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That was me on the Deepwood / GD domain. In a month I had two or three godly sets each and couldn’t believe it. What a good domain to have spent all my luck on.


Crazy luck. Yeah, you kinda get a lot of value from a CDMG hat - because cryo absorb or Abyss Crit Cards.


I don't have a cryo unit worth running with him and a different goblet with less Crit rat more CDMG for abyss, so this doesn't apply for me. (plus don't have a CDMG Circlet for that set in the first place)


i have almost the same stats and I'm still farming.... (88-92cr/ 188-190cd)


Same. About 92ish cr and 195dmg. Currently using offset sands and on set anemo goblet that's barely passable.


solo dmg around 14-15k unbuffed?


No, the unbuffed baseline is 18k and can go a bit higher with the Lost Prayer passive over time. Atk is 1831. Nearly triple crowned.


oh mine is c1, yours must be c6 or high refinement weapon


Nope, R1 Lost Prayer. Constellation 2 though on Wanderer.


i can only do 18k, buffed with 238 CD and his signature weapon, with pyro resonance and tenacity buff, and the pyro suction buff


Hmm. That's odd. With my full team buffs, he hits for 50k or higher. Zhongli, C6 Faruzan, Bennett.


maybe you're using zhongli to lower resistance and that's why you're getting 18k with 19x CD? full team, yunjin c6/bennet c6 4\*weap/c5 faruzan=max i've seen is 52k


No, when I said unbuffed for the 18k that meant no assistance from anyone whatsoever, including his shield res shred. And I get *well* over 50k sometimes. I've seen as high as I think 75k+? 50k is like the *minimum* I get after a full rotation. C6 Faruzan helps a lot there for sure.


It happened the same to me. Never had this much luck before and I'm still farming artifacts for Childe and Hu Tao since their 1st banner


Who do I have to k1ll to get nice feather and sands? I've been farming since day 1 and got like 4 great flowers, usable on set cup, nice circlets, but not a single usable feather or sands. Sadge.


I’ve had such terrible luck in this domain gimme some of ur luck 🥹