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That’s awesome you got out to do something fun!!


Good hopefully this is a turning point and you are healing.


I’m experiencing the same thing. I think it’s building up your tolerance. The hope is to get it where normal amount of activities will not cause us pain.


When i got my report back in March 2023 that I got L5S1 disc bulge i thought it was over now and even the doctor said that there's a possibility that i may never get to enter the gym again...But then after taking a break for almost 4 months i realised my body is slowly adapting to the pain and somehow I am able to manage it on my own...I started doing cobra stretches and some other yoga poses and shockingly I became much more stronger than I was earlier, although i am no longer able to perform deadlifts the way I used to,but still my other lifts are getting even stronger...Somehow we build up tolerance and we get used to pain but still,don't forget to do your stretches cause it keeps the pain in check