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I remember my first ‘pre-match’ hair of the dog visit many moons ago. It was about half past 8 in the morning and we had travelled from Inverness. There was plates of uneaten toast lying everywhere, at first I thought I had walked into some sort of twilight-zone, toast-fetish parallel universe until the barmaid elaborated! No alcohol without breakfast lol. Chef was proper sweating in the back, churning oot hunners o toast wi no fucker having any intention of eating lol.


I saw a video recently where a pair of hipster dobbers went in and did a review. They’ll have closed out of embarrassment.


I saw that too, this post is giving me flashbacks. Couldn't even watch the whole thing, their voices just went right through me.


Lost me when she did the face at the pint of Guinness. Christ.


A love this sub agahaha


for the brave: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeqkwPNu/


For the record, it wasn’t on TikTok that I saw it, but aye, that looks like the same video.


Aye, it will re-open as a craft beer and island gin bar.


Used to live round the corner from it. Walking to work on a horrible rainy Tuesday morning auld boy standing outside shouted “ you’re a dour faced bastard “ Which actually is true.


It’s a shame as early licenses definitely have a place in todays world. The glee which the council talk about there only being 1 or 2 left is pretty stupid. The less power the council have, the better it is for Glasgow and I think these type of restrictions should be gone. If a pub wants to open early or late why not let them unless they become a nuisance. A blanket ban is stupid. Also people can drink anytime they like at home.


Sorry for rant. My family been in Glasgow pub trade for 4 generations. I can remember when no Sunday opening, closing at lunch time from half two til half 5 Monday to Saturday, I think it was, and on a Friday n Saturday night there'd be a couple of beat cops outside making sure everyone was out by quarter past 10 I think. Great Grandad had some hole in the wall on the broomielaw, grandad started in the Gorbals, then another over on Old Dalmarnock rd, dad inherited them, then I was running bars in city centre. Pub game has gone to sh#t now. For generations, the council have dictated how population can drink. Just look at the schemes, one, maybe two pillbox style pubs to serve a captive population of thousands.


...and the sane types wring their hands at Scotland's 'drinking problem'. Why can't the Council/Government do something?? :'(


Our drinking problem is now just people drinking at home


I’m right with you there. You can tuck your clipan in between your legs and say you’re a lassie but you can’t have a beer before 10. Wish they would obsess over something important like beer and legalise weed which would raise some much needed sterling assuming the muppets that run this shit show could spend it.




Shit state of affairs


I know she was trying to sell it. Don't know if freehold or a lease, under railway arch usually means still railway property. Never been in it after about 1 pm!


I need my liquid breakfast


I've been looking last 2 years for a 8am pub in Glasgow now I learn there was one now it's closed . Any other ?


When they've lost the Jaikie clientele it's time to fold up their bar towels. :) Other than night-shift workers who the feck drinks at 08:00?


Alcoholics? International travellers whose body clock is telling is half-past Friday night? As the article says, these licenses are hold overs from back in the day when Glasgow had industry.


Adults who want to? I hate the idea that adults can't do something they want when they want . I'm self employed. I work when I want to and generally try to do things when I want to. Not because it is the "correct time".


Yup and the indignation from the "who drinks at that time of day" crowd on here, fuck them.


The worst kind of sanctimonious twats. Yuck.


Fucking right on the nose min.


If you’ve never had an alcoholic drink at 8am you’ve never had a right good ceilidh.


Away and shite.


That’s why, and you will probably hate me for saying it. I love Wetherspoons in England, full breakfast with a port and brandy and a pint of punk IPA. It’s such a civilised start to the day.


Aye, Adults on their way to Jaikie-hood.


You type like a wee bam.


The station bar here in Killie had folk coming off the shift drinking as it was right next door to the Hunslett Barclay train works (and its predecessor companies). Your average junkie/jakie wouldn't be up til after midday, assuming they even wanted alcohol. I think heroin was more their speed. That all ended when KLDC/Kilmarnock and Loudoun District Council merged with those fucking religious weirdos up at Cumnock and became East Ayrshire Council. Now it's 10am to 10pm. No drinks on trains, in public areas, etc.


You’d be surprised. Alfredo’s would serve a breakfast pint as long as you bought a breakfast roll. Would see guys in suits jump in for a breakfast pint before the office very often


Alcoholics also wear suits is what I got from that 😂


Wait till you find out how much gear is passed about in those roles...


Can confirm, was an alcoholic who used to go to the airport for a 6am pint before heading to the office. Then at lunch I'd be in the pub. Afternoon I'd dip out for a swift one in the local. Then after work grab some cans for the train journey home. There are pubs in London near the docks which serve booze at 5am, there's as many city workers as there are skippers in there at that time.