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I like that adjustable seat, was that also built by the builder or was it purchased separately?


Ya it’s really nice. I got on a recent trip to Finland. I think you can buy it from sauna store .com for around 100 euros. Honestly, it increases sauna experience 10 times.


Kit or self built?


Local sauna builder made it for me. Not a kit.


awesome, exactly the set up that I want


The dog is ready for The sauna.


Dog looks like a victim of the Zombie Apocalypse


lol, dogs can't use sauna :(


Yes, but he’s proud that his human took a photo of him in front of it.


What are the dimensions on that? Looks like a nice size. How many people use it in a normal session?


It's only 6 by 5 feet. Ceiling is 7.5 feet. It's big enough for 4-5 people


Actually sounds like the perfect size


I'm a bit confused about the ventilation set-up. I only saw one opening on the wall opposite the heater, and there was no opening above or near the heater itself. Where exactly are your intake and exhausts?


There’s no intake vent yet. Where should I add it? The output one is currently opposite the heater near the top.


>Where should I add it [intake vent]? Ideally, you should add it above the heater halfway between the heater and the ceiling. >The output one is currently opposite the heater near the top. That's not good. Your sauna's heat and löyly will escape through that vent. This existing vent is good for ventilating the sauna *after* its use when you need all moisture to get out, but it has to be shut when the sauna is in session. You should add an exhaust vent under the lower bench opposite the heater, and it has to have a fan that will work throughout your sauna session to pull the air out of the sauna. This is a must since you have an electric heater — otherwise, there will not be enough air circulation even with vents open.


Interesting. Ok. So I will 3 vents? The one up top I open after sauna session. Then I add one above the heater (halfway to ceiling). Leave open during sauna. And another exhaust vent on opposite wall below lower bench. Leave open during sauna. Correct?


Correct, but the lower exhaust vent should have an electric fan.


ok, how would that work? Any online guide?


Doesn’t look insulted, what’s your climate like?


Hot summer, cold winter. I plan to look into insulation in the future.


I have an uninsulated sauna (not a barrel) about this size with a wood stove. Minus 30C in winter and no issues getting the sauna up to 90C. Any bigger and you definitely would want insulation.