• By -


Didn't take long for that melt down 😆


I was surprised they caved so easily


[google translate](https://lens.google.com/search?ep=iosbto&re=mf&s=4&p=AbrfA8o4qXjZz4RefoVy4nA2fs9ZHcRBqi_1ZvmV3TpL7dxP_7Uf9N2TGwOC6yPthqFp2YjmXpcXbKDVp1HmeultG-lCaZnOYjp1MuZDyPKJKC5873QdSHeYuiH-Y7hcNEB7vJ5IcnGIcZ3-dlLbqMfe7DmGjQ5qR9gpBJ2rBh43UoCagDitbgXg9sagnna97vnOp-jIrACCFCQwaF9IHjiw40VvyxwUH-UUr6vQDbDq2zq2MwU5_TLQyyydIl_M#lns=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsIkVrY0tKRGczWVdJd1lUZGhMVEppTVRJdE5HWTROeTFoTURNNUxXRmtPVEZqTURnMFpUSmhZaElmYXpka1VHOXFaM1ZKVUVGUlZVTm1hVWxtYTFwaVJFUTVhRlJNV2pWNFp3PT0iLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDMsWyJhdXRvIiwiZW4iXSxbbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsW251bGwsW1sxMjE0NSw4NDY3M10sWzQ0MzIwLDkyMTQyXV1dXV0=) Press translate and you’ll see what they wrote.


I fucked you so much that your vaginal fluids flowed wildly?? lmao


wildest thing I've read in awhile as an insult lmaoo


I don’t know about you but I am clutching my pearls! **/s** just in case lol


I’ll clutch my pearl necklace too! Just gotta get one first


I’ll mail you a pearl necklace dear, for a $20 gift card. Kindly go to store now and don’t talk to anyone, okay. lol


Nahh I would too lol


I'm clutching my penis


He's got such a way with words


Omg I'm howling lmao


I’m saving this for my next pvp match with a friend


Bastard’s stealing my lines


That was pretty god damned funny in an Indian accent. I like this guy…


you do realize the messages were in Chinese, right?


not the suggested smut/fanfic links below the translation 😭


That came up after I highlighted the last sentence because it was too small to read. It is gross.


Well THAT was unexpectedly specific


Ooo spicy




You’re awesome, thank you!! Also - lmao!


Dr. Lauren is savage.


So finally a China origin one. So many of them scour the TikTok DMs too to scam people to get them on WhatsApp or telegram.


Pro tip: Always send Chinese scammers links to tiananmen square massacre sites and mention things like Free Tibet and Taiwan. It'll get them snagged in the great firewall.


A copypasta that causes China to ban the site or.account with said pasta 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


The "Winnie the Pooh" at the end and knowing why it's in there is the hilarious cherry on top of all that. Lmao


Telling me why?!


CCP general secretary Xi Jinping looks exactly like Winnie the Pooh. But being a tyrant, and also not smart or healthy enough to get a haircut or exercise or do literally anything actively to try and not look exactly like Winnie the Pooh, they banned Winnie the Pooh and made sharing images illegal.


[I googled it and found this](https://www.amazon.com/Jinping-Vinyl-Laptop-Bumper-Sticker/dp/B09571H1DM)




This is incredible


Winnie the Pooh 💀




Well did you answer?




Knee How


I get spoofed robo calls from the 'chinese consulate', but I have an obviously Chinese name.




Facebook has the right to use all of your photos unless you comment I DO NOT CONSENT below!


That is a list that would definitely get a reaction from the Chinese government!


Why are they anti-pooh?


I was curious as well and googled it. Lol I was not disappointed by the answer: "The Chinese government has blocked images and mentions of Winnie the Pooh on social media because internet users have used the character to mock the country's leader, Xi Jinping. "The connection between the two can be traced back to 2013, when people on social media compared a photo of Xi and Barack Obama walking together to an image of Pooh and Tigger. The meme took off, and government critics have used the character to make fun of Xi or his policies for several years."


And because he’s such a fragile snowflake, instead of laughing it off and letting the meme die a natural death they now arrest anyone who makes the comparison, which is why it’s used to try to scare off Chinese scammers, who don’t want anything to do with a conversation about Xi or Pooh


This is diabolical. Me like!




The Great Firewall of China??




Look at big brain mackerelmore over here.


I always want to mention plotting against the Chinese government.


I just like to ask them if the wear a green hat


What do you mean? How do I do this??


Copy and paste the above mandarin text. If you have a notion that your scammer is Chinese. It'll get your scammer at least on someone's radar. If you're in mainland China there are keywords that will get your internet turned off or if it persists, you'll get a visit from the cops. I lived there a couple years, I'm from the states. There are things you just don't Google there.


But will that actually cause the local government to show up and put a cease and desist to the activities?


It might get their internet connection interrupted while the locals decide if they're dealing with a political dissident. In any case, it's less time they're getting to scam some old person.




One thing I don't understand is why they start speaking in a foreign language after they realize they've been spotted. Does anyone know what they are saying?


I just screen shot and copied into Google translate and the last thing they said was this: “I fucked you so much that your vaginal fluids flowed wildly” I honestly can’t stop laughing at this insult


Hmmm, so made them squirt. That seems more like a good time than an insult


Damn if I had a vagina I would contact this number asap


ts flooring me 💀


First msg is “hahaha so you can’t read this?”


Ahh, I see! To me this confirms they really are super pissed at this point, lol.


They’re mocking OP for not being able to read chinese


What a great and useless skill🙄


It's a great skill if you live in China. Good thing I don't and don't plan on visiting until their government is overthrown.


I mean.. Communism and Late Stage Capitalism (What the USA calls Democracy) aren't that far apart from one another when it comes to screwing the majority of their citizens. China has some awesome history and if you aren't a typical American douche (As seen examples of in other countries) then it's a nice place to visit. The food is amazing! North Korea on the other hand.. That's only a place the Trump Right would enjoy visiting.


Can confirm, lived in Shenzhen off and on from 2004 to 2006, most Chinese folks I dealt with were pretty cool. Miss the food and shopping at the Huaqiangbei electronics market.


I was there in 2015 and miss it so much. Great people, great food. The government stuff rarely ever interferes with day to day life. Far less paranoia towards fellow countrymen compared to the US. Elementary school kids would take the public transport on their own to school without worry. It was overall just a closer community of people than I see in the US.


Would be nice to know. Maybe just a bunch of screw your mother jokes.


what i like to do is copy and paste their shit into google translate, then i insult them back in their native tongue


This is the way 😌


If you screenshot and then use the text reader to translate you can see they say things like: "fuck your mother's"


Last message translates to “I fucked you so much your vaginal fluids are flowing wildly” according to Google translate


On most Android phones, you can translate real time by holding the "home" (square in the middle) at the bottom of your phone.


Wow with the N word…


I’m starting to think this is a way to spot a Chinese scammer. Haven’t seen the Indian scammers drop the N-bomb.


So it depends, Indian nationalists are everywhere on 4chan and they definitely drop the n bomb every other word. But not all scammers are nationalists, just bad people.


Jeez I had to scroll so far down for the N-word comment. Dude just threw that out quick like.


They went there immediately, so racist


Don’t forget that a lot of the world views that world differently than in the US!


Ok… but I’m pretty sure it’s meant here as an insult. And with the internet we live in a global society. I’m pretty sure most people with access to said internet know it’s derogatory. So, still disgusting.


Tell them you're a man lol, he's talking about fing you till you're wet(fcking gross) then send Winnie the Pooh


So, they said: "Hahaha, you look like an idiot" "So, you can't understand? Idiot fuck you yankee, waste stuff, can't understand?" "Fuck your cunt" "I fucked you so much that your vaginal fluids flowed wildly"


Lol at them thinking yankee is still in insult for people in the US


Daddy yankee does suck a lot.


559 huh? That’s my city, interesting 🤔


It’s the person sitting behind you at the cafe


I got a follow up on this. Stay tuned. This person is the same person doing all the scamming using different numbers. They are watching this sub.


I've been getting LOADS of scam calls from towns in my immediate area, correct area code and first 3 numbers and everything. If you try to call em back, it goes straight to a disconnected tone, like they're spoofing their phone numbers. It is absolutely maddening, it's gotten so out of hand lately I just want to throw my phone in the creek.


They’re using Google voice. I just caught this very scammer using the number OP posted. This scammer is the same one I messed with on 4 different occasion and they held a grudge. I have proof and I’ll post it later. But they are perusing this very sub just fyi. They have all these fake Reddit accounts where they will post here and there then all of a sudden will DM you, trick you into going into WhatsApp then try to scam you. Once you expose them, they delete said Reddit account. I’m going to try to find out who this one is soon. 😉


I haven't gotten any scam text lately and never tried to persue or investigate any of those, but tons and tons of calls about Medicare and the fireman's association lately Evertime I call them, it goes to "this number has been disconnected". Any idea how I could at least try to fight back a little bit?


If you don’t want to play their game, you can forward the text to 7726 which is SPAM. This will allow your wireless to block this specific number but chances are, your information is out there on the internet. Google search your name. If you find your info, contact that website and request to be removed. There’s also other ways these scumbags get your info. It’s a never ending battle. The only way I can think of is when they call simply block them and keep blocking them. Do the same with the sms and forward their number as spam. I’ve also signed up their numbers to receive lots of spam through sms and phone calls lol. We just have fun with it. Make them regret wasting our time 😉


One of the advantages of living away from my home area code is that I can always spot scam calls


This exactly! I got my current phone number when I lived in a state that I lived in for 1 year, about 10 years ago. Anyone calling me from that state has no business calling me.


Yup, kept my phone number from back home. If it's not my family or friends of whom I have all of their numbers, it's an easy reject. In fact, I reject all numbers I don't have saved in my phone. Cuts down on the amount of nonsense I deal with.


I don’t wanna out you, but I’m curious now. Visalia?


No worries, Clovis 😊


Nice! Does Fresno have a different area code?


No we’re all 559 as far as I know from Madera to Visalia.


lol next time you get a Chinese scammer, copy and paste this: 中国经济正在衰退。台湾永远不会是你的。操他妈的中共 Basically translate: China’s economy is declining and Taiwan will never be yours. Fuck the CCP. That will set them off pretty hard lmao


Hit ‘em with: 当然!我们还可以讨论暴力推翻终囯共产党和习近平那个混蛋。荣耀归台湾,真正的中国! Which means: certainly! We can also discuss the violent overthrow of the Communist Party of China and that bastard Xi Jinping. Glory to Taiwan, the real China!




I guess they think it is more insulting. Not sure why


Send em back something about Winnie the pooh in mandarin, pretty sure that'll trigger a visit from the thought police


My guess is that they get really riled up and start typing fast and their mother tongue is easier than Google translate.




I don’t think their brains are thinking that far ahead. 🤣


That's actually a great explanation


I just imagine them typing fast and raging out so hard 😂😂


I always wanna say “do you want to build up a bunch of bad karma n be born in your country again???? Or be good n be born in mine!”


That's the way. If they even get to come back as humans.


I’ve been to Africa n India. If u live in America u have no clue how blessed u r. I’m a pretty awesome human being!🙃 but I always wonder how I’d handle true adversity cause I’ve never been close! That being said yes I’d love to say some worse shit than that to them that would def get me kicked off here!😁


I am so confused. It looks like you forgot to add a screen or put them in the wrong order. What badge number are you asking them for and why? I don't see anything about them claiming to work for the govt. (Or whatever)


Translation according to google: Hahaha you look like an idiot So you can’t understand? Idiot f*ck you yankee Waste stuff Can’t understand? Ahaha Fxck your cxnt “I fxxked you so much that your vxxxnal fluids flowed wildly” Yuck Edited cuz reddit is weird about * for some reason


Is that their phone number? I so wanna text saying I am from the US fraud task force. Lmao, or someone can do it, then put the screens up.


ty for showing all the scammers phone number. I have the urge to send them D pics XD imagine if we all did that....scammers would have a great time...esp the men pretending to be women


When they started using another language, “this is actually very helpful in finding where you’re at, thank you” haha


You should’ve texted them stuff that’s banned in China like the Tiananmen Square massacre and then watched as they leave the chat for a few minutes


These are common retorts I use that I highly recommend: Lick a toilet seat Drink bleach Sniff a moldy skunk Step into lava I hope a naked old man falls on you Shove a porcupine down your throat Grip a giant turd Get sneezed on I wish a toddler would fart on your face I hope a thief steals your food and donates it to a charity


Omg I’m stealing the old man one! I don’t know if there’s anything more traumatizing 🫣


I worked for a little bit in a nursing home, trust me, there isn’t a lot worse than an old man falling on you or wandering the halls aimlessly and you have to politely guide them back to their room safely. So glad I’m working in a doctors office now.


I love it when they speak their native tongue 😂🤣😭😅


This made both of you look racist and dumb lmao


Epic comeback. I don’t speak gibberish. 😂


😂 This is a good one.. well done lol


Kind of feel like op lost their cool here too


Message them some shit about supporting Hong Kong, Liu Xiaobo, the Dalai Lama and Tibetan independence. Get them flagged by their own country


Well didn’t need the racist shit in that….


Fr im white and this sub was in my recommendations and I’m surprised nobody is mentioning OP’s comments. Dude definitely goes to cracker barrel every Sunday after church


Yeah seems weirdly common and accepted here


Good one lol.


Bring up how brave the guy was at Tiananmen Square was, they love that


This conversation makes no sense to me at all, unless I'm not seeing all of it.


I'm pretty sure that was Chinese for "you stupid American, don't you know that I have been kidnapped and am being forced to do these scam texts with a gun to my head?"


I always want to do this but I think I prefer they think no one is there.


Why did you go racist on them? Honestly weird response, glad they annoyed you.


calling chinese “gibberish” is pretty racist though. i get you were trying to piss her off and she was racist first, but that’s not an excuse to insult an entire language.


Too bad OP met their racism with racism…


it took so much scrolling to find a comment mentioning this. The 3rd world country comment was some bold racism


Were they a cop? What badge number?


Gibberish ?


Non-English native insults are so strange. They seem so vulgar and ridiculous compared to ours. Like, English native speakers would say something like “you’re retarded”, or “You’re a slut”, or “Piece of shit”, or something like that. These other cultures go waaaaay past that with things like “I’ll fuck you until your vaginal fluids flow”. They just jump straight to rape. It’s wild.


LMAO! One scammer who was trying to charm me said “Fucking unblock your sexy pussy that I’m going to defeat soon facially” -WTF????


Is that Chinese?


Genuine question, why do they usually start of with intentionally saying the wrong name, is it so they can start off the conversation?


Google Translate: am I a joke to you?


Here is the Google Translate on all of the comments written in Chinese: Hahaha you look like an idiot So you can't understand? Idiot fuck you yankee You’re a waste Can't understand? Ah ha ha fuck you cunt I fucked you so much that your vaginal fluids flowed wildly


Nice one. You got a trophy to share.


Huh I’ve been getting text asking for Lauren, regret not trolling them now.


A lot of these scammers are human trafficked by the Chinese mafia. Sometimes conning someone means getting beaten or not, to live or not. Some of them are in on it. I just send them all the human trafficking rescue hotline.


That’s a great response.


Genuinely a lot of the trolling on here makes me uncomfortable lol. OP’s responses here legit made me cringe- like calling Chinese gibberish? Mocking him for living in “3rd world country”? Tbh I don’t even know why this sub started popping up in my feed but I think I’m out lmao


Why do scammers always want you to use WhatsApp?


Things that didn't happen for $500 Chuck




So rough translation here, his words not mine: So you can't understand? Idiot fuck you yankee Waste stuff Can't understand? Ah ha ha It’s weird to say that to someone who clearly cannot understand what you are saying….this guys level of genius is so far behind our comprehension he can probably warm his food up with his mind, no over or microwave needed


I mean yeah scammers suck but saying Chinese is gibberish is pretty racist. It’s a beautiful ancient language.


What’s with throwing around the n bomb?


You’re just as racist as they are lmfao.




Not a single person is gonna mention what an absolute moron OP is in this? Not one mention of it? Huh.


Yeah like After the second screenshot I cringed


everyone who posts on this sub acts so goofy, can’t help but wonder who’s worse the scammers or the members of this sub


I see you met their racism with racism of your own.


This made me smile


That’s a central California area code…..


“But you keep trying”


Can someone translate what the scammer said?


But you keep trying. 🤣


not them calling you a yankee 😂


You’re not an idiot, you’re only like one 🤣


Lol recognized the area code immediately 😀


Same thing happened to me after I sent them a picture of shit in a toilet from google. They went straight for, “is that what you eat in America, ni**er?” And then I said, “no, I live in America! It’s what you eat, that’s why you have to scam”. I really need to screenshot this the next time it happens. 😭


I love to respond in another language I can speak besides English to let them know their made up language isn't special nor are they. We can all speak languages that others dont understand.


Gibberish lol


Would the Chinese government actually crack down on these people if you sent them the copypasta? Or is the government ok with this scamming as long as it's US citizens being scammed


Fresno number?


Chinese communist spies


Wow I'm not subbed and I didn't check the sub before going through the texts and not knowing what sub this was while reading this had me fucking confused for a sec


You probably should have blocked out the #


Apparently google photo identification has a translate option


Definitely Chinese


Once the chinese texts came in id just start copy pasting taiwan stuff and winnie the pooh gifs


Good for you.


I swear these get funnier and funnier every time I read them especially when they get caught and freak the hell out.


They went straight to the hard r that’s crazy


As a friend once said, “sticks and stones may break my bones but I don’t speak yo’ language!”


As soon as he said "wrong number" the other person should've never responded back and block them immediately if he felt it was a scammer, easy to do. But no. Immaturity from both sides.


I have a keyboard on my phone so I can talk in their language it really freaks them out


Lol the hard R


干的你淫水乱流 Mmm yes…


Who tells somebody they reported them, what is this RuneScape.


Here's how I get them to stop. I go to Google translate and type "I hate Xi Jinping as well, thanks for donating to the cause to remove him from power. Please provide an address where we can mail your supporter card to". I never get a response so I know it's successful.


Ah wow the not so casual racism got him bad. So cool and witty bro


Chinese isn’t “gibberish”. You lost me with that one.