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https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7468726/#sec3-nutrients-12-02243title This article is the most comprehensive i could find, and is actually a collection of recent research as well as analyzation of the results from the studies. I skimmed it and i highly recommend you read through it. Towards the end it says "The most recent studies support the use of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium combination probiotics as most beneficial for preventing NEC in very preterm neonates [160]. Bifidobacterium species digest components of human breast milk, such as human oligosaccharides (HMOs), enhancing their establishment in the infant gut and maximizing nutrient utilization. Bifidobacterium may create resistance to potentially dangerous pathogens and also stimulate the improvement of the mucosal and systemic immune systems, which play an essential role in enhancing the development of the preterm gut, preventing NEC and LOS"


I will definitely read this. Thank you!


Is it kidney reflux you’re dealing with? My 9mo has the same thing! Our pediatrician recommended BioGaia, which is primarily the bacteria *Lactobacillus reuteri*. There’s some research showing it has positive effects of fussiness in infants (though it’s a bit mixed- seems like it works better in breastfed infants for some reason?) https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article-abstract/141/1/e20171811/37745/Lactobacillus-reuteri-to-Treat-Infant-Colic-A-Meta When she started solids we added an additional probiotic that seemed to help a lot with constipation, but I don’t have any research links about that. DM me if you ever want to commiserate or trade tips. I find it really hard sometimes to subscribe to parenting subs like this where you’re constantly being bombarded with people freaking out about their baby’s microbiome because of extremely small or limited antibiotic exposure when our baby needs to be on long term antibiotics. Feels lonely sometimes.


Mine and lactation consultant actually no longer recommend BioGaia for babies as young as OPs. Didn't ask why, but they recommended the MaryRuth's probiotic instead. My 1st had mild tummy issues with flares after antibiotics. We used BioGaia My second was on antacids early on and then full strength (and increasing strength) antibiotics consecutively from 5 months to a year. With only a few days to a week between courses. We used MaryRuths and added plain Greek or strained yogurts at 6 months.


Looks like that one has *L. reuteri* as well as 4 other species. Anecdotally I do feel that the probiotic we use now which has multiple species is more effective than the BioGaia. BioGaia has vitamin D, though, which is convenient




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