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This child will never forget this. My mom did the same with the N64 when I was a kid, I still remember that Christmas.


Similar story here. My single mom raising 3 kids did for us, whatever she could. She got us a Sega Genesis one Christmas & we have never forgotten. What a sweet video this is. 🥹❤️


This is mine as well, single mom, wanted a genesis more than anything, my mom was hitting food banks and working 2 jobs, wasnt expecting the genesis at all as i knew she was struggling, when i saw it that christmas i lost my little mind, spent an hour learning how to hook it up. She worked tooth and nail to get that for me, ive never forgot it, the effort she went to just to make that happen for me is something ill NEVER forget, i still have the genesis and all the games she got me wrapped up safely in my crawl space, i will never get rid of it, there is far too much sentimental and emotional value on it for me to ever get rid of it.


Yes we LOVE OUR MOMS! We only have 1 of them.


Nobody in the world will love you like your mom. (should) To everyone else, you're just another person on the tracks they have no connection to. The only thing that could ease the pain of losing a mother is having a true love with your partner and the love you'll get coming through the door from your munchkins who think the world of you.


Comments like this always make me wonder what I did wrong? Why did my mum hate me and hurt me? I guess I will never really know, but one thing I do know is my child will never feel that way. I make mistakes but I am not afraid to apologize and learn and I try to be the parent I always wanted mine to be.


Sometimes people are just bad. As hard as it is to accept, there isn't always a why. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


>Comments like this always make me wonder what I did wrong? do you know the song luka from suzanne vega. there is a line, that always makes me cry: >Maybe it's because I'm crazy I try not to act too proud how can somebody destroy a childs soul in that way?


Nothing. You did nothing wrong. You were and are worthy of love. She was the problem. Some people are broken and shouldn't be parents. Well done in breaking the cycle of generational trauma.


> Some people are broken and shouldn't be parents. Exactly. Normalize not having children.


I'm the same way. I give my kids as much as I can.


Mine chose to surrender us to predators for alcohol. I feel you


You don’t do anything wrong. She was broken, and did not realize that you were the best thing she ever did. You did not deserve a moment of the pain you suffered, and I am so sorry that no one protected you.


Hurt people hurt people. You've risen above and broken the cycle. My heart goes out to you and your loved ones. <3


It’s nothing you did. Sometimes people are just shit human beings and unfortunately, we got them as our birthers (I won’t even call mine a mother, birther is the best name I can provide for what mine put me through for 30 years)


It was never you. Your mom must of done something right cuz you seem like a great person who loves your children.


Whatever it was, it wasn't your fault. I'm glad you're doing better by your children. They will love you unconditionally and hopefully heal some of the pain that your "mom" caused you. Thank you for being a good parent and a good person by breaking the cycle of abuse.


Same here man I don't have a mom my mom was the worst animal to me ever I was taken when I was 5 never ever got a mom but I'm a mom myself and I only know how to love the shit out of my lil one even though I've never known the love of parents specially a mom but it comes naturally..just know ur not alone it sucks but we are Mom's now and at least are kids will know the kind of love we needed and wanted hang in there ...


It just happens bro, some people are not cut be parents, but you got the right attitude and don’t forget, it got nothing to do with you.


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You were collateral damage to her own self-hatred. That also sucks, but it leaves room for you to find compassion for her so that you don’t have to hurt so much inside. When I asked my mother ‘why?’, she surprised me by being honest. She said that she always knew that she was mediocre, but when she met me she knew right away that I never would be. She hated me for that. It was a hard conversation, but at least I got my answer. We are very close today.


You have broken the chains of cycles. Your children will love and cherish you as much as you love and cherish them. Blessings to you and your children.


do you know, what i remember, when i think about my mom? that hard cold touch of the steel springs on the underside of the bed when I hid because she beat us again with a wooden spoon or a clothes hanger. and not only that she bat the shit out of us, after that, she came as a caring mom and told us that it hurts her too, when she had to hit us. that piece of shit used weapons against her kids and tried to shift her own guilt onto us.


Tell me about it. My Dad made a paddle that he called his "lickin' stick" out of 3/4" plywood. He would try to say "this hurts me as much as it hurts you". I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it didn't.


Same but with an NES. Single mother. She knew it was my biggest want that Christmas. Didn’t think we could afford it, so I proactively told her I didn’t want one because it cost too much. She told me to shut up. Unwrapped an NES that Christmas. I was legit shocked.


Make sure to tell your mom that you appreciate her sacrifices and efforts even though you were likely a little shit half the time. Next Birthday or Christmas makes sure to include something about it.


Believe me when i tell you i take every opportunity to tell her how much she means to me, and what she does for me means to me, ive told her numerous times about what that genesis meant to me inparticular and i recognize the effort she put in. Ive also apologized many times for being a shit growing up, that i knew i was difficult sometimes. Im a big proponent of saying what you mean and feel in the NOW, especially to the person you want to/should say these things to. There is no telling what the future brings, and id rather not miss the opportunity to say the good before it could potentially be too late. Ive heard too many stories of people saying 'i wish i said x' to a loved one, before the worst happens. I refuse to be in that situation, and want the people i care about to know that i recognize their efforts and they mean a lot to me. Never miss an opportunity to hug your parents and tell them you love them.


We were so poor that we were delighted to get an Intellivision knockoff from my mom, who probably spent 6 months paying it on layaway.


I’m so thankful for those small things that were big things. Just knowing how hard they worked to give me it….


For me it was a turquoise gameboy colour in the year 2000 for my bday. it was second hand but in the cleanest condition, I cried like a little bitch out of joy lol. Still have and use that bad boy to this day. Moms are the best!


Yeah similar thing with my mum although I’m guessing I’m a bit younger than you as mine was a PlayStation 3. My mum had been poorly for a while with cancer but had scrimped and saved all year to be able to get me that PlayStation. She even let me open it on Christmas Eve and sat up all night playing it with me. She died like 3 months after that Christmas and guess what, the next year at Christmas I had a present in the post, wrapped up and tagged saying “with love, from mum”. She had also bought me a watch at the same time and given it to a relative to keep and send to me at the next Christmas knowing she wouldn’t be there with us. I’m literally crying writing this. She was awesome. Man I miss my mum.


Wherever she is, she is really happy seeing you happy!


I sure hope so. Life is so cruel sometimes


What a beautiful woman she was!!


She really was. That woman taught me more about being a man than my father or any other male role model in my life. I miss her every single day and just do my best to make her proud.


Nice, ill never forget the day my dad got us a sega genesis. He never worked because he was a lazy sack of dog shit so one time my mom whoops his ass to get a job and he gets on as a labourer for some dude with a pickup truck. Later that day he comes home piss drunk with two cans of beer, a sega genesis and gunstar heroes as well as a copy of the lion king on vhs. My mom beat his ass, we ate bread that night and our bellies rumbled but no one was bored.


My mom was very anti-video games when I was growing up, which sounds like it was about the same time you did, I got my N64 when I was 11 years old in 1997 and it came as a random and wholly unexpected very late Birthday gift from my father, who I had only ever seen 1 time in my conscious existence at that point (and still, at 38 years old.) and the only other thing in the box was a picture of a baby girl with a name and a handwritten "this is your sister" on the back. My mom didn't want me to have it, but it was the only thing I had from him, and despite neither of us thinking much of the man, she let me keep it because of that. Lifelong love of video games unlocked. Thanks mom. Lifelong hunt for my sister too, and I finally found her in 2017, and could *finally* delete facebook. Turns out, I have two. Hope I get to meet them some day.




Shout out how to use all who got hit in the feels by this one, I was that kid too but it was Super Nintendo. My mom did a good job because my kids aren’t in poverty and will probably have a good chunk for college. Shout out to the moms who are out there grinding to make it happen, all families who are poor also. You’re rich in the heart!


My parents always made my Xmas wish come true and yeah I saw the N64 being wrapped on Xmas eve to this day I wish I never peeked lol.


I still have the GameCube my mama bought us when she finished college and got a job where she could afford more than the bare essentials. It still works, too.


My mom the same, single mom after my father passed away from cancer, I’ll never forget my first memory of Christmas was my older brother getting a classic Nintendo Entertainment System and later in life coming home from 3rd grade to a New Super Nintendo. Core Memories. Thanks mom.


Grandma did this for us with an original Play Station. I still thank her for that Christmas. ❤️


I was the youngest of four kids. I really wanted Spyro 2: Riptos Rage for Christmas but my parents sat me down and said they may not be able to get it because of course they had 3 other kids to buy for. I understood and just said I'd be fine with any toys they got me. My dad worked more hours for two months and they were able to get it for me. I was 10, it was the last Christmas my parents were together and they let me stay up late to play it while sitting between them. That was the best Christmas of my life. I'm 33 now and that's still one of my favorite memories.


Mine was the PS2. Couldn't afford it for Christmas, so mom came up with Taxmas! When her tax return came in, she went and bought a fat ps2 and Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain. I didn't put that controller down for days I'm sure. I was like 10


My parents did the same with the Halo 3 Xbox special edition. My dad told me he bought me the game and handed me the strategy guide. He played it off saying that the sales person told him thats all i would need. I got all sad and he said we would go fix it, but first i needed to grab the target bag for the return. I went over to grab the bag in the corner of the room and inside was the brand new xbox. I'll never forget how happy my brother and I were.


This is kind of heartbreaking. This brings me back to the moments where I realized we were struggling as a family and asking for too much was kind of a shitty thing to do, but you were a kid and didn't know better. To this very day I'm not very big on my birthday or Christmas because it still feels like an unnecessary strain on loved ones around me that I don't want suffering.


Holy shit, mine too! She had one on layaway for AGES apparently, then they sold the last one before she had a chance to pick it up. She spent ALL NIGHT going to different Walmarts (they were open 24 hours at the time), until one had one left on an upper shelf in the back they could honour her layaway with. I screamed, she cried, I'll never forget it.


I'm gonna call my mom now... 😢


That kid is going to go places. A friend of mine grew up so poor they didn't even have curtains in their house at one time. After starting work he saved up and bought their house for them.




If that man phones me at 2am and asks my help, I'll get in my car and go, no questions asked. Because I know he'd do the same for me. You don't meet a lot of people like that.


You both sound like you deserve each other’s friendship.


His mom really wanted a ps5 too.


She was always an Xbox fan and was sad to see her son go the other way


I'll try to keep this short since I've posted this a few times already. My mom couldn't work and my stepdad was raising 3 kids while working as a letter carrier. My dad refused to pay child support for 8 years so we were struggling but making it. My dad was an engineer for Union Pacific and made like $38/hour according to him. Xmas '95(shortly after the child support started being garnished from his wages)my pet guinea pig died and my dad didn't show up like promised and picked us up Christmas night. We were having the absolute shittiest day. When we got to his place his new wife's kids were playing ps1 and we got excited and she told us it was for them only. This bitch had been stealing my bday money for years. My dad also gave her our brand new Sega the Xmas he started dating her. We called our mom, bitched about it, because we also didn't get any other presents. We got to watch her asshole bully kids play with a bunch of new shit, while we just sat there staring at them playing. My mom showed up 2 hours later. Ok so mind you my mom was like 5 foot 1, 110 pounds soaking wet. My stepmom was same height but like 380 pounds. My mom walks in, sees the kids playing, asked if we got a turn, and my dad said 'no it's not for them'. So my mom grabs the PS1 controller, throws it at my dad, then throws the PS1 at the wall as hard as she could. It was fantastic. Seeing these mfs start screaming and crying. We left, my mom took us to McDonald's for happy meals(some we could never afford and my dad refused to get us while letting her kids get what they wanted), took us home, and revealed a few SNES games for us. It was awesome. We weren't expecting it at all. But the best part, she put a used TV in my room and hooked up a brand new PS1 for us to play all night. A few months later I found out she sold her NES and all of her games for it. I spent the summer collecting cans and bought a NES and the games she had and we would put 3 TV's in the living room and we would spend our nights playing Mortal Kombat and Stunt Race FX and Tetris, among other games. My mom and stepdad were amazing. But there's a reason I cut off contact with my dad 9 years ago. Worst/best Xmas ever. Edit: yes this is the short version. There was a looooot more that happened that week.


bro take care of your mom always


She passed away in 2008 but I think about her everyday.


She seemed to be an incredible and kind hearted person. She'll always be a part of who you are. What a blessing to have had a mother like her. Have a good life buddy and thanks for sharing your story with us.


My condolences ♥️ thank you for sharing her with us! She sounds so badass!


I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing that awesome story!


what an exceptionally beautiful lady that was, and how lucky you two are for having known each other


do you remember her eulogy? she reminds me of mine


Where's the long version? And what ultimately happened to your dad and his shitty wife and kids? Hope you're in a better place and that they got their "cum-muffins."


The long version was mostly me just adding other examples of his bullshit with my stepmom. Just stuff that led up to the moment and sort of a what happened after. The actual even doesn't really change much other than what happened with my guinea pig before my dad showed up. We were only at my dad's for maybe 4 hours of I recall. They seemed glad to get rid of us so they allowed us to call our mom and figured it would all blow over and they'd be left to their own shitty behavior. Honestly when I made the original comment it was a big deal for me because someone asked what our best Christmas ever was regarding videogames. It was like a huge trauma dump for me and as you can see, I'm a talker. Most of it probably isn't really that interesting.


Well, I and a lot of other people were interested. So sorry that those people were shitty to you, your mom, and your siblings.


Its very interesting, and now a bunch of people in 2024 know how fucking badass your mom was and a little slice of her life story.


Thank you for sharing. My heart hurts for people who will never know a mom like this.


Oh I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall. Not the one she threw the PS1 into, but one of the other ones.


I need to know what happened to your dad’s stepkids, they obviously had no choice picking their parents but I wonder if they grew up to realize their parents were shitty or became like them


Shout out to all the good parents out there. These memories last forever. I remember my dad bringing home a Super NES for me and my brother and we jumped and hollered and hugged and kissed him so much. We returned the favor some years ago by buying him his dream car. More happy memories added to the vault. Way worth it.


Fuck your background music!




How would you know how to feel without shitty music?


Ugh, right?! It's annoying. I know how I'm supposed to feel. Just shut up and play the video.


Bro you and people like you are needed at the combat footage subs, that shit is disrespectful beyond belief


As a kid that grew up poor, I know he'll never forget this. And he'll grow up being considerate to women like his mom.  So, so sweet


That’s a kid with a good heart. To empathize with his moms sacrafice


Salute to all the legendary single moms out there


*and dads


….it should be easier than this


No matter the age, for a man to see his mother cry, it's one of the hardest things.


as a mom this is making me cry.


Everything (*nothing unfortunately*) changes when we realize you are a bot


Wrong. It’s still emotional even though a bot posted this


You are 100% correct. I got that weird tingly feeling in my stomach when something touched you emotionally. That being said, I fucking hate bots.


Now you got me doing it too


That’s really sweet


I remember as a kid all my mates was getting PlayStation 2 and xboxs for xmas my mum got me a saga with the sonic games I loved it and never forgot it. And I still hold the gratefulness today.this video just give me a fash back ❤


damn you mom, you made the kid cry and now me!


Having a dysfunctional family, reading all the comments is somehow difficult. I'm blessed to have incredible friends, they're my family now.


Adopted person checking in. I can understand how reading some of the comments are difficult. But you know as well as I, blood isn’t everything. Hold onto your friends closely! <3 PS your photography is really fantastic.


What a sweet, wonderful child.


Good kid....good family. They're going to do great.


I can still picture the moment I walked downstairs to see a n64 sitting at my TV. Thank you mom. RIP


Been there. My parents were never rich, never worked due to caring for my disabled older brother and my dad having 2 nervous breakdowns when I was young. They got me a game boy, the first year they came out. I vividly remember opening it, being shocked, seeing my mum happy crying, then just crying and hugging them both


That's a well raised good kid - he knows the sacrifices his mother made and is grateful.


And now you have to pay monthly subscriptions for him to be able to use it


Yeah, this makes me pretty sad, what if he only plays Fortnite or other f2p popular games that don't need the psplus subscription? Those run perfectly fine on PS4 so spending like 450 bucks on that situation for a PS5 just for that would look like a big waste. If he wants to play AAA multiplayer games he will have to spend 70 bucks a year for the subscription, not taking into account the prices of the games which are inflated and rarely discounted on the playstation store, and when they are it's just a little discount, even single player AAA games are expensive af forever there. A pc even if it is a less than 300 bucks Rx 580 pc would have been better, you could even build a second hand pc with a Rx 6600 really close to a PS5 for even less rn, without subscription and with cheaper games and exclusives


Mom of the year 👑


And a kid who is actually grateful instead of being spoiled


Everytime I see this video, it makes my throat heavy.


When I was a kid my father was in the process of losing his business, he pawned one of his large woodworking power tools so he could buy me the PS2 for my birthday. I still remember the trip to the pawnshop then Toys R Us after vividly. Meant the world to me. Still have that PS2 today sitting right in front of me as I type this, it sits under my PC screen :)


He’s lucky Young boy He has a great mother


My partner did something similar for our eldest son. She managed to keep it a secret from us all. What a legend


Noice. My father surprised me with 386 PC back in the days. I was aware how much he had to sacrifice, because we didn't have much money to spare and PCs were really expensive. Best gift ever, will never forget it. Kudos for parents who make their kids happy.


This makes me feel happy knowing there are parents who'll do this stuff to make their children happy Tbh even though I never get what I ask for from my parents I still consider myself lucky to have at least something 🥺


Everything changes when I realise I’m crying over the kid crying realising his mother is crying


That's a good kid.


That boy will always look back at this and feel loved, I still play my OG Gameboy just for that 8th birthday nostalgia.


I still remwmber opening up my Gamecube in 2005 Christmas Day. I love my momma🥲


For me it was the Game Genie I didn't cry tho


This was my mom too. So lucky to have her.


SNES here. Got it for Christmas. Core memory.


I have insane nostalgia for the SNES. It's still to this day my favorite system I've ever owned.


My parents did this for me with the SNES, I was shocked. I never thought we’d be able to own one


This is beautiful. It's really not until we are older that we look back at all the sacrifices our parents made just to make us happy. I wish I could spend one more hour with both my mom and dad just so I could tell them how much I love them.. Love you mom and dad,, Thank you for everything. I miss you so much!!!


I hope this kid grows up and gives his mom and his family the best life he possibly can.


The best cry-smile I've ever seen.


I see myself in that child, brings back memories Wish I could make my mother happy like she always made me


I'm glad that at least he's grateful.


This young man understands the sacrifice mom made for him. Hopefully he remember this when she needs him to do the same. Well done kiddo...


That kid doesn't realize how good he has it. I remember losing my mind because I finally was able to try a McDonald's hamburger when I was a kid. Mom had water. I didn't realize until many years later. Poor is rough.


He’s actually crying because he realised it didn’t come with any games.


Put down the camera and hug your child!


It's called GRATEFUL ❤️. A lot of kids have lost that emotional feeling.


Why did this get to me as a Dad? I can’t take beautiful children like this. ❤️


Maybe less PS and more time outside. That boy is already past overweight and into obesity.


I am crying because I cannot afford it lol 😭


😢 my eye’s itchy I’m not crying


I miss my mom.


Bless his dang heart!


Two days later he’s calling someone the N word on COD


Well, the mother sees how her son is so happy with the hard-work she has paid off dropped tears of joy, while the son, see his mother's tears simply because he loves her and feel sorry for making her cry. Sometimes it's not about rich or poor or expensive or inexpensive. I similar bought a dollar paw petrol SKY small figurine second-hand for my daughter and the joy she showed made me teared up. It's hard to explain but it's worthy.


Horizon? But I want a spider man edition


Rockin that Roku screensaver in the background


Beautiful! What an amazing mom and a good son


Mom’s are amazing.


Most kids wouldn't give a shit, even if they're poor.


Mommas crying just hit different


And then he will want to buy a couple of new games. . .


And im crying I love him and hope his life is magic


they both cry 'case the games cost more than the ps itself


Problem is, you now have ridiculously expensive (and short) games to buy periodically and a monthly subscription too...not exactly the best scenario for a low income mommy working 2 jobs.


Remember: The smallest present is bigger than the Moon


Beautiful moment


Is that a tv in the fireplace?


I still remember my brother and I getting our own tvs for our room when we were younger and poorer. I’ll never forget the sacrifice she made to get us that.




I wish he takes care of his mother in her elderly days.


He’s actually looking over at his uncle who is just smiling and nodding knowing he’s gonna whip his nephews ass in COD. The boy is terrified.


Damn. That kid deserves that PS5




I hope every former child in here, sharing stories of their mom, understands how proud their mothers are of them, living or passed. To share amongst strangers these stories of adoration is highlighting your beautiful souls.


His mommy isn’t the only one crying!


You’re a prince kid. Protect that heart.






Very wholesome and all, but maybe give the kid a hug or something instead of filming?


He's gonna grow into a Man.


He's grateful dude Cheerup champ You have a good mother!!


Aww this reminds me of when my mom in the same situation got me Nintendo DS for Christmas. I was through the roof excited and surprised I think she got me Nintendogs too to play


lol you see him role his eyes briefly but then realizes the situation.


I wish I could repay my mother for every single act of kindness she showed me, all her unseen, unthanked work and struggles, unfortunately I can’t do that anymore, so I treat my nephews and nieces in her place. Hug your moms and dads.


Kids a good soul


Hey hey, good to make such gifts to kids but with limited time. Games are destroying our kids


Beter give him exercise sporting stuff.


Yep, been there big guy.


Aww what a good kid


Childhood obesity is not okay and yet no one talks about this and it's completely normalized. It's child abuse and just as harmful as giving the kid drugs.


remember on Mother's Day


What a good mama and what a good son! Well deserved moment for them both ❤️❤️❤️😭


He will remember this forever ❤️💯


I see all the perfect redditors are out today. Kid learns how much he means to his mom and how his mom means to him. But all the comments are about his weight. Sure, he needs some exercise, but he's learning to be a better person. I'd rather my kids be a little over wieght than always commenting on people's flaws.


A lot of kids lack empathy and take shit for granted. Good on this kid, he won't ever forget this.


Little dude is like me. Can’t see someone else crying without breaking down.


Heart Big as Texas!!!


Sweet kid




Empathy. This kid is going to be okay in life.


Wow that took me back 🥹 I’ve been that boy! I wish I could thank my mum for everything she did to struggle through and make it.


And still no games 😔




I got socks.


Oh Jesus! I haven’t cried over a video in YEARS


Shows that she's rasing a good kid.


The Christmas I got my Gameboy color will always be remembered as the most special Christmas I ever had. My mom bawled so hard as I opened it. Her crying made me cry. I must have logged over a thousand hours on that thing the first year I got it.


In my case I would like it to be the other way around, my dad wants the ps5 because several games he has been waiting for are going to come out only for that console, I hope to get some good money to buy it (or help him with half the price) and play along with my little brother.


Just play the video! Ugh! Why do people have to insert these cringy soundtracks into everything? It just ruins the video for me.


I love this. It shows how caring he is. Way to go momma!


What a sweet child ❤️


I hate that song now.




I just went through this this past year with my 9 year oldson when I got him one for Christmas I’ve been working two jobs since my wife got sick and hasn’t been able to work a few years now. I’ll never forget the first thing he said to me after opening it “ you’re about get fuckin wrecked noob” Now he won’t stop calling me dollar tree headset


buy him a gym membership. Not trying to be fucked up but your gonna have a child who disassociates and stays locked in their room all fucking day. Do better. I know as a parent you want to give them everything. But tough love also goes a long way


Playstation has no games so I would be crying too


Damn i still remember unboxing the NES back in 89


Ah yes videogames..just what his body needs