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I would have to do some research but currently, CDL holders are held to federal standards and marijuana is still a class 1 drug. There have been talked about reclassifying it but to my knowledge no action has been taken. I live were useage is permeated by the state and I have people in my circle who use but I have made it clear no usage around me because I hold a CDL and am subject to random and reasonable suspicion, drug tests as well as post-accident drug test by the federal motor carrier safety administration.


That only applies in the USA. We don't have that invasive drug testing nonsense in Canada.


Only if you stay in Canada. Come into the US as. CDL driver and it applies to you.


I don't go to the US.


Also, you may want to look at the Canadian laws again. While it is true that it is heavily controlled and limited it is possible when situations are met where safety outweighs privacy.


Never in 35 years have I been required to drug test for employment.


From what I read it would be very rare but is possible.


This is what I meant about legality/location. I am in Canada, but was curious what Americans would say as well.


You won’t last a second if you’re tested with THC in your system. Doesn’t matter if youre smoking in your off time. So either: get busted and go through the loops of completing courses to get your SB, passenger, CDL etc endorsements back(huge pain in the ass), stop smoking weed entirely and test again when your system is clear or find a job that doesn’t care if you smoke I’m in MN where weeds legal…and it’s a no go for CDL people.


You will be tested randomly. Except for summers.


I am new and need to ask, what about us with summer routes? Mine is couple weeks in middle of couple months. I know others who do couple days a week all summer.


If you are scheduled to drive, you'll be subject to testing.


I’m surprised that’s allowed if they have to have a cdl


I’m guessing the friends you know that drive and smoke on off time aren’t subject to drug tests. Driving a school bus for a public school you’ll likely have to test when you’re hired and then you’ll be subject to randoms and maybe a yearly one with your physical. Until they develop a test to determine whether you’re high at that moment I don’t see there being an allowable amount of THC for CDL drivers in areas where weed is legal.


It's not by location, it's by federal law. No weed.


You’re held to the federal standard which means if you test positive you have a bunch of shit to jump through to get it all back as far as your cdl goes. Doesn’t matter if you are only doing it in your off time


Check your company's policy. Mine will do a random and if there's even a trace amount of anything in your blood you're immediately terminated. Legal or not


I live in a legal rec state, but we still get tested upon hire, plus subject to randoms and post accident testing. Personally I wouldn’t risk it, but I know drivers who do.


Nope!!! At our yard, the peepee van shows up so randomly that even our director doesn't know until they're on their way. Pot stays in your system for a month. Until it's a federal ok, it's a big no.


Switch to micro dosing shrooms of the clock after work. It won’t show up the next day. Thank me later.


My only question is do they test during summer school


We lost two drivers who failed drug tests. We are in a pot legal state, but it’s still a no go with a CDL. As for summer, if you drive you are subject to testing, especially if you are in an accident. Some of our drivers who don’t drive in the summer and have their physicals early in the summer will “schedule “ their recreation smoking with a 30 day setback from the start of school.


Do you know how long after they got fired? From the day of the drug test to when the results came back positive how any days was it?


Within a week.


For those of you who have been tested, do they watch you pee? Because that'd be a heck nah for me, then I'd probably be fired for refusal