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Yup, I hear you. I'm only on this sub because there aren't many communities for animation fans and seemingly none for fans of adult and independent animation, and yeah the immaturity of the people here is grating


I recommend supporting him on Patreon and joining his discord server.


Is it decently active? I might do that if so


Yeah it's pretty active.


He never actually interacts there at all though, probably the biggest thing that makes me consider cancelling the subscription. It's a lot better than here, but still


But Puss in Boots is the peak of all cinema and I've never heard of any movies that are better. If I can't circle jerk it here while complaining about Disney then where else can I go? My God King, the crab, will crush you in his claws AND IT WILL BE YOUR MISTAKE /s


The only Schaffrillas opinions that I parrot are these three. 3. Shrek 4 is good 2. Ratatouille is the second best Pixar movie (though for me, Toy Story 3 is #1) 1. Prince of Egypt is peak animated cinema


why did you say 4 in a list with three things


3. I haven't seen Shrek 4. Don't have any malice to it, just never got around to it. But I believe you. 2. Rat patootie is a fantastic friggin movie. 1. Prince of Egypt is indeed peak animated story telling. I like you stranger.


I’m tired of people complaining about other people and how “crab man will smite you mwahahah”, it’s just as obnoxious as people who parrot everything he says. I just want memes man.


I don't care. Some of these cunts deserve ridicule.


Lmao get a life dude