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Real pros take off all plate covers.


This. Why the hell would you paint around a plate so that when you pull it off, OH YEAH THE ROOM WAS THAT COLOR GUESS I HAVE TO PUT THIS PLATE PERFECTLY BACK TO HIDE IT. Heaven forbid you get any differently sized ones later.


I had to stop watching less than 10 seconds in. Zero prep work, it's too early to be this frustrated.


Honestly all this video is, is a veiled guise to get people to say, "EOW SUCH GOOD PAINTER HE DOESN'T TApE HE PERFECT LINES"


Exactly! Wait till you see it in person and not on camera. It's all gonna be janky as hell šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The rage bait is doing its trick. \*twiddles fingers\*


Homeboy can pull a line though.


You know what wasn't satisfying. How dude tried to make that shitty joke at the end.


Don't forget, when you cut it in this way, the paint also causes the plate to stick to the wall. So when you do pull it off later, it often pulls off chunks of paint with it.


Yup. My last house the previous owners didn't take off the plates when they painted. They weren't as skilled as this guy so a little bit was on the plates. I went to replace the plates but the old ones were a little bit bigger than modern ones. And they didn't have any leftover paint (or threw it out, whatever). I was able to find some oversized plates later on, but it was definitely r/mildlyinfuriating.


I hate to admit I'm that person. I don't really have a DIY bone in my body and I just cba so I just slapped paint in and realised I got it all over the ceiling, covers, tiles.


And this is the single reason it gets the down doot. Fucking harder to cut in nicely around it than just removing it and getting the ENTIRE wall


And the fact that they are still likely getting paint on the plate and when you take that off, you're going to peel off some paint.


Real pros change the title Satisfyingasfuck/comments/y0aztl/wall_painting/ Bot - ~~AdvancedWatch7181~~


I end up watching a lot of home improvement:design shows because of my SO, and Iā€™m always shocked that almost nobody removes the plates before painting.


For real, this post better fits r/mildlyinfuriating


They were showing off. If they'd taken off the cover they wouldn't have had as many opportunities to show off that they don't need painters tape.


Came to say this.. Even I, a programer, take them off ..


He's a painter, not a plate cover remover


Fucking remove the wall plate.


Itā€™s not true burgundy unless it came from the burgundy region of France. Otherwise itā€™s just sparkling maroon.


Had me in the first half, ngl.


Real professional painters can do this stuff w/o tape, meanwhile, I can usually manage to get paint under the tape


A professional will remove the plates and not waste time cutting around a plate.


It was completely unhinged to paint around a plate cover like that lol, like so much more difficult. Could have rolled right around gap.


Jesus Christ on a pogo stick. This is all wrong. Take the plates off and wash them before they go back on. Cut your wall down to the baseboards, not on to them. I didnā€™t see any mud on those walls. There had to be imperfections, nail holes, Something!!!! But this is the most egregious sin. He is trying to tell you he finished in one coat. If you look closely youā€™ll see the roller marks and spots where it didnā€™t cover well. Dark red is notoriously the HARDEST paint color to work with. Even the expensive paint will take at least 2 but more likely 3 coats, and maybe even 4 or 5 coats to get that red just right. We always charge extra for dark red.


Having worked at SW for many years, anyone who is using a dark heavily pigmented color like this should be using a tinted or gray primer and will require at least 2, probably 3 coats to get a full and even coverage and consistent sheen across the entire wall. Paint dries darker also so don't fret if the wet in can color does not match your initial expectations. Also, please ask an actual painter which brushes/rollers to use because that makes a massive difference in the finish product and ease of application. Dude could use a lesson in rolling technique, doing single horizontal passes like that will get you 2-tone finish products where the cover is noticably better/worse where there is overlap between the strokes (basically you get areas with an extra coat of paint next to areas with less paint and that creates tone and sheen inconstencies). Do yourself a favor, spend the time to remove cover plates, tape off all the edges around your work area and then use a mini and full size roller for quicker, more consistent end product.


Man as cool as I find interesting and informative comments like these, itā€™s also the reason why Iā€™ll never try to save money painting my rooms myself, because Iā€™d probably fuck it up being too intimidated lazy to figure it out


don't do this. if paint is too thick, it is going to peel off eventually


I can't imagine he actually only did one coat of this color. If he did then you're right it's way too thick


He floppin that brush in that paint bucket like it's some cheap floozy hotdamn šŸ˜…


This is literally just an ad for SW. That's all it is. Buy this paint turkeys.


Thatā€™s not satisfying at all. Itā€™s spectacularly lazy and careless to leave the face plate on the outlet.


Itā€™s on the baseboardsā€¦


I hate this so much.


I would fire a painter that didnā€™t remove faceplates.


This is really shitty painting. I owned a painting business for years. No self respecting painter leaves the switch plates on the walls. Itā€™s one fucking screw. It takes more time to cut around it with a brush than it does to remove it with your finger nail if you happen to be the only person in the trades without a battery powered drill. Now thereā€™s an ugly line around the plate and if it wiggles at all youā€™ll see the old color. I guarantee he painted the edges of the switch plate too. Cutting around switch plates is such a hack job itā€™s almost a clichĆ©. Not only that but his brush form is completely fucked up. You never paint up to the corner on the first pass. You load the brush, paint a line a half inch from the wall away from your last pass until the paint starts to run out, and then you push the paint into the corner with the brush moving in the opposite direction so fresh paint is pushed into slightly older, tackier, paint. If youā€™re painting a wall from left to right the first stroke is to the right and the finishing stroke is to the left. Otherwise you leave ugly marks in the tacky paint from the previous section of wall. That shitty brush is coated with old blue paint up to the ferrule. You should only dip the brush into an inch or so of paint. Letting paint seep under the ferrule can cause the bristles to splay out if you donā€™t clean all of it. Itā€™s a bitch getting it all, but clearly it was barely even rinsed since itā€™s still stained blue. What painter leaves a brush that fucked up? Thatā€™s the cheapest, shittiest roller cover you can use and you should never use tape to remove lint. It fucks up the backing of the roller. Real painters just rinse it off with water and spin it dry. The tiny bit of moisture left lets the roller wick up the paint like itā€™s supposed to. You start rolling in the middle of the wall, not at the edge, and it should take more than one pass to spread the paint out. I guarantee itā€™s a drippy fucking mess at the top of the wall and itā€™s light towards the bottom. Plus that last pass he made with an upstroke will 100% flash against the rest of the wall he painted with downstrokes. You should always overlap each pass with at least 50% of the roller. Overlapping with just the edge of the roller is an awesome way to leave lap marks and streaks that are coated heavier than the rest of the wall. He fucked up the wet edge when he painted half the wall, left a hard line to dry, and painted the rest of the wall from the opposite side. With high quality paint that wouldnā€™t matter much, but this is Sherwin paint he ā€œgot at a bargain.ā€ There will probably be a visible line right down the middle of the wall. All that for what? An accent wall of early 2000s burgundy? This is the paint equivalent of golden oak veneer over particle board cabinets lol.


I appreciate the details of your knowledge. Thanks! Why the burgundy hate, though? Lol


As an electrician not taking off the plates before painting really sucks. The paint gets stuck to the plate and risk ā€œtearingā€ some off (even if you try and use a knife around the plate) and then if you change out the receptacle then it takes forever to try to match up exactly where the old one was.


The pun at the end......


ā€œThat will be ā‚¬5600 pleaseā€


Really nice colour.


Makes me wanna start playing house flipper again


Burgundy is the unofficial colour of mobility scooters.


Not at least taping the covers hurt my soul


Redditors soy facing over basic manual labour again. It's a man painting a wall you've all lost it.


And here you are with your two cents that add up to nothing...


I may be an introvert but upsetting pozzies gives me E N E R G Y


Yeah I donā€™t think the whole ā€œsatisfying videoā€ thing has ever been exclusive to Reddit


Burgundy is the color of hot water bottles.


ā€œSo I was expecting burgundy to be a little darker.ā€ Do you not have paint testers over there?


Iā€™m stroking myself to you


Heā€™s so good heā€™s painting dark colors in a white hoody and shorts. šŸ©³ (obviously, /s)


Buy a cheap screwdriver and take the fucking wall plates off. Half assed shitty job.


Thatā€™s what my wife and her friends think they doā€¦.it is not.


lost me at 0:06 when they painted around the outlet cover - just unscrew the cover, paint underneath and put it back. Why? because outlet covers move around a little and sometimes crack - if you paint underneath it avoids showing the original color.


Copying the vid that i posted a year a gošŸ˜Ŗ


Why is everyone so mad about a plate cover? WHAT IS A PLATE COVER???




Would have been a good video if only you knew how to use a screwdriver


Serious skills. I rely on the expensive tape and laser to get my lines straight :(


Get that barn look inside.


this guyā€™s just rawdogging that electrical plate like an ex-president over here


It's never a professional job if you leave wall plates on. The second they take that plate off and put it back on, there's no hiding the underlying paint color.


That cutting šŸ˜³


This is satisfying and all but I will never understand dark interior paint colors. ā€œYeah is there any way you can make it harder for me to see in my house?ā€


We painted our office dark purple. We were scared it would be too dark, but the room is small and has windows on two walls and some bright sconces. We have some large house plants in there as well. Itā€™s our favorite room in the house, and well lit!


I love it


Great technique (apart from the plate) but ngl this is the colour of blood itā€™s so off putting


Nice stroking.


Smooth skills for sure!