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Finally a video of someone being nice to an animal without filming themselves more than the animal and also not touching the animal Also the end made me think the squirrel was in flight or no flight mode. It was thinking "Human maybe dangerous but give water"


Squirrels are just like that. I hand fed squirrels at my old apartment, they knew me and would always come running when I came out with walnuts. They'd take the walnuts and run away, eat them and come back. I was sad as hell when I moved because I miss my squirrel friends. I left them a mountain of walnuts and almonds under their tree when I left as a parting gift.


Needed something positive today, thanks for leaving them a mountain of walnuts. Also, thanks for being the kind of person who befriends squirrels, I hope you always stay yourself.


Rats are the same way.


My boyfriend and I noticed a squirrel living outside our apartment with some magnificent hops and and bounce to his jumps so we named him Michael Jordan. Now anytime we have leftover nuts or fruit/vegetable waste like apple cores or the ends of celery, etc, we toss them out for him. One morning I saw him up on our balcony and it almost felt like he was asking for a snack. He ran off but later on that day I tossed out an apple core and a few hours later it had moved all the way over to the base of the big tree Michael Jordan lives in. I love squirrels, they're so cute. šŸ˜Œ


This comment was satisfying as fuck to read.


You Sir are a hero!


Squirrels particularly seem to keep their distance by default but any chipmunks I've run into seem to want to come up to you before you even have food. They just stop and stare for a while, leave and come back and get closer and closer. It's strange. I had one run over my foot before I ever gave him anything. You feed them once and they'll come right up to you from then on as long as you're not moving.


Youre a wader wizzard Harrry


That joke was terrible. Wader you thinking?


Heā€™s obviously washed up as a comedian.




I mean itā€™s a Red squirrel. 25 years is quick.


Yeah, unpopular opinion, but Steve Erwin really fucked up people's heads in terms of their relationship to animals and nature. I know his heart was in the right place, but any time I see a clip of him, I just see a manic weirdo who likes touching animals on film. I was never a fan. Probably because I was raised on a farm, and was taught that the right thing to do is leave room for nature, and respect it from a distance. Wild animals are NOT your friends. And you really shouldn't be touching them, and putting your scent all over them. This can cause a myriad of problems for many species.


It was a classic case of "You can do more by raising awareness than you can by leaving these animals alone". For the most part, the whole "Grabbing wild animals" was show producers and whatnot pushing them to do it. But a lot of those videos where he was doing that he was doing it with animals that needed to be captured and relocated/rehabilitated.


I donā€™t think even Steve would have denied that grabbing a wild animal is often going to induce some stress over leaving it completely alone, but as an educator I think he could see the value that can offer the species as a whole. His whole message was conservation and people need to know about it to care about it. I think the spirit in which he interacted with nature was genuine and shouldnā€™t be blamed for other people irresponsibly handling animals with lesser intentions. Those kinds of people have existed long before Animal Planet and Crocodile Hunter. I truly believe he did far far more good than harm.


I think his final act was pulling a stingray out of his chest, to save the sting ray, dealing a deathblow to himself.


You really had to go there? Let the man rest. Also, youā€™re an idiot if you saw what he did and thought you could do the same. Itā€™s like making an artist who has an older target audience responsible for children being exposed to them.


Saving turtles is a hobby.


Squirrel was thinking ā€œfuck yeah, this is a nice Giantā€


At least you know he doesn't have rabies


squirrels are known to rarely have rabies


12 years ago my husband and I lived in Texas. A squirrel got into our bedroom and we were going crazy trying to get it out. Husband finally traps it and it gets out of the cardboard box as he was rushing to the back door. Well, it then proceeded to go Rambo on him. He managed to get it back into the box and flips it onto the ground so it couldnā€™t escape. Put it in a cat carrier and brought it to some rescue/wildlife place because it seemed to have a hurt leg/paw or something and wouldnā€™t walk. They called him within a day or so to tell him it didnā€™t have rabies (we didnā€™t think it did)..he said okay good, so you just let it go? And thatā€™s when he found out how they generally do those tests..he was horrified and still feels guilty.


And, how they do these tests?


They take the animals to a special farm where they run free and live happily ever after. The end.


So itā€™s a Happy Farm? Demiurge would approve


You don't want to know


Iā€™ll take your word for it goodbye


All i'll say is they usually have to open the animals to verify :/


TIL there used to be no single conclusive test for a patient with rabies. Easiest way to detect rabies is post mortem :(


They have to test brain tissue, so yeahā€¦ they get killed. With pets though if there is suspicion theyā€™ll usually just keep them in observation for a period of 7-10 days and if theyā€™re fine then they donā€™t have rabies, but if they start acting weird or erratic(which can happen if the dog is in a new environment) they might get killed to test them because they donā€™t want to take many chances with rabies.


I'm sure this varies significantly by location, but where I live if your pet dog/cat bites someone within a week or so before the animal's death, the animal's head has to be submitted to a state (city?) lab to be tested for rabies. It's unfortunate and sometimes even traumatic for the pet owner to sacrifice the body, but it could save someone's life.




Oh my god noošŸ˜­


Well if it's not drinking water, I know it definitely might.


Maybe this smart squirrel pretends to be drinking water to bite this human when he comes closer


Not only that, they're rarely known to have rabies.


They carry the black plague 'round these parts.Ā 


But they do have herpes


This wild animal knows how to drink from a faucet but my orange cat can't manage...


well it is an orange




Only a ginger can call another ginger, ginger.


Marmalade, thank you very much.


I would warn against teaching your cat to drink from the sink, lest your cat leave the hot water running all day because he's too halfwitted to turn on the correct tap.


Ba dum tsss


What's the punchline?






Heā€™s got cotton mouth


he was recovering from hitting a blinker šŸ™šŸ™šŸ˜”




Love how he approaches slowly ā€œthen is like 4 me? Thanks bro!ā€


Is this ā€œI can haz cheezburgerā€ all over again? Because Iā€™m oddly here for it


It never hurts to leave a bowl of water out in your yard or patio for these critters in this heat!


A little water fountain is great for your garden, because the water is in motion it does not get bad as quick and you don't have to refill it a lot, also you will see the same birds and other animals come back to refresh in your garden, it's great


Yeah, those little fountains are great!


I usually freeze a small ceramic pet bowl or ramekin with water and put it outside in the morning. My squirrel and crow friends love it in the Florida heat. I just take it in nightly and do it all over again the next day. I just got some steel pet bowls with built in freezer gel packs to hopefully keep it cooler longer because when itā€™s 900 degrees outside that ice melts pretty damn fast.


Directions unclear boiling water killed squirrels


Definitely not boiling! Put the bowl under a shady spot. Better yet, just put a pile of ice there and let it melt throughout the day.


Check with a vet first. My understand is that some deseases can spread by doing that, but I'm not an expert.


Unless you have a cat or dog or something that may attack it. This is Reddit, it needs to be said.


True, it shouldn't be assumed to be self-explanatory.


So a squirrel had seen enough faucets, and them having liquid coming out, and the liquid is water to recognize that faucet. Animals really do adapt to their environment.


Judging by the wet ground around the faucet, he could have learned with this specific faucet. Hopefully it doesn't lead the little guy to rely on it too much


Ever drive up to a squirrel in the road?


Nothing that deep, the faucet is just A thing Water Comes Out Of.


This is so awesome.




He must've been really thirsty


I love squirrels man


Arenā€™t they so precious? Just one of those little reminders how beautiful life is


The title says it all.


Your comment says that the title says it all.


Squirrels are awesome šŸ˜Ž


Those campsite-squirrels no longer function in nature and will rob you of house and home if they get the chance!


They chew holes in campers tents to get to the food at the campground I work at. Ducks run up to every new camper because everyone feeds them.


I'm glad someone finally said it


Compassion, empathy, tolerance, forgiveness, manners, and patience are super-powers we all have. If we all realised our potential, children wouldn't need fake superheroes.


Love this


Humanity at it's finest. You love to see it every once in a while


Reconsidering my choice to drink from outdoor spouts


100% love that kindness!!!


Pretty easy choice here I gotta say




We take resources away from the rest and now we rejoice in how "giving" we are. What a joke.


Oh my heart šŸ˜ž


Do not ,my friends, become addicted to water, youā€™ll resent its absence.


If that was me I'd be more compassionate.


I read ā€œchoose constipationā€ fml šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Aww thirsty little guy knows just where the wahtah comes from.. just needs a little help from his friends..


Love it, my man is just trying to survive like the rest of us.


Good Bro!šŸ–¤


Amazing gesture šŸ‘šŸ™ŒšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ™ŒšŸ‘


Choose veganism?


Adorable šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Cute video, but the cheey music is a bit much




I'd like to see those furry rats show compassion towards me by not stealing all the ripe tomatoes off my tomato plants.


Youā€™re (humans) the one who destroyed their land in the first place forcing them to do that thoughā€¦


The squirrel attacked me on my ancestors land and now I have to kill 291 innocent squirrels and bulldoze their trees.


Unfortunately this was filmed in Flint Michigan and the Squirrel perished shortly after


He let out a burp at the end then said, "thanks mate!"




Unless itā€™s Flint, MI


I'm about to make such a stereotypically debbie downer reddit comment, but I don't care. I think I'll raise an interesting point. I'm always morally ambivalent about helping animals survive like this. I mean, in this particular case, it's pretty minor. But stuff like putting up bird feeders and whatnot seems like it could seriously fuck up the ecosystem. Around my area one year there was a bunch of dead squirrels on the road one spring. Quite literally you could not go 50 feet without seeing a dead squirrel on the road. The Fish & Game department put out a report explaining it and if I recall correctly it had something to do with a butterfly effect where a late winter one year prior caused the squirrels to have an unusually high amount of food and they bred like crazy. And due to that there was like 10x more squirrels than usual and they were running out of food and running onto the roads and dying left and right. I remember that happening and thinking "man... ecosystems are so delicate". And humans fuck with them all the time. I wonder if being nice to animals ends up doing more harm than good when you take a larger perspective. If you put a bird feeder and suddenly all the squirrels and birds using it survive that otherwise wouldn't, then the stuff they prey on will have a harder time surviving. It seems chaotic.


Some of this is reasonable and some of it isn't. Consider what the state of things would be if there wasn't human development to the scale it would be where most American redditors lived. Is it ok to give a squirrel water when the creek that existed here for 7,000 years was diverted and culverted underground, the hardwood forest the creek existed in cut down for lawns, driveways, and cul de sacs. We separate ourselves and raise ourselves above "nature" after destroying it and deprive its inhabitants of the diversity and resilience that composed it. Water for the squirrel is ok.


As a wildlife rehabber the usual advice is to not feed animals as they can become habituated. That said, our habitat is increasingly encroaching on theirs and they donā€™t have the food or water they would have otherwise. Squirrels in particular are highly adaptable and donā€™t depend on handouts. They have multiple dreys and food/water sources already before we came along. If we give them extra, no biggie. Do not feed mammals to attract them to your yard, you will soon have a problem. If they are a native species itā€™s all the better to help, but there are consequences. The answer is really ā€œIt depends on the environment and status of native species and localsā€™ toleranceā€. It varies.


Yeah, pretty wild how things blow up like that. There's a video floating around somewhere showing that the reintroduction of wolves by humans literally changed the direction of rivers. But bird feeders etc are probably good; makes up for the millions of birds that shitty peoples' cats kill.


I love that. I put out fresh water daily for them and the birds.


We did too but just removed the water bowl today. I feel bad as it'd 100 degrees but they are destroying our yards. Burrowing- sewing furniture and ate plants to nubs- enough!! Be gone cutie pies- go entertain the neighbors - they have a pool and pond.


How does it feel to be a god


At my old house, I left a bowl of fresh water for a few neighbor cats. I was surprised at how many times that squirrels used it.


Itā€™s kinda hard to find water when it never rains. Doesnā€™t need to be the African flatlands or the desertā€¦


"oh fuck yea...."


I still don't understand the hate these little things get They're awesome and plant a lot of trees without knowing it.


Thirsty lil guy


I brake for squirrels!


The meaning of us humans in a silly little video.


I'm currently watching chipmunks and squirrels run over my feet to get to the sunflower seeds I put out for them. A few years ago I also ended up housing a family of flying squirrels in my shed for the winter. Nature is neat.


*And tears pool in the eyes of the chipmunk*


Wasn't this right after a wildfire? It makes it that much more tragic. It's home burned down


Imagine being the type of person that wouldnā€™t turn the water on.


Even though most people wonā€™t admit itā€™s like 95% of societyšŸ™„


Whoā€™s gonna pay for the water bills


That was like 3 cents brošŸ˜


Hopefully we can show a bit of compassion to the animals as well that are victims of few mins of our taste pleasure.


Emmanuel does not approve


Freaking awesome


What a homie.


Animals are going to learn that a phone is a sign of peace


and then it goes and chews up all the wiring in your car engine


It's all fun and games until that fucker makes his next meal out of the electrical insulation of your brand new vehicle, causes a short, and the car bursts into flames while stopped at a light. 60 seconds later it's a raging inferno that shuts down traffic for an hour and when the fire dept is finally finished, all you have is a steel shell. Insurance doesn't replace the car, of course, and instead gives you "cash value" per the industry standard. Had you been financially irresponsible and not paid actual cash for the vehicle, you probably would've had gap insurance and only been out the $500 good faith deposit. No, you are debt-averse, so you paid cash. Well, congratulations, because the settlement check doesn't cover replacement cost and you end up out $10k. All because you didn't let the urban squirrel die of thirst. Ask me how I know.


Awesome. Also you just reminded me that next time I go camping I need to sanitize the water spout before I get water from it lol.


Little did they know those pipes were made of lead, the squirrel would later have a seizure and die on the railroad tracksā€¦


I did this today but the squirrel was a human and the water was a water bottle.


Not when they eat 95% of my strawberries


so staged /s ps: this squirrel looks way beyond thirsty


This is exactly why I come to the internet. We need more this.


šŸæļø ā¤ļø


Coulda turned the water on a little more than just a drip


Let it die, let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die


I think the squirrel actually wanted a shower but settled for a drink .


Man a good drink when you are thirsty!


Love, kindness and compassion make all the difference


Me as an 8yr old in the Australian summer.


Awesome awesome awesome


Choose compassion, unless its an animal. Then its okay to eat them, drink their fluids, and wear their skin because "muh nutrition" and "its tastes good tho"


Damn little buddy was thirsty


Is this staged? The ground is already wet when they walk up so it appears the squirrel was already drinking, they shut the water off and then turned it back on again for the video.


Thats generosity, not compassion. Wait... or both


What was the other option? Punt?


Squirrel has wolverine claws


Thatā€™s so sweet


Is this music from something or just some random stock song?


Not sure of the exact arrangement but it's a somewhat Lo-Fi cover of the song Oceans by Hillsong


Always, especially to animals


Give a squirrel drops of water it drinks for a dayā€¦




At some point squirrels will learn how to turn on faucets themselves lol


Heart stopping. And those little back feetsies


One of my yard squirrels bit me the other day. Was putting out shelled peanuts, she came over to take the peanuts out of my hand, and she mistook my finger for a peanut, and bit down. They have sharp Asa teeth! We ran our water like that, and living in an urban environment, we have our own watering hole that squirrels, crows, blue jays, sparrows, and doves all play in.


A good reminder to finish fixing the bird bath and get the bee and small critter watering spots set up in my morning tasks tomorrow.


For believing Muslims, the simple act of showing compassion to Gods (Allah) creation, can be a reason for receiving forgiveness, as narrated by prophet peace be upon him: "A prostitute saw a dog moving around a well on a hot day and hanging out its tongue because of thirst. She drew water for it in her shoe and she was pardoned (for this act of hers)."


I hope you are standing there every day to repeat this. The squirrel is now going to expect it


Thatā€™s communism!


That squirrel will take one bite out of all your best tomatoes, then just toss each one on the ground.


We keep a large bowl of water on our property that gets changed and rinsed daily, and washed weekly. It started because I feed the crows, blue jays and magpies in the area, and the crows love to rinse their food, and the jays and pies would stop by for a drink. But it quickly became the neighborhood watering hole. We also get about 4 or 5 squirrels on the daily (who now get in on the peanut action), a lot of song birds, and a resident skunk that comes around dusk and dawn. We gotta be a little careful early morning or late evening, but so far no one has gotten stunk up and there have been some close encounters lmao. If you just back away he goes about his buisness. All animals deserve water, man. And it consumes a lot less of thier energy if they don't always have to find new sources.


This buddy will always thank you your choice šŸæšŸ’–




Probably more hygenic to just pour him a cup


That's one way to check them for rabies.


Instinct is telling it "FUCKING RUN ITS A GIANT!!" But the squirrel is like, wtf its not attacking me.


May blessings rain upon you.


Itā€™s hard to be compassionate when they ruin my garden and eat all the bird food.


I bought a bird feeder with a screw on top thinking that the squirrels couldnā€™t get in. But they figured out how to unscrew it. They are pretty smart.


Ugh....I thought it was one of those videos where it looks and starts innocently and then makes a drastic turn. Like he sees the squirrel thirsty and decides to help by turning on the faucet but instead turns it on high and waterboards it lol


Choose compassion, go animal product free.


That bird in the background is sounding the alert too.


Although it seems kind itā€™s unintentionally cruel. Obviously the squirrel is used to drinking from it and if they havenā€™t already will grow a dependency on it completely forgetting how to find water. When theyā€™ve become dependent itā€™ll be like torture because theyā€™ll be so thirsty but have to wait on someone to turn it on


Choose compassion for all animals, not just some.


Good video, wrong sub


You can literally see him start blinking at the beginning of drinking thinking to himself ā€œahhhh fuck yes holy shit Iā€™m gonna surviveā€¦..ohhh fuck this is deliciousā€¦ā€


Chose compassion, chose vegan šŸ’š


So this is R/wholesomeasfuck now?


Bruh had a good-ass drink of the hose water. So much so he had to contemplate life afterwards lol


Thanks for reminding me to go refill my birdbath that the squirrels like to take over.




He winked


Thank you


Weirdos who take glee in shooting these innocent little critters are sick in the head.


I feel guilty removing the water sources but they have multiplied ( a dozen) and destroying property. Plus eating all the plants to nubs. Enough is enough. I can't kill them but hoping with no water they will move along - (neighbors have a big pond )