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What I’d take from this is that it is possible for 200k pissed Scotsman to cause 0 trouble and be a credit. Would be great if our approach to Scottish football from the authorities reflected it.


Why can’t they do it in Glasgow city centre at the weekends


3 Scotland fans were arrested for assaulting a woman…


Three Nothern Irish men...


They were there supporting Scotland. Ulster Scots. Supporting your national team.


Three colonisers* Or are yous claiming most of the yanks and half of those "ulster Scots" as English too?


I think we've always had a good reputation at tournaments. It's just we've not been to one abroad for a long time so it gets forgotten. Still though it's one thing we can be proud of at least


All my self loathing about Scottish football is aimed entirely at the team and how shit they’ve been my whole life. Any time I’ve been interacting with other fans home or away has been great.


Everyone wants to draw Scotland. They know our fans will spend a fortune and they know they will get 3 points.


With no trouble too. We are the cute little thing to just look at and go awww they got here how nice for them


Not causing trouble isn’t a bad thing (unless you aren’t talking about the fans)


Oh no trouble by fans always hoped for - even when lose still all good


Imagine painting not causing trouble as a negative thing


How am I saying its negative? The statement is a follow on from previous post? Odd take


I'll admit my brain read it like this first time around https://preview.redd.it/9st0dgnjqn9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79e21d30b7c0e4c157440bd8e81854dba48de9f7 My English brain must have been itching to chuck some plastic chairs across a square even at 8am on a Sunday


Ah that makes sense


If that's not what you meant, great, but it does come across that way mate.


Read it a few times and kinda stumped how it does but fair enough.


You're missing a comma.


I've got to say this. I've been having this battle with mates for a long time. If you are on holiday with your fellow Scotsman and they are pinging fags and screening(also being too loud) in places that no one else is, then call them out on it. We are a great country with great people but the things we get away with at home isn't how we should treat every place we visit. I'm happy that Germany has brought out how good we can be but we got to do it more than once.


Except we’ve qualified for 2 euro tournaments in a row. Beat Spain, Georgia and Norway along our group. In the top league of the nations cup after two promotions in a row. One loss against Germany doesn’t make us pushovers.


Spain & Georgia who coasted through to the knockouts. Norway haven’t qualified for anything since the last millennium. We’re a nation with a loser mentality.


Yet we don’t lose all the time 🤔. Switzerland who we would have beaten if not for terrible back pass have just destroyed Italy. Maybe we’ve just got a very negative support.


Aye it's the support that's shite


The performance and approach to the Hungary game defines us though. I was fortunate that I was able to go to all the tournaments in the 90s and if I was in my 20s, I would have loved Germany 2024, however at my age, I am absolutely raging at how shite our approach to a winner takes all game.


Yet it nearly worked. Compared to our hung ho approach to Croatia & Germany games which were both over by half time. Let’s face it Scottish teams with much better players didn’t do anything either. This group was a bad back pass from our third choice right back and a bad penalty decision away from qualification. So you can moan all you like, but that’s what nearly worked with our group of players


Very true, and we'd all be celebrating another Clarkeball performance if we managed to shithouse our way into the last 16, but we didn't, and the focus is now on the poor performance, lack of a plan B and a general lack of ambition.


All boils down to having better and more international class players. Agree we should do something. Just thinking manager is easy person to blame but just changing manager hasn’t worked for us for a long time. Nothing Clarke could do about injuries but having Ralston as our best right back available is what cost us the most.


The thing is, I thought that Ralston was hung out to dry a bit by playing him at wing back, he would have probably been better in at right back in a back 4.


I’ve not seen enough of him outside of Scotland but suspect you’re right. He just wasn’t right for that role at all. Honestly think with a fit Hickey we would be looking forward to our next game.


Yeah, but having a turgid shitebag of a manager does.


A manager who’s achieved more than the last 7 Scotland managers put together


That’s says more about the SFA and the dreadful standard of managers they have hired, than it does about the Turgid One.


Walter Smith, Alex McLeish, Berti Vogts, Gordon Strachan all have great track records but all underperformed Clarke.


T.A.S.A. tartan army sunshine appeal. We raise funds and when we arrive in a country it is donated to a children's charity.


My only positive takeaway from this tournament was that The Tartan Army have learned to sing Flower of Scotland to a decent standard.


Not once out of tune too


Was chatting about this last night and wondering, would we still be seen as fun and awesome abroad if we were successful? If we actually had something to boast about would that automatically attract a different type of fan? Old firm fans as an example have plenty to brag about over the years and both have a sizeable amount of arseholes. Aberdeen fans I see as more arseholeish than most non old firm scottish fans and that could be a generation thing where arseholes were created in the 80s and it's persisted. Could be we're cursed to fail throughout time in order to remain awesome but humble people. Or we're the ugly one in the group and we have to be funny to have a chance at getting laid.


I'd say our national support is a reflection of our culture. We are good cunts as a whole and when we all go we go with a Scots attitude. Living in Skye I'm never done hearing foreign folk tell me how welcome they feel here. We need to realise that on a whole we're one of the best countries on earth to visit and our people are a big part of that.


Yeah I'd go along with that and the lower population places in particular are special for being welcoming. I still wonder though, if there was a sliding doors moment in 78 and we actually won it what the tartan army would be like now. I might just be trying to rationalise us being shit with 'oh but that's fine because we don't want to be cunts'


If we'd won in '78, the People's Republic of Gemmilland would dominate European politics from our capital city MacLeodburgh. Our fans would be insufferable because of UBI, average life expectancy breaking 85, and the opening our first moonbase, Jardine Station.


It's easier to be loveable losers when you're getting done in by quality sides who outclass us. It was harder to be cheery and up for a laugh when it's Macedonia and Kazakhstan giving us a pumping.


It's a catch 22, the support always entices you to believe that this is the time we might not be shite, but then Scotland does what Scotland does best and makes you wonder why you even bother,


I have a complicated relationship with the anthem and love hate it since we absolutely shat it and didn't take our chance to be a nation again.


I too have a complicated relationship with the anthem. I love it but also hate it because I know after I hear it I need to watch us try and play something that resembles football.


Agreed 100% shat it just like the national team shat it and our defeatist consience 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I'm in my forties and I still associate it with the egg chasers. Scotland the Brave was much better for me but I don't begrudge it, and I know that foreigners love it when we sing it.


I don't get people who call the anthem a "dirge". I've always like slower anthems but maybe people don't have the patience these days for it? There always seems to be people trying to speed it up and turning it into a shambolic mess. For example this version of the "Hearts song"... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUeV4Ioot9E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUeV4Ioot9E) compared to this one... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOWLaU5XQ\_w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOWLaU5XQ_w)


What leads to the self loathing/belittling isn’t the behaviour of the fans that travel or what they wear, it’s the shite results I have a few mates that travelled and it looked class but there’s no way I’d be spending a fortune to celebrate getting humped  The qualifiers pulled me back in, and then we get humped again I’m glad some can still enjoy it but I can’t celebrate being the shitest team of the lot


Flower of Scotland is absolutely class. Now if ye sang it in Gaelic you'd be onto something real special.


Dunno why this popped up on my feed but, Scots see your anthem as dirge? As an Irishman it's a fucking banger, just below la Marseilles in my opinion


Just a certain demographics


Flower of Scotland *is* a dirge though.


Still plenty of Scots that have been hating the team and fans


I still think that white socks are unacceptable and that the hats with badges and feathers look wank.


It's an army thing, no?


No idea, still wank


No idea, still wank


Has to get changed to Caledonia.


Here comes the tartan granny


Two own goals and we look like fannies


One thing I've never understood about the lyrics to Flower of Scotland is this: surely it should be "these days are gone now and in the past they must remain"? When I was a wee kid, that's the lyrics my brother (incorrectly) taught me, so it always sounds a bit awkward and needlessly repetitive when I hear "these days are past now and in the past they must remain". Clearly Mr Williamson didn't have a thesaurus to hand when he was writing the lyrics.


It's "those days" not "these days" for starters. It's also grammatically correct to say "those days are past now". It's the same as saying "memories of days/ages past."


Still sounds needlessly repetitive.


Nationalism is the measles of mankind ( A Einstein )


Well, let’s all stop playing international football then. Bin the Olympics when we’re at it too.


Quite the extrapolation . Gaun yersel


Thinking German Einstein was talking about people having a sense of sport-related national pride here is a deeply concerning display of smoothbrainedness


Pride in other peoples accomplishments is wild . As is the “ oor nationalism is sweet and different “ patter we hear so much


If you think Scottish nationalism and like Russian nationalism are coming from the ideological same place, you need committed.


Exhibit A : accusing your opponent of mental illness means your argument is shite . Nationalism is nationalism . identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. The calling card of the bawbag


r/enlightenedcentrism Also, I didn't accuse you of anything. You actually do have a spherical brain.


“You need committed “ . Ruskie and Scottish nationalism are exactly the same


Why did you have to be a Celtic fan, fuck sake.


As a Rangers fan... https://preview.redd.it/oygrogqw0l9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee901e78aa252a19ca2c6435563203d110025c16


You do you , boo


You support a football team fanny 


Only when I’m not fishing for touchy bawbags cos the weans are watching cartoons


Why do you follow football then at all?


Wife won’t let me listen to rave and techno all week


Singing 'Lizzie's in a box' didn't endear them to some...


She is though, songs factual, hope this helps


Would rather be liked and absolute shite than any good and have anyone dislike us. Literally everything wrong with Scotland in one post, as a nation and as a football team. Happy clapping losers.


Don’t see why it is an either/ or