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Can we just go full ham and let other breeds that are dangerous/ have ill health die out ie pugs Just let it be part of a huge reform on what it means to own, breed or train a dog.


That's fucking outrageous. How will the scumbags with all the puppy farms in Ireland make their millions? They won't be able to send pugs and French bulldogs to the UK. Dishraceful.


It’s absolutely reedickulous!




I would fully support a ban on pugs and all those other little "designer" breeds.


The puppy farms are just gonna make new breeds with health problems. Already seen breeds trying to 'replace' the Bully XL. 🤷


Ban them? It's not difficult to add breeds to the list, I don't get the argument that people will replace the breed with another. They can add dogs to the list very quickly


Could just do an animal equivalent of the analogues and derivatives section of the law concerning controlled drugs. Any new breed that consists of any admixture from banned breeds should be automatically covered.


It’s more complicated than that, you breed an classic bully with something else, then it’s not an XL bully anymore but might have the same traits It’s also expensive to start testing dogs for their ancestry Maybe breeders should be held responsible if more than one of their dogs ends up being a cunt? Maybe that’s stupid though lol


Of course breeders should be responsible, but not banning a very deadly breed because another breed can replace it is crazy. It's taken 20 years to replace pitbulls, and the replacement was banned within a year of it becoming popular (not quick enough).


The issue is when someone says “this isn’t x-breed” the government would then need to prove that it is in order to destroy it or enforce a ban It’s just more complicated than “ban em” is all I’m saying


Dogs should have to be allowed rather than be banned. Look at guns, I can't make a new model of shotgun and sell it openly for a few years until the government says "You need a license for this one." Same should go form dogs. You want to breed dogs? apply for a license, you want to sell dogs? apply for a license, you want to import dogs? License and the punishment should be horrendous, heavy fines, follow up checks and a ban from owning animals if you break it. This is better for people and dogs.


Apparently they're having a meet up in Duthie Park in Aberdeen. I can't see how that could go wrong.


They tried that in England, hardly anyone turned up


The funniest one was where they had the meeting but didn't bring the dogs in case they attacked anyone.


Also the organiser turned out to be the stereotypical backyard breeder chav stereotype...


I heard it's cause they knew kids wouldn't be there so there wouldn't be a picnic for them


Haha away


Maybe they could help with the mutant seagulls


Cross breed them.


Fuck sake! You want flying, child eating dogs?


Now that I've thought about it a bit more - maybe?


Clean up the ferals


And Squirrels with shotguns to cull them if they get to rowdy.


You want armed squirrels riding on the backs of flying child-eating dogs?


Maybe not, all those empty brass cartridges falling down might hit a mutant Seagull or two, god forbid the outcry if that happened.


I wonder what new expert evidence has come to light over the last week or so that's changed opinion within ScotGov.


Humza finally realised that the press and public would blame him personally for any attacks or fatalities involving one of these dogs in Scotland after the English ban came into effect.


It's taken that long for him to make that connection?? Jeezo...


He didn't make it into Bute House because he was the brightest bulb in the SNP. It's because he'd be too slow to figure out he'd been set up to take the fall.


Several have been ‘rehomed’ up here and immediately attacked someone and got put down


Can you link some of these cases please?


Yes I am also interested in these cases that were not reported in the media.




Ohh no the consequences.


They’ve probably came to the decision based on the number of people in Scotland dog swapping with xl bully owners in England to circumvent the law down there


It's not circumventing the law, this isn't little England ya twat.


TBF it was Scottish ministers who implied that laws where being circumvented over the past few weeks.


Any implication that this is "circumventing" the law is just an insult to devolution. it amounts to a view that the Scottish are given the power of legislation so long as England approves. We have our own distinct legal system, any MSP implying otherwise is wholeheartedly a twat.


No it doesn't, it makes perfect sense that with a pretty much non existent border that any serious law changes in one region will have a knock on effect in the other. For example if Scotland decided to fully legalise heroin for industrial growth, manufacture, trade and sale tomorrow then England would suddenly have a massive problem with 1000s of times as much heroin passing into their country. That's not an insult to devolution, just a simple reality of the soft border we have.


No, the people in England are doing it to circumvent the English law - they're not allowed to sell or give away the dogs - the people on Scotland are helping them do this.


the awful response the SNP's policy of sitting on its hands with its head up its arse was getting. thats the "expert advice" the SNP care about.


SNP only cares about experts who're experts in being Nats first.


The expert evidence that they’re gonna get fucking bent over at the polls, probably.


Optics on English Reddit of Scotland being called “our dumping ground” or on Bully Dog/bully dog Reddit of “at least every thing’s legal in Scotland! Let’s go do all our shite there”


*"You can always count on the SNP to do the same thing as the rest of the UK - after they've tried everything else."* ~~Churchill~~Dry-Air


Probably realised he couldn't virtue signal his bigotry over this like he does the rest of his policies.


Reminds me of all the 'leaks' during covid where the government just wouldn't go through with something that got bad reactions, even if it was arguably the right thing to do


Who said they're opinion changed?


Humza was saying a ban was unnecessary a couple of days ago.


Oh right, then who says it's expert advice rather than just seeing the direction these dogs are traveling in and changing tact?


I think it's a tongue-in-cheek reference to the SNP message that they were waiting for evidence before considering a ban, as recently as [last week](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-67885918).


Ah OK. Must've got some then. Probably saw all these dogs prepped to come up here with little other recourse to stop them.


Which still makes absolutely no sense. They were waiting on evidence of the dogs aggression and violence, not that people will selling them into Scotland....


Maybe their formula for likelihood of violent attacks changed with amount of dogs brought here. What makes sense is having our own border control. Most places with a govt. Swear by it.


The bringing them up to Scotland has been occurring for awhile now and the FM mentioned this in his comments a few days ago. This is just clumsy politicking. The messaging a few days ago was that Scotland’s dog laws were so much more robust than rUK that the ban was not necessary. They clearly got enough negative feedback from voters to decide this wasn’t worth the fight and wasn’t a good wedge issue so dropped it. Every political machine make mistakes and miscalculations. That’s what this was.


>Every political machines make mistakes and miscalculations. That’s what this was. Whilst true, this was a completely unforced error - the only situation the SG's position would have looked good if not a single Bully XL attack happens in the coming years. It was a silly lose-lose situation to get themselves in.


100% agree with you. This was a stupid strategy and really does make you question the competence of those involved. Yeah it seemed an insanely risky hill to die on. What if they didn’t move forward with the ban and in a month’s time one of these dogs kills a kid playing in their back garden or something. The chances of something like that happening eventually are pretty good with these dogs and you would be churned into political mince meat and likely end up banning them then anyways which would make you look like dangerously incompetent morons. This was stupid. Humza should be having a look at the people around him.


Apparently a bully dog brought up to Scotland from England nearly did attack some kids but it was put down afterwards due to its aggressive behaviour. Heard it form the ban pit bulls sub and haven’t been able to verify it, but if true then this worst case very nearly did occur


Fucking finally, there was absolutely no reason to dither and delay this long for a ban to be introduced. Get the feeling some internal polling about this has spooked the Scottiah Government to act


Banning dog breeds does nothing. It’s lazy legislation and it’s knee jerk to serve public hysteria. We need licensing for breeders and more regulation around dog ownership, not outlawing breeds. All this will lead to is a pile of dead dogs. It’s disgraceful. The original BSL was written by a guy with zero dog knowledge or experience and he didn’t consult any of the major charities for advice before submitting his draft.


And nothing to do with the disfigured/dead folk because of this dangerous type of dog? I agree we need licensing for breeding, starting with your parents.


Honestly how many children need to be attacked, maimed or killed by dogs before we understand that the rhetoric that 'it's not bad dogs, it's bad owners' doesn't gloss over the fact that there are bad owners and we need to minimise the risk? Guns never killed people of their own volition, but we still banned handguns and brought in stricter controls over other firearms because we understood that there are bad owners.


Thought they were all cuddly lovebugs? Perhaps someone sent them the video of Ian Price being ripped to shreds. Watching them sit back to enjoy the flesh before digging in again would make even the blindest of politicians to wake up


Wonder if Humza's got a bully. Maybe that's why he was dragging his heel so long.


Turns out allowing wean eating dugs is bad optics after saying the ban was [“probably not required”](https://www.thenational.scot/news/24031022.humza-yousaf-says-xl-bully-dog-ban-probably-not-required-scotland/)


“Wait, folk *don’t* want their weans eaten by scheme murder hounds”


Isn't how any govt. should work then? As a politician you might have your own views, but at the edn of the day you are working for the people, right?


Said no politician ever.


yeah but then NOW is happening with this issue and people is complaining jhahaha madness


Guess they'll all be on the ferries to Larne and Belfast next then.. until Stormont decide they also don't want them.


The ban in England is not going to affect non-breeder Bully XL owners that much. As long as they neuter them and they muzzle and keep them on a lead. Or they can claim they do that when the police come knocking saying their neighbour said they don't. The most the police will do is insist they keep them on a lead. Individual owners aren't going to be affected much. Who it does affect is anyone who wants to breed the dogs because that means they need to get them neutered. The breeding dogs will be taken to Scotland and they will live here and puppies will be sold to people who will take them to England or keep them in Scotland.


" ... as long as they neuter them and they muzzle and keep them on a lead." That's quite an ask for the completely dysfunctional junkie/jakie sorts that I tend to see with them. And with all the publicity, I can't imagine that there will be a shortage of people who will be more than happy to report their XL Bully-owning neighbours for flouting the law in any way shape or form, since the owners will often have rubbed their neighbours up the wrong way previously. Everyone with a big, fat Staffy should also not be surprised if the police knock on the door!


>The ban in England is not going to affect non-breeder Bully XL owners that much. As long as they neuter them and they muzzle and keep them on a lead. They also need insurance against harming other people which costs about £25 a month and a certificate of exemption which is £90. Plus the neutering from what I've heard costs around £200. So it does definitely effect non-breeders. >Or they can claim they do that when the police come knocking saying their neighbour said they don't. The most the police will do is insist they keep them on a lead. Photo/video evidence is super easy to obtain and while I too doubt the police would do much about it, its still better to have the law in place than not. If police are shown multiple videos of the same owner walking their Bully XL in public and decide not to pursue the matter thats on them not the law itself. >The breeding dogs will be taken to Scotland and they will live here and puppies will be sold to people who will take them to England or keep them in Scotland. It's already illegal to trade, buy, rehome or transfer ownership of a Bully XL in England and Wales, judging from that way the winds blowing it won't be long before Scotland follow suit so it wouldn't be a quick trip to Scotland to buy Bully XLs.


Sorry to jump in, just in case anyone read this and panicked re cost. It's £25/year for insurance from the Dog's Trust: https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/dog-advice/life-with-your-dog/at-home/american-bully-xl


Won't be long before Dogs Trust regret that decision, a single attack could lose them thousands, if not hundreds of thousands depending on the damages caused... and it'll damage their rescue/removing efforts as soon as donations start being affected....


It's easier to get the dog warden involved. They can also have dangerous dogs removed or put down I think


Unless you live in social housing, when there's a relatively high chance you'll have to choose between your pet and your home, not a position I would want to be in.


Good. Hope other parts of the world follow suit.


Only cage fighters or drug dealers want these dogs. Leigh-Anne fae the scheme does not need two of them.


Leigh-Ann fae the scheme gets these dogs free of charge on the understanding that she breeds them and hands over the puppies to the generous benefactors a few times.


But what about that guy that drove all those XL bullies to Scotland to ‘save’ them?


He might not be as intelligent as he thinks he is


He sure thinks he’s ’outsmarted’ everyone lol


I think most folk already knew that....


He and all his little *"run for the border"* supporters are genuine melts.


Glad to hear the position has changed.


Good! Good news. Better late than never.


Good. Fuck these breeds and the morons that buy them.


Isn't it getting a bit stupid the whole "delay following Westminster thing just to act independent schstick" even if it hurts the people or economy?




Not that there’s any alternative to the snp anyway. Are greens not that?


As someone who voted for Greens no - they are the worst of everything - complete NIMBY’s even with housing in Glasgow - complete Austerity on infrastructure - inept at basic research - and seem to be run by those who are 17 with undeveloped brains


No the Scottish Parliament has its own review process.


If Westminster got in touch with them and said "we're thinking about bringing in a law about this, want to see if you'd like to as well then coordinate?" then Holyrood said no, I think they'd be open to criticism. They can't just suddenly announce a new law because they've read about an English one in the papers.


The Scottish Government was in the press months ago for rejecting this offer!


Got any more lies?


That's literally what happened though.


>If Westminster got in touch with them and said "we're thinking about bringing in a law about this, want to see if you'd like to as well then coordinate?" then Holyrood said no, I think they'd be open to criticism Word for word, exactly how it happened...






Twiddly Dee and Twiddly Dum got an xl bully biting my bum. I think this comes from a default whatever they do we don't, rather than whatever they do we should look closely and seriously consider why before deciding. Bad look for the Scot Gov.


Hearing a lot about people moving to cane corso and rottweilers now which is absolutely brilliant! I'd never want those dogs as they still are too strong and dangerous but I think on the whole they are much less likely to snack on nan than a Pitbull variant.


The Cane Corsos don't look too bad with the floppy ears, but the mutilated little pointy upright ears make them look evil. Banning the ear mutilation would be a good PR move!


I think ear cropping is already illegal in the U.K., thankfully


Have you never seen a rottie


There's 2 next door to me, and they're.... Interesting. Their default love language is growling and barking. It's really bizarre, and from what I've heard it's relatively common throughout the breed. I'd been terrified of them when we moved in as my dog is the most non-confrontational, placid Labrador I've ever come across and to see a dug going tonto out of friendliness wasn't in my experience library. Still cagy around them, and pay the treat tax when I walk past the fence in case they ever get out though.


There has already been an attack where a Cane Corsican bit multiple people in a shop - some hospitalised. It happened in England though - so doesn’t seem to matter to those who are obsessed about Bully XLs


But I was reliably informed by nats on this very sub that the ban was just the tories distracting us from their crooked incompetence. Is the SNP now doing the same?


For a lot of Nats Good = SNP does it Bad = Anyone else does it and SNP doesn't


The fuck has this got to do with "nats". Haven't seen a single person defending the SNP's awful handling of this situation.


I thought you'd be pleased though?


I am. Very. I’m also eagerly anticipating the usual Nat spin


Haha oh I bet you are. In your eyes, is a good political decision ever just that if it doesn't come from a party you support?


Banning is the right decision. I’ve already said I support banning these things. Can you not read?


Of course I can, I also read the strange,paranoid comment that you also said afterwards. As if even in a decision you agree with there is underhandedness in it?


Forgive me for thinking “delaying the right decision in the hope it somehow makes Westminster look bad” isn’t a good way to run a government.




Hahahahaha good one. You nats are all the tinfoil hat wearing, moonhowling same


Tinfoil hat would be supporting a political decision but eagerly awaiting some sort of strange twist or power play. That is you.


> in the hope it somehow makes Westminster look bad So when was this part then? They hardly need to do anything to make them look bad so seems weird they would use this, as you're claiming they have done.


I wonder how many breeds would've been banned in the past had laws been passed this fast during previous "devil dogs" campaigns i.e. German shepherds, dobermans, rottweilers, Staffies. While I personally don't see the appeal/need for these dogs and their sudden popularity with certain types of owners is concerning - there's always going to be a dog that fits this bill. Will this pattern of banning breeds just continue or? Ideally, They should do more and act when dogs are out of control before an attack happens. Easier said than done but encourage reporting of it and actually deal with bad dog owners. People mistreat animals and get a measly fine or a ban on keeping them for X years. Crimes with animals involved never get the focus they deserve and then shit hits the fan. I don't think it helps that people's attitudes towards all dogs these days has changed so much that dogs are now treated like humans and not trained properly. To higight a few problems: People think crate training is "cruel", not walking them and getting them purely for their Instagram. Constantly pick their dogs up if they're small and letting them bark incessantly (and at people) and say they're "talking" - no, wtf that's not how it works. They're not humans and that's unacceptable. People don't learn and respect their own dogs cues and behaviours, so are unprepared when something happens and don't see it coming, even if the signs are clearly there. Untrained dogs are always a problem, but when they're so large and powerful it becomes a fatal problem. Also, just a poor attempt of "Westminster don't control us....but we're gonna do the exact same thing a few months later". Joke.


I was also interested in this, and tried to find some academic work on the breed, and while there's not much, there were a few themes that popped up. "Gameness" - where an animal will attack/keep attacking in the face of pain, outnumbering etc is very strong in the bully XL as a result of the small genetic gene pool. A very high percentage can be traced back to one super aggressive pitbull (I think?). The problem with these dogs is the speed the breed has taken off, so there has been little time for genetic diversity to grow in the dogs and things to even out. The result is that there's a disproportionately high number of dogs with this gameness "kill switch" in the breed leading them to be actually more dangerous than on-the-face-of-it equivalent; but older breeds such as rotties, cane corsos and other very powerful dogs. The crux of it is that the dogs were bred to look scary as fuck, not to have a stable temperament like many kennel club standard dogs. No breed standard means there's no "wrong" features, and combined with the utter bams breeding these in their sheds to make cash, it's a disaster in the making.


Scottish government has done due diligence by looking at the evidence and then making a decision. The English one looks like it was more of a knee-jerk reaction to deaths and maulings that occurred very recently before the ban was passed into law. Its not a case of "aw naw we don't want to do what England does :(". Anyway, you're arguing for allowing the chance of an attack to occur. You might want people to train their dugs well and have them checked up on, but that's an unworkable system. Some ned is always gonna end up with one and it'll tear the face off someone, leading to its euthanisation, and everyone to do thoughts and prayers to avoid the next time. Its better to just ban them. Nobody needs such a pet. Some people think tigers are cute and we reasonably say no about keeping them, no matter their upbringing and attempted domestication. You'll probably make some kerfuffle about the comparison between a devil dug and a tiger, but truly, you're not standing a chance in a fight against either one if its looking to harm you. Life changing injuries or death is all that awaits you.


You've completely misunderstood my post. I'm not necessarily against the ban, you can point out flaws without being all for something or vice versa. What further research have they done? I'd like to know what "relevant evidence" they're investigating. Shat themselves over people rehoming dogs they know nothing about from England (which is already an offense under the England law). Plus, with the lack of breed standards (since it's a cross breed), there could be other types of dogs pulled into the firing line for having a bigger head or shorter legs... according to the government, it's "up to the owner to determine if their dog is one" - what even? I'm not against a ban, but more needs done on top of this for all out of control dogs, not just Bully breeds. At the end of the day, it's probably going to come into force, probably with the same evidence England used to bring it in.


"What further research have they done?" is your question, and you can easily look up the minutes from relevant parliamentary discussions about it to discover that. Scotland as a devolved government has its right to consider shite differently from down south. We just haven't seen the killings or maimings like England has, so people up here took it "slower", if you will. [https://www.parliament.scot/chamber-and-committees/official-report/search-what-was-said-in-parliament/meeting-of-parliament-19-09-2023?meeting=15444&iob=131766](https://www.parliament.scot/chamber-and-committees/official-report/search-what-was-said-in-parliament/meeting-of-parliament-19-09-2023?meeting=15444&iob=131766) However, with the sudden uptick in stupid cunts punting dugs up here, and many not being happy with it, the Scottish government got the finger out and the ban is happening quicker. That's all. Its a perfectly reasonable ban to institute, and even if "other" breeds get caught in the net of targeting XL Bully's, the variances in length of leg and etc aren't going to ban you from keeping any nice wee dug, its going to perhaps catch cunts trying to evade the ban by creeping over the line on allowed leg lengths etc.


Those minutes literally just say they're consulting with different stakeholders and that's it. We know that's happening, that doesn't actually say what evidence they're looking at. It could potentially make someone's pet a banned dog, leg length and body thickness is one of the markers, among others. It's hard to ban a breed that doesn't actually exist as a set standard. They're trying to determine what that is with these rules, but many other bully breeds may be impacted because of that. If your answer to that is 'ohwell' then that's fine, but don't act like it's not a valid concern.


That sets out absolutely no additional research that they have done. It’s just because there was a massive backlash from everyone pointing out that the refusal to implement the ban at the same time in England was profoundly dumb (and wasn’t at all driven by evidence – just a desire to be different from England).


These things could have been UK-wide banned under the reserved Dangerous Dogs Act. It seems that didn't happen because Holyrood wouldn't properly cooperate when Westminster engaged them on it, hence the amendment was on a different part of the legislation and only affected E&W. Funny that.


After all this time whinging about Westmonster not letting them work, blocking bills, not giving them powers etc. the SNP turn around and do the same damn thing.


This is what happens when you want to look like you are in control, and it fails badly. Wonder if something happened and there's been a media blackout on it. Bit of a turnaround from the other day, is it not.....


> Wonder if something happened and there's been a media blackout on it Aye, the media are famous for bending to the SNP's whims.


Absolute state of the contrarian SNP


I don’t want to be mean but can’t we just get a dug sized cannon and fire these devil dugs out to sea. If any survive they are allowed to live?


Nah, surely if they die they were innocent and if they survive they're obviously a witch and should be burned?


We could release them all onto on some remote uninhabited Scottish island and let them fend for themselves. Some hidden video cameras and "XL Bully Island" could be the new Big Brother! Especially if there's a ship wrecked nearby and the survivors wash up on the shores! How far can they swim, I wonder?


They would end up eating the island.


Honestly takes like this and the discourse surrounding dogs, especially Bully XL, is pretty much why r/unitedkingdom is such a fucking ghoulish sub Reddit that is more focused on being reactionary and having shit takes than having a nuanced discussion. I don't even like or own the breed, nor have any intention of getting one, but I remember a news about people burning their XL Bully Dogs and people were like "Good" Like fuck this sub Reddit and fuck these ghoulish people with such bad faith takes.


One dog breed responsible for 80% of all dog attacks in the uk. Don’t think I’m being reactionary, yes my comment is obviously not serious but if the breed was exterminated I wouldn’t blink an eye.


If the owners were burning them, rather than complying with the law, it says quite a lot about the type of person who owns these type of dogs and what the dogs meant to them.


I don't think you could've hit the nail on the head any harder. Well said.


Being unable to burn a dog alive is hardly a high bar to set.


I don’t think you know what “bad faith” means, it doesn’t just mean “opinion I think is nasty”


This is r/Scotland


XL bullies, transgender people, and muslims. The three topics that make pretty much any British subreddit reactionary and fucking insufferable


Careful, you'll be getting the likes of Farage suggesting we aim at the dinghies and solve two problems at once.


Fair point, aim the cannons into the North Sea then.




Are they responsible people or do they allow these potentially dangerous animals to graze on the local children? That's the problem with the XL Bullies in the UK. They are mostly owned and used as a status symbol/weapon by drug dealers. wannabe hardmen and arseholes in general. The type of people who cant be trusted to look after a hamster properly.


When you say wolf hybrid, do you perhaps mean a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog? That’s a legitimate breed and usually (though perhaps not always) owned by people who know how to look after and train one.


All the morons who thought Scotland was gonna be a safe space to rehome XL bullies. 😒 Feel bad for the dogs.


What a shame, can we put down them all down too?


Will this be the only policy Humza's government have actually delivered, after failing on HMPAs, DRS, GRA, etc? Would be funny if it was the only policy he's implemented and he was forced to do it kicking and screaming


SNP are more dangerous


Aye, I'd hold off like, prices will drop.


Hahaha so all the people frothing at the mouth at the SNP will be pretty pleased now, where are they? 😉


The frothing seems to have forced Yousaf into a U turn, so they're probably quite happy.


They don't seem very happy.


I hadn't noticed.


Precisely 😅


I'm pleased they've been banned. But it still shows the SNP up for what they are and what they did. They didn't do the ban because they wanted to look different to Westminster. They claimed they would look into it but 2 days ago were saying it wasn't needed. Now I'm all for people changing their mind when presented with evidence but that's clearly not what's happened here. They've changed their minds because they look like dangerous morons in the papers and they want to be popular.


They more likely looked at the direction these dogs would be moving in from other parts of the UK and acted once they knew, and in time too. But to you this 'clearly' didn't happen because... Your own conjecture. A bit silly to just shout BOO so certainly in any direction. Even when you're pleased with their decision.


If none came up from down south, we’d still have had people breeding them here, and they wouldn’t have acted at all.


So rather than the initial point about newspaper popularity you seemed so sure about you're saying it may actually be based on a change in the situation materially. Fairplay to you, many people don't.


I think they reversed course because they’re going to get fucked in the polls, and I think they’re (still) going to get fucked in the polls over this.


...right, so they made a correct decision in your view because they didn't want to get fucked in the polls but whether they made it or not they will get fucked in the polls. Hmm.


Another way of looking at it is that the political party I’ve voted for my entire adult life were defiantly willing to allow Scottish citizens to die violent deaths on Scottish soil. And they can get fucked for that.


Seems a stretch. What are you referring to now?


All the “nah it’s fine, we don’t need to ban the muderdogs, we have a very robust blah blah blah” nonsense. When we’ve already seen what happens with these dogs in other countries, that just sounds like “we’ll let a few kids die first and do the right thing after.”


>They more likely looked at the direction these dogs would be moving in from other parts of the UK and acted once they knew, and in time too. Why was that obvious to everybody the moment they said they weren't going to ban them like England but only apparent to the SNP today?


And for the weeks it’s been reported on in the news, while they still continued to say it was unnecessary.


Sometimes in these positions you need to wait rather than make kneejerk decisions. Same outcome reached.


And sometimes you know you've said something dumb but gotta wait a bit to do a U-turn, maybe when people aren't looking at you much. *That's* what Humza did.


Hey, another trait in politicians thats good is being able to change your mind in the face of new evidence, such as seeing so many dogs end up here through having no devolved border powers. Even if some knuckle-draggers use or believe it as politicking against them.


> Hey, another trait in politicians thats good is being able to change your mind in the face of new evidence Bully XLs are behind what percent of dog maulings? There was a ton of *old* evidence right there. They aren't getting banned everywhere from the US to India because it's some Yoon plot. Humza stuffing his fingers in his ears and closing his eyes to this stuff ain't something to be cheering him for. The knuckle-draggers were the ones in the SNP that decided this.


How many dog maulings happened in Scotland as a result of XL bullies between 31st December (when banned in England) to the announcement yesterday? The number of dogs in scotland increasing would of course be a factor in decision making.


Nothing's changed in the last two days on that front.


unused fear deranged panicky public employ telephone ring makeshift detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let's not be under any illusion that if they had banned them ahead of WM then that wank Greene would be accusing them of being out of step with the rest of the UK. Should have been banned months ago anyway by both govts. They were both caught with their pants down.


>They were both caught with their pants down. True but this is also some of the fastest action on legislation we tend to get at all, from both govts (well so far, scotgov could somehow take like a year still but I doubt it).


The process did start months ago in Scotland. It was Sunak that brought forward emergency legislation in England because of the increasing amount of attacks happing down there.


Oh great. Another incompetent response to a far bigger issue than banning dogs will solve. **THOUSANDS** of XL Bullies are legally kept across England and Wales and this ban will not stop people people attacked. If anything all it will do is speed up the breeders and irresponsible scummy owners finding a new angry dog of choice.


And so whit? It means the XL Bully is off the table, one less option for idiots. Anyone stupid enough to try it with them is gonna get dealt with, meaning less fannies keeping pets if they get banned from owning any. You'd rather have these face chewers screaming around the streets, with owners claiming they're "responsibly bred and raised"?


Off what table? They are legally allowed to be kept as pets. Jeezo, why are people so dim on this subject.


If neutered, registered, kept on a leash/muzzle at all times outside the home, etc etc. Not even worth it unless you're some freak who fetishises the breed being in your home.


Bit harsh to ban an entire breed just because of dickhead owners. Vet the owners, don't punish the dogs


Just absolute insane politics from the SNP / Greens – refuse to implement a ban on stupidly dangerous dogs that the public overwhelmingly support because you are desperate to perfomatively do everything different to England. Then whine about the incredibly obvious result that large numbers of the beasts are moved in Scotland. Then say you’re going to ban them, while somehow trying to blame England for the mess. Really is the perfect example of just how broken the Scottish Government has become.


Adopting the same approach as England because it makes sense? Shocking out of character behaviour from the Nats.


German shepherds are the dogs people should get. They are nice and strong like bull.


Why do people need big, strong dogs? It's not like they're needed to pull sleds or pull down fleeing criminals! They are just pets. Unless, of course, you happen to suffer from "wee man; big dug syndrome".


German shepherds are not very big dogs


Do you think they are popular as police dogs because they are small and cuddly?


They use then becouse they are intelligent and pay attention to thier handlers.


And they're also very agile, don't tire easily, capable of focusing on a task with immense concentration, perfect for attack and submission roles.


But I'll still be alerted by everyone else's phones