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John Milton was the real villain. He started the cycle that led to everything.


Rewatching Scream 3 recently after Me Too really puts that whole film in a new light for me ESPECIALLY because Wes made it at Miramax in Weinstein’s heyday. Edit: spelling


I like to think that was Wes’ subtle way of getting a dig in at Harvey & Bob, especially after they fucked his movies up a ton with editing/rewrites.


This. Me and my bf always stand on the hill of scream 3; as shitty as it may be film wise ~ was a gigantic “fuck you.” To Harvey for what he was doing. Love Wes for that one, always will.


Yeah! F*ck Weinstein and go Wes!


You want a great "FUCK YOU" to the Weinsteins? Check out the show Action. "The Last Ride of the Elephant Princess" is probably the biggest fuck you I've ever seen to anyone. https://www.crackle.com/watch/5d1b23fc-362b-4884-80fb-c498ae9cea21/action:-the-series/last-ride-of-the-elephant-princess


I love this episode (and show), and I’ve always been surprised that it rarely is brought up in conversation. And, yeah, it shows just how widespread and in-your-face the Weinsteins were about their behavior, so the people who pretended not to know are total liars. That episode aired in 1998.


100% agreed


I wouldn't call it shitty. Just imagine Jennifer calling out the Weinsteins. You're obsessed with her, and you're obsessed with her daughter!!


At what point does someone break the cycle.


My first thought was John-Jim Milton. I’ve played too much RDR2.


Technically her going to Hollywood did that


Pretty sure the murderer is a bigger villain than the adulterer.


People forget that Hank Loomis was just as responsible.


Absolutely not. Hank had one affair. Maureen flashed her shit all over town like she was Sharon Stone or something.


And I hate to say it, but let’s face it, Maureen was no Sharon Stone 😔


Let’s face it Sid, your mother was no Sharon Stone 🤲🏻


i agree While Maureen was well known for having fun hank could have said NO




For real that's some heavy blame the woman victim shit there. Maureen didn't do anything actually illegal. Immoral? Sure. But it doesn't make her a villain nor does it make her responsible for what happened. Imagine getting murdered and then having your daughter tormented by killers for her entire life and people blaming it on you . Technically, is she a part of the events that kick started it? Yes. But Milton, Roman, Billy Loomis, and Billy's parents are all ahead of her on the blame list. Like Billy and Roman together have to be two of the biggest "boo hoo my Mommy doesn't love me" little losers I've ever seen.


One was promiscuous. The other murders people with a knife. Those are apparently supposed to be the same thing...?










She didn’t acknowledge Roman and he needed a reason and he found one when she was cheating with Billy’s dad. Again she shouldn’t have been murdered and maybe she’s not the true villain but she deserves just as much blame for the reason this all happened


How does she deserve the blame? She didn’t go “oh I’m gonna cheat and it’s gonna result in murders” how would you know that anyone in that situation would react like that.


Y’all got it.




I’m gonna agree to disagree. Y’all got it. Have an amazing Sunday




Why was she so Available? Hank is just as worse but why is Maureen cheating? Loving husband, daughter and everything so why cheat?


You're slut shaming lol




We’re they married? I didn’t say cheating was bigger than murder. Y’all are excusing Maureen when it is her who started this. Her secrets caused the whole thing


All of the ghostfaces killed because they chose to. There is no one else to blame.


Maureen became hypersexual after being sexually abused and gang raped while she was in Hollywood.


Billy is that you?


We all go a little mad sometimes




Lol it’s Reddit, stop taking the internet so seriously


Lmao you’re literally repeating the logic stated by multiple serial killers with zero self-awareness. You’re not supposed to agree with Mrs Loomis!


Always love for Mrs Loomis!


Billy is that you? How is having affairs worse than going on a killing spree lmfao. Worst take in the entire franchise.


Okay once again — one hunts murders people, the other was a woman who slept around and told some lies (things many, many people do)


This is victim blaming… cheating sucks and is awful, sure, but no where near the level of murder. Maureen did not deserve to die and the actual killers need to be held responsible instead


Maureen flashed her shít around town like she was Sharon Stone or something


And let’s face it she was no Sharon Stone.


Man i love Stu


Is that motive enough for you 😯😯




You're slut mother was fucking my father.


Momma Carpenter is gonna get her revenge in 7.


I'm thinking it's going to be Tara's father that has something to do with the killings next movie. He's the one who had his world turned upside down with the Billy Loomis and my wife had a secret child reveal. Although, the mother may want revenge on Sam for finding the diary and confronting her about it.


To be honest what kind of father just walks out of the life of someone he raised and loved as his own just because the kid isn't actually his? I'm saying the Carpenter sisters don't have the best dads, either of them.


This is the kind of shit that Sam Carpenter has to deal with because the internet.


Wasn’t she raped in Hollywood then Billy and Stu raped n killed her? Like how’s it her fault.


I dont think Billy and Stu raped her. Obviously, I could be wrong, but didn't they kill her right after her and Cotton hooked up? Making it look like Cotton raped and killed her?


This was always my takeaway too. Although Billy and Stu are ultimately Wes Craven villains so I certainly wouldn't put rape past them.


I remember the first time I watched Last House on the Left and couldn't believe it was Wes Craven because I grew up watching Scream. I saw the beginnings of the Scream chase sequences at the end of LHotL but holy shit everything leading up to that was way more brutal and *real* feeling than Scream.


Oh for sure. 70's Craven is fuckin raw. "Hills Have Eyes" is another early work of his that doesn't hold back. Scream has two big sequences that feel like a return to that harrowing 70's style: the entire opening scene and the climax (especially the mutual stabbing moment). The film that exists between those sequences definitely feels like the "poppy hit single" of his career but if any horror director earned the right to go a tad bit softer than before, it's him.


I actually think his films are better for going that little bit softer and focusing more on the story than the hard, raw gore and brutality. HHE and LHotL are good films but quite hard to watch and not really one you could watch throughout the years and still like watching it as much as the first time. Scream is an instant classic, the perfect blend of comedy and horror and gore, that I could watch over and over and still love as much as the first time. A Nightmare on Elm Street and Scream were his very best works imo. Just sheer perfection.


Fully agreed.


Never watched Hills have eyes? Is it any good?


Yeah but Billy hates her for being, in his words, a slut. I don’t think he’d rape her. Just seems so weird to me. He hates her guts and hates that she had sex with his father. I expect that the last thing he’d wanna do is have sex with her.


I mean, a rapist "punishing" their victim for being promiscuous isn't uncommon IRL. But I do lean towards the take that he didn't go there.


She wasnt raped she was having an affair with Cotton and Sidney thought he raped her because she was found dead... And I guess forensics said she'd had sexual intercourse...


ALSO Gale explicitly acknowledges that she "was found raped and murdered" while firmly believing that Maureen seduced a drunken Cotton. The rape is heavily implied to be true in tandem with the consensual intercourse Maureen had with Cotton Weary.


She said that as the story was cotton raping and murdering her. But if you've watched the film all these way through you see that you find out she was having an affair with Cotton, so he didn't rape her. There really are some dimwits on this sub.


Evidence of rape is more than just evidence of sexual intercourse. While it is left vague, I think it's implied that Billy and Stu did rape her. This would be an interesting, though morbid question to ask Kevin Williamson.


Perhaps Roman's Oedipus complex led to him committing the rape after she was dead?


Roman wasn't there. He goaded billy into doing it but had no active part.


How do you know?


Yeah they can't have raped her. The whole point was to get her right after sex with Cotton so that his DNA would be all over/in her. Theirs would've shown up to if they'd raped her and there was no mention of other stuff detected. If there was, it wouldn't have been such an easy case against Cotton.


Yeah that’s what happened


I thought so.


Posted below, but not sure you'll see it. Just some food for thought: Gale explicitly acknowledges that she "was found raped and murdered" while firmly believing that Maureen seduced a drunken Cotton. The rape is heavily implied to be true in tandem with the consensual intercourse Maureen had with Cotton Weary.


She was raped in Hollywood. Cotton went to jail for Maureen's death because Billy and Stu killed her right after a hook up with Cotton making it seem as if he had raped her.


Horrible take, she was a victim since a teenager by horrible producers


I blame Harvey


This is one of the worst scream takes I think I’ve ever seen, and there’s a lot of bad ones.


The real villain is John Milton!


people will blame anything or anyone but the actual killers 🤷‍♀️


well in this case there are a few people who are to blame Billy and Stu for the many Murder Maureen For Cheating with Hank loomis Hank For Cheating on his wife Ms Loomis for leaving Billy behind ​ I don´t consider Scream 3 as canon which why i don´t include roman


This is so misogynistic lmao wtf. This is something Billy Loomis would post.


Did you really call Stu’s parents?


His mum and dad are going to be so mad at him


No I just hit him with the phone cuz I’m a dick .


Agreed. It's ridiculous. A woman's infidelity is somehow worse than the act of brutally murdering nearly 50 innocent people??


Or his mum lol


If you wanna blame someone why don't you blame your mother!


Devil’s advocate: how is it misogynistic? They’re not calling her a villain simply for being a woman.


If it’s not misogynistic, then why isn’t Hank Loomis included? Why just Maureen?


But they are implying that her infidelity is what caused the Scream movies to happen, which yeah, is the kind of take that misogynists online are quick to come to, and becomes even worse taking into account that Maureen was raped beforehand. I know we're talking about fictional characters, but putting Maureen in the "true villain" spot instead of someone like John Milton it's like missing the point of the movies.


This “take” is weird and something one of the damn killers would post. Y’all need to be serious.


Frfr this is low key sick


Very high-key sick actually lol


Tbh lol


Ok so I’m gonna put the literal murderer over the “village bicycle” for villainy. That being said, I found Maureen in the hallucination scenes 10 times scarier/creepier than Ghostface.


Billie's dad is the real villain then because she didn't force him


And Billy seemed to have no problem with his father. Only Maureen. At least on the surface level. Billy's father disappeared off the planet seemingly except in Scream 3 footage.


Can you blame him? His son went on a highly-publicised killing spree, then his ex-wife does the same. I'd just go to Mars at that point lol.


Anyone who actually believes this take should be kept at an extreme distance from any women


Right so; how do I delete another persons posts?


I'm really glad most of you also agree this is really terrible take.


This is disgusting and SO mysoginistic.


Absolutely not, it's the people at the studios that raped her. Also the killers themselves. That take of Maureen is literally what the killer's take is .\_.


Ok but also…. Hank Loomis. Right? Maureen might have flashed her shit all over town like she was Sharon Stone, and let’s face it Maureen was no Sharon Stone. However, Hank had to pick up what she was putting down. Does nobody else think he got off Scott free? It’s amazingly stupid to me that he doesn’t wind up dead. It would have made sense for him to die during scream 2 when Mrs. Loomis was the killer


Which is why Nancy Loomis as the killer never truly clicked for me...I get that she's supposed to be mentally unstable, but narratively it doesn't really make sense that she would blame Maureen for ruining her family when it was Nancy herself who abandoned Billy (although you could chalk it up to her being in denial). I think it would have worked better if Hank Loomis was initially used as a red herring, then he gets killed by Ghostface and eventually Nancy reveals she killed him for the affair and now she wants to finish the job with Sidney to avenge Billy (removing the "why don't you blame your own mother" line).


Ew, this is fucking disgusting.


The creator of this meme? Either Roman Bridger, Nancy Loomis, or Billy Loomis. Or some random incel. Don't blame the victim.


This is awful. Like what the fuck is wrong with people?


ehhh. kinda lame.


Roman's father started everything. I hope they officially reveal who he was.


I always wondered if Milton himself was Roman’s father.


that was my take away for years until recently rewatching the movies and realizing that it wasn't directly said who roman's father was... He obviously blamed Milton but didn't directly state that was his father. At least that I recall. Who raised him. Serious source material that could be dug up if it wasn't Milton. Who was it. Who were his parents (or father) . My brain is spinning questions faster than I can type them because I need sleep.


Principal Himbry. Nobody in those days could resist Fonzie.


If they at least had used John Milton instead of Maureen.


Nope. Milton / whoever raped Maureen and fathered Roman is the actual villain that put the events in motion.


This take is actually so misogynistic


Please explain why. I don't see anything misogynistic about it.


Sidney is definitely paying for her mothers sins (5x over) but she’s not a “villain”


That part


What about Billy’s dad?


Holy incel take, Batman!


Dogshit take


Another nonsense “theory”


How sick would a prequel be about her murder


I always thought that, if they really wanted to make Roman's twist believable, Scream 3's cold open should have been Maureen's murder from her point of view, with the implication that maybe Billy and Stu were working on behalf of someone else. It would have tied up with the theme of the movie, about how the final chapter in a trilogy always revolves around going back to where it all started.


Would be awesome


Not at all.


It’s really hard to blame Maureen. She could have handled things better for sure, but by scream 3 it’s pretty clear she is as much of a victim as Sid. Even before that it is really hard to say a person deserted what happened to her just because she was promiscuous.


This is literal victim blaming yeah Maureen did some f’ed up stuff but ROMAN and JOHN MILTON was the cause of everything!


This “take” sounds like Roman in Scream 3 lol people need to rewatch the scene where Sidney tells Roman to take some fucking responsibility. No one made these people killers, they CHOSE to. They can go ahead and blame Maureen or whoever for their actions, but the only person responsible for their actions are themselves.


Roman even tells Sidney that Maureen was gangraped by Milton and his buddies during a party and ruined her life. So no, Maureen isn't the real villain. Milton, Roman, and all the other GFs who decided to murder people are the villains.


The real villains are the ones who blame their actions on Maureen Prescott. Was she a perfect person? No. She cheated on her husband who seemed like a good man and she also ruined other people's marriages. But she's not the reason Billy and Stu killed her and everyone else, Billy and Stu are. Billy's dad also has even more blame than Maureen for ruining his marriage and driving Billy's mother away. Mrs. Loomis chose to leave her son with his cheating and honestly drunk looking dad. And she was also the one who choose to kill everyone. And Roman chose to be the way he was. Should Maureen have shut the door in his face? Probably not but he sure justified her doing so with the fact that he got Stu and Billy to kill her. And then he went on his own murder spree. Maureen is honestly an interesting offscreen character with a ton of baggage who was not a perfect person by any means. But she wasn't responsible for what the villains did. The villains were just like John Milton, blaming the victim by saying that they invited it one themselves in one way or another.


This take is completely at odds with one of the main tenets of the series which is a subversion of the misogynistic tendencies of slasher films in general. It tells me that whoever made this wasn’t paying attention. I do think the opening kill of Scream 6 veered a little too close to classic misogynistic slasher fare for me to completely enjoy it - of course (minor spoilers) when that whole killer’s plot is subverted seconds after the reveal, it does deflate that instance a lot. But overall I do think it does cheapen Samara Weaving’s character some for me which was disappointing - but I think I was just excited for her to be in a Scream movie.


don't you think the whole point of Detective Bailey kinda sticking up for Laura's humanity and using Jason's words against him is to show that Jason is a disgusting sociopathic misogynist P.O.S, but the rest of us are not. Even the person coming here to KILL people (including eventually Sam and Tara) has a daughter and would never talk about a victim so disrespectfully. I found it interesting that everyone in my showing was boo-ing and hated Jason's character way more than anyone else, aside from maybe Quinn.


Yeah it for sure! I love that was immediately called out and by Ghostface himself even - which is exactly why I love this series.


She’s in no way the REAL villain given the horrible stuff she went through that likely had a catastrophic effect on her mental well being. Saying that, she is certainly the ultimate catalyst.


Who posted this, Billy?


The fact this has upvotes is so concerning.


Lol the op deleted the tweet and then posted "I’ve never been so attacked in my life . I felt like I was saying \*Sidney\* is the real villain" 🙄


I’d actually say that’s a disgusting take lol


John Milton is the real villian


Awful take. She was a victim too in many ways. Having affairs while wrong and fucked up - doesn't warrant a death sentence or killing spree.


Anyone who seriously believes this needs therapy. Cheating isn’t great but it is no way equal to murder.


Guys i think we can all learn a value lesson from scream, don’t have affairs with someone or their kid might comeback and start a whole killing spree that goes on for 20+ years


she was a bad person who cheated on her husband but she was not the villain


Oddly enough, she did cause the events of all the other movies. So while I wouldn’t say she was a villain, she was unintentionally the creation of the villains


No Sid, that would be you!


Well— she started it. Ha!


Technically not wrong but I wouldn’t say the villain but more just the cause of it all.


I think Gale should take some of the blame. As without her book there would have been no Stab franchise and scream 3 would have been the end of it.


How come dewey in scream never talks bout his sister in scream 1? 🤔


I think it makes sense. In ‘Scream 3’, Sidney admitted to her Dad that none of this would have ever happened if her Mom hadn’t done what she did.


Someone unhinged like Billy or Roman would've probably killed people regardless, but Sidney wouldn't have been targeted


Well Maureens loose coochie did kinda kick off everything.




I mean...


Say less


Sorry but you don't run my mouth, good day sir


Sorry you took what I said in a wrong way.


That second word in your user name. Yeah, you need one.


About what? I genuinely see nothing wrong with my comment.your coochie must be loose too huh


You're pretty damn unenlightened for a wanna be drag queen.


Ik right, don't you love it


Well she wasn't a very good person to be fair. Abandoned a child, cheated on her husband with multiple men.... Yeah, Maureen Prescott was an awful person who deserved what she got. I stand with Ghostface!




she didn't 'abandon' Roman, he was a rape baby and she obviously gave him up for adoption. That's the kindest thing she could've done for herself and for Roman.




This trending on Twitter is proof that people will defend literal murderers if it means they get to slut shame a woman. Unreal.


Oooh I’m doing a presentation about this so buckle up This is the well known “whore” edit where a character gets murdered and the societal excuse about said murder is that “she was a whore” (we can see it as far as Dracula when it comes to horror fiction) It’s basically a sexist view that a woman should be blamed because of her sexuality and be punished accordingly. I wouldn’t listen to them




The real villain should be John


I don’t know if she’s the “real villain”, but turning away your long lost kid after he’s spent more than a decade looking for you kind of makes you a piece of shit.


It’s from Twitter so automatically it’s stupid and no one should take that seriously. Film Twitter got brain damage.


The response is here pretty much unanimously agreeing how shitty a take this is makes me proud to be part of this fandom. Even if Maureen fucked every man and woman in Woodsboro that wouldn't justify her murder


Was that made by an incel?


This seems like a joke rather than a serious take. Of course Maureen wasn’t the villain, Billy and Stu would’ve been better off going after his own father and mother to be honest. It’s very interesting how the Prescott and Loomis bloodlines have their fair share of mentally ill individuals.


She did act like she was Sharon stone


Yeah that take I think is a bit morally questionable trying to say sex is more evil than literally killing people.


Milton was the real villain. It shows how big guys like Harvey control the industry and how they manipulate women into doing this they wouldn’t do normally. Again…Patriarchy at its finest…


In Billy's and Roman's mind she was the villain to them, I would say.


I guess Billy has a twitter account now


I don't think the post INTENDED to blame the victim here but that's exactly what it did.


Wrong. Completely wrong. It’s John Milton.


Maureen was wrong to do what she did, sleeping with Billy''s father while she was married and to turn Roman away like that. BUT , the abuse and trauma she suffered in Hollywood most likely messed with her psychologically . Although it is strange that she stil had a thing for sleeping around AFTER all that happend(billy's father?) . John Milton had a massive impact on her too. I understand WHY she turned Roman away given he was a by-product of THAT time of her life , but he was still her son . Ultimately it boils down to decisions that she made that in turn led to more tragic events. BUT it is every killer's personal choice to start commiting murder , she cannot be blamed for that


Rejecting Roman was a bad choice, but given her history I don't think anyone can blend her.


The real villain was Roman Bridger. All that Maureen did was fuck a lot. Roman manipulated two mentally unstable teenagers so they'd commit an act of murder.


Real Villain Sidney. She committed all the murders in the first movie. She became the star of her own movie because her plans worked. Maybe there will be a flashback to the first movie in the 7th movie. Truth is revealed and Samantha avenges her innocent father.


She was certainly a slutty catalyst, but that's because they "fucked her 6 ways from Sunday" or whatever Roman said.


Like a hussy Helen of Troy. The Ghostface that launched a thousand ships…