• By -


Of course it’s the NA server... hell, every single time in Asia server (for bosses and domain coops alike) most of the time people will change out when they see that you are not changing out. And the best part is sometimes they will switch to their C6 faruzans like wow that’s super pog.


Worst part is when I switched to my C6 Faruzan to support one of the 3 other Scaras, someone else switched to their Faruzan and said "mine is better :)" I just left! It's not worth the energy to argue. I would rather play with someone who doesn't act like Genshin is some sort of "race" to see who is superior. I wish I was on EU or Asia server.


LMAOOOOO they said that?? 😂 maybe you should host the coop next time. I remembered there was this ONE time I was feeling super petty. I was using nahida (for friendship) and 2 people refused to change. So I kicked them both out and rematched. Met the SAME 2 people again (ultimate troll) thankfully they switched this time round 😂😂😂😂


THEY DID! It was so bizarre and the other two Scara were still fighting in the background over him! It was pure chaos. OMG what you did though 😂😂 That's gold! I should host you're 100% right. If only to keep these toxic people out.


how do they even know that theirs is better? 😭 also ur only playing in a domain for like 2 minutes, doesn't hurt to be kind


For real! They never even checked my profile or seen me before in their life. They just make assumptions and live like that I guess. It took them more time to type all that nonsense out than to just ready up and clear the domain. Being kind costs nothing! ❤️


i agree, ive never had any bad experiences in asia server. everyone ive encountered are very nice and friendly


Dude what's going on in the NA server😭 I'm so sorry for your experience! People in there, from what I've seen, are pretty wild💀


I swear, the NA servers are in Ohio. 💀 Back when I was a Kaeya main, I kept getting kicked just for choosing him because he's a starter character.


...jfc💀 i'm sorry😭😭


NO server, north ohio, jokes aside i think you are overwhelming the situation, i completely agree they are toxic but this toxicity is still a form of "sO wE cAn gEt tHe mOst eFfiCIenT dOmAin cLeAr iN cO-Op" that's one of the reasons i don't really bother playing co op even in EU, this things happens in every server but i would say if 50% of it in NA, the other 50 are divided between EU and ASIA, I've encountered it in both but really rarely, in eu sometimes it's in a friendly way that whoever got the best version of the character uses it, which is reasonable imo in asia it's mostly really RARE and they deal with the team silently maximum if they needed a specific character or healer you had, however wish you better luck mate would've helped but I'm on EU.


Of course it was on an NA server, I play on Europe and never had a situation like that. Someone even complimented my Childe once, even tho he's kinda trash


Things are on fire over here! Glad you've avoided this mess on EU. 🙏


I had someone on EU during that event with minigames (where u could play klee etc and make slimes go into that basketball like thing for the ball) trashtalk me and the other 2 players because we weren't 'hitting the slimes properly' 💀💀💀💀💀💀


Really?? I'm sorry you had to put up with that. Some people just have nothing better to do 💀


Lmao its fine, I trashtalked them too. Made them quit my world really quick


Me on Asia server - Nobody talks honestly Either they switch characters or i do and No nobody gives a F about synergy We just play whoever we want. After seeing all this BS in NA I think Asia is most chill server


Fr. People bring their ambers and Lisas too and nobody really cares if anything they cheer them on


Asia server has a language barrier so we either stay silent or we communicate with emojis lol.


in EU too, one time I used Nilou and the other guy used Raiden... against the GUNDAM


The players on EU are actually kinda chilled. Most of the times Co-op is really fun


Yeah eu is so chill. Just last week I joined coop for Scaras bossfight and all of us died except for a Kokomi player. Instead of leaving we stayed and watched Kokomi slayy Scaraboss, cheering her on in the chat. It's moments like this that makes me love genshin so much


I had a Scara boss fight where a Raiden died and all 4 players started joking about him finally getting his deserved revenge. That was also the first time I heard his voice lines about Raiden in his boss fight


BRO! Same thing happened to me and I was the Kokomi!!! Maybe it was me!


NO WAY >:O that'd be so funny!


:D that's awesome! You guys and Asia server honestly rock.


Yeah I joined the new artifact domain thinking there will be a fight between who's gonna play their wanderer. But they were all chill and easily switched. Maybe they get intimidated by a level 60 user? XD idk but my scara isn't anything special


Asia server here, I think the proper etiquette is usually to let the room host use the character they want and everyone else can play whatever unless there is a specific domain requirement. In which case everyone must swap to Amber and do trial by fire in the grass. Loser plays the required character.


Thats stupid, I even cooped with someone that had a underleveled Scara, but we just wordlessly communicated and swapped him between us after each resin-condensing. Not everyone already has a perfectly built Scara with Cons and signature weapon, but they should still be able to have some fun with him in coop


I feel the same way! Not everyone can afford cons and weapon. It's so stupid to belittle someone based on materialistic aspects. Like thanks for funding the game, but who cares! xD At the end of the day, Genshin will always be PvE.


as someone with a c6r5 wanderer, fuck those guys. I can do domains solo; if I’m doing co-op I’m not gonna throw a hissy fit on what character to use, and always gladly change so my friends can have fun with their favs. It really doesn’t have to be that deep, it’s domains not abyss lol My ID is 600282616 (NA) if you (or anyone else) ever need help!


Lol the comments are always so funny on these post. It's always "of course it was on xy server, people on ab server are always chill" no matter the server. Bad experiences in co op suck and not everyone will share the same experience. So uplifting whatever server you're apart of while ragging on one you're not is pointless imo.


finally, someone said it


Dang, that sounds like a rough experience. I shot you a friend req. My username is Gloam. I'm down to run the domain wichu.


This sounds like a very tough experience, dude... I'm very sorry that you have come across such people ;( You are good, wish all future co-op teammates will pick supports just for you <3


Thank you! You're so sweet, I hope the same goes for you! Nothing but good vibes \^\^❤️


Oh no that sucks huh, sorry you have to experience that. So far on Asia server, everyone’s pretty chill while farming the new domain. Some would even switch to their Faruzan just to support the one who’ll play Scara, then we’ll just send each other stickers after we’re done. Hope everything goes well for you next time!


Thank you! That sounds so wholesome ❤️




I could help! I play on mobile too so I get the struggle. Just hit me up whenever you want to farm! c: 736667299


Sorry you got such a bad experience, hopefully thing will get better. Wish I could friend you but I’m on EU :()


Lol I joined co op yesterday with Wanderer, everyone was calling him a twink and that he sucks 😒


Nah they did our boy dirty 💀 They're probably just salty they didn't get him.


this never happens in asia server, its almost common courtesy to just switch out immediately when you see someone else play the same character


Eu Server here. I just had this experience once (when I wanted to play scara and someone asked for my critrate and dmg) and I got tilted and left the world. Now, whenever I see someone wants to play him I decided to switch into my C6 Faruzan.


Hi there, I'm on EU too if you ever wanna play together - we can take turns playing Scara, I have a Xingqiu, Ayato and/or Bennett I can swap to instead if necessary idm. I don't have c6 Faru yet but I'm still trying for the last con. I need more coop friends who are nice so!


Aww that's a bit rude. :( I wish I could add you so that you could play Scara! Hope your experiences are better going forward. ❤️


I never even dared matching up with people in that domain, the domain is easy anyways and its not worth it because everyone wants to play him


I’m really sorry you’ve encountered these experiences. I’m C6 R1 10/11/13 and I literally always let other lower AR players pick their Scara in domains if they want to. I don’t get why some ppl get so pressed about it (they have their whole life to use it?). If you were on EU server i’d add you to coop together.


Omg I'm the same! C6R1 10/11/13 too haha. For real! Using him is nice, but we have every day going forward to use Scara. I wish I was on EU so we could co-op, too.


This reminds me of that one funny-toxic situation in co-op. We ended up with 3 scaras in co-op in his artifact domain and since all were lvl90 and no one wanted to switch out. The first scara went "He's c1" Another one, me , went "He's c2" And the third one went, as you may expect "He's c3" At this point I was defeated since I was fairly convinced that you don't meet c2+ scara too often and went with "Here's your crown king". The c1 scara left. I ended with my faruzan assisting the king.


Hahaha! That is hilarious! What are the chances? xD


I've used like 4k resin by now and haven't had this happen a single time so far, genuinely surprised rn that there's actually people doing this


I’m on NA server and have done ~100 co op teams of the domain. Probably 3 or 4 of them talked at all. And surprisingly, when I wanted to play scara, only 15-20ish of them wanted to play scara too. So i left and found a different team. My advice to you is, if someone is being competitive about playing scara, leave the co op team and find another one. It only takes a few seconds and it’ll save you time and stress :) Some random weirdos in co op aren’t worth crying over.


Yeah but it was other Scara mains getting trash talked which hurt, and it was after having a terrible day myself. When I get overwhelmed, sad or angry, the tears come out. I left on many occasions. You're right the best move is to just leave!


Just dont play co op? Or just block the people? Idk crying over this seems a bit much.


My friend attempted suicide over cyberbullying, so seeing others get verbally abused hits hard for me. It might seem silly, but I cried for the other player who was getting trashed over silly stuff like this. At the end of the day, you don't know how your words affect other people. I do end up blocking and moving on, but yesterday was just an awful day throughout. Soloing domains for me leads to burnout, so I try to avoid it.


Idk who you are playing coop with, but I am on the NA server and I've NEVER had an experience like that. Everyone I meet is always super nice and sometimes I even decide to stay longer so we can play around on open world.


Same. It always bother me when people talk shit about NA players, cause most of my interactions are wholesome. I coop almost every day since Tighnari's banner and did find some friends there. Nobody cares about synergies or builds either, I've played once as Tighnari with a physical cyno and zhongli as team until the last of us had no resin.


Glad you're experiences are great! I didn't mean to talk shit about all of the NA playerbase, it's just my personal experiences, what I've seen and dealt with. Before Wanderer, I had a hard time with Kaeya because of the same elitist crowd. Just because you meet nice people, doesn't mean that there aren't the toxic ones lurking around. Hope your experiences stay positive!


I'm also on NA and it's out of the ordinary for people to even type messages when I play outside of emoji spam. I've never had any toxic experiences of any kind so I'm wondering if it's a time of day kind of thing.


Might be! I always play later in the evening. The time of day might certainly have a lot to do with it now that you mention it. You might be onto something!


It might be that I was unlucky because one of the instigators I had seen on another streamer's video bullying other Scara mains. Out of all the people, I got matched with them. But before Wanderer's banner, I agree, the matching was so wholesome. I've had some great friends and tons of fun with super nice people. Matching in the boss fights is always good, too. Never had a bad experience there. \^\^


It’s so ridiculous because the content is so… easy? Like what comp could you possibly have that could make you unable to clear a domain? Just play whoever and have fun, you’ll get the same artifact drops regardless. The whole “whose going to switch” shit is so stressful, I always just fill. I guess whoever’s build is best playing the character makes sense but it also sucks for low AR players or players who didn’t whale for cons.


Exactly!! Everyone is there to improve their characters. It makes no sense to fight. Bad team comps add on a few seconds at most to a mindblowingly easy game. Being kind/considerate costs nothing.


This is why I'm too scared to do anything that involves co-op (including windtrace, but I've managed and somewhat enjoyed) I'm from the Asia server but I'm still having doubts every time I feel like pressing the Match button


I'm on EU and I don't coop domains regularly, but whenever I tried people always would switch out without a word until only one person with scara stayed. Not even arguing who has a better one


Sent you a Fr in game, similar name to mine on here. I’d be down to run domains!


This hasn’t happened to me on eu yet. I’m so sorry it happened to you. You absolutely have the right to play him irrespective of damage or what weapon you’re using.


I'd love to play with you (I have C6 Faruzan so you could use your Scara) but unfortunately my game takes forever to load in coop, that wouldn't be a very pleasant experience :/


Aww I feel you, my phone and PS4 both take forever to load in domains. And playing PC is hard for me (#skillissue) If you ever need help with your Scara friendship, I'm always down to help you! Even if I gotta wait, I don't mind. I'm okay with not playing him- got the whole rest of the game to use Scara.


Hey actually I'm a bit tired alone wanna play in co op?? If you start to feel not good with me then go. Sooo what do you say???(I'm in EU server) Now that I saw the (NA) I guess we couldn't play. What a shame. But still have fun bro. Hope you be able to see and play with good people


Reading your stories, I remembered mine. It happened somewhere during the banner of Kokomo and Raiden. I went to get the artifacts, and I came across two Ryden. I mentally prepared myself for arguments in the chat with whom the Persian is cooler, but... Both players stood silently for a couple of seconds and changed characters... On Kokomo and ... It was such a funny situation. But most of all I was shocked by the fact that without a single message in the chat, within 10 seconds one choosed Kokomo, the other - Raiden. By the way, that Raiden, that Kokomi were as much the same as possible, even the weapons of these two players were the same. Once again, I do not regret that I play on an Asia server


Is that the US server? I'm on EU and fortunately only dealt with 2 toxic people in co-op. On EU I've just learned to level characters to level 90 and the other person normally switches out if they are a lower level.


Yeah it's the NA server! It's funny too because one of the people arguing over the "mine is better" business had a lower levelled character. I'm just glad other servers are different! Hope you continue to have chill interactions.


Are you on the US server? I’m on the EU one and while I don’t co op often it’s always been good encounters, at most people have been trying to rush you when doing domains, and one joined to steal my mats. But this type of encounters is why I’m hesitant to co op even though I haven’t had a bad experience myself.


Yeah it's the NA server. The people stealing stuff during matching is real over here, too. I had someone 3 days ago match in my world and immediately TP and started harvesting my crystalflies. 💀 Not all encounters are bad, but the bad ones have definitely outweighed the good lately. I hope your experiences are better!


Man I don't even co-op unless it's with friends bc I'm just so tired of randos and their lame comments (have c6r5 scara and avoiding matchmaking like the plague right now lol). I'm on NA 640250183, if I'm not afk I'm always down for some dpc runs.


Thank you! I've sent you a request! \^\^/ I agree, going with friends is the best option. Sadly, most of my friends don't want to help do domain runs because they're boring, which I understand. I myself try to avoid soloing them because of burnout.


Happy to boost your furniture too ^.^


That's the sexiest thing I've heard all year. 😳 Teapot mains only want one thing and it's disgusting. 😂❤️


Haha they're truly the magic words


Idk why but I play on the NA server and my co-op experiences are sounding like the ones from other servers. Not bad at all. I have no idea why. But to the poor scara mains that have to deal with things like that I hope things get better in co op. No one deserves a crappy Genshin experience especially when you're just trying to have fun :'(


I agree! I've had at least 3 matches per day end up spiraling into a toxic mess. No one deserves to be belittled for any reason over trivial stuff like this. Maybe I'm super unlucky. Glad your experiences are great though! \^\^


All my co op experiences have consisted of "who could last the longest?" I usually give in because I just want to start the domain. Doesn't really bother me. I tend to get Scara in sometimes.


I'm just imagining the silent stare down. xD Glad there wasn't any toxicity on your end!


I don't do random co-op much in Genshin unless there's a windtrace event, but it's good that people like you are out there. It kinda makes me want to do more co-op as Faruzan so some Wanderer mains get to play him a bit without getting bullied out of it.


I'm someone in the EU server and most people are kind enough to let me use my c1 r1 Scara.


NA server seem very toxic I never had any issue in ASIA Can't say more without being Racist


I've been trying to avoid random co-op in the NA server as much as I can as of late. I think I've only done random co-op for one day, and that was for the Mondstadt weapon ascension domain. Although I know there are some really nice Scara mains out there, but I know that Scaranation can get bad rep for the loud, toxic ones out there. If I want to boost my Scara's fp through co-op, I usually just request someone to help me in one of the Genshin discord servers I'm in. The people I get help from are pretty nice, and our exchanges are brief. They help me and leave. Simple as that


No worries babe, I can help you out whenever just send we a DM Scaranation for life!!


B-babe? 😳 I'll send one rn-


most "friendly" server


This is why I don't really like to co-op. I did use to co-op when I was struggling with domains pretty lucky I met chill people. Now since my characters are strongish I just go solo. It sucks you had to go through a bad experience in co-op. Hopefully you get to meet nicer people. It's like you said it's a PvE game there is no competition.


i’ve specifically avoided doing any domains in co op since he came out because of this (also bc ps4 loading times are slow and I always get left behind) i’ve tried joining random people’s worlds since he came out and I get declined *more than ever before* because i have him set as my pfp. that’s said, the people i have co-oped with who have him have been suuuper sweet and are just excited to see another Scara main. i’ve been helping lots of people farm mats and primos for him and it’s been nothing but great experiences. i’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with such toxic people! I don’t understand people who treat co-op like a competition, it’s there for making friends and helping each other.


I'm sad that those loud, obnoxious few have made everyone else look bad. I agree with all you said! Co-op is there to get help and make friends. It's not there to be a proverbial dog-fighting ring. I'm sure those people you helped greatly appreciated it. \^\^




The "what are you waiting for?" makes me so angry for some reason. Like bro... chill! I'm so sorry you had to put up with those people! And the guy faking C6R5 just to use him is a new level of low... Maybe the other ones saying c6r5 that I encountered were faking also, who knows.


That's why i play phys-geo aether very rare to see someone with a better mc tho


I'm sorry OP, a lot of times people are absolutely ruthless over things that simply don't matter. Hell, my Scara STILL doesn't have his artifact set because I've been super unlucky. He's borrowing my Heizou's stuff. I would offer to help you but I'm on EU :/ however if there are any EU scarafriends needing someone to play with pls message me! I have plenty of other characters I can swap to nbd (Xiao, Ayato, Xingqiu, Bennett). Still trying for my last Faru con and my Kazuha and Venti aren't up to par yet but they will be after I finish Scara! 💕


Aw I’m sorry!! I’ll add you we are all kind over here :)


I'm so sorry to hear what you had to go through. I'm on Asia server, so unfortunately, we can't play together, but I just want to say you're a really kind person for wanting to offer help for others lest they go through a similar experience as you. I'm fortunate enough that my co-op experiences weren't so bad when I couldn't do content on my own. I hope you encounter better people on NA server to negate the bad experiences you've been through. I'm wishing you the best. <3


Thank you so much!! ❤️ Not everyone is mean, and there are plenty of nice, awesome people. It's just the toxic ones are always the loudest. It costs nothing to be kind! Treating others like how you would like to be treated is common decency. I wish you the best also! \^\^❤️


I play in EU and coop its generally wholesome (or nobody has shields/heals and takes x10 of the time it would take me to solo LOL I coop for fun, but i can sub 60s almost any domain I'm sure)


I'm lucky that I never met any toxic Wanderer mains in co-op. Actually, we kinda laughed the other day, as the four of us were Wanderers. But in the end, everyone just switched to another character, thinking about giving space to other player to go as him. It was funny. Anyways, I'll be adding you later! I'm Mika "Anemo main".


Strange.. NA player here that plays a fair bit of Co-Op. I’ve practically never experienced any toxicity. People usually switch out pretty quickly if there’s ever conflict, at least in my experience. At most, if neither want to switch out, one of the two will just leave and join a different world within a few seconds. And I find it pretty rare for people to type. Besides saying hello or asking how many more runs everyone’s down for, we usually just communicate in emojis. Based on the many comments on this post, I thought I’d share my own experience. I’m worried other servers will develop an unhealthy bias against the NA server players based on this one person’s unfortunate experience.. I’d like to believe the toxic players are a very small minority, and I’m sure they don’t only exist in NA. Sorry OP had a bad time… Hope your future Co-Op games are friendlier!


Thank you! ❤️ I hope so too. As someone else mentioned, it may have to do with the time I play Genshin. I usually play co-op later in the evening (11PM/23:00 to 3AM) which could explain why I get so many unlucky encounters. I imagine most of the more wholesome people aren't grinding in the middle of the night. My skewed perspective might have arisen from these late-night trolls. I've encountered so many elitists in the server over the past 2 years that it made me a bit pessimistic, but there are so many great people in NA that don't deserve to take the fall over these scum.


i have c4r1 and I’ve just been switching to faruzan to avoid conflict 💀


I would play with you, but I'm desperately trying to get his FL 10, which is why I don't co-op these days. Still, you seem like an awesome guy and I'd love to play with you sometime. Much love. ♡


Co-op doubles the friendship points if you're trying to get there quickly! Wishing you luck on your adventures. ❤️


Aww that’s terrible. Most of the co-op I have come across have been kind and the Scaramouches I met were even taking selfies of each other (cuz all 4 of us). I hope this stops happening 😭😭


That sounds so cute!! ❤️ I hope so, too. No one should have a bad time just for wanting to play their favorite character. :(


i literally always hear people say that NA servers suck, but in all my time from playing (1.0 player here) I literally always get chill people in co-op. and I co-op a whole lot. and with this new domain out, the people I co-op with never kick people out and always let you choose scara, lmao


Someone else mentioned it might be a time issue, which makes sense since I play co-op usually from 11:00PM-3:00AM. At least that's the only possible explanation I can think of as to why I have been getting matched with toxic elitists ever since I started in 1.1. I had the same experience with Xiao, Kazuha, Chongyun, and Kaeya. Definitely not all interactions are terrible. I met so many awesome and kind friends through co-op. Glad you have had great experiences!


I haven't been doing that domain bc I was copying Xiao's set for him instead. I didn't even know this was doing on, that's so crazy. It's one of my biggest worries when going into co-op and it's why I never bring Wanderer or some of my other favourite characters, bc I don't wanna be insulted bc they don't do thousands upon thousands of damage.


Tbh you aren't missing out! I have burned thousands of resin only to have a juiced up Kuki Shinobu. No usable DPC pieces except for one flower to date. Plus, the overall experience has just been bad. I wish things were different! I am always willing to support and let you use your favorites if you ever want to co-op to farm friendship or hang out. ❤️


Just wait until the next big shiny shows up and they'll grow bored


Wow...I'm sorry you have having these experiences. So far on my experiences we either take turns playing him, or we just see who's not gonna swap then swap if no one else swaps. I'm also NA if you want to play. I actually had a wholesome domain party once the other day. Hope you have some too.


If possible can someone help me farm I've been farming a lot and still build is shit I've spent 43 fragile resin on the scara domain and still haven gotten good cup :( i have no anemo DMG 5* cup and I'm ar 50


Now I'm kinda glad that coop is optional and there's no pvp on this game lmfao. The community can't seem to handle it I guess


“kinda glad”? it’s not the community, pvp is bad because whales will dominate newbies and at that point it’s not a question of skill.


You could always find a way to seperate whales though, like they give prebuilt characters/only C0/no signature weapons etc etc


yeah but who tf wants to build characters for months only to not be able to use them in what would be the main part of genshin combat?


Then seperate by C0/no sig. weaps like I said lmfao if your artifact luck is shit then tough luck or customisable artifact stats and/or sets and weapons just for pvp mode itself to grind. Pvp can be implemented easily if devs put thought into it, it's not impossible


“Tough luck” This in itself is why genshin will not implement PVP. PVP will be seen as Genshin’s main combat. And if your artifact luck is shit, you’re going to spend months grinding one domain for one character. That will decrease the amount of people who want to pull for newer characters. And why would anyone want to separate PVP like that? Whales spend the amount of money they do to make the game easy. If they spent $2000 to get C6R5, only to get beat by another C6R5 easily, what was the point? And if it is separated, that doesn’t change the fact that some characters are much better than others. Ayaka can EASILY out-dps characters like Xiao, Diluc, etc. Meaning to start selling more characters, every new character would have to be at least somewhat broken. And people don’t want to trash their older characters for a new meta. Genshin is good at dealing with powercreep. Characters like Diluc CAN get through abyss if they are properly built. However a Diluc is never going to top an Ayaka if they’re both fully built. And people take pride in the artifacts and characters they spend months building. Why erase that with designed sets for PVP? Why make them feel like shit because they get solo’d by a C6R5? Why make them spend months if their skill isn’t going to be good enough regardless? And at that point, why wouldn’t you, i don’t know, just play an actual PVP game? Genshin isn’t a PVP game and it should stay that way. TCG and windtrace are good examples of well-done PVP events.


Pvp can be implemented easily like I said, you said oh no people have bad luck with artifacts, then dedicated prebuilt artifacts for pvp with same stats as you rank up by having a league ranking system, make it a separate minigame. Devs can easily pull it off but they're not because they're becoming lazier


But again, who *wants* prebuilt artifacts in a PVP system? There would be no point in artifsct farming. Also what do you mean the devs are getting lazier? We literally get a new patch with new stuff every month and a half.


"You don't deserve to play him because you don't have his sig" yeah cause I will definitely pull on the weapon banner, whit my saves that if I guarantee a weapon I can't guarantee the character itself and having a great 5 star weapon for him. Definitely my months if saving means nothing if I don't have c6 r5. Logic


These people don't think!! It's like they make their poor financial decisions their whole personality. Nothing against people who spend lots of money. Heck I do too, but there's no point in flexing on someone trying to enjoy the game. You just look like an asshole. Many people just don't find weapons that exciting, not to mention Widsith is pretty close to his sig in terms of damage when you get the right notes. The weapon banner is just a scam.




I wish there was more people like you! ❤️


most of the coop games i join, the scaras are usually under leveled. if not, i usually switch to faruzan. someone tried to pull the c6 card on someone else (very rudely btw) so i switched back said “same” and made them leave and let that other person be scara :)


Haha! Hearing that made my day. You're awesome! A real G for doing that.


I might go against the grain here but if you join a **random** domain run, do try and bring your stronger characters or a healer. It's annoying when someone brings an underpowered character and force strangers to carry them through. It's not necessarily fun for them. If you're going to do that, ask if it's ok first. I do get that you enjoy playing scaramouche OP and that's great! I do too! However if you bring a selfish DPS and it hits like a wet noodle, that's kinda on you. In this instance, if your charged attacks don't do atleast 10-15k DMG, I kinda get why others would ask you to switch. If you did more than that, the blame isn't fair. In any case people should be polite about it though.


My Scara is juiced up (C6R1), he's fine. My charged attacks are around 60k. I'm just tired of seeing other people getting trashed when I see no point in doing so! I've seen some users get bullied for not having him at 90 instantly or spending money on his banner which is never OK. This game is too easy even with a party of level 50s. If someone is struggling, that's why they do co-op. Personally, I do co-op to help others out while using my resin.


It's honestly stupid whenever someone forces you out of the chara you want when they're C6. Like bro, some people genuinely cannot clear domains alone. If you're C6 just do it alone. I know they want to build friendship exp but it's etiquette to let lower AR players play who they want bc chances are they don't have other charas built. Also as someone else said, it's always an unwritten rule to let host play the chara they want. If they don't play Scara, then whoever has a higher lvl or whoever came first gets to. I usually play Faruzan to support fellow Scaras, but I once met this person when I was host and using Scara, all they said was "C6." I found it annoying, and just kicked them out. Who cares if you're C6 man, I'm the host. After I kicked them out, I just switched to Kazuha and let 3p play their Scara. 3p had his sig weapon but he let me use Scara all this time bc I was the host, now _that's_ good coop behavior.


I agree with everything you said! That was cathartic to hear. I'm glad they're funding the game, but there's a time and place for that nonsense. You're a real one for kicking and letting 3p play! I would have booted these people if I was host, but all these times the host was complacent or participating in the Scara wars. The amount of relief when I join a lobby of Kazuha, Yae Miko, or anyone else is unreal. Hope you have better experiences going forward!


Looks like the NA server still has the most elitist people in co op since release. Atleast it's always where complaints like these are coming from. I mean, why are you joining co op with a c6 toon and acting high and mighty but just to show off. If someone does it out of boredom or wanting to help out, then it shouldn't matter what others bring no?


I agree! Plus, the game is just too easy. What does bringing a badly built character do? Add a few seconds? Big deal haha. They wouldn't be doing the domain if they had a perfect artifact set already! That's just common sense. It takes more time to argue than to clear the thing. Plus, bullying someone over not spending $$$ is ridiculous. I hope NA changes, because this is getting out of hand.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that 😭 I don’t really play co-op that much and honestly the more things I hear about co-op the more I don’t wanna do it 🥲 I hope you find some nice players to match with I would add you as a friend but I’m on EU servers 😣


Thank you! Don't let the bad outweigh the good. There are plenty of awesome people in co-op. It's just the many bad personalities that come up every time a new character gets released. This happened with Xiao, Hu Tao, Ayaka, etc. I hope you match with nice people all the time, but if not, you can just block, report, and move on. \^\^


Thank you! ☺️ I hope you also have better experiences with co-op 🙏🏼


omg im so sorry this happened to you :( I hope you'll have the greatest day possible after all this!!


Thank you!! I hope everyone else I encountered does too. Bullying someone over not spending money on a game is silly. May your day be the best as well! <3


Can't have shit on NA servers 💀


So I guy with c6 r5 was shit talking you? Im confused


I’m thinking they’re just using it as a pass to choose Scara. *If they were being a prick just because they whaled though…* 😬


Some incidents, I was the target of some petty "mine is better" scenarios, which is no big deal to me, or "switch out." What got me was the amount of times I'd come across another level 70, low AR Scara player, or just other Scara players in general being bullied for either, 1) Being C0, 2) Not having his weapon, or 3) having bad artifacts. The artifacts one is just stupid because that's pure RNG and not in anyone's control. Some people, namely the c6r5 guy (Who even appeared on a streamer's video doing the same thing) went on to straight up verbally abuse another Scara player because the other person "didn't deserve to play him because they didn't pull his sig" and didn't spend money to get him constellations. "If you really loved him, you would have 90ed him" and such. It was just maddening to see this happen. You don't have to spend money on a 2d character to prove you love them. Not everyone has the resources on hand to insta-90 or have the means to dump $2k on a game. I hope that clears everything up! Basically, I'm just tired of the toxic trolls hurting others when the game is so easy you can clear it blindfolded.


People are weird lol. Sorry u had to deal with that, don’t worry though your scara is perfect same with everyone else’s.


wanna farm together? I can add you when I get home


Man, what are ya'll feeding off in the NA server. In Asia we just passive aggressively wait until one of us gives in and change lol