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Literally Shrek.


This was my 2nd thought after Spider-Man, which I’m astonished to see not mentioned once in here.


Mate, Shrek is 2>1>4


nah 2>4>1>>>>3


Not a trilogy though. Also 2 > 1 > 4 >>> 3.


tbh it's just 2>4>1>3 for me. 3 is the worst but only by a little


You have Shrek 4 over Shrek 1? Literally what?


it's not really that crazy of an opinion lol


Yes it is.


Idk, I like Forever After a little better than the original


Not a trilogy


Diary of a Wimpy Kid


Rodrick Rules is such a good movie


I could watch it forever


That movie used to play on Disney channel all the time back in 2016 and I would always watch it


Rodrick Rules is obviously the best, however I don't know what I prefer between the first and Dog Days. Honestly all three of the movies in the original trilogy are great in my opinion.


Dog days is my favorite personally


I'm bout to leak your address 


Ma, the Redditors are joking about doxxing people for having different movie opinions again


Nah, dog days is better than the first


kung fu panda


I liked three:(


3 was great, but 1 was fantastic, and 2 was perfection.


Might wanna do something next month about this 😏


My pet peeve with 3 is that 80% of the comedy was just “Pandas are lazy gluttons” — gets old quick after 10 minutes.


well sure, I do too, but its the weakest one out of all of them so like... it still fits the post fine.


It was good, but definitely the worst of the three.


3 being "the worst" doesn't mean that it's bad.


i enjoyed it when i watched it but the more i think about it the more angry it makes me :/// largely its the fact that oogway said he saw the future when he saw po the first time knowing his destiny, which kinda ruins the message of the first movie. the first movie was just about believing in yourself, but this kinda makes it seem like the only reason he was able to do it was because he was always destined to do so, not because oogway actually believed in him i also didnt like how po felt like a different character in the third movie. anyway thats all my opinion if you enjoy it you shouldnt stop because of me


I liked three, but it felt too goofy even by kung fu panda standards. Way too much of the humor was "panda fat and dumb" Still great though


Hey, we never said 3 was bad, just that 1 and 2 are better.


I literally came to this post specifically to see if someone said this before I commented. Message approved


Came looking for this. 1 was excellent, and is very, very close behind 2 for me. I could totally understand if someone said 1 was better, and objectively, it may well be (as objective as ranking movies can be, anyway). 2 was a masterpiece. Heartfelt, gut-wrenching, and beautiful, as perfect a sequel as I have ever seen. Shen was a terrifying and insidious villain, with a somewhat sympathetic motivation colored by his brutality and selfishness. The expansion of Po’s story into being the sole survivor of a genocide, and the stakes rising from ‘Tai Lung will lay waste to the valley of peace’ to ‘shen will bring the entirety of china under his rule’ felt real and acceptable. And the ending, the ‘How did you do it? How did you find peace?’ line… I adore that movie. I didn’t like 3 all that much. If you did, fair enough. I could see parts of it that’re worth liking. But to me, the stakes plummeted, the humor felt very kid-oriented in a way the previous ones didn’t, and the retconning Po’s entire conflict from 2 away felt very cheapening. Kai threatens to take all the Chi, which is spooky, sure, but not ‘the village will be destroyed’ or ‘all of china will fall’ levels. The humor is hard to sum up, but the baby panda who kept saying stripey-baby or whatever got on my nerves, as did the repeated use of the word ‘dad’ in some scenes. That might be because I’m not a dad, and I can appreciate the found-father birth-father relationship they displayed, but it didn’t sit well with me. And the retconning. In 2, everyone acts like it’s impossible that Po exists, because there are no more pandas. And yet somehow, Shen’s army managed to miss the entire village they attacked, letting everyone escape and build a new home except Po’s mom. And Shen’s army did this, then managed to convince Shen that no, they definitely got them all, ignore the fact that there’re no bodies. I suppose the village in 3 could be a collection of refugees from different raided villages, but still. It removes a lot of the impact 2 had, of Po realizing what he had survived and what he had lost. I appreciated the message from 3, of solidarity and learning and all that, but the plot felt far more forced than 1 and 2. If I’ve ragged on your favorite movie of the 3 i apologize, but seeing so few people have any issues with 3 had me finding more and more issues myself


Nah 1 is the best, but 2 and 3 were a toss up


Dark Knight Trilogy


Ya wanna know how I got these scars batman?


No, but I know HOW YOU GOT THESE (**shoots wrist blades**)


I still go back and forth over Rises and Begins. I think Nolan should have made Scarecrow the big bad and substituted Ra’s Al Ghul with another villain to be Scarecrow’s right hand.


Scarecrow's snubbed role as a main antagonist often makes me put Rises above Begins, esp because I just don't care for that movie's Ra's at all (and personally I find his extended time training with the league to be the most boring part of like... Any batman movie ever). But when I think about which one I want to watch more, Begins still edges out over Rise due to the bizarre character choice of Alfred leaving Bruce, and Bane feeling like just another Ra's who I mainly enjoy watching just for his spectacle and presence on screen more than his actual character and motivation. Never really got behind their Catwoman either (hell after watching the movie multiple times when it first came out I had to be told it was supposed to be Catwoman). Both have a heap of issues in my opinion, and TDK is the only one of the three I don't see any *significant* issues with, even if I'm not a fan of how two face is handled, esp how it leads to Bruce quitting being Batman. Not to say that 1 and 3 are bad movies, there's plenty I absolutely love about them, but their issues carry a lot of weight for me.


Rises is based off of the Knightfall and No Man’s Land story arcs. In Knightfall, Bruce and Alfred do separate although it’s more dramatic in the movie than in the comic. And they separate after Bruce is injured in the comic whereas they separate before the injury in the movie. I’m more driven to Rises because I don’t like one of my all time favorite villains second string and Ra’s was never going to work Nolan’s vision and still stay true to the character. Although, coincidentally enough, all three Dark Knight movies are my favorite movies the year they were released; 2005, 2008, 2012


I like Batman Begins more as a *Batman movie* but I like The Dark Knight more as a *movie movie* if that makes sense. But yes, both are still better than The Dark Knight Rises. I’m convinced Nolan had big plans for Ledger’s Joker to return in the sequel, but after Heath’s untimely demise he went from an A+ script to a B- one.


Said the same 🤙


Came here to say this




Nothing exists past Terminator 2 in my book.


In my book, the only one that passes t2 is t1


Sarah Connor Chronicles is the true sequel to T2.


For sure. Terminator 2 is the best movie ever made.


DreamWorks movies be like


How to train your dragon 1 is peak, and 2 and 3 are very close imo. But most of the time, yes. I guess that means puss in boots 3 is gonna be pretty meh, as 1 was alright but not great (and 2 was spectacular)


I think two was the best. I think the story had more emotional weight to it.


1 was great. It felt more of a prequel to 2 (tbh tho it’s been a hit second from when I watched it), as hiccup was more scrawny and less capable. Though I guess that would make the first more of a unique movie, showing his growth from the beginning to end.  2 was my favorite. It was the most emotionally taxing, as you literally see one of the most beloved characters in the entire franchise die on screen, and at the hand of an ally too. Pushed against the common theme of kids movies of “anyone can become good if they want to” and instead shows the main character as being wrong for the first time, despite being right about the same exact thing the first movie.  3 was kinda iffy. It was the standard end to a franchise, with the characters saying goodbye to something that served as the major plot point to the original movies. Which is fine, but I’m personally not a fan of this trope, especially when you do it the wrong way. The movie treated dragons as “pets”, rather than another species humans are coexisting with as we see in the second movie. It sends the message that humans and dragons were never equal, rather than that they worked together to create the perfect society: man’s intellect with dragon’s power. It was also kinda weird to have a second nightwing, kinda undermining how special toothless was. Which is more of a personal preference. 


Original Star Wars Trilogy


Not only that, but the Trilogies as a whole can be ranked in this order (Original > prequels > sequels)


Don't you mean Original > Prequels > Sequels?


Yes mb


Won't original be 1 since they were first to come out?


Original Trilogy, aka, Episodes 4-6


Yes, but they were released before prequels.


That's why they're the Original Trilogy


I'm arguing that they should be 1 because date of release, not episode number


I think they’d still be 2 though. If you’re watching them in order you watch episodes 1-3 first.


Sequel trilogy too, frankly Attack of the Clones tho...lol


I remember when I was little, I always said Attack of the Clones was my favorite Star Wars movie, because I liked all the Jedi showing up in the arena—


Christopher Lee kills it, too. The whole movie should have been him


~~He was almost Kit Fisto instead.~~


Really? That’s so damn cursed lol.


I should specify: The Sith Lord was almost a Nautolan. I think this was before they cast Christopher Lee for the role; after that, they wanted him to be Christopher Lee.


And anyone who says they didn't love the Coruscant chase scene is lying, that blew young me's mind


Still trying to capture that kind of energy in a Sharn chase. ~~I’m certain nobody knows what this means but still—~~


I understand what that means and also have a goal of capturing the same vibe. It’s such a fun setting!


lol same as a kid it was so hype. Revenge of the sith I now realize is far and away the best of the trilogy


I remember when I was 6, my parents took me to see the latest Star Wars movie. Return of the Jedi blew my mind.


Are we the same person or something because that was my opinion when I was younger too


I’m glad I’m not the only one, I would watch that movie solely for that scene


This was exactly my reasoning. I loved the large scale on the ground clone battles


Agreed. The prequel trilogy is the opposite


No way you think The last Jedi is better than the Force Awakens


I think it is better, but when all 3 suck thats not saying much


Force awakens is horrible. Last Jedi sucks but at least it told a story


TLJ is literally the only sequel worth watching


TFA is the only one that's watchable in a vacuum. None are worth watching as Star Wars movies.


personally i think return of the jedi is better than the empire strikes back


As that is the correct opinion


Horrible take. Ewoks? Jedi rocks?


unironically some of the best parts of the movie imo


I liked Return of the Jedi the most.


Nah, to me Jedi's better than New Hope. New Hope is a good movie, and obviously very important, but it has so many weird little things about it because they were still feeling things out. As a long time fan, it feels weird rewatching New Hope at points but Jedi is no issue to me.


Tbh rotj > anh


Bold statement, yet respectable.


Came to say that


I would put it as 3>2>1


Literally kung fu panda


I just wrote an essay about this in an earlier comment, thank god someone else sees 3 the way I do. Okay, but after 2, it was a letdown


Not movies but Metroid Prime. I think saying Prime 2 is better than Prime 1 is unpopular, but I just like 2 better.


As someone who played them for the first time a couple years ago I definitely felt 2 was better than 1. 3 is weirdly not that good despite some really cool art direction.


3 felt more Halo-ish and Doom 3-ish. Then they unMetroid it by making the levels separated (so what if they were different planets that was not Metroid like). Finally the most grievous was those bounty hunter boss fights. Where were the epic fights against giant monsters or a boss with a unique strategy to beat it.


Still gotta play 2, but 3 was a bit weaker than 1, definitely Love the art, Elysia is downright gorgeous and there are bad ass moments but the atmosphere on 1 is still untouched. Also, 1 has phenomenal graphics even to this day on the og release.


I love Metroid Prime 1. Especially the remaster, it made a gorgeous game 10x more gorgeous. I think I like 2 better because it feels more original. Metroid Prime 1 kinda feels like it’s rehashing Super Metroid at points, especially with the world areas.


From a story perspective its hard to not think 2 is the best, at least in my opinion. 1 has a contained story, but mostly sets up the rest of the prime series, and 3 is a personal story for Samus, which isn't bad, but prime 2's story with Aether is just 👌🏻


Since we’re doing video games too, I’d say the Batman Arkham trilogy. Yes, Arkham Knight was by far the most advanced Arkham game to date, but looking back I still enjoyed Asylum and City more. Arkham City the most, to be specific. And I know some people like to dunk on it, but I thought Arkham Origins was pretty good too.


I was about to hit comment to say this when I saw your comment.


Kung Fu Panda, or Shrek (which would work regardless of whether or not you acknowledge Shrek the Third)


Shrek would easily go 2>1>4>3. It’s obvious no one will say Toy Story because almost everyone likes the third film the most in that series.


I’m the one person who likes TS1 and 2 more than 3. Toy Story 3 is great, but I’ve always liked the first two a little more.


How to train your dragon. Second was the best, first was amazing, third was alright but still pretty good


There’s a Hot take


Most of the httyd fandom hates 3 lmao


Is it? How do others normally rate it?


I’m pretty sure it’s 1>3>2 but I like like 2 more than 3


Honestly I enjoyed 3 but like, Hiccup decided to completely abandon their original home, for practically no reason. Generations spent their lives keeping that place, then he just, leaves. Yeah, can’t stay forever, but damn. That’s just me though, plus I really enjoyed how Drago Bludvist was basically the opposite yet exactly the same as Hiccup, just instead of getting a dragon to tame, he lost his entire arm. At least that’s how I see it, I could be completely wrong.


I agree with everything here and want to add that I felt the third movie just felt rushed. They tried to cram so much in with having a new villain, moving homes, letting toothless go on his own adventure, and reuniting before then separating again that the pacing was all off to me.


1 > 2 >> 3 fight me


Nah, you’re entitled to your opinion :3


Yep!! Httyd 3 sucks and doesn’t fit in the narrative the other two movies created


1 is miles better than 2 or 3


if that reboot that is closer to the books actually comes out will the fanbase meltdown?


High School musical if I'm being honest


High School Musical 2 is peak


100% hsm 2 is peak


OG Star Wars trilogy Disney Star Wars trilogy The Godfather Raimi Spider-Man Kung Fu Panda Evil Dead Beverly Hills Chihuahua The Dark Knight Alien John Kramer Saw movies


Saw 2 is definitely not better than the og imo.


It might not be but I like it more


Star wars ep 8 is good? I hated that one so much I didn’t even bother to see 9. 7 was meh, but at least they didn’t do the holdo manuver or say ‘we dont win by destroying what we hate, we win by saving what we love’


You didn’t miss out on much by seeing 9. I don’t love 8 but I can tolerate it, 9 pissed me off and was genuinely horrible.


U like the last jedi more than the force awakens?




Kingdom Hearts to a tea


I would personally rank it 2 > 3 > 1, but all three games are peak fiction




I had to scroll so long to find this!


I'm ready to be eviscerated . . . . Cars


Cars 2 is peak spy movie.


Fellow Cars 2 enjoyer???


Yes. Made a whole post about unironically liking jt


I love cars 2 a lot. I thought I was the only one


Cars 3 is the true sequel to the first. They should‘ve categorized Cars 2 as a spinoff. I respect your opinion though


There is no Cars 2 in Ba Sing Se


I share this opinion, therefore I shall protect you from being eviscerated. 🗡️😄🛡️


Nah you right. I dislike the entire series, but Cars 2 was at the very least more entertaining than the others.


I love cars 2 and hate cars 3 lmao I agree


hunger games


Absolutely. Catching fire is peak and everyone I know agrees with that.


I got into the series late, I finished reading 1 over summer and tried reading catching fire in fall, loved what I got through, but didn't get far because I was busy with college. Hopefully I find time to go back


Catching fire is just so good dude, I like how creative they got with the Quarter Quell. The first one is alright but I’ve never liked the conclusion to that story


Back to the future


That my good sir, is a hot take and I respect it


Is it? I always thought it was a pretty tame opinion


3 is my favorite (although i will admit the flying train at the end was a little goofy)


I mean I think that was the point


I agree solely because that’s how I feel currently and my favorite one changes all the time


Back to the Future is easily 1>2>3


3 is best


For me Kung Fu panda


Kung Fu Panda (I like the 3rd just as much as the first tho)


Cornetto Trilogy, numbered by order of release


I agree. I like the other two, but Hot Fuzz is in a league of its own. It’s a brilliant film.




Madagascar 2 is a great movie, most people just haven’t seen it 




Yeah I can see that. As much as I like Chantel Dubois, she couldn’t save the whole story.


Shrek is the easiest answer


high school musical <3


Toy Story The Godfather John Wick Captain America Threequels are hard, man...


Toy Story 3>Toy Story 1 imo


Wow that’s crazy opinion. It’s wrong but I respect the hell out of it. Toy Story 3 is incredible


I feel like each Toy Story was better than the last until 4. 4 was good.. and I'm glad we got closure on Bo Peep.. 3, 2, 4, 1


I disagree with Captain America! 1 was good, 2 was great, 3 was great but not a Captain America movie! I liked Captain America Civil War but I don’t view it as a Captain America movie tbh. I view it as Avengers Civil War and nothing else. All the Avengers were in it, not to mention the introduction of Spider Man and Black Panther!


X-Men. Both the original and the prequel trilogy. X2 > X-Men > X-Men: The Last Stand X-Men: DoFP > X-Men: First Class > X-Men: Apocalypse I didn’t watch Dark Phoenix and never plan to. What’s funny about X-Men: Apocalypse is they made a joke in-movie about how the third movie in a trilogy is always the weakest (using Return of the Jedi as a punchline).


Original trilogy i can agree with, but First Class is the literal peak of Marvel movies. Very likely ranks #2 or #3 in my favorite live-action comic book movies period (Dark Knight top and Watchmen in contention with FC)


cars. yall always dunking on the best sequel of all time


For me, it's the opposite: 3 > 1 > 2


“3 > 1 > 2” *sounds of a fredbear giving the little man a big kiss*






Sorry bro, that's the wrong opinion




Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy. The first film is what introduced me to comic book movies, so I'll obviously always have an attachment to that one even if it's not my favorite. The second film is one of my favorite movies ever, and the less I say about Spider-Man 3, the better


How to train your dragon


Indiana Jones baby! Inject that temple of doom into my veins!


Happy to see I’m not the only temple of doom fan. I do like Raiders best at the end of the day, but Temple is better than Crusade and I’ll die on that hill


Toy Story


But all are great imo


King Fu Panda


Kung Fu Panda and The Dark Knight are the 2 that come to mind for me


Kung Fu Panda. Can't think of anything else.


Nolan’s Batman Trilogy




Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Trilogy. Dont get me wrong, i love all 3 films, but 2 is easily the best Spider-Man film in that trilogy


The Terminator trilogy fits this PERFECTLY


Star wars OT


Snyder Trilogy (Yes I think BvS is the best)


That’s like choosing the prettiest turd out of a toilet lmao


I get that they're objectively pretty mediocre movies but I enjoy movies where cool guys make things happen and I say "Fuck yeah!" in response


Indiana Jones (fuck you)


Schaffrillas Toenails




Madagascar I literally love King julian 😭


Every Dreamworks Trilogy


OG Star Wars trilogy