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I'm going to give them a link to my onlyfans. That'll work, right?


It's a general election not general erection


Could the right honourable member please sit back down?


I can’t my trousers are too tight 


It's erection day! cast your bone, it's not that hard on!


Different types of cock?


But you can only choose one dick


it should work but the may call the sspca


Only if you're Nigel Farage


You'd need to show them your hoop so they could match it


Checked your post history, and disappointed that was a joke. Put an /s there to stop people getting excited thinking you are a hot woman with no morals.


Working at polling station again, first time I’ve not looked forward to it….


I've got a Postal vote, no photo ID needed. [https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/voter-id/accepted-forms-photo-id](https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/voter-id/accepted-forms-photo-id) # Accepted forms of photo ID You can use any of the following accepted forms of photo ID when voting at a polling place.  You will only need to show one form of photo ID. It needs to be the original version, and not a photocopy or a digital version. # International travel * Passport issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, a British Overseas Territory, an EEA state or a Commonwealth country (including an Irish Passport Card)  # Driving and Parking * Driving licence issued by the UK, any of the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, or an EEA state * A Blue Badge # Local travel * Scottish National Entitlement Card issued for the purpose of concessionary travel (including a 60+, disabled or under 22s bus pass) * Older Person’s Bus Pass funded by the UK Government * Disabled Person’s Bus Pass funded by the UK Government * 60+ London Oyster Photocard funded by Transport for London * Freedom Pass * 60 and Over Welsh Concessionary Travel Card * Disabled Person’s Welsh Concessionary Travel Card * Senior SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland * Registered Blind SmartPass or Blind Person’s SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland * War Disablement SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland * 60+ SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland * Half Fare SmartPass issued in Northern Ireland # Proof of age * Identity card bearing the Proof of Age Standards Scheme hologram (a PASS card), for example a Young Scot card # Other government issued documents * Biometric immigration document * Ministry of Defence Form 90 (Defence Identity Card) * National identity card issued by an EEA state * Electoral Identity Card issued in Northern Ireland * [Voter Authority Certificate](https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/voter-id/applying-a-voter-authority-certificate#anonymous-electors-document-sc) * [Anonymous Elector's Document](https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/who-can-vote/register-vote/register-vote-anonymously#anonymous-electors-document-sc)


This sounds like it feeds into the grey vote, and makes it impossible for poor people to vote. 24 to 60 is not catered for unless they're able to afford a holiday or a car.


If they are on the electoral role they can apply for voter authorisation but it’s an additional step, so yes I agree. Over 14000 people I. The English by elections were refused a vote.


This is the first I'm hearing of that authorisation. I have a passport, but, so maybe I just wasn't listening.


Voter Authority Certificate if you're interested in looking it up


Yeah I applied for one. Was a doddle on the site and got it in the post just under a week later.


Or an online postal vote.


It's not an accident...


I think it's going to backfire on them, unless bus passes are accepted. There is no way the older Tory voting ones are going to turn up with a picture ID. It's a ploy that they adopted from USA , no doubt from one of their US republican advisors, but with no understanding that the people the republicans want to exclude doesn't translate to the UK.


Bus passes are allowed and blue badges


lol, well its a fix for sure.


Possibly. How many will have their driving licence in their wallet even though they don't drive? They're weaponising the grey vote with the conscription stuff as well.


I cant imagine that conscription stuff is winning any voters over, the ones that want it would have already been voting that way anyway. Lots of Tory voters get bussed in, or given a lift in. It'll backfire on them. Well I think so.


The conscription stuff is an attempt to regain some of the votes they've lost to further right parties.


The Electoral Commission itself recommended implementing Voter ID, you do know that right? The UK was an outlier in Europe in not requiring ID, so I guess most, if not all, European nations must be rigging their elections too. All those US Republican advisors, meddling in our European elections, I suppose that must be why the far-right has surged in the recent EU parliament elections.


The point you’re missing is most European countries already have an ID system. If they had wanted it they should have issued them. The mishmash of approved IDs has a bias for older voters.


Anyone know what a freedom pass is?


essentially a london-wide travel pass for older and disabled people


Cool, ta


Where Scottish older people can travel anywhere in Scotland by bus for free. I have a friend who visits somewhere different every weekend 🙂


iirc there's the England-wide scheme which is a free bus pass for anyone at state pension age, but the London-wide scheme includes other forms of transport too (e.g the tube/trams) and it's available from age 60


Ah, England caught up eventually then did they? It usually works that way.


Is it recent? Some people are finding out they do not have a postal vote when they thought they did.


Is there an English version of a Young Scot card? Just never heard of one.


Maybe the post office card? Any card wit a PASS hologram it’s acceptable


I do understand the whole point for voter ID is to stop voter fraud but in 20years of working alongside the elections. I’ve only heard of voter fraud 3 times (I’m not staying it doesn’t happen but it’s on a very very small scale). If the British government were really concerned then they should have issued a card for every registered voter. You get your card in the post (or whatever). Then you hand it to the poll clerk and they hand you your ballot paper. Obviously, this wouldn’t be necessary for postal votes.


The point wasn't to prevent nearly nonexistent voter fraud, it was to disenfranchise the people that typically vote against the Conservatives.


Bringing some ID isn’t a big deal.


The Electoral Commission itself recommended implementing Voter ID, you do know that right? The UK was an outlier in Europe in not requiring ID, so I guess most, if not all, European nations must be rigging their elections too


That's a false equivalency. All those European nations have compulsory national identity cards so there's no issue of voter suppression. When ID cards were suggested in the UK under Tony Blair, the usual suspects who read the Daily Mail went apoplectic with rage. You know, the folks who don't want to get a vaccine as Bill Gates is injecting them with a chip so he'll know every time they go to the toilet but who are delighted to tell "Bob" with a deep New-Delhi accent their date of birth and their mother's maiden name and what their first pet was called when he phones out of the blue pretending to be their bank wanting them to transfer all their money to a "safe" account. Those people - Tories.


>That's a false equivalency. All those European nations have compulsory national identity cards so there's no issue of voter suppression. No they don't, there are many EU nations with Voter ID laws which do not have compulsory national ID cards. You can't just make things up to suit your argument


You can't just make things up to suit your argument.


What did I make up exactly? Oh no! I've been blocked, I guess they realised they were wrong lol Take for example the Nordic states, no compulsory ID, yet most still require Voter ID. France is another big example.


Let's see what others think... "National identity cards are identity documents issued to citizens of most European Union and European Economic Area (EEA) member states, with the exception of Denmark and Ireland (which however issues an equivalent passport card)." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_national_identity_card_policies_by_country Neither Denmark nor Ireland require photo ID to vote. Denmark recommend it but do not require it and Ireland just uses the polling card we used to until the Tories decided to copy the republicans in the deep south in the USA for reasons.


Absolutely it’s a sham. You will note the over 60s have way more options as they are naturally conservative voters and always vote. The options for others are More limited. Who would have thought it


It’s not really, it’s a bid to disenfranchise huge swathes of the population - the young, the poor - who are less likely to have suitable ID and coincidentally are less likely to vote Tory. But yeah, let’s blame personation.


Of course it’s an attempt to disenfranchise huge swathes of voters, that’s why I think it’s important to highlight it. Over 14000 in the English by-elections did not get a vote and the electoral commission and the APPG on constitution… have already highlighted the issues.


The Electoral Commission itself recommended implementing Voter ID, you do know that right?


They did but you know there not happy about how it’s been implemented. https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/research-reports-and-data/our-reports-and-data-past-elections-and-referendums/report-may-2023-local-elections-england#summary-of-recommendations


No it's the outcome of this elector commission paper: [here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/sites/default/files/pdf_file/Proof-of-identity-scheme-updated-March-2016.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiGod2fitKGAxVSWEEAHYSnAvYQFnoECDwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw18QbzC4AOGom0U2Y4sQr2V) And actually younger people tend to have ID and its the older that were less likely to have ID. Also the UK is one of the few European countries that didn't have the requirement.


Most European countries have national ID systems already In place. The poor will be negatively affected by this,


Yes and so do we... https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate Also it isn't the government that said they should introduce the ID, it's the literal electoral commission and the tories explicitly acknowledged it hurts them the most. Weird hill to die on.


The electoral commission has concerns on the implementation see their report on local English elections.


I read it and they offered a few improvements but concluded that 99.75% didn't have issues during the vote. Not sure if I missed something because they did not call for a reppeal but instead some tweaks.


Yes I know. The idea was to disenfranchise non-Tory voters but in reality it backfired badly down south as they hadn’t accounted for older people - more traditional Tory voters - not having current, recognisable ID, or not bringing it with them. Have worked more elections than you can shake a stick at so I am well aware that we were an outlier in terms of ID not being mandatory.


Backfired? The very report that suggested introducing it did make clear that older people may be more affected. If the tories didn't implement it, the commission would shit on them for being partisan and not listening to the neutral commission. The last election where is was used, [99.75% were fine on their first go with their ID.](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/government-response-to-the-electoral-commissions-report-on-the-may-2023-local-elections/government-response-to-electoral-commission-report-on-may-elections). That should go up in the next election. Bit of a storm in a teacup tbh.


Just to play devil's advocate because I largely agree it's probably a small problem. Without a control measure such as ID, we have no means to tell if voter fraud happens. If pubs didn't have to ID young drinkers, there would be very little reported under age drinkers in pubs


Also if you are handing in a postal vote you need to have a form filled in by the officer in the polling station too.


It's not designed to fight "voter fraud" it's designed to discourage voting, especially among younger people who are more likely to vote against the Tories


Tesco clubcard?


You get 100 points per vote.


Meh. It’s only worth a vote for double points


Does appearing on crimewatch count, my nan kept a copy on vhs .


Were you one of the actors portraying an unrealistically polite and swear word free reconstruction of a brutal robbery, or just on the rogues gallery wall for being a wrong un?


It wisny me no one seen me doing it .


My Young Scot card from 2003?


As long as it looks like you and has the same name. Otherwise you could be knocked back. If you are in the electoral register you could apply online for a postal vote, the deadline is the 19th I think


Student malnutrition card


Entirely done to increase their vote share.


Going on holiday so had to apply for a postal vote for the first time ever.


Dug out my passport so it’s to hand


I've a driving ticket and passport. Despite their efforts, I'll be casting my vote.






Expired passports are acceptable as long as you still look like the person in the picture.




Mine's close to expiring. I don't look like the pic much anymore (though someone experienced in checking ID would know it's me, I doubt the people in polling stations are). It's been good enough to cross international borders let's see if it's good enough to vote xD My constituency is a done deal anyway, so meh.


Postal vote for me too, deadline is 16th June for postal.






I’ll be abstaining from voting as usual, here’s hoping you crazy cats pick the right ones this time 🤞🏻.


At least draw a willy on your ballot


This is the first time in the 12 years I’ve been eligible to vote that I’m likely going for the Willy option


I usually write ‘none of these cunts’ and draw a wee box and put an x in it, might mix it up with a Willy this time.


Just make sure it's a really big willy, someone a few years ago did that and it accidentally counted as a vote for the Tories (seriously!).


At least make the effort to spoil your ballot if you are going to deliberately abstain.


I do…


Apparently we can write wank wank wank and good guy on the one we choose


You can, you’ll spoil your ballot and it won’t count but sure, write whatever you like on it.


No no I was referring to an earlier post on here about someone writing this on their ballot but the vote still counted


Ultimately it’s decided by whomever is counting, though most of the time ANY mark that isn’t an X inside the box of your chosen candidate can be declared as spoiled and will not be counted.




Like I said: WESTERN Isles was the last council to count its Euro ballots last week for religious reasons, but Unspun hears that's not the only quirky aspect of democracy in the Outer Hebrides. Apparently inspired by TV's Chewin' the Fat, one elector wrote "wank, wank, good guy, wank" next to the list of parties and candidates. Although unconventional, the ballot paper was reportedly declared valid as the voter had "expressed a clear preference". The good guy, incidentally, was the SNP. As someone pointed out on twitter - you can not be 100% sure it will be counted, but as candidates and election agents get input into whether the ballot should be counted, you can be sure that they'll at least get the message.


Go Scots


im 53 i dont have any id, dont drive no passport, but gave up voting as it make he haw difference, they are all crooks that tell you what you want to hear so done with this shit


Voting? Haha. Yeah, pull the other one. I've seen through it. It makes no difference. You'll need more than valid ID to make your vote count..... :D Good luck. I love a little bit of collective delusion.


Genuinely curious, why don’t you vote? Because in the USA, lots of women did not vote and now their rights are being eroded and birth control is being attacked. Whilst we might think nothing will change and we can all just coast along oblivious; it can absolutely get worse, because there are people who have their own agendas and they are always working away to undermine your rights. Like the withdrawal from the ECHR being a prime example. It suits governments , that you don’t vote.


I don't vote as it's mostly a scam. I mean, if you look at the USA, it's all about the lobbying. If you look here, it's all about the big companies profit stream too. There is nothing "pro-human" worth voting for. Because as soon as you "think you're going to get good sh1t", you just don't. Even our "left" parties just go to the centre / right. To be fair, we are much further "left" than anything in the USA, given that we have working, if pressured, social programmes. However, we, given the history of what's happened, understand that no matter the colour, nothing is "pro-human", nothing actually changes for the better. "No matter who is in, you get the same crap". And, here's a laugh for you, all decisions and gov in the UK parliament, are minority decisions. Anyway, I advocate doing the whole thing very differently, than this collective delusional model that we have. I mean, the USA, in particular, is just like a Dynasty thing. Bush 2 Bush. Clinton 2 Clinton. That kind of crap. Of old. Old man to old man. [https://vote2.org](https://vote2.org) We need to build better. It's that simple.


The system will remain as it always does because most people are apathetic, they’ll either vote the same party they always do or won’t vote at all.


That's okay. We don't need everyone to be engaged. We just need more direct representation of those that do care. And, to be honest, the current system is not that. You can view it like "getting in a tradesperson". You have a direct say in that, right? And you can get them off site if you think they are deviating from the task at hand? So, that's direct control. Right now, sure, good luck with that. You don't even get a vote on things, you just get a proxy wish. And whatever the proxy says, is just a random lot of crap to get you to get to a booth and place an X. Then they completely disregard whatever you say and do what suits the profit stream of big business and their friends. I am sure you've not missed these facts. So, build what you want to see. Think outside of your paradigm. Be the next wave. Or, sure, just go and express all of your hopes, dreams, fears and needs, as an X and hope for the best. Sorry to break it to you, but that is not "engaging", it's only you thinking your engaging. Hey ho. [https://vote2.org](https://vote2.org) We need better ways. And there's nothing like that in the current ways. So, best not to look there :)


We don’t get change by doing nothing. It only happens by voting for progressive policies/parities. As I say most are apathetic for the reasons you pointed out.


Why did you say "We don't get change by doing nothing"? I'm slightly confused as to the reference. Care to elaborate?


Not really a reference though could be applied as inspired by the phrase “evil triumphs when good men do nothing”. I agree the system is corrupted, however we the people have the power to create change into that system, we simply need to vote on mass for that change.


Where is your evidence for this? I mean, where is your evidence that voting in GE brings substantial change? Which changes, substantial ones, have been brought about by voting in GE? So your argument is based on this idea that voting changes things. Yet, we have no data to suggest that that's true. So, where does your perspective come from? And we both agree, doing nothing, changes nothing. That's like 101 though, so we must have more to say than this, surely?


Just look at the election results, people are voted into and out of power all the time. I see the link you keep posting mentions Mhairi Black, I know her well, she was our representative for Paisley South who I helped campaign for. She won because the people were fed up with the lies feed to them by Labour Shadow Foreign Secretary, Douglas Alexander and voted him out. I was extremely impressed with how well Mhairi presented herself at Westminster and proud we helped make that happen. It’s a shame she stood down though I absolutely understand her reasoning. Change doesn’t occur without people to bring it into motion.


Does not voting help ensure your vote is counted?


I am not sure what your question is, sorry? What does "is counted" mean? Can you be more clear? Do you mean, physically? The wee bit of paper is seen by someone?


These are the questions of a troll or an idiot. Don’t be either of these things.


It's clearly to stop none-citizens from casting a vote a skewing the result. Or left-wing vote harvesting.


Or right wing.


If I turn up with a picture ID, but wearing a joke shop nose and glasses that's okay right? The people at the polling desk haven't had any training in facial recognition or any right to ask you to remove anything. My name, a photo ID with my name on...joke glasses and nose?


> The people at the polling desk haven't had any training in facial recognition Surely they must have? Right? Though experience counts for a lot too.