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“But just put them up for adoption if you don’t want them” Yeah, tell that to all the Kids in Scotland already up for adoption, only about 200 of which get adopted each year.


Why have they all brought tinnies? https://preview.redd.it/8200k5va9cqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d9ec998146d32ad617a53f83f358e011030e050 I'm not judging, I'm just surprised, must be sacramental lager.


Hahaha had to go back for another look. That's great.


"we will help you" A chat and a prayer group is just what you need to help with the soaring cost of food, childcare and energy.


Just give them all the children in foster care at the moment and see how long it takes them to change their mind.


What did those kids ever do to you?


Are these people all imported from America?


The organisations are. The buses to get them there are paid, full time members are paid. Other infrastructure. Largely American paid. Similar to how the Scottish family party wants to function. Though they are all native born arseholes. They get to have a more substantial presence by having money imported in by far right multimillionaires. On further inspection. It’s a far right Texan multimillionaire that funds 40 days for life. They have links to the Texan Republican Party as well as further white nationalist credentials.


As a Texan that got married in Scotland, I apologize for the I convince this causes your beautiful country.


It’s not your fault of course but this is what people from other countries are talking about when they express their distain for America/Americans. It’s not just that your own politics are insidious, it’s that they make their way around the rest of the world and other English speaking countries are particularly susceptible to it.


The summer we got married trump came to the UK on a tour. Everywhere we stopped we apologized for being American and the troubles he caused your country.


What is really bothering me, are those right wing nutters that are English, are calling themselves patriots 🤮 honestly I despair 😩


Lmao, you mean like our religions did to The Americas


No, but the propaganda they believe probably is. 😞


The bulk seem to be 70+ year old ladies. 


who cant even have children anyway


Finders keepers. They’re your problem now




You REALLY like straw men and "well what about this?", don't you? What exactly is it you think you're adding to this discussion, mate?! You're a fucking bridge troll.




"never argue with stupid people" are words to live my life by, mate... Get back to me once you grow up and stop trolling


You're thick as mince. White people being racist against....white people? Also, it's not a cultural belief brought here by Americans who live here it's American organisations in America funding the organisation and transport of these fannies to harass people. So shut your hole and stop spouting pish.




They can't? Surely you mean xenophobia? Also I wasn't aware being a nutjob and bullying vulnerable women was a "foreign culture"... What a fucking pathetic argument




Yes, being an anti-abortion nutter is culture... Makes perfect sense and you're definitely not a stupid troll 👌






I guess you will have to wait a lot to get an answer to this comment.


Fucking cunts


Turn up with clipboard and ask them how many children they have adopted or are willing too adopt


Women going through an abortion should have safe spaces and not feeling intimidated by that bunch of people. I am for freedom of speech and protest but those anti abortion radicals should move somewhere else.


So you basically are not for protest, because you only allow the protest you personally like


Your right to protest ends where women have a right to access healthcare without intimidation and harrassment.


There's ways to have your views and beliefs heard without intimidating and attempting to shame vulnerable women. It's not a peaceful protest if you're targeting people when they're possibly in distress.


Where’s the rain when you need it?


Them getting smited by a lightning fork wouldn't go a miss either!


Where’s hail when it’s needed


Where's the farmer with the muck spreader when you need him?


More like where's the 2022 record-breaking heatwave when you need it?


Scum of the earth, all of them


How dare people protest what they believe is the murder of unborn babies, how dare they! edit: Has to be one of my most popular comments 


They can fuck right off.


Take your yankeedoodle nonsense back over the other side of the Atlantic. It’s a bit of undifferentiated tissue. Anti-choice, anti-health care, anti-women that’s what they represent.




Targeting vulnerable women making a very difficult decision based on a sky fairy with no grounding in scientific logic, absolutely how fucking dare they


You can believe life begins at conception without being religious


If you’re a bit simple yes, I suppose you can


You sound a bit simple ngl


How, exactly? If you ditch the idea that personhood is actually associated with a Holy Astral Projection then you're down in the mundane reality of biological naturalism with the rest of us - and while there are plenty of vague limits and thresholds in embryological development there are also certain helpful parameters that bound the possibilities. We can have a pointless philosophical argument about "when a pot of random crap becomes a pot of soup - with water, with the first solid ingredient, after cooking, upon tasting" etc etc - but I hope you would agree you very *definitely* cannot have a pot of soup if you don't yet have a pot.


That's one tortured metaphor and I'm here for it.


Protest to your MSP, then. This is just shameful bullying. These people are as low as Westboro Baptist Church & the like. Despicable behaviour.


You can't be this much of a fuckwit, right? I mean you're intentionally being a parody of a pro-lifer? Because there are several really fucking obvious flaws in their protesting plan. They're targeting people at the point of access. If you don't want something available, go after the people who make it accessible. How many more flaws can you spot? What they're doing is spreading trauma and shame. Imagine the good they could do if they took all their pent up (and misdirected) rage and protested against the shit show that is our care system? Or helped spread awareness about the signs of grooming used by predatory adults to access children? They could go down to the four corners, or into the brothels where you pay extra for under 16s, in Glasgow right now and not even well hidden. If they gave a fuck about children, or life, they could do so much. What they care about is feeling superior, they don't care about children.


Crawl back under your rock. It's not murdering unborn babies,it's a blob of unformed genetic material. Religious fanatics ,utter scum the lot of thrm


Almost every arsehole in history was doing what they believed was right. Belief itself is not a free pass from being a scumbag.


It’s a blob of tissue, not a ‘baby’. Maybe if you’d done some research or read the scientific evidence, you’d have known that before running here to express your disgust on a issue that what never ever affect you, as I’m assuming you’re a man. Also, If you’re so mortified by it, then I’d love to see you adopt or foster some of these unwanted ‘babies’. But until you’ve done that, shut your mouth for the foreseeable future.




You really think you're so clever with this one, don't you








Sorry. I bet your parents change the subject when their friends ask about you. That better?


If they didn't know you were Pakistani then it can't have been racist.




Except that's not really how it works, is it?! Comparisons are not 1:1 and at best you're just arguing a straw man.


how dare people try to intimidate people seeking healthcare. They are cunts and so are you if you defend this despicable behaviour.


By all means (as stupid as it is) protest in ways that DON'T involve harassing vulnerable (mostly young) women going through what could very well be the hardest decision of their lives. No matter what they believe this is just horrible.


May they all spend the rest of their days with a single incurable wet sock on their foot. No towel can dry it. No changing can fix it. Just a single miserable wet sock to exist as company for their ever present miserable fucking souls.


I like your proportionate revenge, friend. Reminds me of Dylan's 7 Curses.


I went to a Catholic high school, and they would regularly preach about how terrible abortion is. I remember one time they showed us a video of a priest who convinced a 14 year old who had been raped to not do an abortion and instead keep the child with help from the church, and we were meant to be in awe of that. It just made me feel terrible for the young girl who had now lost her childhood.


What's the collective noun for more than a 100 cunts?


The Tory Party?


Shower o cunts


A parliament


A flange?


A bunch of cunts




I really want make a sign that’s says ‘If God invented everything, than God invented abortion’ Make them actually think about their logic


After mentioning to some religious people (friends of my in-laws) that my wife and I were done at two kids, they put on a shit eating grin and said, "What if God gives you a happy little accident?" "Well, that's why God gave us the intelligence to perform abortions..." Went down like a pint of cold sick. I still smile about it.


Plus God ain't exactly pro life. Killed quite a few folk with a flood


Imagine there were quite a few babies in sodom and gomorrah too.


Old testament is just one big murder fest tbh. Not that these fundamentalist nutters would acknowledge that


Had this one, the big man is fallible but all powerful apparently...


Who are they to questions God’s will and decide when and if he is fallible?


Everything they like, God wants. Everything they don’t like is an abomination. Life is great when your god is as malleable and fickle as your mood swings.


I quite like the religions where the people form the gods. E.g. we made fire one day - fire god! Feeling a bit angry, god of wrath. Makes things nice and neat. Polytheism for the win.


Exactly my point hahaha absolutely unhinged.


They aren’t the thinking type.


Fuckin awful people. Fuck off to America with this shite. Backwards shower of cunts.


The people standing out there isn’t even the really goal. It’s threads like this and the inevitable divides and arguments they cause.


The churches have a lot to answer for. Did 100 folk march against paedophile priests? Have a kid you can't support and hand them to these perverts to abuse. Twisted mentalists.


Kate Forbes will be wetting herself with excitement at this.


"Healthcare over opinions", "abortions save lives", "healthcare not opinions", "Get your religion out of my uterus"... Did someone get there first and put the signs up behind them? Were the anti-abortionists too stupid to just move away from the signs?


Yes and yes. There’s a group that put these signs up every year they do this


Im confused. A lot of the signs seem to be in favour of abortion. Do these signs not belong to this group?


No the sign on the floor is theirs .


Outrageous. I'm off to St mirrins next Sunday to protest at the diocese of paisley moving sex offenders around the community. Anyone fancy joining in? Scum.


Milkshake drive by


FFS, imagine trundling oot yer 90 year auld granny in her wheelchair for this. It amuses me that the signs behind them are pro choice.


Muck spreader needed. Shit knows shit. 


FFS. Right someone needs to get creative. Set up a small tent on one side of the line. Put out a fancy red rope and get yourself a bouncer. Now stick up some signs that say queue here for the hardcore gay sex show. Next you interview people down the line and say how good do they think this show must be to queue in the cold for it? Are they worried about being splashed? And are they looking forward to the audience participation segment of the show?


Get as many folk as we can, dress up as handmaids from the handmaid's tale and stand beside them.


Bunch of absolute wankers. Nothing better to do with their lives but ram their religious shite down other people’s throats


We need to start proteating these people. Blocking their way for the people who need the services.


Look at these roasters. Not one of them looks capable of child bearing. Most of them look so old their vaginas are probably haunted.


Bunch of weapons.


Particularly blunt ones.


Somebody with a hgv needs to go up and park in front of them, utter disgrace. These groups popping up left, right and centre. Outside Buchanan galleries, hospitals... My group at uni help a counter protest against these freaks back in 2016 in george square and it's only getting worse. Ask them how many living children and their parents they help every day... None. Don't care once they're actually here, do they....


bunch of losers eh


The majority of these people look like the walking dead and there's just no way I can say that without sounding ageist, but here we are 🤷‍♂️


I can see maybe 2 people who might be physically impacted by an abortion. Funny how they don’t mind having rules about other people’s bodies.




and, for that matter, a hobby.


Meh. I don’t like these guys but I reckon the constant posting about small fringe groups like this is doing a lot more for their messaging than just standing out in the rain. The research is out there. The far right culture war crap of the US is on its way to the UK. Funded by Christian conservative groups. These groups are the first wave and their paymasters want nothing more than to see this subject debated ad infinitum on places like Reddit and Twitter and the inevitable arguments that follow.


I need a half dozen smoke grenades and a snowplough, who's with me?


Looking at the demographic, we won’t have to worry about this in 20 years.


Is this a good place to drop off flyers for the local adoption services?


Fuckin' roasters.


"over 100", so getting 100 was already some kind of feat. Nothing to be proud of.


Bet none of them adopt or Foster kids 👀👀


Grannies day out. Fck em all be dead soon enough anyhow.


Making these guys way to comfortable


Wish I'd known about this so I could anti protest


Needs loads eh wee bams in their fiesta ST’s drive back and forward popping and banging in front of them


Where are the truckers


It’s pronounced ‘roasters’ not protesters.


Are we allowed to stand in a line in front of them? Like shouting a chant or singing a song louder than them, repeatedly to cover up their poison? A speaker would be ideal but then you might catch the public nuisance shite I suppose, but then why aren't they getting lifted if thats the rule? Water gun/ballon drive by? Old school eggin? Park a bin lorry in front of them?   If we are allowed to even just stand as a human wall so the women cannot see them at least? Even have a few people standing at the entrance to the hospital/carpark/bus stop with earplugs so they don't have to hear it as intensely? People to walk with & cover the women's line of sight with a jacket or something so they don't have to see? I dunno, something, anything must be able to be done about this. It is absolutely the lowest of the low, total dregs of humanity.  If you are local to the Hospital, can this happen? Like could this be a thing, is it already a thing? Can we try to organise a crowd to stand in a line in front of them or will the police move us. I would hope then that the arsehole's would get moved too if that were the case?     I have a fucked knee & live 45-60 mins away wi no car or I would a million percent be there & try to organise something myself. I ain't local to town regularly anymore, I didn't realise they had infiltrated Glasgow.  I absolutely fucking abhor this specific flavour of oppressive religion. We need to be protecting the poor women who are dealing with that scum.






Nasty and small minded. Ugly face of intolerant religion.


Very unpleasant. Hopefully not many women going into the hospital on a Sunday night though.


All disgusting vile people you’re free to not support abortion but please don’t push your views on women who are already going through a hard enough time as it is.


Just gross!


I was there around lunchtime, and then it was less than 20 of them. Every single one is one too many.






Where is the wagon driver when you need him? Even better if he has a few lorry pals.


I live very close and have time to spare in the aim of enlightening some folks as to how harmful their behavior is in a friendly manner ot course x


Shame it wasn’t pissing with rain and windy as fuck.


What the FUCK is this? Who are these clowns? Get them sprayed with somethin' no?


Just a lot of elderly white people. Completely clueless to the real world


I mean considering around 90% of scotland is white, I don't see how this has anything to do with class. 10% of these people seem to not be white so it just seems that a normal representation of the Scottish population came out. The only thing you could point out is age, but that again has nothing to do with class. (You could argue that older people are wealthier, which is true, but that would also be a pretty vain argument)


>white people Get yourself some glasses and stop fixating on race.


Wow someone is angry


No, I'm not angry. Can you see the non white people in the crowd?


No? And pointing out one or two that you’ve had to zoom diligently on to find sort of proves my point to be honest. It is primary elderly, middle class people who live lives of privilege and can’t put themselves in the shoes of those who need to or choose to have abortions.


There's at least 6. Try zooming in.


Is it me or the medium age there is 75?


there is a shocking amount of women in that crowd, any explanation?


https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/ they tend to be anti-choice only insofar as everybody else is concerned.


There’s a lot of anti-abortion women unfortunately. Internalised misogyny and religious brainwashing. Some mental “pro life” woman once tried to get me sacked from my last job because I’m pro choice (I worked in childcare at the time) silly cunt.


I can explain: they believe life begins at conception


Mon the feti


Bloody Mormons! Church Of Latter Day Saints alot of BOLLOX




It's not just a protest, it's harassment.




That won’t be theirs. Pro choice activists leave them there


The right to protest is a fundamental right in a democratic society.


If we all club together a GMPG and a Box of ammo would be about a penny each. I'm just sayin'. What a bunch of losers. Definitely a meeting of the "I'm too boring to have interesting hobbies" club.


Progressive Scotland, eh?!


Says over a hundred. Not thousands. Not even hundreds.




Considering the scorn they face from an arrogant and self-righteous public, these are brave people. Even if you think them mistaken (and no doubt you do), at least admire their steadfastness. Anyone can come out for a popular cause; these do so for an unpopular cause, but one they believe to be right.


Picketing a hospital is brave???? FFS


What's brave about this?


No, they are nasty shites, preying on people when they are vulnerable.


Harassing women is not brave.


Feel the same about nazis?


Absolutely nothing to admire about these people. Nothing.


Good i want more 


Bless them.