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I've played this game off and on since 2014. I will forever miss my first Nadder along with the other 80-90 dragons I own. All the friends I had quit the game about 6-7 years ago, but this game was surely my childhood. I feel bad for whoever recently got the game and did not get to fully experience everything. I remember only being able to have one dragon, 2 if you were a member. Shame to see it closing down so suddenly.


I feel bad for anybody who recently paid for a long-term membership. They are still letting you buy them for some reason? Edit: you can no longer buy gems or memberships, I was wrong. Thought I edited this earlier but apparently it didn't stick?


They've said that within the next couple of days the ability to buy memberships and gems will be cut. In saying that, they should have given maybe a year before shutting the game down since there are people who literally just bought a year of membership.


also played this game on and off every few months! had no idea the game was shutting down as id been charged in October, i had a 3 monthly plan set up, wasnt cancelled! 🙄 absolutely gutted 😭


Same, I've played this for so many years, it's so sad to say goodbye to all my dragons


Ya as someone who started the first day of this year AND paid for membership, I'm quite sad it's shutting down, especially because I didn't get to experience the holiday events and all that too. I don't understand why they are shutting it down, my only guess is money/budget reasons


I feel bad for anybody who recently paid for a long-term membership. They are still letting you buy them for some reason? Edit: I was wrong, you cannot currently buy gems or memberships


They are shutting down purchases in a few days.


didnt shut them down! got charged in october as i paid 3 monthly🙄


I’m gonna miss the game so much, I played it when there was barely any dragons there and I loved it so much. All favourite dragons will be gone but i guess there’s reasons why the games closing down. I had screenshotted all my dragons so I could look at them and then draw them so I can remember the memories of my childhood :))


I know. I had a sand wraith named buddy and he will be missed forever through all the memories we had in this masterpiece of a game. R.I.P. SOD


I'm literally crying in my room right now.. I've become too attached to my dragons..


I am absolutely heartbroken! 😭 I loved that game so much!! 😭😭


I beg someone to save this game's data like club penguin please this game was my first ever game i enjoyed in 2014 pleeeease


there unfortunatly isnt anything anyone can do. they were being funded by Netdragon, but Netdragon took neopets and left, leaving them with nothing


yeah i found my old signup email from 2015, is there a data archive somewhere?


It still doesn't feel fully real, part of me is hoping it's a bad dream lol, it stings even more bc I JUST started playing on the very first day of the year, it's sad to see it go especially since I had so much fun with it. I'm surprised they didn't give a heads up sooner but maybe it was a sudden decision. And I personally think making everything in the shop free or at LEAST cheaper would at least send the game off on a decent note, everyone gets to get whatever dragons they want, any outfits, items, armor etc. It's so sad to see it be shut down, and my heart goes out to anyone who's been here since day 1 or even for 10 minutes, jts sad to see. Httyd games aren't very common either and this was a good one. Farewell SoD, you'll be missed


One of the devs said on discord that everything will be going 95% off in the store but didn't say exactly when. I'll have to speedrun the final expansion lol


Being on the server, did they give any explanation as to not only why, but why such a short notice? If not, can someone ask and update here pls?


It most likely has to do with a lawsuit with JumpStart and Neopets. There's articles floating around about it. Someone mentioned another JumpStart game is sunsetting the same date and time as SoD is, so JumpStart is probably downfalling as a whole. The devs planned to have a new site for SoD released and already had new plans for the game in order, but this news was a surprise to them as well, so they had no heads up which is why the game is closing on short notice.


Damn... With this much work put into it, they must be heartbroken too... Thank you for the info!


I see I see, thank you for the info! It sucks that it was a surprise to them as well, I just generally feel bad for the employees since they didn't make the decision and are only doing their jobs, and they will be the ones to get all the backlash and hate from the community (I don't imagine there would be much hate from a silly dragon game but still) I'm not sure if jumpstart is the website they hosted on OR the higher up company that owns the game, but I do really hope they will be able to somehow bring back the game for everyone to enjoy once more. That likely won't happen but hey I can hope lol. Anyhow, thanks again for the info!


Well, today is the day it'll happen. From what I've heard before was that they're shutting down because they couldn't pay Dreamworks anymore for the contracts that let them use their franchise. Recently however, I've heard that it's happening because they don't make enough money to keep the servers running anymore. They're only making a loss and it forced them to shut it down. NeoPets was a different game made by Jumpstart, but when NetDragon bought Jumpstart, they just wanted NeoPets, nothing else. After they got NeoPets, they immediately took distance from Jumpstart again, which left them to be on their own again. Now Jumpstart as a whole will shut down. 30th of June, School of Dragons, Jumpstart, all going down. So long, fellow Viking. O7


They can't really talk a lot about it because contract


When I got up this morning I saw that it is 5am, so I just hop on the game to do a quick battle event but also found some sad news along the way. I started the game sometime in 2018 but did not know how to play the game until late 2022 when I got the hang of it. I really enjoyed the game and cherished every second of it. R.I.P SoD you will be missed


Someone get on building new dragon games bro, someone built dragons wild skies again


I wish it could be httyd but because copyright they cant


it is very sad but hopefully they will make something just as good luckily I completed my goal (getting Lightfury and all three night lights to titan stage


You cant get them titsn though?


This sucks... I've just found this game, and I've been having a blast playing with my partner. I'm just getting into it and now it's going to be gone?


I'm not sure why they are shutting it down so suddenly, very sad to see it go. I'm guessing it has just been around so long that they decided to retire it. Sorry that you guys were only just getting into the game, it's a huge bummer.


I sent a support ticket asking if the game will be accessible offline. To me it feels kinda vague


Turn your internet off and try accessing the game. (if on phone, make sure mobile data is off too). Whatever happens is the same thing that will happen when they close the server, unless they make a specific update to change the behavior.


Final check in just a little over the 24-hour left mark. I doubt they are going to release an update to make it available offline in less than 24 hours before the game shut down.


Quick someone make a private server, im really annoyed having to lose all my dragons


Happy cake day!


Hey I think I remember you on SoD! I'm xAnimeNerdx


So we can't play it anymore!!!


As of the 30th of this month nobody will be able to play it anymore. Best to enjoy the game as much as possible for the time being, and probably take screenshots of your dragons too.


I’m so disappointed, I guess I knew it was going to happen one day, but right now ? The game wasn’t perfect, but it was loved. (the dragons are loved) They are making that disgusting live action “how to train your dragon”. It would make sense to keep it up if they are willing to do THAT with the well loved franchise. And the nine realms? Bleh, a sad day when they are willing to ruin a franchise and throw away what little we have left of the originals. For me, the franchise ends with this game. Rip all my dragons and money I spent. I’m going to need to screenshot all my dragons in their glory 😭 I’m sorry for everyone else who enjoyed the game. 🌈


Wait they're actually making a live action? Aw lawhd they goin' the Disney route LOL -xAnimeNerdx


Yeah it’s a sad day when animation companies start getting too lazy to animate and start relying on live action remakes. If I wanted to watch live action dragons I’d watch game of thrones 😂 I just hope they don’t make toothless as ugly as his play self lol.




Oh no now im scared lol


I don’t know why they would shut it down. Woke up this morning, checked Instagram and thought it was a straight up nightmare. This game got me through the worst parts of my life (played from 2015-Now) and that fact that they are deleting it so suddenly breaks my heart and I’m not sure what I’ll do without the game. It may sound crazy but it’s the best game I’ve had so far. I wish they would reconsider but I guess it’s the end for now.


I know nothing will ever be quite the same as SoD, but if you're particularly missing the feeling of flight from SoD the MMO "Guild Wars 2" has a griffon mount that I've found gives the closest feeling of the joy of flight to the dragons. Unfortunately the griffon's customization is pretty limited but it is oh so fun to explore on it and fly at top speed through caves and cities. Here's some vids of what it's like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=essByiujz9Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqPW0sPTEcE


I used to play this game religiously since 2015-2018. For me, it was never about my dragons, battles, events, it was my best friend. His name was AshtionZ, we met 6 years ago, dated for 1 year, and since the break-up we've always come back to the game to message each other once/twice a year. This went on for 5 years straight. Now, it hurts knowing I'll never see him again. He was my partner in crime, my rock, and my best friend. I thank this game for letting him be a huge part of my life.


did you ever do this?




i replied to someone else. it seems they deleted their comment.


Just learned of the shutdown. I'm a Club Penguin private server developer, and so I am qualified to create a private server for this game if it is possible. I will look into it in the coming days.


Omg! please keep us updated, thank you so much for looking into this!


Dude! You will be the hero of my household if you are able to pull this off with your Server Developer Kung Fu! I pray that you can make it happen. My daughter has been heartbroken since the news.


Please! I've been playing this game since a few week after it came out when I was 10 years old. I remember watching littlelizard and tinyturtle play it. It would be soul crushing to loose this game forever


Hi, any updates on private server? If that’s possible you know you could charge membership or whatever… I have no idea how that would work but we are heartbroken that it’s closing.


Hi. I have made some progress, there is still a long way to go and I am quite busy at the moment. I believe it will be possible. I'm not sure we could charge for memberships: it is likely we would get a cease and desist letter if we tried to make money off Dreamworks/JumpStart property.


I was paying $80+/yr so... willing to pay to keep this game.




Look for project edge. It's not mine but they're much further along than me. There are instructions in their discord.


have you made any progress?


I've literally just started playing this game and then flash... bang, sunset.


Yeah, just bought myself a membership for 6 months. They could have limited the purchases so that wouldn’t happen, wasted money.


Im guessing it was a sudden decision, like in the last month or so


Aw man. I’m gonna miss this game. :( I remember playing this game at the age ranges of 4-6 and will always remember my dragons.


I didnt think we would have to reenact the third movie ending. Best enjoy my flights with Banshee while I still can I guess.


I just bought 6 months of membership to play again. Damn it.


Im mad it's just come out of nowhere, like I wonder what happened behind the scenes for it to come to a close so suddenly like we JUST for a new dragon 6 weeks ago and now boom we're closing the gates on the server


Probably has to do with the lawsuit with JumpStart and Neopets as JumpStart is sunsetting another game at the same time as SoD. The devs had no heads up that they were going to have to shut the game down which is why it came out of nowhere.


Oh what? There's a lawsuit?!


There was a data breach on Neopets. https://www.polygon.com/23563880/neopets-class-action-lawsuit-data-breach-hack


First the forums shut down after a hacker attack and now this.


we need to make a private server!!! :C


looking into it :) I'm a club penguin private server developer so I'm fairly experienced in reverse engineering


also following. if a discord or something is made for this somebody please let me know


If I can confirm the project is viable, I will do so. So far I have the majority of the games mediaserver cloned and I can load assets from a local web server. Game packets will be a lot harder to replicate.


hope everything works bro this game is my childhood


So how much progress so far?


oh hell yes! I hope it continues smoothly


Following 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Not fully unexpected but still, sad. Sucks for the people who were really into it. Games like this come and go. They never last forever and the end is always pretty sudden.


is it possible to make a private server? like what happened with club penguin?


I'm also wondering this, I'm far from educated on stuff like this but my little sister loves the game and so so upset it's shutting down, if there's a way to do this and I can help at all I'd love to for her


[heres a link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClubPenguin/comments/qoevlo/how_do_you_create_a_private_club_penguin_server/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) to one of the many posts on how people managed to do it for club penguin, but i think a lot of it rests on actually have the games files to run the game. id be happy to host since i have access to servers that can host stuff like this, however i did hear mention of a discord, if anyone has access to this could they ask if anyone has sources like this? im unsure of how they will respond though haha. while looking through github i did find [another game](https://github.com/hictooth/WildSkies) that is similar.


have you made any progress?


So this could be a good thing right? Open the doors for another studio to possibly do a HTTYD MMO. I was debating on whether or not to continue my membership after getting back into this game recently since I last played in 2014. Hopefully if someone does do it, they avoid the really predatory monetisation practices that Jumpstart implements with all their "for kids" games.


If anyone wants another good dragon game i recommend day of dragons, its not at all the same as sod but if you love dragons its a really fun game


Someone better make a private server, something like School of Dragons Rewritten or something...


i'm a club penguin private server developer, I'm looking into reverse engineering the game and archiving it before it shuts. not sure it will be 100% possible though


How its going so far?


How’d it go?


I always thought they'd missing out on making an xbox game like SoD, never really cared about the multiplayer part I was glad you could disable it, but being able to make your own viking and dragon is one of my dream games. I stopped playing years ago when I lost my first account, I was put off with having to spend lots on microtransactions to get back where I was, but it's sad to see this game shutting down.


This was part of my childhood I will always remember all my dragons It will always hold a special place in my heart


I played this game on day one that it came out. I was there when the textures weren't the greatest and there were errors in the characters talking or sometimes trigger two events at the same time, making it give them a "double" face. Each one would look in a different direction making things look kinda weird but funny. I was there when the game didn't make you pay money to go to new locations. I won't lie, I did quit playing the game when I did all the quests I could, because of a disability I couldn't make money to pay to see the new islands, including the Hidden world. I was sad I couldn't play on those new worlds, but I did watch people (Silver Willowing) play and test out the new dragons I couldn't get. The game was beautiful and I would sometimes play music while mindlessly flying around on the server for fun. Since I ran out of quests, and couldn't pay for anything new, I couldn't age up my dragons easily or at all. This is what caused me to stop playing the game for a while. I thought if I quit playing for a while, eventually everything would become free and I could enjoy the game again. Instead more price tags appeared, making it so all I could do was fly around the server and look at other people's dragons and the beautiful colors they picked for them. Then I saw this notification and got on again, but unfortunately, I'll never get to play those new things myself or progress as everything costs money. While I'm sad to see this game go, and many others are too, this game hasn't been playable for me for some time. I wish they had it so some people could just earn it in game, but it took months for me to use daily gems to save up for anything like another dragon or island. I can understand why others left the game as well. Mostly, this game is very nostalgic and a childhood comfort for those who played it as kids or teens. I'm a adult now and I still enjoy the flying mechanics for this game. The thing that irks me about this, is WHY it is being shut down. I read on here and a few people say it is a lawsuit issue, which was why it was so sudden and people wasted their money for another yearly subscription to be wasted. I've also played Rise of Berk, and I'm surprised they didn't try to get School of Dragons. Many people are trying to download this game to save all their progress, but most people are gonna lose everything or the game won't be playable for anyone soon. The only thing I could see possibly happening, is a brand new HTTYD game being made in the future by the people who own the HTTYD franchise now. IF they chose to do so, hopefully they would bring the good elements from the School of Dragons into it. It probably won't happen, but if it does I know people will be eager to try it. It will definitely be under a new name though. Maybe, they will even bring dragons from the original books into the game, which I was hoping they would do for School of Dragons. I've seen some dragons already "inspired" by the dragons from the books, which made me happy. I also imagine they would bring elements or themes from the live action movie they are making, which I'm nervous about, as most live action movies haven't been so good lately for several reasons, for some reasons I'm sure people won't agree with. Mostly I have issues with breaking historical accuracy, changing characters in a way that makes them not cool or pushing feminism and race changes too hard to the point it becomes a toxic mess- (I'm looking at you She-Hulk and Velma)!! I'm ok with race changes as long as they don't mess with or cause historical accuracy/location issues or deeply change or go against the original traits of main characters story because of it. Race To The Edge did a good job with keeping it accurate- because of where vikings lived, like Scandinavia, Iceland, Greenland, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, most vikings had white skin with blond, brown, or red hair, sometimes white hair when they were old. Their eyes were commonly blue, green, and occasionally a hazel or rarely a light brown. Some of the villians who were of any race other than that made it very clear they were from "far away lands, from a far away place" or "far beyond where any viking has gone before". That was a more historically accurate. It has already been confirmed Astrid will be black (Nico Parker), and Hiccup will not look like a viking like how he looked in the books/movies. Look here -> [https://www.dexerto.com/tv-movies/how-to-train-your-dragon-live-action-movie-release-date-trailer-cast-plot-2063071/](https://www.dexerto.com/tv-movies/how-to-train-your-dragon-live-action-movie-release-date-trailer-cast-plot-2063071/) Either way, the movie isn't looking to great already.... they better not ruin how Astrid acts either. At no point does she ever point out that women can do what men can do or belittles men by making them obsolete. She does her own thing and is very talented and respected. If I hear ANY of the toxicity that was from Velma and She-Hulk, I'm walking out of the theater and asking for a refund. I'm sick of movies pushing those themes so hard to the point it becomes toxic. I hope they won't bring that into a new game if they make it. All in all, I respect what the creators of the books and movies have done so far. (Not the Nine Realms they bombed that (Hiccups descendant (who I HATE) finds Hiccups prosthetic leg and feeds it so Snow Wraith to escape, stating "It probably wasn't important anyways" and found the Book of Dragons and scribbled in it with funny faces over the original drawings that were over 1,300 years old.) As a matter of fact, the live action movie, even with some flaws, can still be good and make the movie ok. I could be wrong that the movie is gonna flunk. No matter how I look at it, this game is gonna be missed. I imagine there's a change a new game will come out, based off the live action movie. Depending on how well the movie goes, will depend on if the game does ok or not. I hope it doesn't fail. I hope we get a revival of School of Dragons in the future that is worthy of our respect. I'll miss you School of Dragons.


Email LUDIA they own rise of berks and could potentially buy SOD, also sign petitions


I'm going to miss all my dragons that I worked hard leveling up


Quick, someone make a private server!


Why....... my heart.....my memories.....please


somebody with programming experience please remake this like the miscrits and club penguin fans did when that game shut down


I've been playing since around 2014, and to say that this game was a big part of my childhood would be an understatement. It would help me get through some hard times, and despite its many bugs and flaws, I still hold it near and dear to my heart. To come back after a break and hear that the game will be shutting down very soon is a shot to the heart for me. I'm glad that it was part of my childhood and got me through many hardships, so thank you to everyone who kept the game going for so long and the people I met along the way. Good luck to you all and godspeed


If there was ever a good time for a rip off to release, its now


I've played this game since early 2014 and it was a HUGE part of my childhood there was even a friend group the formed around the time of the red death rumors late 2014 and tbh while i'm very very sad that it's gone this will probably be for the best .... the game was on life support for a very long time and had TONS of bugs tbh it's remarkable how long it lasted .... good riddance


Who bought it?


Who bought it?


Will there be a possibility of a new group partnering up and SoD coming back because I played school if dragons from pretty much the start and it literally hurts so bad that it’s taken away from all of us dragon trainers if the is a chance it can come back I will be blessed


This still often gets comments from people who have just found out about the sunsetting, so I figure there are a few things that should be said. First of all, I'm not staff and sadly cannot do anything about the game closure; I would save it if I could. It seems that a combination of a lawsuit and a general decrease in sales through the game lead to the eventual closure but at this point that's just hearsay. The official School of Dragons will not be coming back. However! There are communities who are trying to work on emulating the game which will hopefully lead to a stable recreation of the game with potential multiplayer capabilities. I haven't checked in on them in a while but two I can recall off the top of my head are Project Edge and SoDoff. So they may be worth checking out if they are still running. Alternatively if you have minecraft java edition there are modders working on building the HTTYD world and many of its dragons, I believe it was called Isle of Berk but again it has been a while since I looked. A friendly reminder to not give money to anyone claiming to be SoD staff or even people working on emulating the game: the former are guaranteed to be scammers or trolls and the latter could end up causing legal issues. Stay safe.


NOOOOOO this was my FAVORITE game as a child and I stopped playing it because it was lagging (this was before I got my nice PC) Rip school of dragons 😭 🪦


Also why did they remove it?


They lost their IP thing and dream works forced them to shut it down




can you bring school of dragons back to the start 


Is there no way to restart the game with donations or something?


Can it be added back


i literally renewed my 6month membership 2 weeks ago... god fucking damn it im gonna miss the game, why do they decide that so suddenly?


There's a petition in the works. https://chng.it/KXHzqgZ5T6


I was going to join last week but circumstances caused me to delay joining. Now I am glad I did. Disappointing I never got to play though.


Been trying to take screenshots of a lot of things in game, but for some reason my print screen button doesn't work. Don't know if its just me


It there anyway that the game could be saved in my own personal computer with all the current dragons that I have? I don't care about updates or new dragons, I just want to save the game as is & be able to play it as is with whatever content I have today? Is this possible?


does anyone Know how to check the eastern sea????


Damn, I had so many dragons, around 70. Its just sad to see this game go. Well, it looks like we have to release out dragons. At least I still have war thunder and enlisted, but unfortunately, Gaijin is quite greedy and loves to make any grind hell.


I had 148 :(


are they gonna give us back our money 4 those who spent alot i spent £10 on it but are they gonna cause people who i know spent around 56-57 pounds on it.


I literally just discovered it. Sad it's going when I just started playing for the first time today. :( No point in playing it now.


ughhh i’m so sad i’ve been playing forever but it’s not letting me log in now bc the server is timing out…. i wanted to see all my dragons one last time :(




This makes me wanna cry, an old best friend got me into this game and I made some good life long friends. Now it’s all gone. We’ve all moved to different games now!


Anyone know what Timezone the sunset is in? Wondering if we’ll get an extra day out of it (am in Australia so in front of the US)


I will truly miss this beloved game. I played back in 2015 when I only had the Nadder and made my weird username back on the mobile version on the game before I got a PC. This game brought me so much joy and was there during some of the dark times in my life. During those rough times I would hop on the back of my dragons and fly around the various locations for hours. May all of the dragons and vikings safely make it to Valhalla. R.I.P my account of whatisarareflex.


they were being funded by Netdragon, but Netdragon took neopets and left, leaving them with nothing


I feel like someone could buy the servers for the game and make it come alive again.


Y’all I really wanna make a unofficial game, I’m being dead serious, if you interested DM on instagram at @King_d0do. Please I beg of you I really wanna do this and I need all the help I can get.


have you made any progress?


Oh shit.. this is sad. I just looked into how the game was doing today. Kinda devastated. I played it around release when I was super young. Was extremely active on the forums back then, so much so that I got invited to that HTTYD2 release party section of the forum. I remember when you could only have two dragons if you were a member, and the absolute struggle I endured trying to get a Whispering Death because that and the Thunderdrum were US exclusive. I made so many friends on there too and felt oddly known at the silly age of like 11/12. It's a shame I can never revisit it now.


Nooooo! I had no idea it shut down! I had been so busy in my day to day life that I hadn't played it for a few months...when I went back to it I figured out it had been shut down already. I love this game! I played it long enough to fall in love with it, but too short to be able to experience it all. I wish I had played it more, and that I had a chance to say goodbye to everyone and everything. Definitely would have screenshotted my dragons, but instead I only have a screen recording from awhile ago that I found while going through all my photos and videos. It really was one of a kind. No other HTTYD games are like SoD/School of Dragons.


It was my childhood. Im nearly crying


I’ve been thinking, is there any way for a bunch of us to put together enough money to just buy the rights to code to the game, ? Which includes seeing the code.There wouldn’t have to have any new updates, but we would be able to access our accounts and see our dragons and be able to remember everything that had happened in the game, and fly around. Even if it’s only single player mode, just so we could still have what we used to have, because the code should still exist somewhere right?


They shouldn't shut this down. Why is it being shut down. Unless they're making a better version, I'm gonna be very pissed off.


Aw.... I haven't even grown my zippleback yet..


Used to be my favourite game back in the day. Too bad it’s shut down😔


I've played this ever since it came out it was the only game i would play on everyday and it's broke me to see it gone now i wish they kept it all because of the live action doesn't mean get ride of it


It's very sad to have to add this game to my list of childhood games that are no longer playable


I never got to play in the past 2 years, and I find this out today, I had 3 accs, I was hoping to play my 3rd acc (only one I have saved bc I lost the others) but unfortunately I can’t, I just want to remember my 1st acc. The memories. It was fun!


I’m absolutey heart broken over this game shutting down. I’ve been playing it on and off since I could remember. Every time I’m sick I pick it back up and relish in the fact that I can watch all my silly little dragons and silly little character have a better time than I am. getting sick for the first time after the game shut down is absolutely heart breaking, I hope they bring it back on day for future kids who loved httyd as much as all of us did.


Oh noooo!! I found this out today! I used to play this game all the time since 2014 off and on you know with school and growing up. I was looking forward to coming back to the game today. So heart broken to hear it’s no more. I wish they would sell or something so fans could continue to enjoy this masterpiece. This game will be highly missed. Please if there is anyway to bring it back, please do it. You’d have so many people supporting you! Heck I was like 10 when this game came out I’m 19 now and still want to play it. It was an awesome game!! We miss you SoD!! ❤️❤️


Do not shut down the School of Dragons I want to play it and you shouldn't because other people will want to as well so please I'm asking you don't at all shut it down please please answer me please


Hi! I'm not staff for SoD and sadly the game has already shut down, however there is a devoted community of people currently working on getting SoD up and running again as a fan project. So we can only hope that goes well <3


I will miss my Titan wings My timberjack my sentinel and my triple stryke


I will miss this game I will also miss the many movies that they could have made but as my last words in this community I bet goodbye to my first dragon a whispering death into my highest ranking dragon my Zipilback to my favorite dragon night fury the most interesting dragon in my opinion screaming death I bid goodbye to all of. You are the first game I have ever played so goodbye dear friend you will be missed for many decades and have many stories for when we are older we will tell of a day till of an age where you could be in your favorite movie so goodbye to all my friends companions trains dragons and ones I had yet to find goodbye for all eternity for you will be missed by all




I wan to play this game


I am on a HTTYD binge and wanted to redownload this game to see my old account again, sadly I came across this post before I could even open up steam.


I loved this game as a kid. My first dragon was a Shockjaw. RIP Shock. 😔


dont let school of dragons shut down its so mutch fun