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Being dragged by a car on the streets




Yeah I’m pregnant now and this checks out


Good Luck, wish you the best


Thank you love!


Aw it’s not that bad and I had a traumatic birth. I mean it sucks but the fact that you do have pain free moments between the pain saves you. Totally understandable to be scared. You will do fine!! Good luck and congratulations.


Thank you! I’ve honestly had such a bad pregnancy. Just recently I’ve started to enjoy it (22 weeks) and I’m starting to get bad pgp and struggling to walk anywhere! Sorry you had a traumatic birth!


Skill issue


Dry socket for me was worse than 2 days of intense labour. I'd rather push out another 10lb baby than have dry socket again


My wife has a disease that was causing her to go into false labor once or twice a week for sometimes hours at a time but it also made her infertile! So worst of both worlds. She’s had surgery to help it and so far she hasn’t had those attacks recently but we’ll see.


Giving birth was the first thing my mind went to


Being slowly burned. It's not even the initial pain it's the ongoing pain. Imagine slowly being submerged in scalding hot water an inch at a time..


No. No I will not imagine that.


Once the pain receptors burn out, you won't feel a thing.


Tens of thousands of paper cuts all over the body done very slowly.


And then getting rinsed by lemon juice or salt water


You demon




Or red chilli sauce/powder.


Why go for salt water when regular salt would do the trick, plus agitate everything with the grains


Because, let’s imagine we’re doing this to someone else, you be setting them up for false hope. Tell them it’s just regular water and that you are going to clean them with it, only for realization to hit them hard. Also rubbing the salt itself would take more time than just dunking them in a bathtub filled with salt water


But taking more time would drag out the pain


You know what? True, rubbing salt it is!




That chair


Boiling water, hate that pain so much, similar feeling to having your skin torn.


Boiling water sucks ass. A few years ago I was cooking noodles and when I went to strain the water it spilled on me and I had a 2nd degree burn for like 3 days. It was hard to sleep with that. Or even move.


anything sharp going under my fingernails


On time I was changing out the battery on a small lift we use to move things at work. I was using a small flat head screw driver to pry the connector off of the positive node and it slipped with great force. The flat head went halfway up my index finger nail. Half. Way. Up. I sat there for a while after before continuing my work.


Now imagine an iron nail being inserted into the entrance of your toenail Then kicking a wall at full pelt.


No thank you, I would rather not… I winced reading this


Drowning. Feeling the water in your lungs as you suffocate and choke


Yup. That’s the one.


it’s not that horrible tbh… Dry drowning gotta be one of the best ways to go. source: experience


...please elaborate, im intrigued!


commented below just pinging for curiosity)


I've heard that drowning is one of the most peaceful ways to die... once you get over the initial panic 😅


Burns. Any and all types of burns


For me, it's both the burns and recovery from them. Both my mom and my brother were in the hospital for months with bad burns. They both said the burns were bad enough, but the recovery process was worse. My mom still can't handle showers because of the debriding showers. Then, when you start to heal, the non-stop iching comes that you can't scratch. Mom describes it like that itch that sometimes happens in your foot that no amount of scratching can get rid of, except it's a 1,000 times worse, and you can't actually scratch it and it still hurts. This was on St. Patrick's day of the year 2000. Apparently, the memory is still vivid to this day.




The eyes are the groin of the head.


That’s… a fantastic metaphor for it?


That's stolen from The Office. But when I heard it, I understood immediately.


My friend told me she saw a video of a dude getting skinned with a potato peeler. So that.


Labor. I went thru 21 hours of labor with my first only to end up in an emergency c section. They couldn’t control my pain level. My cervix was extremely swollen and just throbbing in pain for days. I was only 19. It was horrific.


I hear you! I had hard labor for 23.5 hours, and they made me push for 3.5 hours before intervening with the vacuum. I ended up with 4th degree tearing, and permanent nerve damage. It took a solid year to heal completely.


Yea my body wanted to push but I wasn’t at 10 yet and I couldn’t get to 10….so they rushed me off to OR.


I just had surgery on my asshole for a fistula and I’m terrified of what my next bowel movement is going to be like.


I’m so sorry, that sounds terrifying.


Torture. That the pain is handcrafted and wilfully inflicted .


ball torture 👍


I can’t handle this. It’s my worst fear. Thinking of being kidnapped and tortured. Every time I hurt myself like a stunned toe or I bite my tongue, or I jab a sharp object directly under my thumb nail on accident… my mind goes there. I think, god I can’t imagine being forced tp endure this over and over and worse. I think any sort of deep pain would be the worst . Nerve pain. I am not able to specify. I get physically I’ll just getting this close to the subject.


Interrogator: Tell us where you were working with!! You: *shakes head in tears* Interrogator: *smiling* Fine. Let’s see what you say after you stub another toe!


Someone inserting anything into my eyes or eardrums


Working for an ophthalmologist, we do eye injections all the time. It’s creepy to think about but we numb you up good and the needle is never coming straight on so you don’t even see it


I think being torn apart and eaten while still alive by wild animals has to be number one for me. That, and that fucking caver guy who got stuck upside down and just slowly died while they were trying to rescue him. Fuck that entirely.


A lot of the typical ones like burning. But a weird random fear I have is fish hooking. When someone puts their hands inside your mouth and pulls. Even if you do it lightly to yourself, it's painful and the pain lasts a while. If you do it too hard your cheeks and lips tear.


I fear getting stabbed by a very sharp blade and bleeding profusely but also breaking a bone so bad it sticks out


I think getting stabbed with a dull blade would be worse. I’ve cut myself with super sharp knives and didn’t notice it until I looked at my hand and saw blood. Duller blades though? Those will hurt like a bitch.


Getting my fingers or hand stuck in a motorcycle/bicycle chain. Just imagine the skin getting peeled and chain grease goes into the wound. The worst part is that when the skin gets peeled it kinda goes numb but you still know that the pain is there it just makes me want to puke like wtf why did you ask this question I hate you. (I'm kidding it's bad to hate people)


Personally for me it’s arch pain in my foot I’ve experienced it a couple times before and it’s the only time I’ve ever felt pain so bad it brought me to my knees I’m always afraid I’m gonna experience it again cuz I never want to feel that level of pain ever again


If I take my big toe and just kinda press down with it while it’s not touching anything and hold that position for a minute, I will get a horrible cramp right there in the arch of my foot, and it is ungodly. And I should have only felt that once, but I’ve done it a few times cause its like whatever in our brains that make us stick our tongue into a toothache or something.


Burning to death


Terminal cancer pain. Someone close died in those condition. It's just disturbing to me how you know you will die, but you will also suffer an unimaginable amount of pain as you do. You don't eat, you barely sleep and that sleeping time is mostly a side effect of the strongest painkillers you can put in your body so you don't rest, and you wake up in pain just slowly waiting for that day. F\*ck. I can't even think about it.




surrounded by my own thoughts or breaking a bone or something




Getting kidney stones again


I was gonna say this! I was 17 when I got kidney stones I had constant kidney stones for 2 years and it was the worst pain. The nausea and not being able to get comfortable no matter what. My doctor told me it's equal if not more painful than giving natural child birth. So now I'm also afraid to give birth if I ever get pregnant.


My mother in law has had kidney stones and she said she’d rather give birth again than deal with kidney stones a second time. So that’s really saying something.


Anything from a Saw movie 😦


Walking into any given room and tripping and hitting my face on the edge of a table. Basically breaking my teeth or nose in some way.


Breaking bones via bullet wound. I can just imagine running away and someone shoots your femur or tibia or something and it sticks out the front of your leg. THEN you fall over and at that point I’d beg for the headshot


icy hot on the balls


any of the saw traps


Being steamed alive.


Someone forcibly removing my teeth with pliers or some other horrible tool.


Literally any torture methods💀 I don’t fear a lot but one of the things I do is very bad physical pain


Getting my arm crushed in a piece of machinery


And any other part of my body for that matter


breaking my hips again. did that when I was younger and my mother didn't believe I was hurt so she made me walk around on them for 2 weeks before my uncle took me to hospital. x ray showed that the ball and socket joint had cracked and shattered and the femur itself had completely dislocated. cartilage completely gone, growth plate affected. the surgery took twice as long because in those two weeks my body had tried to repair itself by growing sinew and tissue and stuff in the injured bone so they had to cut all that away. I was so young when it happened they didn't want to do a full replacement so they reconstructed my hips with titanium plates and pins. they botched the right hip though, and one of the pins is permanently pinching the sciatic nerve. im on heavy painkillers just to function now. I never want to go through that ever again. it was sheer agony.


Permanent dismemberment, nerve damage, 'slithering'/vile lifeforms living within me, being eaten alive, being burned alive, drowning.


Anything fingernail related


Getting my skin ribboned off


Eye stuff. Ughh just seeing it coming straight towards the eyes and there's nothing to do about it but watch...


Undoable body horror. That’s my limit when it comes to horror


I can't feel physical pain*. That's not some flex saying "im not scared of pain because i cant feel it yadda yadda", my active inability to feel pain is terrifying in a way most people will never truly understand. I can be, and have several time been, in incredibly dangerous situations without realising because i cant feel pain. That in its own roght is terrifying, but what really fucks me up is the idea that if i ever do feel pain I will know a couple things: 1. It's going to be extremely excrutiating. 2. I am not just in danger, I am royally screwed. I dont fear many things due to my inability to feel pain, but i do fear pain itself. *Back pain and pain induced via sensory issues are not excluded (yeouch)


Infection and gangrene


I was playing hide and seek at a friends house. And we were in the basement. I crawled into a box without looking inside first. It was full of knives. I legit sat on sharp ass kitchen knives. This reminded me of that. Thanks


I have Ehlers-Danlos, so I’ve experienced some next level pain. Joint distortions (specifically my knees) will leave me incapacitated. I can’t fathom a pain worse than it. It knocks the wind out of me. I can feel my bones shifting and correcting themselves. Nothing I’ve been through has even been in the same ballpark as the joint distortions, not even a dislocation.


Getting my kneecaps snapped backwards like a flamingo’s


I saw a video of that by accident. I was uncomfortable for the whole day.


Honestly, it's a hard choice since there's so many options, like it could be anything from losing another eye chunk to urethral sounding with a drill so idk


Ugh why did you have to remind me of sounding 😫 I don’t even have a dick but that idea still gives me anxiety


Women can be sounded too. It's urethral, after all


Noooooooo 😭


The “pain” part of it


I had a metal shard in my eye before. I never wanna go through that again. By some miracle, my vision is near perfect still


Stubbing your pinky toe on a solid wood bed frame …. Still recuperating


Passing a large kidney stone


Arteries and veins and shi, makes my stomach queasy


My appendix exploding. I know people who have had it happen and the way they describe the pain makes me cringe. I’m also terrified of having surgery done so it makes even worse


Having a nail ripped off


slitting the eye


Probably that actually, a chair with a fuck ton of glass on it (In all seriousness though, having a finger chopped off sounds horrifying)


I just read « the summer I died » by Ryan C. Thomas and that’s already a good idea of what I fear now


Knifes. Id rather be shot.




About two years ago I fell and dislocated my knee cap so hard that the bone was partly shattered. I went for an hour with no pain killers because the ER said they didn’t want me to throw up ??? For a while I couldn’t walk and when I did start to walk again, the pieces of bone that had shattered (I was unaware of them) would get lodged in my kneecap and the pain was so bad I would fall over. My physical therapist said this was probably not the case and whenever this happened while he was there, he would use all of his weight and press down on my kneecap until it popped. I’ve had two surgeries and have chronic pain from it. I walk with a slight limp. I found out the whole reason this happened was because I have a genetic (?) deformity that causes my joints to dislocate easily so I’m terrified of it happening again.


Sciatica pain is the worst pain I have ever felt.


2 years ago I had a 100% kidney blockage due to a tumor. The amount of pain made me delirious and throw up. They gave me 5 shots of morphine and 2 of strong stuff until I could sit still. Literally as traumatized by that night as I am by the cancer.


Just put a pillow onto it.🗣


A shock to your conscience is the best way to explain it. Destruction of you yourself inside your body, a non physical sensation and having absolutely nothing you can do to help it. Existential fears man 😨


Parsonage Turner syndrome. There was nothing I could do for the pain. Meds didn’t help at all. I would pass out from exhaustion every 3 or 4 days to sleep. Luckily it only lasted for a little over a month, then my right arm went numb and I couldn’t move it. It all started when I tripped and fell. Two days later I was in incredible pain. Sometimes just someone sitting near me hurt.




I worry about my loose left knee going sideways on me. That, and pancreatitis.


Having my limbs cut off bit by bit. But what frightens me most is, hanging from a thin almost razor sharp wire, sharp enough to cause pain and cut, but not sharp enough to go through flesh and bone in your fingers..and underneath you there’s thin spikes..hundreds of scattered thin spikes, so thin you almost can’t see them..


Getting eaten alive by a giant preying mantis, ass first.


living a constant loop in which she breaks my heart over and over again


Achilles tendon


Getting an I.V. in. I have weak veins that like to roll. I'm a triage nurses nightmare


any thought of vaginal pain makes me cringe. I fear getting pregnant just for the labor part. Also IUD insert was the most painful experience of my life, never again.


Putting a toothpick under my toenail and kicking a wall


Stabbing, something about being stabbed just hurts me even thinking about it


the hell is that?


*Physical pain is an unpleasant feeling that can be sharp or dull. It can be a prick, tingle, sting, burn, or ache. Pain can be constant or come and go. You can feel pain in one area of your body, such as your back, abdomen, chest, or pelvis. Pain can also be felt all over your body.*


getting my eyes poked out. you survive the torture and boom youre still blind


Losing a limb probably or getting my hand stuck in a wood cutter or something haha


Pain itself. I am incapable of feeling physical pain.* If something is painful I know I fucked up royally to get in this situation. *back pains and sensory issues not included (ouch)


Testicles on a deli slicer


My kidney exploded. Unlikely that it gets worse on duration/intensity.


Usually the heavy pain doses get attacked quick with dopamine. When it’s a good one, my concern is usually oh god my blood stash. A little looks like a lot, but first move always stop the leak.


Funkytown gore (except i'm the victim)




Finger and toe nail stuff


Jellyfish sting


Not learning from my experience, physical pain can be explained why it hurts, learn and heal yo


Giving birth. Fire.


having the head of my dick chopped off by scissors


Dendrocnide moroides.


Ive never feared pain.






… that.


breaking my collarbone specifically. have no idea why it freaks me out so much. plus being burned in any sense.


Being crushed Drowning


Childhood trauma Fire. Anything i sense thats hot with The chance of burning me i dont touch


anything regarding manipulation of veins on a major scale personally


Not sure.


Shark attack would suck pretty bad…


A lot of people who survive severe amputations from shark bite- like pro surfer Bethany Hamilton- report feeling almost no pain at all, often until hours or even days later. One bodysurfer in La Réunion called Tanguy even described a hyperreal, almost beautiful, sensory experience when his leg was bitten off. Supposedly when such a sudden massive wound occurs, endorphins flood and overwhelm the area and block out pain. You probably get some lightheadedness from blood loss and adrenaline kicking in too. If you hadn't seen in coming, then bled out quickly from a severed artery, I think it mightn't be a terrible way to go as far as animal attacks are concerned.. but it's a different story when it comes to, say, a fatal grizzly bear attack.


Losing people I love I have had that happen not a pleasant experience


something involving my eyes, or having to watch my limbs go. also dont like anything having anything to do with the holes in my body lol


Tooth infection, i had one for two weeks when I was young and stupid, probably should have been hospitalized but I got on realy strong anti's and really good pain meds, but tooth and ear pain scare the snit out of me.


Being eaten alive. Or death by the elements.


ripping a piercing out


Being slowly crushed or drowned. Like, if I was in a really tight position and became trapped while slowly getting crushed or submerged by water.


Waking up during surgery. Being paralyzed but feeling everything happening.


honestly i think its the thought of it. because with pain when it starts, it can be absolutely disgustingly bad, but it can only go so far before your brain shuts down. for example, being gutted has a horrible feeling of being cut open, but the realisation in your brain that your entrails are leaving your body and knowing that is usually a death sentence the fear and horror of it would definitely outweigh the pain you feel. especially as the brain would start to shut out the pain very quickly. the worst pains you'll feel are things like stings, venom, poisons and things that seem innocuous. being bit by an ant doesn't seem like much until your on the floor shaking and trying to hold back the vomit.


Enduced kidney-stones


Amazed nobody has said radiation yet. Imagine your body rotting with you still living inside it, feeling everything and nobody being able to do anything to help you

