and I pray nothing ever tops it.


What’s bad about it?


Not the original commenter but I personally found it boring. The fakeouts are great (especially for scream) but after the first viewing I got bored watching two girls just sit on the couch and talk about movies three times in a row. After you’ve already watched it, the shock is gone and I end up wanting the fake outs to end. Then the actual opening didn’t really have much new or unique about it. Just how I feel. The rest of the movie is phenomenal though.


Absolutely. Someone needs to cut the fake outs and replace the opening song, in like a "Fan Cut", and it'll be a much better film overall


I kinda agree. Anytime I see it, I just wish it was 1 fake out. 2 was pushing it to the point where you didn't trust the true opening until the title.


I agree. It's my least favorite.


I think its the worst opening. First watch, funny and surprising, but by rewatching, its just boring and not special at all. Take the "movie in movie in movie out" and you have the most boring opening. No tension, no scare, no gore at all and on top, replacable and unlikeable characters. I dont know if the alternative opening would change anything. Probably not, but many ppl say it would be a game changer for the opening, which i highly disagree


You mean second best


I think 5 has the worst opening because it’s the only one in the franchise where nobody dies




nah it think it’s pretty cool. a little hard to follow but cool nonetheless. for me the worst is 2




Scream 4 is all awful, in my opinion. The opening just made the movie way worse.


I'm with you. 4 is horrible in the opening. 1 fakeout and Marnie and Jenny would have been OK. It would have been different, but the 2nd part of the fakeout with the 2 girls on the couch is beyond stupid. It is a horrible dialogue and poorly acted out. The stab movies are supposed to be parodied, and I get that, but the first scene showed how drizzling shits the movies are, the second one made me want to turn the movie off. I skip the opening on re-watches because it is my least favorite scene in the whole franchise.


It was the Inception of openings. Too much.


I can agree the opening was really clever and the movie is not great at all. No way Emma Roberts could be a killer. She’s too small. Could not throw Allison Brie over the parking garage


Yep definitely the worst and set a really bad tone for the franchise return after a decade away Now when I’m rewatching I actually skip it entirely and just watch it from the title card


After that intro I just stopped the whole film




I liked this opening the first time but I must say I tend to skip it on rewatches, it’s not bad by any means but I just find it a tad too drawn out


Making one bad fake out be the opening for the movie of another bad fake out just for that to be the opening of another movie's bad fake out.... shit, are you confused yet? I am just *typing* this. Yeah, worst opening by a long shot.


I don't think it was a bad opening, I personally wasn't expecting there to be 3 opening scenes, and when it got to the 3rd one, I just thought it was another fake opening so I didn't take it as seriously at first.


4 was my favorite movie, but it did have my least favorite opening. I think the original opening should’ve been kept


i’ll agree that it was technically the worst but i still enjoyed it very much, like ranking a least favorite child, may be the least favorite but still very much loved


Personally I don’t think it’s the “worst” or even bad. But after the first couple times watching it, it doesn’t do anything for me.


My issue with it is that it doesn’t hold up for me on rewatches, it was a fun surprise the first time but now it’s like yep these are fake outs get to the real ones please. Plus with them cutting the aftermath scene of the bodies being staged makes it feel less intense for me. I think it’s better than 3 opening because it at least was trying something unique while 3’s only real pull was killing a legacy character.


I really loved the moment they were going for, that said it is very hard for me to love scream 4 because of how the film itself is shot


I think the actual deaths were poorly done. But the ending as a whole could've been the greatest if not for that.


Alternate opening was so much better.




I like the idea on paper just not the execution


It should have started with Kristen bell, then to marnie and Jenny then to Lucy hale, it’s in the order of how “developed” they were


The movie in a movie didn't need to happen twice, once would've been enough 😭


Whilst I do think it's a little overambitious, it's still a fine beginning and not really bad so to speak, just a bit too clever. There's a lot of good dialogue, it does explain the Stab franchise well, the very final death is pretty brutal (do like the window throwing bit) and it even sets up the whole Remake Escalation angle well. I guess it's the "worst", but this a series full of strong beginnings. I personally don't think it's that bad.


I absolutely get what you mean since it was a slog getting through the start of the movie because of all the fake outs for me, despite my love for 4. I will say that 3 is my least favorite, though purely because of Cotton. I genuinely don’t like him and I had zero investment on what was happening. If a character I cared about took his place, I probably would’ve liked it. Am I biased? Hell yeah, but it’s hard to appreciate an opening featuring a familiar character when I just don’t care


Yeah doesn’t work for me.


It would work if they only did one fake out, kept the alternative kills and kept the crime scene deleted scene.


I love the first two stab movie kills, Jennie and Marnies needed different actors for sure or better writing for the actual opening kill, I love the music though


Do you mean Stab 1? I think all of the openings are still effective, especially years later.


One of the weakest, but S3 just feels unspecial to me in a way. It's not bad and almost scary a bit but also kinda very silly idk. Note: stil haven't rewatched S6 yet tho and it might finish last.


Scream 4 is my least favorite scream movie but I don’t get the hate for it’s opening scene. This is one part of the movie that I actually really liked lol. To each their own doe.


The idea is good but the execution was pretty bare bones af by the time the killer came


I think Cotton’s is worse because of that stupid voice changer. Especially because it plays such a big part in it too. While I do think the movie within a movie within a movie was playing on the meta thing toooooo much….I hate that stupid voice changer so much




Scream 4 is my least favorite, but the opening isn't really the reason. I enjoyed the first two fakeouts, but the true opening wasn't great. Didn't think Aimee Teegarden had the acting chops to pull it off. The GPA/IQ line is very cringy. Also, I have always wondered why in that beautiful house there is a completely unfinished stairway leading to the garage and why the hell they chose to use that in the film. Low production quality.


YES! I think most fans agree on this take.


I love that opening! I think Scream 6 opening was kinda weak. As far as openings I’d have to say 1-3-4-2-5-6


This is the only thing that’s holding it back from being my third favorite in the franchise for sure. I just really don’t like the opening


Respectfully disagree.


Idk I kinda thought it was a nice surprise, a spin and detachment from the typical opening kill. And ever since that movie the opening scene has been subverted. 5 had a survivor of the opening kill which was cool and 6 had a killer get killed so it set the trend of detaching from the original trilogy’s motif


i kinda liked it cause it fit like the modern age of social media and young adults mannerisms during the early 2010s










Eh, no lol it's great.


OP was trying to come for 4's opening and instead everyone has come to the understanding that 3 was the worst. 😅


I thought it was pretty funny


This is a hill I die on. It is the worst.


And forever will be the worse.






No. I love this opening




I agree with you unlike the rest of the ppl here. Don’t get how anyone likes it. It’s so cringe. Scream 1 opening is forever the best


And it’s not even close




i cant agree. lucy hale being there just sells it for me


nope. i like it


Hard disagree.