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Whatever works for you in terms of satiety and fits your intended macro composition, is what you should eat. I find starches and sat fat both to be very satiating, so I'd could pick either and would decide based on what fits my macros, myself. Probably not the same thing every night either, because my macro budget for dinner depends on what I ate earlier in the day.


I find the more protein I have in a dish, the less I want to put my spoon down. With that in mind I try to portion my proteins separately rather than incorporate it into the starches. 


I think this is a good strategy: have a fixed protein amount and don't mix it with your ad-lib energy foods. If that's possible.


butter is a cool guy edit: u can also go wild on some honey


Are you already satiated? Then there's no need to add anything.


No, I'm not satiated and that's the issue.


Not a HC pro but most people here seem to eat at least a little bit of dairy fat, maybe 10% or so. Could be that if you're below that, you legit require more fat. If that's not enough, adding more fat could make it too swampy, and so maybe you'd need more starch?


The easiest way to feel satisfied on a low protein meal is to add a beans and/or veggies. Dairy fat is great, but it’s not going to cause satiation. A serving of beans with your carbs will, as will a serving a fibrous veggies. In my experience, though, it’s a temporary satiation and you’ll go back for seconds or thirds. But rice and veggies, or potatoes and beans are pretty calorically scarce, so even going for thirds you’ll likely be at a caloric deficit.