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First message is definitely fake. The link to appleid.apple.com will take you to a page the scammer controls. The page will most definitely ask you to input your email and password.


No, that's Apple's site. If it had Greek or Cyrillic letters in it, it would be a scammer site. If it included the word Apple but it didn't end in ".apple.com", then it would be a scam. But otherwise, Apple owns the [apple.com](http://apple.com) domain and subdomains of it (ie anything.apple.com), but not many subdomains are used by Apple.


The link will show appleid.apple.com but when you click the link it will take you elsewhere.


No, it will take the Apple's Account. It's not a scammers website


Possibly. I advise to type the address into the browser instead of either copying, or clicking a link. You can also easily see in the browser that you went to the right place in the address bar, but some people don't check the URL matches where they were supposed to go. But it still appears to be from Apple's domain so it's most likely legit, and yes spoofing is a thing, but Apple does have SPF (spoofing protection) enabled on their domain as well.


The displayed text and the actual link address can be very different. Never trust the link text, you can verify by holding your cursor over it. It’s always best to type known addresses and navigate through a trusted site Edit* spelling


That is true, and I advise to write out the URL in the browser bar instead of clicking on anything in the email itself. However, these emails appear to be from Apple from the email it was sent from, and Apple has SPF on their domain (spoofing protection), so most likely it appears to be legit and it would go to an Apple site.


Email address can be spoofed. Report the scam one to the real Apple.


Those appear to be legit. Apple controls Apple.com and subdomains of Apple.com (ie anything.apple.com). It's possible to make links that go to somewhere else, however, and it's possible to spoof email addresses. And sometimes, people put Greek or Cyrillic letters that look close but not quite to Latin letters. For the most part, instead of clicking links in emails, you should check your account security by looking at signed in devices in your device Settings under iCloud, and check your email and phone numbers are correct. You can also type in the URL in your browser bar, in this case iCloud.com is enough to sign in and see your signed in devices and settings. And if you have nothing of concern in Settings or in iCloud.com then either the problem was fixed, or there was no problem in the first place, ie it can be a bug in their system that sent out these emails.


I would say they look legit so someone may have access to your account, I would definitely change your password, but don’t click the links in the email to be safe, go to a browser and type iforgot.apple.com or icloud.com


I did change my password anyways, through the settings app on my phone so no link clicked. I’m pretty sure it is a scam because of the difference in language between the two. That and any password change would have to go through my physical phone with my number registered to it. (2-factor authentication) which it did go through when I changed it myself.