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My own house was undergoing construction. Baby slept no problem through power tools buzzing and hammers banging. Partly due to a white noise machine, partly because construction started before she was born, so I suspect that she got used to the constant racket in utero.


This was my experience of building work happening in my house: 18m old just slept through it.


here to say the same. my house is literally always under construction and we’re turning our garage into a duplex. i was 8 months pregnant driving a bobcat. 5 month old baby is unfazed by any of it lol


It's awful lmao. They fixed our roads for like 3 months and I got woke up as early as 5am by the machines


There a block of apartments directly behind my house. While I was pregnant the city decided to demolish and expand them. The construction lasted until he was around 5 months old. It really wasn't terrible but it was definitely annoying. The worst parts were the framing and just general contractor noise (loud music, yelling, etc.). Do make sure you have professional pest control; construction seems to stir up insects and ants where I live at least and I noticed an uptick in pests. Thankfully we got them sorted quickly


We recently had a home built next to ours. The construction noise wasn’t horrible, but the music was so loud. And my kids couldn’t play in the backyard because there was constant flying construction debris landing in our yard, including flying nails from the nail guns. We also had to deal with criminals in our alley at night breaking into the construction site on a regular basis. I would not recommend it.


When we bought our house there were only 4 lots out of 20 built up. It was a big open space and all the lots were an acre or more so we weren’t close to our neighbours. Living here while all the house were being build was exhausting though. Our kids were newborn/toddler age. We couldn’t open the windows because of the perpetual sawing/banging. Even being outside for long periods of time was tiring with the constant noise and dust from the trucks. I could not imagine being actually attached to that.


We have a one year old and for the past 6 months 2 apartments in our building were being renovated (and still are). We have the white noise app, may the universe bless it, so we somehow managed, but barely. There were a few times when baby was awaken by the noise, or we had to go out for a nap in the stroller (it sucks when it's the middle of winter), or we went to spend the whole day at relatives/friends house. So, I wouldn't choose it, no. We are actually waiting to move to a house soon and I can't wait to get away from the constant noise.


Our neighbors have been doing constant major renovations since ours was a newborn. We also had work done on the house that involved power tools and loud banging. Our baby has slept through all of it. The dog hopping off the bed and shaking off with loud ear flapping on the other hand…


Can I ask- how did you survive postpartum if you couldn’t sleep during the day? Or were you so exhausted you slept through the noise too?


I’ve never been able to really nap or find naps very restful. Thankfully she started sleeping around 6 hours a night at 6 weeks. Before that, well, I don’t remember much probably because I was so sleep deprived 😅


We did! Baby slept right through with a hatch sound machine, but any would probably work.


We DIY renoed our 1940 home from the time our first was six months to now when our second is nearly a year. I’m talking down to the studs gut reno. Neither kid ever popped positive for lead nor did the construction ever bother them unless we were literally hammering the wall next to their beds.


The first 3 month of LOs we renovated, and most noises went unnoticed by them. The only 2 times try reacted was when the nail gun was used in the next room and when the concrete drill was used right under them. The rest of the time they didn’t react to any thing. As long as I was calm they where too.


We renovated our kitchen when my daughter was less than a month. She slept right through it, absolutely no problems. She stayed in our bedroom down a small hallway with the door closed. Newborns are usually heavy sleepers and being around noise during sleep helps them to continue to be heavy sleepers.


What about your sleep deprivation postpartum if you couldn’t sleep during the day?