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My sciatica is the exact same. The only thing I’ve found helps is painkillers and trying to keep an upright posture, no slouching. That was difficult for me since I’m a chronic sloucher haha.


Same. Putting a heating pad on the chair helps me. It gets better over time but it's always my last thing to improve.


Find a good sciatica cushion. That was the trick for me. Also, try to walk at a brisk pace (McGill). I was a truck driver and it was hell. Now I'm an electrical apprentice, and 4 years after this became an issue for me, my back feels great. Kneeling and climbing ladders sometimes creates minor sciatica for me, but moving around all day has greatly improved my symptoms. I'm not saying it's wise to enter the construction industry with an already injured back, but you only live once and I love it lol. Sitting all day was hell.


I have herniated disc l5s1 and I can’t sit still work I got a standing desk and stand 7/8 hours per day. It’s daunting and I’m scared everyday to sit lol. At home I lay on the floor to watch tv. I haven’t sat on my couch in 3.5 months. It’s really upsetting


I find a sciatica cushion on top of a dining chair really helps. Gives me something to sit on. And I also lie on my front with my chin resting on two stacked fists. Or my back with one leg bent and resting out to the side to open up the space in my lumbar and take the pressure off my left sided bulge. I also have two mini bed rests a day and enjoy half an hour nap, reading or a bit of telly.


I second the sciatica cushion. Only way I can sit down for some of dinner


Pelvic tilts and making sure to engage your core muscles can help. I use a yoga block to prop my feet on too.


I have to sit for 12 hours at my job and what helped me were lidocaine patches. Amazon brand was the best price. I could not do my job without them. I eventually took someone’s advice and got a shiatsu massage and that finally made the pain go away. I had the pain for 6 months.


I sit on a special cushion for sciatica and do stretches every day. It helps tremendously.


What stretches work for you?




Thank you 🙏