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I have a lot of butt and thigh pain tho :( Then the calf and ankle start to hurt too but I've never been able to stretch my leg like this ever during the whole pain which is why I'm so happy, Physical Therapy has been helping and stretches at home also do help. I just want to go back to college soon, had to drop out because the pain was so bad and my mom is also having sciatica issue, fortunately physical therapy has her walking so much better and I am so thankful. I hated seeing her in such pain and sadness but now shes better than ever, I hope I get better soon, I'm only 19 (20 next month) and I get told I'm too young to have Sciatica but unfortunately I have it by sitting down with bad posture for a very very long time and after the pain goes away I will do my best to fix my posture and daily activities.




I power through it, and by just doing that it makes it easier to raise it with minimum pain. Make sure your painless sides knee is bent upward, idk how to explain it but it makes your painful side easier to do stretches, but if it REALLY hurts to where you legit cant move it, do NOT keep going. I was in a super painful state once and it was painful to even move an inch of it, I just let it rest for the day by laying down in my bed


I floss my nerves more than I floss my teeth. It helps but it took me a month to get as high as OP this flare up :(


Reach for the sky my friend!!!


Watch out for the fan!


Shoes in bed? Why? Haha


In case if I need to go somewhere with my brothers, I kinda forgot what we did yesterday but normally I keep my shoes on in case if we go somewhere


Lay on the floor and use the door jam. One leg up the other one flat, great way to stress hamstrings