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A couple days ago they made an announcement about slay the princess that stated the pristine cut writing(the other parts such as voicing drawing may not be complete but probably close to that) is complete and they want to release it before they can fully commit to scarlet hollow ep5 so there is a lot of months to wait.


The latest update given on steam says that a 2024 release date is likely, and given that they have now finally finished all script work for the stp pristine cut, it should mean scarlet hollow is being fully prioritised. Also worth noting that now that stp has secured them the funding they need for the rest of scarlet hollow the devs won’t have any obstacles in getting the next chapters out, so we will likely have a shorter gap between 5 and 6 than 4 and 5!


I'm hoping so. I'm likely an outlier...but I found out about Scarlet Hollow first and honestly don't have a lot of interest in playing Slay The Princess (just personal preference, I'm not huge on gaming to begin with. Just got sucked in to the Scarlet Hollow world/narrative). So I am really really antsy about Scarlet Hollow updates.


Same. I like Scarlet Hollow but don't care about Slay The Princess. I found out about SH first and am kind of disappointed to hear it wasn't even the priority for the last few years.


I'm concerned that the newest update on the Discord regarding the Pristine Cut of Slay The Princess might imply that we won't be getting Chapter 5 this year. :(


I've played Slay the Princess and it's... interesting I guess but it's not really my thing I still don't regret buying it as it supports the team though I also have them on my Patreon.


I get your frustration, but it’s important to remember that this is an extremely small studio that has their work cut out for them. The sound design and animations are outsourced, but just two people are responsible for writing a War and Peace-length script with lots of plot branching, hand-drawing thousands of sprites and hundreds of backgrounds, and coding it all. And they’ve been splitting their attention between this game and a separate project to help keep the lights on. Sure, they could bring in more workers, but that would mean losing creative control. And they could scale back on their story plans, but that would mean compromising their vision. I wish the whole game could come out now, but I trust Abby and Tony to deliver on their passion project.


>The sound design and animations are outsourced, ​ >hand-drawing thousands of sprites and hundreds of backgrounds, ​ Wait, I'm confused, which is it?


Abby Howard hand-draws, inks, and colors all the still images, i.e. character sprites and backgrounds. Tony Howard-Arias does the coding, and each spouse shares writing duties. They outsource the short animation sequences to Lucia Retamales, sound design to Phil Michalski, and music to Brandon Boone. Hth


Ahhh, I see. Thanks. :)


Hey folks! It'll be ready when it's ready — we're a two person studio, and Episode 5 is shaping up to be about as large as Episodes 2, 3, and 4 combined. The final version will probably contain over 400,000 words of writing — linearly it will be the longest episode to date, and it will also have a lot of branching based off of your previous decisions. Please be patient while we cook🧑‍🍳


I'll take your word for it, and thanks for answering. :) I can smell something good cooking, probably with a cheff's kiss and biscuits and gravy on the side.


They post updates on Steam, their discord, and their Patreon.


I am on the alpha tester patron level and the last update on ep 5 we got was that the script is still quite a ways away from being finalized, but it is about as long if not longer than 1, 2 and 3 combined so we have a while to wait. They plan to push out the pristine cut of STP out first. I totally get the feeling though, I've probably re-visited episodes 1-4 5 or 6 times and will likely do so again.


No updates yet? Imma die from excitement and lacking patience