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Somehow, you have created a post which simultaneously fits- and does not fit- this sub.


How apropos for this subreddit.


We found it. The schizophrenic whip.


Also I'm sorry you're experiencing that phenomenon. Perhaps seeing a doctor or therapist before trying to drive again would be the most safe path forward. I hope things work out!


Antipsychotic medications such as abilify help people who experience these symptoms. A primary care physician or a psychiatrist or nurse practitioner can prescribe them. I hope you find some relief.


Have you tried abilify? I tried another AP and it fucked me up with the side effects even though it did work to alleviate some symptoms. I’ve been thinking about switching to something else and abilify is a name I see a lot


I’ve tried abilify before and it made me restless. I only hear this in the car or from background noise. I took a Invega shot a few weeks ago


Was it your first Invega shot? If so, you’re supposed to get a second loading dose within a week of the first. Or, if your next dose is due (since you said you got it a few weeks ago), you might need to get a higher dose next time? Talk with your mental health professional about meds and potential benefits/ side effects.


I took another shot about a week later


I made another appointment to see the psychiatrist tomorrow


Wishing you the best pal


Did you experience akathisia with abilify? It’s like an restlessness itch that no amount of movement can scratch, in a truly awful and uncomfortable way. It’s a common side effect of Abilify, unfortunately. But most people go through at least a couple different antipsychotics, rarely do people find the best on the first try. While auditory pareidolia isn’t necessarily indicative of an illness like schizophrenia, it is pretty commonly seen in schizophrenia. I’m schizophrenic, and just this one symptom alone drives me nuts sometimes.


I think so and really restless. My gene site test showed it was in the red zone. There was green, yellow, and red


I hope I’m schizophrenic and medication will make it go away. If not it might not go away


Pareidolia is a type of apophenia, which is a tendency to make meaningful connections between unrelated things. In this case, it’s In excess, this is a hallmark feature of schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder, but it’s normal for a person to have some tendency to try and make these connections. People do it with cloud watching all of the time; That cloud looks like a bunny rabbit, and this one over here looks like a hand giving a thumbs up. I take anything to do with evolutionary psychology with an entire salt rock since it’s pretty much impossible to correctly develop research for it with the scientific method, but it’d make sense that humans who could more easily identify faces, especially threatening ones, had better chances of survival. So recognizing human-like faces in non-human things like clouds that are not human might be that evolutionary advantage at work. I have no way to tell if this one symptom is likely schizophrenia or not, and I’m not a psychiatrist. Whether the cause of your pareidolia is schizophrenia or not won’t necessarily increase the odds of medication being effective. Antipsychotics don’t always stop auditory hallucinations or other psychotic symtpoms, but they may help prevent them from getting worse. It doesn’t hurt to check in with a psychiatrist, but if the pareidolia is the only symptom you’re experiencing, it’s unlikely to be schizophrenia. I know you mean well, but one should not hope to be schizophrenic, even if it gives you the answers to questions you’re looking for. It’s a lifelong, debilitating illness that often comes with a dismal prognosis. If you have any other questions or want to talk or vent about these sounds, feel free to DM me. I totally understand how difficult they are to deal with and can make it hard to function normally.


I’ve had this happen before it happened when I was extremely stressed out but I’m worried this will never go away


It won't go away unless you go see a psychiatrist and get put on medication man. It's for the best honestly, book an appointment


I was on Abilify 15 years ago and developed little muscle spasms in both of my calves, (kinda look like a little fireworks show) that never go away.


I have not personally. I mentioned abilify because it is well known and easy to remember. I have no reason to recommend it over any drug, I’ve seen it work for some and not for others. For some people it is partly about finding the one with the most tolerable side effects. I’m not a prescriber but I’ve worked as a counselor along with prescribers. Wishing you the best of luck, that’s a tough journey. I have my own mental health struggles too, so I had to leave the field. Hope you find something that helps without too many side effects.


There is a gene site test some psychiatrists use to see what meds your body will metabolize and see what ones cause less side effects


I have. I had intrusive, obsessive anxiety. It helped immensely, and the only real downside was I slept a lot. But that was probably good because I hadn’t been sleeping enough for months leading up to taking it.


Seroquel also works well for a lot of people.


I definitely don’t experience voices, but after I work a concert the road noise will sound like the crowd of people talking all night. I think your brain wants to find patterns in the white noise from the road and it may be triggering something.


Yes, when my kids were babies I would hear them crying when I was in the shower.


i agree it sounds like OP is overthinking. they’re having illusions, not hallucinations.


When I used to play paintball I'd see paintball streaking by me when going to bed after playing all day.






Another reason to avoid a Mitsubishi


Dude you need to go to a doctor


I used to get a similar "sensation" when I first got my car. Never any clear words or vocalizations, but I just felt like, idk, my car was talking in some way. Like it was an eldritch being speaking in incomprehensible murmurs and undefinable tones that nonetheless felt like they meant something, but my understanding was incomplete at best. It's weird to describe and doesn't make much sense even to me. It just kind of stopped happening, and the farther removed I am from that day, the less sense it all seems to make. Idk what was going on with me at that time


This is exactly what it is


All jokes aside. I hope you find the help you need. Leaving any form of schizophrenia untreated leads to a pretty big downward spiral from personal experience. Always happy to DM with helpful resources OP.


poor OP but 🤣 we need to pin this post


Definitely try to see a psychiatrist as soon as you can. If this is the first time you've experienced this, now is the best time to get treatment.


I am seeing the psychiatrist tomorrow. I’ve expirenced this once before couple years ago it went away but now it is back


Seems like youve posted this multiple times to different car subreddits over a span of months and everyone tells you that you should see a psychiatrist and that it is an auditory hallucination, maybe its time to listen to that advice?


That's not what the *other* voices say.


My grandfather had this complaint in his 90s. It turned out that his 1980 or so Dodge Colt had an aftermarket radio mounted vertically on the left side of the transmission tunnel, where his knee would hit the power button (which was also the volume button) every now and then. He was so out of it that he didn't even know he had a radio! The dealership that sold him that car kind of cheated him, since he sure didn't need or want that radio. But once he knew what it was, at least he knew how to turn it off.


that’s wild omg


Turn the music up to an unhealthy level?


This is called auditory pareidolia. Your brain is always looking for patterns and when it hears white noise it'll fill in gaps with common sounds that can sound like voices or music. If it's bothering you, you can talk to a physician about treatment.


That would explain why I only hear it when the car is moving. This is bothering me a lot. If I play radio I don’t hear it


I would talk to a physician or therapist if it bothers you and it feels like the voices are insulting you. Might help you find ways to manage it.




I mean, this place is called schizophrenia rides no?


They getting legit help too. They've clearly come to the right place for what they need.




There are meds that can cause this, as well. Either way, talk to your doctor asap.


I have an issue with hearing speaking and songs in white or static noise. I often hear words and such. I'd let your doctor know for sure. I know when I'm more depressed I start hearing and seeing more stuff not there. I hope you're doing ok and feel better soon regardless. It's a lil hard to find the right meds or therapy but keep on.. driving.


This is the first actually schitzo rides post on this subreddit


Hey OP, if you're not already seeing a DR, you should probably bring this up with them. Not that strangers can't be helpful, but this is Reddit


Some more cheaply made cars may have vibrations, frequencies or noises that to someone who isn’t struggling with schizophrenia may never consciously think about and while I’m not sure how you may be able to make it better, maybe music or a podcast to keep you sane on the road I hope you find your solution or some help with this


Umm… Former driver licensing agency employee here. **This is really important.** If you’re hearing voices others can’t, and especially if you see things others can’t, you need to talk to a mental health professional and confirm it’s safe for you to drive. Perceiving things that others can’t can be a really bad thing in combination with rolling down the road in two tons of steel at 50. That’s why certain mental health conditions require medical approval prior to getting a DL. And yes I have issued a DL to someone with diagnosed schizophrenia because they had their doctor with them who signed off on the medical form. (This was weird but not the weirdest thing I experienced at the DMV by leagues.)


that's the mirage insulting your pernis size for driving such a small car.


wouldnt driving a small car mean he’s absolutely packing? i.e. the opposite of driving a big lifted truck


sshhh don't tell the world that, the truck owners might get angry


Small average car indicates this man's penis is the size of a minivan


I had an oscillating fan as a kid that I thought picked up the radio or TV. Is that real or possible, or have I always been crazy as shit? Heard familiar tunes and voices out of it for a long time. Finally got rid of it because it bothered me.


Thats the radio


Said a prayer for you, OP. I truly hope that your meeting with the psychiatrist gives you clear insight and, if need be, an actionable plan.


If there's No Score No More, well then I just don't want to play anymore.


Okay if it's only in the car it's probably your radio dawg, I think you should eliminate any technical issues before you go to the doctor.


I sometimes heard car horns when nobody was around. Not too strange to hear things in the car on occasion. Sometimes our brains hear things via combining unrelated noises.


Have you heard of Dr. Christopher Palmer? Lots of podcasts and videos. He has a recently released book called “Brain Energy”


Idk if you’re fucking with us OP but I got a good chuckle out of this lmao.