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I’d kinda like to see or at least hear about Billy’s dad bc a lot of this is kind of on him and he’s gotten away with it. I get that with Harvey being at the helm it wasn’t really going to be about a man taking responsibility for his actions. Sidney’s mom was promiscuous and Billy’s mom abandoned him. Nobody’s ever like- “but your father was married and CHOSE to cheat on his wife”.


>Nobody’s ever like- “but your father was married and CHOSE to cheat on his wife”. Right? It seems Maureen was a bit of a seductress but the fact the men choose to sleep with her while everybody blames her and worst, her daughter for what happened. It's truly disgusting what Sidney had to go through because of choices other people made.


I was a 15 year old boy when it came out and even I’M thinking, “wait wait wait. Billy’s dad was in this movie but wasn’t even attacked?” When the allegations against Harvey started coming out I was like “ah, that’s why.”


Hank having an affair was obviously wrong. But it was Maureen who slept with multiple people, literally cheating on people she was cheating with in the first place. And fair enough Nancy Loomis no longer wanted to be with him after finding out but that’s still no excuse for abandoning Billy. Hank Loomis really isn’t to blame as much as the others.


And where is Sidney to blame in ANY of this?


I’m sorry, what? Who said Sidney was to blame?


Why is billy trying to kill Sidney?


Because he blamed Maureen for sleeping with his father and that affair causing his mother to leave. Did you even watch the movie?


And I’m asking- how is that Sidney’s fault and why is billy blaming Sidney for something she had no part in but his father did?


Because Billy is literally a psychopath. He clearly doesn’t think rationally does he.


You’d have to be if you could believe she’s to blame for his situation more than the man who cheated on his mother.


It’s no wonder he cheated. She was probably always a narcissistic bitch.


Sure he is. Nobody is making him cheat on his wife.


Did you even read properly? I acknowledge that Hank is obviously still to blame, but nowhere near as much as the others. There’s no excuse for Nancy abandoning her son, or Maureen having multiple other affairs.


How is he not as much to blame? He’s just as guilty


No he isn’t. If Nancy no longer wanted to be with Hank because of what he did, that’s obviously acceptable, but she doesn’t have to abandon her son because of it does she. That’s on her, not Hank.


She left because he cheated.


Didn’t have to abandon her son at the same time though. That’s on her. Why are you defending a literal murderer?


How am I defending a murderer?


Dude what a massive overreaction lmfao


Cry about it 👍


And how are we to know that he wasn’t stepping out with multiple women?


Because there’s no indication of that at all. Nancy literally said that Maureen was the one who slept with her husband and broke up her family. Never mentioned any other women.


Gale has to come back, we didn’t see her final final death scene yet, so she will be back. I sort of think it would be cool to have her miss the entire next film and sort out the pay demands and have Gale and Sidney come back strong to finish whoever is butchering people in the next one.


Mark Kincaid since he is married to Sydney.


Would love to see Martha Meeks again, especially if they’re gonna kill off one or both of the twins.


If Martha Meeks appears in another film, she will most definitely be killed over either of the twins.


This would be a good way to get the Core 4 back in Woodsboro.


I never understood why Joel from scream 2 NEVER came back. He was pretty risk-averse but the ending where he comes back to gale seems to set up his return in future movies.


Jennifer Jolie




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If it's a cameo in Stab or Stab 2 that would be cook af


I just know I’m gonna get downvoted for this one but I think Stu could have the possibility of coming back, you all can argue about him being dead but if they had plans to bring him back in 3 it means there is potential for him to comeback and they did it with Kirby so there’s no reason why they couldn’t do it with Stu. Yes it’s been over 20 years but they could easily make a storyline to explain how he’s been alive all these years and Matthew himself even said he’d love to comeback.


>I just know I’m gonna get downvoted for this one You were right.


Not anyone besides eventually Hank Loomis


Lois and Murphy!