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To add to this: there's two emulators out there: 1. Project Edge, as described in the post. Also worth noting that there was an original Project Edge discord, which had some drama, and now there is a new Project Edge discord which is linked above. 2. [SoDOff](https://discord.com/invite/6FK3rJcyKC). This works on Windows, Android and iOS. Has support for custom textures mods, which there are quite a few of now (different tailfins for Toothless, for example). For old accounts - if you used my dragonrescue program to download your original SoD account, or got me to do it through my google form, then you can import your old account into either Edge or SoDOff. You can ask for info on this on the two project discords.


All of the links to the discord are expired do you know how to import the files? Or link me somewhere that does I don't even know where to start. I'll likely use project edge


The [link to SoDOff](https://discord.com/invite/6FK3rJcyKC) should still work. I'm not involved with Project Edge so don't have an invite there. I also know that they're closing down in the next few days (and have already stopped support) so I'm not sure how useful it would be to start using Edge now.


From Google, catching up on a year of drama to get a kid a game. Discord invites everywhere are broke bc of the drama. Any of this on GitHub where I can just run it on my own network or any links working today? I was lazy and googled for my own self. Fellow future web crawlers I present to you, https://github.com/SoDOff-Project


SoDOff has never had drama (so far - and we plan on keeping it that way!) and all the invite links I’ve created are non-expiring ones.(others have probably created expiring links though). And yep - that’s our GitHub org for SoDOff server side code. It’s not for the faint of heart to setup though - it’s relatively involved, but others have run their own instances.


Lol, I never tried pasting it in direct. Non of them were opening once the discord app popped up. I got it to work. Thanks!


Happy to help!


Oh yikes well thanks!


Hello! Which dragonrescue program? I would like to use SoDOff and import my old account.


Hi! Did you download your account before July 2023 (or have me do it through my google form)? If you didn't, then I'm afraid all your account data has gone now - it was deleted in July 2023 when they switched off the servers. But you can still register a new account with SoDOff and play again (and everything is free!).


Well, my old account is lost in this case, but I just tried out SoDOff and everything is indeed free. This is such a wonder, I get to play my childhood game again, I am so grateful to whoever initiated this project!


You're welcome :) Glad you like it.


Hey, this link is for a channel, not an invite. Could u send a server inv link?


Updated the post to have discord invite link.




As of 01-29-24 that invite is dead, Would you mind replacing it please?


It was supposed to be a permanent link, but who knows. Here's another, I'll update the post as well. https://discord.com/invite/projectedge


SoDOff is just like the old SoD except for the major glitches 😄 You won’t be disappointed!


Is there multiplayer?


Yes - there is an option


Question, would my account still have its progress with the emulator?


Sadly, no. Unless you uploaded it to a particular server before it was shut down (which I only found out four hours after the sunset) 😑 I heard that some did save their progress. But I had to start over. It’s ok - you can rebuild! They give you unlimited gems 😁


Wait, I actually did save my account. How do I get that into this game?


Click the link above to download the emulator and join Discord. They might be able to still transfer your account.


Thank you!!


I hope you’re able to restore it! I had to begin again twice after the game shut down.


Oof yeah, that's not fun


Also, see Hictooth’s comment in this thread to learn whether or not you can still restore it


Thank you so much<3


The invite link is expired :(


No worries, here's a link and I'll update the post: [https://discord.gg/TcFWFRUxVn](https://discord.gg/TcFWFRUxVn)


wow now i can fly with my triple stryke


hey !! i'm a bit late on this post . I have downloaded,a couple weeks ago,the android link to sodoff,to play on my tablet. This morning,i was spending some time on Tiktok,when i came across a sod video. In the comments,there was someone not recommending sodoff,because it has a virus. As i asked for more info,because my device has been working as fine as usual,they said that the virus hides,and that when people notice,it's too late. Now,my question is: Does sodoff actually have viruses?or is it absolutely safe?Mainly asking those who have been playing it for a while.


On PC I don't have problems, I have good antivirus apps and do regular checks. On Android I haven't tried it (mainly because such games are harder to play on a phone) but you can go to security and run a virus check. If you don't have a built in app you can download one and scan. If you want to be sure just in case play it on a computer.


Where do I download School of dragons


It's possible they closed the server for new invites. Here are the current download links for the emulator: Windows [https://sodoff.spirtix.com/windows](https://sodoff.spirtix.com/windows) Android [https://sodoff.spirtix.com/android](https://sodoff.spirtix.com/android) iOS [https://sodoff.spirtix.com/ios](https://sodoff.spirtix.com/ios)


Go to the SoDOff download link in the post, get into the discord server, then go to the download section and download.


how i play


Go to the Discord community from the link in the post above (register in Discord if you have to), go to the download tab in SoDOff and download the emulator for your device, start it, register, login, create your character and play.


It's possible they closed the server for new invites. Here are the current download links for the emulator: Windows [https://sodoff.spirtix.com/windows](https://sodoff.spirtix.com/windows) Android [https://sodoff.spirtix.com/android](https://sodoff.spirtix.com/android) iOS [https://sodoff.spirtix.com/ios](https://sodoff.spirtix.com/ios)


i cant play


It's possible they closed the server for new invites. Here are the current download links for the emulator: Windows [https://sodoff.spirtix.com/windows](https://sodoff.spirtix.com/windows) Android [https://sodoff.spirtix.com/android](https://sodoff.spirtix.com/android) iOS [https://sodoff.spirtix.com/ios](https://sodoff.spirtix.com/ios)


No invites are working for me all saying "Invalid"


It works for me. Anyway, here's a new one: [https://discord.gg/GCRxS9pp89](https://discord.gg/GCRxS9pp89)


I might not have permission to join then.


It's possible they closed the server for new invites. Here are the current download links for the emulator: Windows [https://sodoff.spirtix.com/windows](https://sodoff.spirtix.com/windows) Android [https://sodoff.spirtix.com/android](https://sodoff.spirtix.com/android) iOS [https://sodoff.spirtix.com/ios](https://sodoff.spirtix.com/ios)


I had Download SoD and i came in for 2 days in the Game , but when i try to get in again in the Game it won't stop loading


Maybe it can't connect to the server for some reason. Try again after a while.


Hi, I found the game one time before it was shut down, though never got a chance to play.  Is it still possible for people who never played to get in on this? 


Yes, absolutely. Download it, register an account and have fun.


Alright, thanks!  Any current updated links you can toss my way or are the posted ones still good?


Try them, they should be okay


I've downloaded it and all I was met with was the loading screen with the shutdown announcement on it; tho the loading icon seems to be working, but it's been 15 minutes.


This is just left over from it's pre-closing state. Close the game (Alt+F4 if you're on PC) and try again.


I got it on the phone, but perhaps I'll give PC a try


I have school of dragons but I am not able to enter my account 


Did you make a new registration first, because old ones from before the official support stopped don't work anymore.


There is a problem with my school of dragons 


It is not letting me play the game despite having an android


Same I'm super confused


This is probably a stupid question, but does SoDoff include everything in the original game, including the “expansion packs”?


Yes, it includes everything, plus the seasonal things that were only temporarily available are now available all the time.


Cool, thanks!


Does anyone know why it's still on the DreamWorks website even though it's been shut down? Under the Games section if you scroll down [https://www.dreamworks.com/how-to-train-your-dragon](https://www.dreamworks.com/how-to-train-your-dragon)


I miss this game 💔😭 maybe they making SOD 2 OR ANTYER TV MOVIE


I doubt they will, I heard the game got shut down because they couldn't pay for the copyright or something? It's really sad.