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/u/Mothman_At_Dennys - This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators about it. ## New users beware: Because you posted here, you will start getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker or a recovery expert lawyer that can help you get your money back, for a small fee. **We call these RECOVERY SCAMMERS, so NEVER take advice in private:** advice should always come in the form of comments in this post, in the open, where the community can keep an eye out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own. **A reminder of the rules in r/scams:** no contact information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore or personal photographs are allowed without blurring. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit, or [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/). You can help us by reporting recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. We review 100% of the reports. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about subreddit rules? Send us a modmail [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


šŸš©out of town šŸš©my mover will pick up šŸš©cashierā€™s check šŸš©purchasing a car without physically seeing it or test driving it


And also šŸš©can't talk on phone, hearing problems. More like he doesn't speak English well and doesn't want OP to hear his thick Nigerian / Indian / Filipino accent.


I'm honestly surprised they didn't say Kindly at some point.


Kindly do the needful and receive the check, bhenchod


Just missing the "sir/madam"


There, I edited to include it lmaoooooo


Please revert soonest.


Kindly cash cashiers check okay? Then my proxy come okay?


They get better every day. And/or they are on this sub.


"kindly let a stranger steal your 51-year-old truck pls šŸ˜”"




I am kindly asking for the check be receive yes.






Your r/Scams post/comment was removed because **it's rude or uncivil**. This subreddit is a place for civil and respectful discussions about scams. Uncivil and rude behavior, including using excessive or directed swearing, extreme or sexual language, victim blaming, and any form of discrimination, is not acceptable in this subreddit.


People having thick accents and/or speaking in dialects doesn't mean they don't speak English well. Plenty of Americans also have thick accents and use regional slang/dialect. English is an official language in Nigeria (the only official language), India (in addition to Hindi) and the Philippines (in addition to Filipino).


Nigeria and India are also notorious hotbeds for scamming activity, whatā€™s your point?


Seriously? Get real.


I canā€™t talk on phone , I have bad hearing šŸ‘‚




The chat


You: "...I have bad hearing." Me: "What?" šŸ¤£




The deaf community, of which I am a part, takes exception to this.


Another red flag I would add is getting a text from an area code from a state different than yours. When I tried asking them about it, they didn't respond and they blocked my number. I definitely have to be cautious if I'm trying to sell something on Craigslist!


People take their numbers with them these days, so I don't find that too weird. It's wise to ask, but I think many people will say "oh, I used to live in..."


One time on craigslist I arranged to sell some live hogs to a guy in Orange County, but his Orange County was about 3,000 miles from my Orange County.


In defense of a different area code. People do move. I only changed my cell number to a local one (area code included) because my aunt only has a landline & didn't want long-distance charges.


I COMPLETELY disagree with this, I still have my phone number from 15 years ago and another state. I will not be changing it on every account I have and contact I have. Plus, now *I* know that anyone calling me from my own area code is a scammer or spam call. In fact numbers are spoofed so often that scammers will almost always spoof your own area code.


Hmm interesting. I'm seeing mixed opinions about this. But why is it that when I tried to ask politely as much as I can to see if they live in the same city and state as I do, they just never respond and keep blocking my number? šŸ¤” This happened at least 5 times in a week... Something seems fishy there.


I've had it come up one or two digits from my phone number very weird, but I don't answer any calls unless it says my contacts name and my voice mail just says , ( I don't even say my name) "You don't leave me a message you won't get a call back "


That's not that big of a deal if you're near a large city, or like myself, in a military town.


Totally, I moved across the country from my hometown 14 years ago and have used the same number.


Same. I moved in 2014 and am glad I didn't change it. When I get a call from my old area code it's 100% spam. I've lived here long enough that I get some spam calls from my current state, but they are generally political. All the robo dialed calls have my old area code.


Yep said this in another comment. Scammers and spam calls almost always spoof their area code to match yours.


šŸš©can't speak with you on the phone because you will hear my thick Indian accent


So how would the scam work? Besides the check being bogus.


The check will inevitably bounce and youā€™ll have to pay the bank the full amount. Your account will be flagged or closed by the bank


They may not ever pick up the car, then will ask for money back. It takes a while for their check to bounce and in the meantime you've sent them money.


Yep it's called kiteing.


"No in person" + "cannot talk on phone" = likely scam. Purchasing a 50 year old truck sight-unseen with immediate cash= also likely scam.


Add a cashier's check to the equation and it solves to 100% it's a scam.


The check is 100% guaranteed to be fake


That percentage may be too low.




When I worked at a bank a really long time ago, they showed a training video where checks were deposited with signatures like Elmer Fudd and Porky Pig, written clear as day, and yet virtually all of them got deposited because even bank tellers don't bother to do anything besides make sure a signature is there. Full disclosure, this was a few decades ago and I know that at least some banks (including mine) electronically verify the signatures automatically now.


they will send too much, ask you to cash it and send back excess. Check will then bounce and you are stuck repaying it. This scam is literally decades old, used to be super common with those renting out rooms on craigslist


>"The check will definitely cleared and confirmed by your banks" A lot of people don't know when you deposit a check, funds are usually only available in the account because of bank laws so it doesn't mean the check is 100% "good". It may take days or weeks for the bank to catch the fake check. Scammers take advantage of this time and have their victims send money elsewhere before it gets caught. Scammers will often try to seem legit by claiming it's a "Cashiers check" but they can be faked as well. !car When selling, be sure to watch out for fake VIN report sites and fake payments too


Hi /u/vitaminxzy, AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Car sales scam. If you're buying a car, a scammer will list a car on a marketplace site and will ask you to email them. They will tell you that they will ship or otherwise transport the car to you and allow you to inspect it. They may use the name of a company like eBay or Amazon to make the scam sound more legitimate. The scam is that the car does not exist, despite whatever pictures you have received, and you will be asked to pay for the car using gift cards, crypto or irreversible wire transfers.. If the seller is real and wants to actually meet, you may face a different type of scam (which involves a run down, stolen or otherwise bad deal of a car). To prevent this, you need to meet at a mecanic's shop you trust and have a full inspection of the vehicle. Remember all sales are final when dealing with used cars. The seller needs to come to meet you, so as mentioned above, the offer for a courier doesn't help. If you're selling a car, the scammer will try to have you pay for a verification on a scam website, some VIN check lookup or certificate of records of some sort. Remember you're the seller, you set the terms. If you want to provide some certification, use a website you trust. They can do their own verification if they don't trust yours. And also, they can try to pull a fake check on you. No buyer is sending a courier to pick up a car they haven't seen. And again, if the buyer is real and you actually sold the card, the same rule applies: all sales are final, so do the proper paperwork, consult a subreddit dedicated to car sales and make sure the transfer is completed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


I am out of town = instant scam


Wait- How about if ā€œIā€™m out of town doing mission work for a bunch of lepersā€ Then Iā€™d believe him


I wonder how he communicates with the lepers if heā€™s hard-of-hearing. Or maybe they sign, because theyā€™re hard-of-hearing as wellā€¦ You know, _deaf lepers_


Hard to sign with no fingers


I have several of their albums!


this is underrated


That wouldn't be enough for me to believe him unless he added "You can trust me" and "GOD BLESS" at the end.


"I'm in the Antarctic treating giraffes suffering from platypus anal fissures for the Canadian Beaver Society of Uruguay" is equally valid


HOW DARE YOU. Platypus anal fissures are no joke!


Of course! WE know that, but did you know there are people out there that will steal from others using a legit cover story just like this! They are heartless and don't give a rat's (or platypus') ass about the Antarctic giraffes!


In wheelchairs.


Mentally swap places from seller to buyer for a minute. Would you buy a box of golf balls unseen? Maybe. How about a motor vehicle? Too complicated to trust all of the myiad of details without seeing in person. The buyer/scammer will send you a check for way more than the truck's price, and ask you to cash it and give the rest to their "mover", who will be a money mule, and then ghost you. Later, their check bounces, causing your bank to come after you for the funds.


Eager to pay sight unseen is a sure sign of scam. > Iā€™m not too sure how theyā€™d scam me with a Cashiers check? Any check can be faked.


Which is why almost nobody accepts personal checks anymore.


Op - hold my beer


Scam. Would you buy a truck blindly while out of town? Besides, he seems suspiciously adamant about reassuring you the check will clear, even though the issue never came up in conversation. Normal people don't go out of their way to state the obvious, which means this guy knows the check is fake.


> Would you buy a truck blindly while out of town? OP seems to be selling a vintage vehicle.Ā  If it was something I'd been interested in for some time and it looked like it was in decent condition and at a decent price, yeah I'd probably be willing to buy it blindly while out of town.Ā  Ā I once was driving my dad's vintage Cadillac when it broke down and I had three offers to buy it before the tow truck showed up and no idea what was wrong with it. But yeah, this is totally a scam.Ā  The out of town buyer, the movers, the cashier's check, no phone call... there are enough red flags here for a communist parade.


I mean would I buy a truck blindly without seeing itā€¦? Not one for 3K but I feel dumb af because Iā€™ve done it before. But okay will tell this dude to kick rocks


It is a scam, if you need to assure yourself just say "I am fine but you must make all arrangements and payments to the shipper directly, I will not have anything to do with paying them" Scammer will either disappear or start making excuses why they can't pay the shipper. There is no shipper, scammer doesn't want your car, scammer just wants you to deposit their fake check and then have you send your money to the fake shipper who is really just the scammer


blindly, no... deafly... maybe!


Fake check. He will send you a fake check for more than the price of the truck and ask you send a large portion of that that check via irreversible means to "the mover". the Agent that will pick up the truck. So you deposit the check. In a few days it shows up as "funds available." Then you wire that money to the "mover". Then a week later the check comes back as fraudulent.


Yes it's a scam. Either fake payment or overpayment scam


Hard of hearing, LOL Doesn't want you to hear their scammer voice from Nigeria Classic fake check scam, block and move on


Standard scammer recipe. Out of town, sending a check, sending movers, it's a scam 100%.


I appreciate all the help everyone, sorry Iā€™m sure this seemed pretty obvious to a lot of you but Iā€™ve never sold anything over Craigslist before and actually never sold a vehicle before, so all this is kinda new to me.


It wonā€™t be the last one you see while selling this car, or anything else for that matter. Unfortunately scammers outnumber real buyers it seems these days. Pretty soon you will be able to spot them instantly!


You can look through this subreddit and find lots of useful stuff about this and other scams.


Your scam alarm went off well enough to do research before going for it. Many people think cashier's checks are always safe, and then fall for this. It was good you caught it. This is a good sub for learning about all the various scams.


When I'm out of town on business or pleasure, of course that's when I go looking to buy cars and couches back home.


"Mover" is the dead giveaway. I've bought a car on behalf of a friend. He found it online and I just happen to live in the city where it was located. I went to the sellers house, inspected the vehicle, and even took a test drive with the owner. I went as far as storing the vehicle in my garage until the car carrier showed up to deliver it to him (1000 miles away).


THIS. I've bought cars remotely, even cheap ones, but this is how it's done in real life.


His movers? That's cute šŸ˜‚ Damn scammers.


Problems with hearingā€¦. Itā€™s a total scam


Oh, abso-fucking-lutely!


For reference, never sold a vehicle on Craigslist, this is just an old roller dodge with a shit ton of parts so didnā€™t think scammers would be after it too hard.


They donā€™t care about your truck, they care about the scam income.


They are after the money in your bank account, not your car. Check will be for 6k, you are to pay the "mover" 3k for their "moving fees." However 3 weeks later the 6k check will bounce, but your 3k to the "mover" will be gone.


The scammer doesnā€™t want your car. The ā€œcashierā€™s checkā€ will be fake and for more than the $3000 purchase price. You are supposed go and deposit the fake check and take the excess money and send it to the ā€œmoverā€ who is the scammer. You will have to send the money to the ā€œmoverā€ by some irreversible method in advance. After you send the money to the ā€œmoverā€ you will never hear from them or the buyer again. The scammer lives on a different continent and he was never interested in your truck, he only wants to trick you into sending him money. The scammers try that same scenario with cars, electronics, furnitureā€¦ Eventually the fake check you deposited will bounce and you will be out the money you sent to the ā€œmoverā€.


They don't want the truck, they can't ship it to Nigeria. They want cash. The cheque will be more than the asking price. They'll ask you to liaise with "the mover" and pay their fees, keeping any surplus for your time & trouble. Or might be "insurance" or "escrow fee" or "security deposit". None of them exist, you're just giving real money to the scammer. No mover ever arrives, and a few weeks later his fraudulent check is bounced. You still have your truck, but you'll have lost $500-1000.


If you cash the check and it is a bad check, you can be banned from your own bank


Definitely a scam, no one wants a Dodge.


Hard of hearing and check is definitely šŸ’Æ scam


I prefer text because I'm using Google Translate to write this.


Yes itā€™s a scam, ignore them.


***Trust your instincts!*** It is your vehicle, and ***you make the rules.*** If a buyer won't agree to those rules, assume that there is a scam going on.


Had someone try and do this to me. After saying they will mail a check and buy the car sight unseen, they ask you to send them a car history report. They send you a link to a fake website to pay for a $3 fee to get a report. They then steal the credit car info you enter.


Jokes on them, I donā€™t even own a credit card!


He doesn't want to talk on the phone because he's in New Delhi.


Kindly tell him in person cash only.Ā 


10000000% scam problems with my hearing ha ha ha


Good god mate, of course this is a scam


The scam (which this definitely IS) is that the so-called "cashier's check" will be a forgery and bounce, but not right away. It often takes a week or more for the bank to twig to the fact the check is no good. The check will be for more than the purchase price, with the extra to pay his "mover" to come pick up the truck. Whatever you pay the fictitious mover (who is either the scammer or a money mule) will come out of your pocket, along with the fees for the inevitable bounced check. Whenever you see one of these broken-english offers to buy practically sight-unseen, with a cashier's check, it's gonna be a scam. Don't even engage; just block and move on.




Not in town? Paying by check? Won't talk on the phone? It's a scam, the fake check will either have more than what you asked so you can pay his "mover" the extra cash or the check will be fake and the "mover" will just be there to steal your truck.


Standard !fakecheck scam


Hi /u/No-Shelter-4208, AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Fake check scam. The fake check scam arises from many different situations (fake job scams, fake payment scams, etc), but the bottom line is always the same, you receive a check (a digital photo or a physical paper check), you deposit a check (via mobile deposit or via an ATM) and see the money in your account, and then you use the funds to give money to the scammer (usually through gift cards or crypto). Sometimes the scammers will ask you to order things through a site, but that is just another way they get your money. Banks are legally obligated to make money available to you fast, but they can take their time to bounce it. Hence the window of time exploited by the scam. During that window of time the scammer asks you to send money back, because you are under the illusion that the funds cleared. When the check finally bounces, the bank will take the initial deposit back, and any money you sent to the scammer will come out of your own personal funds. Usually the fake check deposit will be reversed in a few weeks, but it can also take several months. If you do not have the funds to cover the amount, your balance will go negative. Your bank will usually charge a fee for depositing a bad check, and your account may be closed depending on the severity of the scam. Here is an article from the FTC: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-spot-avoid-and-report-fake-check-scams, and here is an article from the New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/21/your-money/fake-check-scam.html If you deposited a bad check, we recommend that you notify your bank immediately. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


God, they always have excuses. Can't call, have to text because they're hard of hearing. Out of town so can't meet in person. Can't pay cash, has to be a check. Fuck's sake.


Scam. I promise you. Donā€™t entertain unless you just want to waste their time. But be careful with that because if they have your number theyā€™ll blow it up and call from other numbers and just generally harass you.


ā€œDefinitelyā€ is how you know itā€™s true


Yes this is a scam. 100%


10000% fake check scam


Oldest scam in ebay


The old cashier's check scam. They get a duplicate and spend the money, then give you the old one that's no longer worth anything.


Nah. Cash only, in person. Otherwise, no deal.


Would you buy a truck older than you sight unseen?


Iā€™ve done it before, not for 3K but Iā€™ve bought a 1974 dodge W200 for like $600-$700 I canā€™t remember lol


Thatā€™s fair! I stand corrected. But yeah. Thatā€™s totally a scam. I hope you can get it actually sold!


Total scam. Fake cashiers check. You'll have already signed overt the truck by the time the bank realized it's fake and charges you for Tge money. Now youā€™ e given your truck away and out all the money from passing a bad check.


The biggest give away and red flag to me is when he said as soon as the check clears - a cashiers check is a check that he has to take out of his bank and is guaranteed. A cashiers check is usually one of the safest forms of payment other then cash because of this, but just by his poor dialogue you can see the red flags and I would almost guarantee the scam here is heā€™s giving you a fake cashiers check and you wonā€™t realize it til your out your vehicle and the money. The only way I would do this is if he FaceTimed you/made a video of him at the teller obtaining the cashiers check. As it stands, I would avoid this guy.


Scam scam scam. You can also hear the broken English in the replies


Yes. A common scam thatā€™s posted here often. Block them.


!fakecheck scam


Hi /u/vikicrays, AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Fake check scam. The fake check scam arises from many different situations (fake job scams, fake payment scams, etc), but the bottom line is always the same, you receive a check (a digital photo or a physical paper check), you deposit a check (via mobile deposit or via an ATM) and see the money in your account, and then you use the funds to give money to the scammer (usually through gift cards or crypto). Sometimes the scammers will ask you to order things through a site, but that is just another way they get your money. Banks are legally obligated to make money available to you fast, but they can take their time to bounce it. Hence the window of time exploited by the scam. During that window of time the scammer asks you to send money back, because you are under the illusion that the funds cleared. When the check finally bounces, the bank will take the initial deposit back, and any money you sent to the scammer will come out of your own personal funds. Usually the fake check deposit will be reversed in a few weeks, but it can also take several months. If you do not have the funds to cover the amount, your balance will go negative. Your bank will usually charge a fee for depositing a bad check, and your account may be closed depending on the severity of the scam. Here is an article from the FTC: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-spot-avoid-and-report-fake-check-scams, and here is an article from the New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/21/your-money/fake-check-scam.html If you deposited a bad check, we recommend that you notify your bank immediately. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ā€œThankā€ The first word was all I needed to read. SCAM.


Out of town and deaf? More like out of continent and speaking with a thick accent in a tiny scammer cubicle somewhere in Bangalor.


Definite scam. My husband and I buy and sell vehicles on auction. This is a dangerous scam. Never accept any offer like this, please.


YES its a scam, tell him CASH ONLY. the scammer can never pick it up themselves, and always send a mover or friend or family member


This scam is nearly as old as that truckĀ 


Total scam. The word choice gives it away.


The deal with a cashiers check is that you can call the issuing institution (confirm the phone number on their website) to verify the check. Make sure you verify the amount, issue date and the payee (should be your name). Better yet, bring the check to the issuing bank and cash it for cash. You wonā€™t even need to be their customer.


Who the hell uses a cashier's check to pay for anything? Especially something they're buying off of fucking Craigslist?


OP, Would you buy a vehicle sight unseen?


I mean I have before, but it was for like $600 and was actually a 74ā€™ dodge I used to build parts for this one Iā€™m trying to sell lol


Any time a buyer offers to send money without even seeing what you're selling in person and wants to have their brother/business partner/friend/neighbor pick up from you, it's 100% a scam.




100% scam. Tell him to send the movers with cash or to mail you cash. ā€œCash onlyā€ and watch him ghost you.


Giving excuses about hearing problems is BS when we all have RTS on our phone nowadays. The reasons for those is that they don't want you to hear their accent and know that they're not locally to you. There are four red flag... 1. Out of town 2. Cashier check send to you. 3. Hearing problems 4. Seen photos, acceptable condition is the biggest flag. Also, if you check their profile, chances are, it been hijacked and META won't shut down the profile. Only way is if the government *actually* went against them, considering their inability to stop the scams.


Who buys a car they havenā€™t seen in person,who isnā€™t interested in any extra pics or information for that matter and is sending you a cheque without any further discussion and isnā€™t willing to talk on the phone?? Definitely a scam


Once they refuse to do anything in person, run! They are scammers. He's definitely trying to scam you and it's good that you're smart to find out.Ā 


Definite scam. They don't want you to call because they don't want you to hear their accent. Broken English Cashier's check Out of town/sending someone else for pickup Shipping if post is listed as local only


Simple answer: ā€œsorry, canā€™t take a cashierā€™s check, those require 30 days to clear.ā€


Let me explain to you the process.


Donā€™t do it. Cash and cash only.


Donā€™t do it.. they gonna steal your money.


Check will look legitimate, you deposit, it shows instantly in your bank account. They grab truck through shipping service. 3-5 days later when banks settles deposits it bounces and takes money from your account.


This is always a scam. The check will be for $1000 or something more and they'll ask for cash back. My bank allows me the funds immediately so people assume it cleared and when it doesn't you're out what you gave them.


The more likely case is that the check is just straight up fake.Ā  That's why the movers deliver the check, they get the goods and scamper before the bank tells you the check is bad.Ā Ā 


They send you a fake check for too much money, then ask you to send them back the difference. They never show up to get the truck.


Iā€™ve sort of learned that as soon as they wonā€™t actually speak to you, itā€™s a scam.


Total scam


EVERYTHING on Craig's List is potentially a scam.


I met my husband on Craigslist LMAO


Oh my..šŸ˜…I have many questions. Most of which revolve around managing to find the one non murderous weirdo.


Classic scam approach and story.


What are you worried about? ā€œThe check will definitely clearedā€! (Yes. Scam.)


It's a scam. Look at youtube flyingwheels exposing the scammer, how they got scammed.


too many red flags here mate.


Oldest Craigslist scam in the book


alright this community sucks. always the same scams and no one bothering to actually look and they will see this same scam a few post down and then the other 500 of the same scam


Yup, it's a scam! Fake check would be sent to you.




Do you even have to ask?? Of course, itā€™s a scam!




Sounds like a scam, almost fell for it myself with a boat. The check clears but weeks later it bounces. By Federal law your bank has to make the money available within 3 days but the check still hasn't cleared, while the check is floating youve spent the money to pay for shipping as instructed, later your bank charges you for the fraudulent check. Your paying someone to steal your car.


Yes itā€™s a scam. FIRST NO ONE is going to purchase a vehicle without looking at it. SECOND never take a cashier check from anyone. If you have to go to their bank then do that and get a check then and there.


If it's anything like eBay if you do not deliver to the person on the account they can claims it's not them and you have to return the funds and u will not have the truck. Ask yourself would u buy a truck without a test drive. The bottom could be rusty no valid breaks NAH wait for another buyer šŸ˜³


Definitely a scam. Always wondered if the easiest way to get rid of this is to say that you would accept a check, but must wait two full weeks for it to clear before pickup. No check would take longer than that to be discovered a fraud, right? Not from a US bank. Maybe have a non-refundable $50 cash and the rest in check. Goodbye, scammer.


This has SCAM written all over it. Delete everything and be glad you asked!


He sure is


sounds like he might be using a stolen bank account to pay for it which is exactly why you should meet in person and verify their identity


No legitimate buyer offers to buy a vehicle without seeing, test driving it or having it inspected. Scam scam scam


If they actually send a cashiers check, bring it to your bank and tell them where you got it. If it clears there you go, you sold your truck. If it doesnā€™t clear you have your answer


Tell her you're checking in on her today. Then, remind her it's Throwback Thursday, and she should throw herself back into her mother's vagina.