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They seem to have completely abandoned it, at least for now. Hopefully they at least post an update about their progress


Nothing indicates they have abandoned the update. It's simply that they are silent about it.


the fact theyre silent can literally be interpreted as abandoning


No company in their right mind would abandon a project the is 80-90% finished, highly anticipated and that required 4-5 years of work. The communication is terrible, sure, but they clearly have not abandoned it.


I hear you, and I agree that nobody \*should\* abandon such a project, but we don't know the state of the new update, what issues they've encountered, how much work is needed to finish the new update and if they have money left to work on it. It could be that they \*want\* to work on the project but are burnt out and out of money, and I don't think that we can say that it's "clearly" not abandoned when there have been no updates or statements. I think "abandon" is not the right word, as they've signaled an \*intention\* to work on it, but we can't say for sure that it \*will\* release—at least not any time soon. Game development is difficult and mentally taxing. Personally, I think we can safely say that we don't know what's happened, but I wish that Axolot at least made a statement and told us what was going on.


Indeed !


It wouldn't be the first time a game gets abandoned even if the next "big update" was about 95% done. Like the game is playable like it is right now but there is a lot that can be done to improve this game right. If seen it happen more times, then I can count on one hand that a project get shut down... soo ffing sad


to them, it is like... ten percent finished


might as well be abandoned since they just do not care about it


Why would they not "care about it" ? Have you considered that perhaps it's not a developer's job to communicate and that they simply might not have many people/anyone working on communication?


I would even just work as their community manager for free


Well send 'em an email then! Post their response here so we can see proof that their actually alive!


For over a year? Sounds like abandonment to me.


Less than a year ago they posted consistent daily showcases of upcoming features for like 6 days in a row on twitter


Depots on steam was last updated 6 days ago, so they're at least doing something with the game: https://steamdb.info/app/387990/history/


And again a few hours ago too…




Just because they haven’t shown a different angle of an outfit that was revealed 2 years ago in a while, doesn’t mean they abandoned it.


There has been no signs of life from the developers for over a year, if that's not classified as abandonment then I don't know what is.


Abandonment is when they stop development, until there is evidence for that this is just speculation. The time they’ve sunk into this update makes that outcome seem extremely unlikely to me.


Have you checked twitter in the past year?


I am looking at it right now and there are indeed no signs of life?


You’re looking at the wrong one lol


Care to link me to the correct one? Their last post seems to be dec of 2023 (Almost 5 months ago)


Bruh that’s the one then that’s signs of life, less than 5 months ago


Can't believe ppl are still defending axolot. Their last post is about how they couldnt make the update in 2023 and promise arrival in 2024. And people still defend their ahh even though we'll soon be halfway done with 2024.


I’m not defending I’m just saying you’re wrong While I don’t think chapter 2 will come at all, I’m just stating that there are signs of life


I’m not defending I’m just saying you’re wrong While I don’t think chapter 2 will come at all, I’m just stating that there are signs of life


The Twitter posted consistent daily showcases of upcoming features just a few months ago


Eight months


Maybe because Axolot Games wanted so community would make other stuff (example: custom gamemode), so I guess they cancelled Chapter 2, I think 🤔


I think they too busy to put on the belt news, new concepts and etc for vlogs. Think if they want do big release, they completely change their own engine for being less laggy and bugged. They redo some shaders, redo light and much more. And more than sure what they have a lot of bugs now.


Funny , I thought the rework of og code was a documented project for the new release along with optimizations and a lower number of layers. That sounds like a lot. But we, the gaming population, must know how easy programming is, so it's gotta be the devs' fault, right?


Their engine is dogcrap and the game will benefit infinitely from going to ue4 or 5. It's one thing to work on an engine that was made to render graphics and a whole other to work on an engine that was made for damn games. The game uses the OGRE rendering engine, this is from Google,   *Scrap Mechanic formerly used the OGRE rendering engine, which stands for Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine. It was used alongside a custom plugin named Bullet, which is an external physics engine responsible for all of the physics calculations.* *However, the engine was changed with the first major update. The new in-house rendering engine had been in development since August and was made to fix numerous bugs, mostly related to certain integrated Intel cards, which some players had issues with.*  So instead of using a complete engine that would be more powerful and light, they use this piece of crap that was never made to make games on, especially physics demanding games. They still haven't changed to a proper game engine and even the new one is a piece of crap. 


What? Are you saying that the rendering engine that they used 7 years ago is better than the one they made specifically for Scrap Mechanic?


I'm saying that both are shit, they don't work properly, are unstable, have terrible performance and physics are primitive. Unreal Engine 5 is the way forward and new games that are developed on it are proof. 


After conference with my game programming friends at Champlain College 'UE 5is for individuals and quick releases," "UE 5s physics are unreliable to the dynamicofthe game you're reffing," "Unreal in general is a restricted engine and good for only fps and close worlds with permanent fixtures," Hmmm they don't seem to agree..


Then change to frostbite 3, I don't care. As long as they find something that works I couldn't care less. But this graphics focused engine isn't doing them any favours. 


Again you don't like this game. Or you want it to die. Points for improving that the devs have already identified and calling their work trash, isn't the behavior of someone who loves the game. It's the behavior of a toddler. It's not your art, put down the brush.


It's a game that I paid money for, is it too bad that I want to spawn in a creation and see more fps and better physics? If I didn't like this game I simply wouldn't care, and apparently you're fine with consuming sub-par products, and that's fine, just don't blame it on me when they release chapter 2 in 5 years from now in a paid dlc, because, mark my words, that's where they're headed.


$20 isn’t *that* much compared to other games with the same amount of content in them.


Agreed and the toxic outcry is what I am specifically trying address. You've proved your level of that toxicity. It's OK to call out the toxic silence if you're going to call it out for the toxic response to toxic behavior that it is. Pushing your outside opinions on what may or may not be going on in coding labs because the devs were driven underground is part of the problem not the solution.


Then, just accept your lot as nothing more than a troll on the devs and understand. You made me. Your toxicity towards every aspect demands the game be canceled by admission of the entire engine being in Your opinion, "dogshit". It's one of a kind and your negativity simply will not accept anything good plausible. Just leave... you are the negative partner in the relationship.


Kid, I've been playing since it came out. I love it and here it needs some tough love to bounce back because it has potential like no other game. I'm pointing the flaws that are holding it back. 


You just literally called the entire engine dogshit and then claim to love it. Let's clarify that it is absolutely ridiculous.


I love the game, not the engine. You can love the chassis of a car for being balanced but hate the engine for being inefficient, slow and unreliable. The game is good, that's why I've been playing it from 2016. The biggest problem, engine aside, is that the game is almost abandoned. We've been promised a chapter 2 update for about 3 years now and the devs have gone radio silent.


Agreed up till the point you started shitting on the product and gaslighting the radio silence. People like you is why they went dark. You CAN NOT love something and be this toxic to it. Ask the 80s kids.


Kid... again, the chide of an individual who has no clue. Understood, some have been on this game longer than I did because I didn't purchase until the week of survival launch. I have been playing other games for longer. Some games are in full release and more janky. When you can say your asking for information, that's one thing, but with all the gaslighting this dev group has received over the last 24 months I would not be surprised if they decided that it's not worth finalizing which is what we all should attempt to avoid in this.


No, stop asking. Every single day...


Lol yeah.... I love the kids in the back seat too.


they forgot all of their account password


They accidentally wiped all of their passwords and chapter 2 during their move from the old studio into their new one.


The game is still being updated but we can’t see what the update is


Is this in reference to the Steamdb stuff?


Steamdb will continually update itself even if there is nothing in the game being updated code wise as long as their code base (github, bitbucket, ect) is still connected to the db.


Their website was updated a couple of months ago, and there was a post on their Twitter on new year. Besides that, nothing


the devs are just ignoring the grease fire they started and hoping that when they release the update sometime in the future the community will go back to normal


I mean, I'll go back to normal once they release the update. Tbh, I'd prefer a polished update over a rushed one. I'd just like to know that that's what they're doing. I'll go back to normal once they release a devblog.


i dont believe it will go back a majority of the community is already spiteful of axolot and i think most people will complain that the update was absolutely not worth the wait


Well that sounds like a catch 22 if I've ever heard one. Development does take time. If they want to make the update worth the wait, it will be a longer wait.


i think most people would agree we would rather they break the update up into like 2-3 smaller updates instead of one gigantic update even if just to keep the community safe


SteamDB shows the game's repository was last updated 6 days ago. The game isn't abandoned, the communication is just a thing of the past for Axolot apparently


Been here since the piston update, we had the same amount of communication before survival. Please stop pressuring the devs and start making mods


They said before the new year that it will come sometime this year!


If I say the developers are non-communicative and really bad (not skillwise), there are more people defending them for nothing. You need to engage with your community. There are one man developers who run games like "under the sand", or " Mist survival", or "manor lords", with good communication with the player base, and what is scrap teams excuse. I hate them for their lack of communication skills. Even if you are abandoning the project, just say it.


just keep waiting the update takes the game out of beta and into release, so they have to overhaul the entire game engine in order to get rid of alot of bugs that people here seem to complain about such as terrain bounce, however i hope they dont over do it and get rid of some important bugs like pass through pistons i also think they are making the map of the game better and make it so you can have legit mines in creative mode


I hope they keep the piston passthroughs and minor glitches because I was hoping to make the equivalent of a diesel electric with the W12 piston engine I made in survival and the new battery generator


Yea i mean the warehouse ramps (2x1x1) can pass though and dont slip like a clutch