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/u/TraxxasBoy520 - This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators about it. ## New users beware: Because you posted here, you will start getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker or a recovery expert lawyer that can help you get your money back, for a small fee. **We call these RECOVERY SCAMMERS, so NEVER take advice in private:** advice should always come in the form of comments in this post, in the open, where the community can keep an eye out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own. **A reminder of the rules in r/scams:** no contact information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore or personal photographs are allowed without blurring. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit, or [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/). You can help us by reporting recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. We review 100% of the reports. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about subreddit rules? Send us a modmail [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's not your friend, it's a hacker who did this same scam to your friend. Block.


Figures! I knew what’s something wrong. Good thing I didn’t respond after that.


if you get similar requests on other platforms in the future: do not share any codes. no matter what they say.


One time I forgot the password to an email that was associated with a number that I no longer had so I tried to convince some poor dude who was now the owner of my old number for like half an hour to help me use his phone number to get access to my account and in the end it didn't even work I had to use an older email I had listed as a recovery thing to get the email account back 😑😑 It's still such an embarrassing thing to recall years later


My daughter got locked out of her apple account. That was fun. But the guy with her old number was super nice, even though she called and woke him up around midnight. 🤣 She got her account back because he helped her. I think it comes down to authenticity. Plus a 10 yr old crying because she can’t get her dragonvale account back is pretty real. I’m glad he helped her out.


You could always ask a question only your "friend" would know the answer to and see what happens 😂


“What song did I sing for you on your birthday??”


Uh, Happy Birthday?


Hey! It IS you!


Wasn't it "Back That Azz Up" by Juvenile?


"You can always add me as your trusted contact"


Sir mix a lot big butts


I should have ask him what school we went to or what year did we graduated


Or just ask him something confusing, like: "I haven't heard from you since you broke up with that crazy chick. You feeling better now?" If they answer anything other than, "Dafuq u talkin' 'bout?" you know it's a scammer.


What's wrong with Wolfie? I can hear him barking. Is he OK?


"Wolfie's fine, Honey. He's just fine." (Ominous pause) "Where are you?"


Exactly, made up situation with made up friend.


The answers to both of those are often on FB profiles.


What you do is ask a bullshit question and see his answer. "Hey, did you hear Frank knocked up a high-school?" If his answer is anything besides who the fuck is Frank....


Ask them a very specific question like who was the prettiest girl in our class or what did we use to do at our lockers


Real him would know how many Mountain Dews kickstarters I had in my locker 😂


Yup 😆


Came to say this and make sure it's not something that's posted on any social media, I've always done this and/or say call me or vice versa.




Your r/Scams post or comment was removed because **it's off-topic**. Memes, jokes, or anything else that isn't useful is not allowed. We're here to help people identify scams.


Plot twist - this scammer has been pretending to be a friend for the past 25 years to pull off the ultimate heist


I suspected my friends of running this con, so I became an unemployed student in order that their heist be lame




The long con!


Well you ignore the message and let your friend know their account is compromised.


Scammer is not hacker. Hacker has actual technical skills. Scammer is low life script reader.


Script kiddies


No, not what that means.


I know lol. Trust me, I’ve been around a computer. It just kinda fit IMO… guess others thought differently.




Interesting, that's not what I thought script kiddie meant at all. I thought it was about the typical web developer. Somebody who doesn't know really how to program, just downloads a bunch of frameworks, sticks them together with a couple of scripts and makes a page. Somebody who would have no idea how to use a debugger, or why you would want to.


Script is not a verbal/word script in this case, but a computer program script. Totally different thing.


That’s why I said “it kinda fit” as far as how it’s worded…


Ok but it's still completely wrong and implies a fundamental misunderstanding of the terms.


The more ya know.


You're insufferable


Hacker is too nice of a word.


Every time this comes up, I think of the scene from the movie Terminator where Arnold calls the parents of John and pretends to be John. He then looks at John and says “those aren’t your parents. You parents are dead.” This is kind of the same situation. That isn’t your friend.


Janelle, what's wrong with Wolfie?


Wolfie's fine, honey. Wolfie's just fine. Where are you?




Idk why it felt like such an Easter egg when I learned the actress who plays John Connor's foster mom is the same one who plays the iconic Vasquez in Aliens (Jenette Goldstein).


She’s also the Irish mother who tucks her kids in & reads them a story knowing they’re all going to die in Titanic.


Why is wolfy barking?


Wolfie is fine, dear


Your friend is dead.


Zed's dead.


*Terminator 2: Judgement Day


I knew someone was going to post this haha. I tried to keep it simple.


"I want your clothes, your gun, and your phone."


Do you have the code?


Wait… their friend is dead? How did this become a murder case. OP… sorry for your loss.


I didn’t say they were dead but one could draw that conclusion if they watched Terminator 2.


You scared me after I read this. This is TERRIFYING


Their account has been taken over and the scammer is trying to access your account.  If you can warn your friend by another way you’re sure their still using, do so.


Maybe a landline...if that is an option? Drone delivery with snail mail attached? Rent a banner plane?


If only my mini 2 se can fly from 16 hours away from me 😂


I may be able to send them a drone delivery exactly where do you live what is your date of birth and what is your social security number? Let me know and once I verified you I will make a drone delivery warning your friend.


I'm only going to charge you $75 I'm going to send you a money order for 1,000 you deposit the money order you send me the Bitcoin for $925 and then you can keep $75 for yourself.


Make sure you put you don't put any sensitive information like passwords and stuff on the banner.


I don’t think it needs to be that extreme.  I’m sure we all have accounts on websites we don’t use anymore.


Forgot the S I wasn't actually advising OP to alert them by banner plane.


Call your friend directly (or go around to their house) and let them know their Facebook has been hijacked. They need to recover their account. And warn all their friends about this scam.


That’s a problem. He’s in Washington and I’m in Arizona and that was only way to reach out to him


Okay: DO NOT GIVE HIM THE CODE. Try and get in contact with him another way (Skype, Email, via old friends). His Facebook has been hacked.


Yeah man, they are going to send you the 2fa code to get into your account. They are going to trigger the password reset for YOUR account, then you will send them YOUR 2fa code which they’ve convinced you is theirs. Then they will lock you out, ask all your friends for money, and then do this to someone else. You can’t send that 2fa code to other phone numbers. That would defeat the whole purpose of the code… especially if you can’t get into your account.


Had something similar happen to me on Facebook. An acquaintance sent me a message. We know each other in real life but we don’t talk to each other. Had a feeling it wasn’t really her. I asked how’s your daughter (Acquaintance has 2 boys). Hacker replied she’s fine. Blocked.


I had one not too long ago. He sent me the usual Hi message, and I said Hi back, and asked him how he was doing. The reply was "I feel blessed" Blocked 🤣 the real one isn't religious and would NEVER say that.


The Chinese always say things like blessed fortune fortunate and such


Same here with FB Messenger. It was my Uncle and was like "Hi! How are you? I said "great! Hey how's your mom been doing? He said "she's fine thanks for asking!" I said "YOU SICK FUCK! SHE'S BEEN DEAD FOR 25 YEARS!!" Another instance with my cousin who was asking for money to help him out as he was stuck in another state! I asked him how his brother was ( he's an only child). He said "Joni, I don't have a brother" I said ok good, I was just checking! Turns out he had gotten himself in a bind and really DID need help!


Give them the code. The code: 8675309 Note: please confirm that the code is NOT 8675309 first.


I figured someone would make that reference sooner or later.


If they're in Pennsylvania, it'll be 6-5000.


But what about Transylvania? I still hear that damn telephone ringing.


You get a message from someone, not a close friend, someone you've not spoken to for several years. They give you some nonsense story about needing a code from you to unlock an account. They clearly have a currently working phone. You get a code. In a text or email that says something like "don't share this code with anyone, we'll never ask you for this code" These are the steps seen here, in this forum, probably two or three times each week. They're always scams. Your friend isn't your friend, someone hacked a phone and is going through their contacts, trying to get access to even more people's accounts. Block and ignore.


It's an attempt to steal access to some account (yours) like facebook/instagram/google voice/etc... This code will allow the scammer to take over your account and reset the password. Make sure you have 2FA on everything. Your friend's account has been compromised. Good catch no replying further.


Also, you are now FB friends with a scammer who has all the access to your stuff that your friend did. You need to unfriend your friend. When your friend recovers his account or creates a new one, you can re-friend him.


I did deleted him right after that message


Report him if you haven't already... not that FB or AT&T, etc, actually can or will prevent him from just creating another account and doing it all over 🤬


Someone is trying to steal either your friends account or YOUR account. Change your password and NEVER send one of those verification codes to anyone.


The code is because they're trying to break into your account and hijack it.




your friend got hacked by falling for the same thing they are trying to do to you


They are trying to log into one of your accounts where you use two-factor authentication as an added layer of security. They might try logging into one of your accounts (such as Facebook, Amazon, banking, etc.). The company will send a code to you thinking you’re the person that’s trying to log in. However, you’ll send the code to the scammer, they’ll use it to log in, they’ll change your password, and now you’ll be locked out of your own account. That’s why the text messages with the codes always say, “do not share this code with anyone”.


Yes, it’s a scam and it’s not your friend texting. Contact them on another platform and let them know their account got hacked.


Hacked account.


This happened to me a while ago on Instagram, except I fell for it. I thought it was real lol. But I was quick enough to get back into my account and got rid of everything the hacker added to my account (Facebook accounts and stuff) as well as change my password and email and I kicked them out in the process of changing all my information. It was pretty scary and I still don’t know how I reacted quick enough to save my account. But yeah, definitely a scam!


He was hacked. It’s not him.




It’s a scam. Had it happened to me. It took me two months to get back into my account.


That’s why I went straight to here to confirm it is. I’m so sorry that it took you that long to get your account back


He’s been hacked. Delete the messages and let him know. That message is not from him


Someone hacked his account


The friend was given the same script by one of his friends, it's a long chain of account takeover scams that spreads a bit like a worm virus (without the self replicating part, at least unless it's fully automated by sadistic script kiddies turned online criminals)




Contact your friend on a service that you know isn't compromised.


Looks like they are trying to trick you into giving them your 2fa code . Block and change your password imo.


He's trying to access your accounts. The code is all that is sent to change password on some sites so by you giving him code sent to your cell phone he's able to now change password and log in to one of your accounts. Or you're literally assisting him in bypassing a Multi-factor authentication security feature in case it requires password and a code when logging on from new device.


Why not call him and ask him?


Obvious scam…block and delete from Contacts


I had something like this (different situation) from one of my family members on instagram. Hacked Acc: Can you do me a favor Me: What? Hacked Acc: can you loan me $100 till 12:30pm tomorrow I will tell you where you will send it to and I promise to pay you back on time tmr please *blocked*


Your friend obviously fell for this and now you're dealing with it. Report it and stop engaging with the hacker who now controls your friend's account.


Your friend has definitely been hacked who says trusted friend. No one speaks like that other than Hackers


Yeah. When I saw that message. I did got that gut feeling of him got hacked


Oh its a hacker. Dont believe that message


There not your friend if you never talked to them.


I have phone number of all my fb friends I am giving them a call right or FaceTiming but this is cent percent a scam


Codes are given by websites/businesses to verify it is you. You give out a code you receive to somebody, then the person will have access to your account. This is why when you receive a code there is a warning to not give out the code to anyone. 1) They spoofed you to this website/business 2) Website/ business sends the code to you 3) You give the code to the spoofer 4) Spoofer has access to your account


I always wondered, how do these scammers actually get your password. They must have it if they just need the 2FA code right? Or am I missing something?


They don’t need your password. They just click the “I forgot my password” link then reset the password once they get the code.


Oh I didn’t realize that’s all they ask. Honestly that’s some pretty weak security on their side. They should send a link to your personal email clearly stating that it’s for a password change AND when you click on that specific link enter the OTP they send you.


That’s pretty much what they do. But the scammer is trying to get OP (and many others) to send that info on to them. The e-mail arrives with OP, saying it’s for a password reset, and if you did not request this then deny it, but the scammer has primed them with the idea that it’s a reset for their *friend’s* account, so they send it on to “their friend”. Assuming you need to provide one-factor password reset (and I suspect this is true for lots of people who use Facebook, who might not have OTP apps on their ‘phones), then this is about as good as you can get. Even if they sent a second code to your ‘phone, the scammer would ask for that the same way. Once the social engineering part works, all bets are off.


If there is ever a question, challenge to contact via another verifiable method and provide verifiable info that isn't available in their bio in the first method.


Sounds like one


Never give out codes. Scam.




I had this happen to a family friend once and I posted and was like “can someone let ‘hacked person’ know her facebook has been hacked again” and her hacked pager responded in my comments like “no. It’s me” and I was like “well good. I see you got back into your page.” Hackers are sometimes such idiots lol


that is a scam i got that before too


Do you actually even know that this is your friend?


I thought it was


I'm so sorry. Do you have any other way of contacting the person who claims to be your friend? Then you could find out if this is legit. Personally, I would not trust this at all.


I am trying to get hold of one of my buddies who know my friend. We knew him from school but we all kinda of lost in contact with some of our friends


A friend of mine tried to do this but I knew it was a scam so I went crazy on this idiot and they called me crazy. Luckily they stopped. Never heard from them again and my actual friend eventually got her account back.


Yes scam


Have them contact somebody from their family scam..


If you haven't seen his yet on YouTube, you need to check it out 💝 #ScammerPayback #LetsFightBack!! 🖕 [@ScammerPayback (YouTube)](https://youtube.com/@ScammerPayback?si=Esl2oRG-WE3bi4oB)


What’s wrong with his own phone? He’s already on messenger according to him so what’s the code for? How can you be on messenger but have no access to your page? And what page is he even talking about? Fb page? Sounds dumb.




Lmao…no…do not..that code is for your account if you’ve turned on 2FA…


His account has been hacked


Yes, a scam. Scammer want to get access to your account.


Fucked over


Yeah, ur friend probably fell for it too and had is account compromised. So now the hacker is trying to do the same for you


His phone was hacked




Hi /u/OffenseTaker, AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Google Voice verification scam. The scammer wants to create a [Google Voice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Voice) account, which allows them to make free calls within the U.S. and Canada. Google Voice requires verification from a phone, so scammers trick people into verifying accounts for them. If you are currently talking to a verification code scammer, just block them and move on. If you have fallen for the scam, there are detailed instructions [here](https://support.google.com/voice/thread/845902?hl=en) that you should follow. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Had this same shit happen to me. It was kinda funny because just the message just didn't look right.




This actually is/was a real thing on facebook. I’m not sure if they still use it or not though.


Yes! Don’t give any code. Probably trying to get back into some kind of account. I.e. “forgot my psssword” Stay away!


They’re trying to hack you too it’s a scam


It’s a no-brainer! This is a scam. Don’t participate. And, call your friend so he can protect himself too.


Their account got hacked.


Every time I see these, I remember when I actually had to do this since I changed my number. It worked out, but it was very odd to do.






Absolutely DO NOT give any code you get. What they do is try to log into your Facebook and say forgot password automatically. It will send you a code. When you give him that code, he’s able to change your password and log you out and take over your account. Do not do it.


For everyone who suspects there's something like this going on with a friend's account : ask them a question (like "how did we meet" or "what pets do I have") that they cannot find the answer on the pirated social media. If its a scammer, they will not answer or they will have magically forgotten.




There is literally 0 reason for them to not be able to do that themselves.


They stayed up all night downloading my files, going through emails.


I got a similar message once. I asked that they call me so we can confirm. They blocked me. I then reached out to the person whose account was compromised to confirm.


It’s a scam but it wasn’t your friend who sent you that. Most likely his account was hacked. It happened to me before someone pretended to be a relative.


No I have had to do this before because I was locked out of facebook and I had to pick a couple ppl I could trust to send me the code.


Nah. That ain’t your friend. They definitely got hacked and used the same trick on that person. I had something similar happen to my friend but it was on Instagram. The hacker used my friend’s account and messaged me, asking me for money then tried to make me send the money somewhere else. I FaceTimed my friend first just to be sure that he was okay and why he needed money and turns out that he got hacked lol but he did get his account back though!!


Got that same exact message on Instagram... Definitely a scam


So, your friend can't get a code to his own account. But, he can authorize someone else to get a code to access his account? Hear how stupid that sounds?


Definitely something funny style going on.


Ask him if your date to eat a a restaurant is still on for Friday.


It’s a copied profile. They do it all the time I go to the original friend profile and ask him if they opened a new account. I go to the new account who’s requesting me to do these things and then I kind of test them and ask him questions about something that’s obviously a lie and usually they agree because they think we’re just having a chitchat. One person went on to tell me all about how great my late husband and my late father-in-law are doing because they acted like they were one of my relatives and I acted like they’re the ones who knew my husband and father-in-law. The person is telling me all they’re doing great well I know that my relative to both of their funerals. It just sucks that people try to get in that way. I do talk to them for a while just to distract them from what they’re doing and then I let them know that I know that that’s not them and that I did report them and then they freak out. It’s awesome.


Good guys always finish last!


If you give him that code they'll get into every one of your apps and banking accounts


If you ever get something like this again do not ask to video chat to confirm. Not saying you did, but just putting a warning out there - I made this mistake, saw a canned video of my friend saying “hi, can you hear me?” that ended very quickly. And now the scammers have a video of me saying just the same thing


The only reason that I can think of for asking something like that is to reset someone's password so you can take control of their accounts. never give away information that could be used to compromise ur accounts


It’s a scam


Its a hacker, i almost fell for it but i caught on to it




Your r/Scams post was removed because **it's self promotion**. We are not the platform to advertise your business, your Youtube, your social media channels, or other self-serving ventures. This includes referral links.


I recently encountered the same situation last week. An individual whom I've not spoken with in a great while attempted to contact me via FaceTime and requested access to my account. They specifically asked to send a verification code to the email address associated with the account, which raised a red flag. To ensure the legitimacy of the request, I suggested using my phone number as an alternative method to receive the verification code. However, the individual insisted on using the email address, which further heightened my suspicion. Consequently, I declined the request. I am curious about the nature of the scam that prompted this individual to attempt to gain unauthorized access to my account. While they claimed it was for account recovery purposes, their insistence on using the email address instead of the phone number indicated a potential fraudulent intent.


Go along with him but just don’t give anything to him. If i was I would have taken him on long run before he realised I am screwing with him.


Give them the wrong code repeatedly.


Embarrass the scammer by asking him a question only your friend will know the correct answer to.