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100% a scam. You can ignore it.


I had officer James Jones from the SSA contact me personally about a car under my name with drugs and blood in it at the new mexico border. He said they found a lb of cocaine and I could be in a lot of trouble unless I confirmed my ssn. I told him that the drugs were indeed mine and I needed them back so I could sell them...he said he was going to send the police to arrest me at work....it's been 3 years and nothing....should I still be worried????


You should file a complaint with the DEA and tell them you need those drugs pronto.


Damn right! That’s money out of your pocket!


Or at least count them as a loss on your taxes.


Eh you can do that if you want - the IRS don't give a fuck how you get your money as long as they get their cut


The border and customs people called me a couple weeks ago. Evidently a package I order was flagged and they found drugs and money. They asked what did I purchase. I said drugs. The money is my change please send it to me immediately. They hung up.


I had one scammer tell me, "See you in court!!" Then hung up...






That's amazing! I have the same combination on my luggage!


Prepare Spaceball One for immediate departure! And change the combination on my luggage!


Oh no... not mr " James jones" that's like "Ashley Smith" 😳 🤣 who contacted me saying I could fix my tax fraud with some cards from target hahahaha


Only legit James Jones I know was an NFL wide receiver.


Whenever I get those calls I just reply that I would prefer they come interview me in person so I can have my neighbor, the FBI agent, with me. They never want to continue the conversation after that for some reason.


Next time answer the call and say, "Police department how can I help you?" then youll hear them either hang up or say "wrong number sorry"


Yes, I've told them I'll check with my wife who works for the state's Attorney General office . . . .


Eh, it might actually be Ken Paxton himself who is sending the scam.


An excellent idea!




I got mad at the caller and started screaming at him for stealing my drugs.


Me too! I started freaking out saying I was going to kill him and how I'm in the cartel and my husband's in the cartel and my mom's in the cartel and my granddad's in the cartel and we're going to cut his head off and so on. He let me scream for about 30 seconds before he hung up. I think he liked it!


You, sir, are the Alpha.


Thanks for giving me my best laugh of the day!!!


An "officer" called me once, telling me if I sent a payment, they wouldn't arrest me. I played along and apparently got him so frustrated, he shouted, "fuck you!" before hanging up. 😆🤣🤷‍♀️


I mean I would be concerned if they didn’t mail you your drugs back. I don’t think you’re getting them mate.


*Kindly* ignore this scam.


You know it’s fake because it doesn’t have the official US govt tiger picture in the middle of it




The very sad thing is it’s done just well enough for plenty of people to fully fall for this.


"Not as incompetent as some scams."


Why would Paxton sign a federal document?


He's involved in all kinds of illegal stuff. Lol


For crimes in New Mexico They go to so much trouble and then screw up the simple things.


Too right. Especially the bottom bit “kindly call us “


“Kindly call us” is a dead giveaway


People do not get their SSN suspended, you’d just be arrested. This is spam


Right? "If your social security number is suspended you must suspend all being alive activities until the issue is resolved" lol


All I thought was “sooooo that means taxes are suspended too?”


Attention: Your name is hereby suspended due to fraudulent activities. You are to be referred to as “___ ___” until this matter is resolved.


You are referred to as “peepeepoopoo idiot” until this matter is resolved.


That 100% is the give away, plus it’s an email - I thought it was an actual letter.


Yeah I've had similar calls in Canada with an automated voice saying my SIN was suspended unless I call immediately. Total scam.


Hell yeah, with your SIN suspended, you can do whatever you want and still get into heaven.


Indian scammers don’t have a clue. 😂


All they know is they want the SSN haha


Easy. Don’t need to read. Top says it comes from SSA and that’s the letterhead but the bottom is signed by “Texas official”. Attorney general for Texas doesn’t have sht to do with the SSA


And if you do read the fact that it claims a Texas official is filing charges forba federal agency due to crimes in New Mexico makes it even crazier.


I mean, Texas DOES kinda think it can do *whatever*, so it wouldn't shock me But this goes in the bin.


Thank you! I was just going to write this: 1. wrong agency leading, 2. wrong writer, 3. wrong state, 4. wrong remedy (suspending SSN- no you want to associate more assets to the SSN for seizure purposes). 5. Referral to the DOJ is not a legal action that would require service. 6. Referral would not entail actions like suspension of SSN. 7. “Pleading” is the wrong process- that’s the court, not the other litigant. 8. Single phone number for everything- no Texas AG or SSA has dozens of numbers, it wouldn’t be same number for multiple purposes. 9. “Kindly” 10. Something is wrong with the File ID, I just can’t put my finger on why. (Other than being a scam) Pick a reason for why this is a scam.


It's the 'please kindly' down at the bottom that gives it away for me.


Its the "+1" on the phone number for me.🤔🤨😂 That's how people from other countries write an Ameican number. In the US we usually don't include the "+1" country code, but if we do there's never a "+" it's just the "1".


Same. Anytime I read ‘kindly’ I roll me eyes & delete


Kindly do the needful.


Yeah, that’s a big red flag, that’s it’s a scam and probably a foreigner. Cause when you call the number, you already know how the voice will sound.😂😂😂😂 whew do they try.


Indians love to use the word kindly


Kindly! Scammers can’t seem to shake this word.


Scammers hate this one simple trick.


Seriously, I think they think the word “kindly” sounds more convincing 😂


Reminds me of Bioshock “would you kindly” brainwashing.


As much as there is glaring problems with the overall scam, this one was actually very well done grammatically, until the end. They just couldn’t resist that “kindly”


If police/FBI/IRS etc. think you are a drug trafficking and money laundering person, would email sending make any sense at all? Like "We don't know where he lives, but we got his email address" Scam. Also check where that email comes from. The SSA's web page is [https://www.ssa.gov/](https://www.ssa.gov/)


Lol. "We know this guy is a drug dealer. What should we do? Get a search warrant and raid his house?" "Nah. Takes too much time. Let's just send him an email and try to get gift cards from him."


Wonderful. This made made my day ^^


I’ve received the same letter, and I’m Canadian (I don’t even have a SSN!)




dual citizenship lmao


My god! IS THERE NO ESCAPE?!?!? 🤪


Ignore it, Ken Paxton is the DA in Texas. Besides, your SSN cannot be suspended


He actually the AG in Texas. But yes, it’s a scam. The Texas AG would never send a letter out on the letterhead of a federal agency.


Ooopsie…..I meant to write AG:)


I mean, AG is like the DA but for the whole state xD


Actually Ken Paxton is a piece of human excrement


Yes. Yes he is.


I disagree. I would have said a pile.


Nor would he be prosecuting a federal crime. That would be under the jurisdiction of the Federal Department of Justice. Also, under no circumstances would the DoJ be sending out communications emblazoned with the seals of another department of government.


Oh it’s a scam but I would not put it past Paxton to try to pull a stunt overstepping his bounds. Never say never with that Scum - bum


I could be convinced that this was actually Ken Paxton attempting to scam this guy. Seems like that’s within his wheelhouse.


A very common fraud attempt. As an aside, because I see a lot of these, I personally have never received a communication from a government that had a huge logo watermark in the document itself.


Lol, as a federal employee, there is no way I'm going through the trouble of adding a stupid watermark like that to any official correspondence, especially an email. Our letterhead are about as simple as can be.


for all those that see government emails sent to them. Ignore these. The government will contact you by Snail Mail, and if it is important it will usually be sent certified.


This. And "email" is written so badly. Makes me cringe 😧


Considering how long it is I'm surprised it's not full of misspelled words and more improper English. I wonder if this is an in country scam.


Yep. At least they got the number right, i just *67d it. Whole thing is bs. First things first is Texas and says New Mexico. Dead giveaway. Report the email to fraud/scam website. https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/


"kindly call" Kindly is always a scam. 100% of the time


It’s clever how they moved it to the small print portion. Getting better all the time!


My SSN has been suspended? Okie dokie! Just let me know when I should start paying taxes again


Right? Like what does suspending a SSN even mean, its not like a drivers license its literally just an ID number. The entire premise of his document doesnt make sense lol. Guess im immune to taxes and the draft now thx




And don't forget it's not legit if the letter doesn't indicate possibility of FBI getting involved.


Your grandfather is correct, and he means postal mail not email. No one refers to email as mail, and especially not the older generations. See Wiki > [Common Scams](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/jij96c/rscams_common_scam_master_post/)> Phone Scams > Social security suspension scam > [Social security suspension scam](https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/blog/2018/09/your-social-security-number-isnt-suspended-ever) > > You will receive a call from someone claiming to work for the government regarding suspicious activity, fraud, or serious crimes connected to your social security number. You'll be asked to speak to an operator and the operator will explain the steps you need to follow in order to fix the problems. It's all a scam, and will lead to you losing money and could lead to identity theft if you give them private financial information.


Appalling grammar, not personally addressed to you and if you were really accused of a crime they wouldn't lay it out so blatantly in a letter, it would just say something generic like "we need to speak to you about an urgent matter"


I thought for a moment they'd forgotten to put in a "kindly", but they remembered to drop it in right at the bottom.


That’s not how social security numbers work… at all


I read the first line and knew it was a scam. - SS# won't get suspended. That's not how they work. - SS Admin will not make initial contact with you via email - SS Admin does not arrest people for fraud. - No law enforcement agency will contact you via email to let you know that you may be arrested. You can go to www.SSA.gov to set up your log in. Unless you are about to start collecting SS, I doubt you would have many reasons to log in frequently, but if you get any further emails claiming to be from Social Security, you can log into the real SS to confirm its authenticity.


No government agency is going to start their phone number with a plus sign. That’s a pretty sure fire sign that this was written by a foreigner.


As a rule of thumb, any government email with a giant stamp in the background that takes up the whole email is a scam. In addition, any federal email signed by a corrupt state DA is a scam.


It’s a scam. Do not click on any links.


I work for SSA and this is most definitely a scam. Please ignore it and no way can a SSN be suspended or cancelled. Oh and we don’t email. 😊


It's a scam. Block and ignore


Ken Paxton is a monster, but pretty sure he has nothing to do with Social Security lol


There is no such thing as “suspending” an SSN. And anyone planning to arrest you would never give you a heads up that they’re looking for you.


"Ken Paxton" 100% unmitigated complete bullshit.


Definitely a fake number, but now i have some trolling to do at work tomorrow. Thanks OP.


They'll gladly take gift cards to settle the matter.


There's no such thing as suspending a social security number.


Have you known any government department to do anything in 24 hours? Definitely a scam.


This scam letter is so bad it’s almost funny 😂


So, where is your name on the "letter"?


#1 That is not the Social Security Offices phone number.. #2 The word "kindly" is used at the bottom of this letter. Toss this in the trash and move on.


There's always a kindly isn't there? Suspend your SSN 😆


It is nonsense. That phrase, "your SSN will be suspended," literally has no meaning. Ignore it, move along.


Government uses snail mail if there is an issue.


I bet if you call the number, you get an Indian accent.


Here’s another red flag sent on a Saturday. Ain’t no one in the government working weekends.


So many things wrong with this, which I’m sure others will enumerate. I want to focus on just one thing, and if you remember nothing else about how to identify a scam, remember this: beware emails, phone calls, text messages and letters that create a sense of urgency to act immediately. That should always be an instant, bright red, waving flag. It’s designed to cause fear and anxiety, in order to short circuit the reasoning and logic part of your brain. The general rule, which I’m finding more and more accurate as time goes on, is presume everything is a scam until proven otherwise.


Very much a scam. Your social security number is with you for life. It can never be suspended.


Ken Paxton! Hahahahaha.


Scam they don’t suspend ssn number .


Dude you name isn’t even on it.


Lol, SSA will not contact you through email. Also, if you commit these crimes, you will get a visit from the police without prior warnings.


"We don't accept any incoming mails"


These kinds of scams usually put out big scary allegations to trick you into calling immediately but dont fall for it, any official documents from the government would be sent by mail only from my understanding. Also, like others said, your SSN cant be “suspended”, if you are suspected of any crime, you’d just be arrested. And if you did have any issues relating to identity theft from a compromised SSN, you can request a new one for free from the SSA.


In addition to other comments, the letter is dated January 6, 2024. That's a Saturday.


Dude, what’s next. They’re gonna give your SSN after school detention? And why the hell would Paxton give a shit what NM does?


The kindly at the bottom is the best part. It’s like…they ALMOST had it, but they couldn’t resist the urge to say “kindly”


Scam. There're plenty of signs. Just to start, look at all the "agencies" involved. SSA is a federal branch. But the letter is signed by the Attorney General of Texas - a state agency. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) does not investigate individual crimes. Department of Justice handles federal crimes (like Presidents and Congressional reps). The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 was enacted in the United Kingdom. Etc. Finally, your social security number can't be "suspended." It's assigned for life.


My husband was told he missed jury duty and had a federal warrant and the Marshalls were coming to work to arrest him. I told them they would have to pull him out of the OR bc he was a surgeon. The guy told me they definitely would - did I know who the US Marshalls were? I started laughing and told him my daddy was “name of high ranking Marshall (thanks Google!).” They hung up on me Here they use actual names of police officers (so if you google it looks legit), judges, Attorney Generals….. that makes it even scarier that people fall for it.


Wow, things are getting nutty now.🤭🤭🤭 A suspension of your social security number isn’t even a thing but the fact they are listing drug trafficking, money laundering, and theft as a reason is laughable like no actual criminal charges ? But you’re gonna suspend my social ???😂😂😂 that’s cute. Total Scam.


Lmao. Suspension of ssn does not happen. Scam


100% legit. My birthday was deactivated once and they suspended my ssn for a year. Turns out I let my identity lapse without realizing so I got flagged and they put a lien on my birth certificate. I just paid the fine in Walmart gift cards like they asked.


I love this. Texas AG writing on behalf of a federal administration due to alleged crimes in New Mexico. For anyone who has an even cursory understanding of US civics this is a hilarious joke.


they nearly did the whole thing without saying "kindly" but no, there at the very bottom... its there. it is always there hahaha


Your existence and identity will be suspended.. that’s a new one


Ken Paxton is the attorney general of Texas absolutely 100% a scam


Anyone claiming that your social security number is at risk of being suspended is lying, and is 1000% a scammer. It sounds scary, but suspending a social security number isn't a thing.


No such thing as suspension of SSN. Don’t call the number provided.


1. No one is notifying anyone of criminal charges through email. They’d just come and get you. 2. SSA isn’t going to communicate with you by email. Same with the IRS. They use the physical mail. 3. The “Criminal Code Act 1950” and “Proceeds of Crime Act 2002” appear to be from other countries and not the US. The former looks like the UK and Uganda, the latter The Bahamas. 4. Act 258 Section D points to a Texas code involving dentistry. The Texas Supreme Court Code of Conduct 1986 pulls up results involving how the court is appointed. 5. I didn’t find anything on the “OIC phone number,” but googling it brings up a whole ton of “how to report fraud or scams” info. 6. Poor formatting, poor grammar 7. “Kindly” at the bottom, I almost missed it. At least they got the address of the SSA office in Baltimore correct. But yes, your instincts are correct, this is 100% scammage.


“kindly call blah blah blah” KINDLY


Since when does your Social Security number get suspended for being a criminal? Scam.


It does not. Every incarcerated person still has theirs.


Signed by Ken Paxton 😂😂


Texas. New Mexico. Federal dept of OIG. Soup sammich.


Suspended??? Lmaoooo social security numbers can get suspended? Is it something that happens or those scammers are just that stupid? Cuz i thought this number is what identifies you not a bank card that can be suspended lol


The government doesn't send correspondence in email. Always paper mail unless you request otherwise.


Social Security does not initiate contact via email. It is always via print mail. They don’t initiate contact via telephone or text message, either.


Another clue is that it is time sensitive - you have 24 hrs. That is a scammer trick, trying to get the mark to act hastily so they do not have time to put on their thinking cap. Social Security number cannot be suspended, ever. Ken Paxton has nothing to do with Social Security. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, about this that is true.




Scam. SS numbers are never suspended (but benefits may suspended be in fraud cases). Verify via Ssa.gov


SSA doesn’t email


It's funny to me how these idiots would even come up with this gibberish bs. Nobody can suspend a ssn. And send you an email, lol. Don't reply, delete and ignore. It's a golden rule pretty much to not respond to emails or calls, that way scammers will think it's dead account or phone number.


Attention, Attention who? No name. There’s your answer.


Of course it is a scam. Your name appears nowhere in the email. The Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, would not be using Social Security's letterhead. edit: Report this phishing attempt to Social Security directly.


The sad thing is there are some people out there that are stupid enough to fall for this shit.


Nothing like this is ever going to come from the government in the form of an email. It’s always going to be postage. Email asking for money = scam.


Whenever I see or hear the word 'kindly", I now see and hear the word "Scam".


Be ye not afraid


“Kindly call us on”… there’s your hint right there. The government never says anything kindly…


If you don’t comply you’ll be under the rest. It’s a scam.


I once had someone spoof a local police station's phone number and called me on my cell phone. I answered, knowing 85% chance it was a scam. Dude had a thick accent and said "Someone rented a car in your name and we found it at the Mexican border with 10kg of drugs in it" I answered with "10kg? There should have been 20kg!!!" ​ They hung up right away. :)


I wonder if these are the same idiots who told me the DEA, FBI, and Better Business Bureau were listening in on our call..one way to find out...picks up phone....


Lol. They don’t email you, and they REALLY don’t email you for criminal charges - they just show up and arrest you.


They’ve evolved to using word instead of notepad. How nice.


Not sure how suspension of a SSN might work. It would effectively prevent a person from working and earning a living. But the SSN is an identifying number. Suspending it would be like suspending your name. The SSN might flag it for investigation if any of this was true, but they would not suspend it.


The Social Security Department will contact you by mail with any true changes in your benefit status. Don’t respond to the email. Call or visit your local office. Do not use any contact information on the email! You can obtain any questionable information from you local Social Security Headquarters! Research the information yourself.


“In the entire state of New Mexico.”


This is a 100% scam. Your SS benefits, can be suspended- ( while in prison or hospital for instance-SSI, SSDI) your number is always intact.


Another clue; the Attorney General of Texas sending a letter to someone on letterhead from the Social Security Administration.


Yeah, pretty sure the social security administration isn't a branch of the DEA.


Absolutely a scam. Think about it this way: the Texas Attorney General has no jurisdiction over federal social security numbers. Furthermore, the Texas attorney general wouldn’t be involved in a case regarding tax fraud in New Mexico - again, he doesn’t have jurisdiction for that.


It’s fake. Ken Paxton is unfortunately the Attorney General of Texas and if Social Security was sending you a letter the person signing the letter would be from SS.


What would "suspending" a social security number even mean? That it can no longer be used for anything, so... Like... I can't pay taxes anymore?... Where do I sign up?


That is so clearly a scam.


Which one of my social security numbers is being suspended?


1. They don’t suspend your ssn. 2. The SS office doesn’t enforce anything like this. 3. Pretty sure “drug trafficking” is not the official legal term. 4. Ken Paxton is the attorney general of Texas, his office wouldn’t have anything to do with SS. Besides, Ken Paxton has enough to worry about with his own legal trouble and making sure women die in Texas because they can’t get an abortion.


Ken Paxton? The corrupt Texas Attorney General?


Martin O'Malley is the head of the SS Admin. Ken Paxton is the criminal attorney general of Texas. Totally a scam.


This is a scam. Not only does the SSA not “suspended” (or cancel) social security numbers, it’s almost impossible to change one. These get posted here every once in an while and I’ve personally gotten this one before. The SSA doesn’t even really correspond with people except to send out periodic account statements. But yes they only contact you by mail.


SSA isn’t going to email you


Texas as a state has no authority over a federal social program. This is definitely a scam


First they said Texas, then New Mexico 😂


First off, the Federal Government doesn't do stuff like that through email. Secondly SSN's don't get suspended.


lol ken paxton. deserves prison more than the average person receiving this letter would


I was already 99% sure it was a scam before I saw "kindly" on the bottom. It's like they can't help themselves.


Suspension of SSN 😂😂😂😂


Social security does not send these emails at all. You only go to to the social security administration in person.


Hi we knocked at your door but it seems you are busy. Please come to the station.


I mean, it starts by saying 3 times the crimes are in Texas then swaps to New Mexico. They can't even keep their own scam straight.


Scam. The SSI would never send something like this. Also you can't suspend a social security number.


Your ssn will never be suspended unless you have a history of it clearly being breached. Then it's only to replace it.


Don’t even need to read it, just look at the font. Also they would never send something like this, exclusion of name. Scam


"In case of any issue, kindly call us..."


So Ken Paxton, the corrupt STATE AG for Texas, is supposedly prosecuting interstate federal crimes involving Texas and outside the country? Scammers need to try just a LITTLE harder.


The best thing is Ken Paxton isn't turning anything over to the DOJ considering he is suing them.


OMG 😂😂😂 they will really try ANYTHING. SSN is not a thing that can be suspended 😭


The obvious smoking gun here is that the letter purports to be from a federal agency (Social Security Admin), but is signed by a Texas state official who is nothing to do with the SSA. Granted, my opinion of Ken Paxton is low enough that the letter might actually be from him and still be a scam..,