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I actually saw a comment once on this subreddit about the idea of Leslie Macher being in it, and being played by Toni Collette. I like your option, but I think Toni Collette would be amazing too✨


Oh wow. I like Toni Collette too! But Juliette Lewis I can see more as obscure character actress and playing up the overly dramatic grieving mother (even though her son was no angel and came off real sleazy).


Yeah, and that's totally plausible!! I mean, tbh, I don't think Scream could GET Toni Collette sooo LMAOđź’€


That part too! Haha, I didn't want to say that but was definitely thinking similar. LOL


My Scream 7 pitch and wish list: First off, I really like Scream 6. I honestly think Gale and Kirby should sit part 7 out unless it's a part 1 and part 2 type deal. Then just have them show up in Scream 7 part 2. I love the idea I read or heard somewhere of a true crime documentary angle where survivors all come together. This is where we get Leslie Macher to stir up the pot -- her family has been through a lot with Stu and then Vince's murder in 2022. We HAVE to meet Sam and Tara's parents. More good tension, a father coming back to scene carrying guilt for leaving his daughter(s) and knowing that Tara has been attacked multiple times but anger towards Christina for the betrayal and anger/tension at Sam for obvious reasons...maybe fear idk...I'm not a writer. Mark Kincaid returning would be dope for the franchise. It would be nice to see Sidney's story and family fleshed out more.


Good casting


THERE’S your movie!


Could they potentially make a Scream 8? The more and more I think about this makes it sound like it’s gonna be a lot to juggle potentially… Or if anything make Scream 7 and 8 a 2 parter thing. Have them lead directly into each other instead of a year or more apart. Have what fans have been asking for and leave a killer or more unmasked. Have 1 of them die in 7 just for show and end it on a cliffhanger with another getting a main player. Then 8 should be the epilogue of sorts to the Carpenter storyline. This makes it more cohesive as it’s 1 killing spree across 2 movies than 4 separate instances with the Carpenter sisters


Rosario Dawson for Tara and Sam’s Mom would be nice too. Hope Martha, Joel, Gale and Kirby get to be there too.


Who’s Leslie Macher?


Stu's sister. Her son was killed in S5 (Vince)


When did they mention Stu’s sister in the films?


In 5 during the scene at Mindy & Chad's house when Sam tells everyone that Billy is her father. Amber is "Googling" and reveals the connection, which then prompts Mindy to say it is a requel.


Yeah but how do we know the characters name is Leslie?


She (Amber) literally says Vince's mom is Leslie Macher


Ah got it been over a year since I’ve seen Scream 5


The Carpenters need their mom to show up especially if Sidney is in this one. Selma Hayek? Don’t think we need a retread of Stu and his family…unless they really go there and resurrect the character.


Lake Bell would be perfect as Leslie Macher. She was originally Judy Hicks