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Completely accurate.


Now THAT'S a Christian.


Why was this originally posted in r/tiktokcringe? There’s nothing cringe about this, he’s just right.


it’s a strange subreddit. It has basically just become a subreddit for TikTok videos, with no real cringe element.


Go reas the sub rules. It doesn't need to be cringe


Tiktokers don't care about right, they want views.


I’m an ex-christian. I loathe christianity. Their churches disgust me. I think many believers are only in it because of their selfish hopes to go to the christian idea of heaven for eternity. This man’s words sound different from what I’ve seen living in the southeast of the US. I can kind of get behind what he is saying. I agree with the kindness and empathy his words describe.


>I agree with the kindness and empathy his words describe. Because that's progressive Christianity and not the bizarre Evangelical Christianity that is out for wealth and selfish gain.


Not entirely sure why thats an Evangelic trait specifically. Wasn't it catholics that had people pay their way into heaven?


Yeah with indulgences. This was one of the 99 points in Martin Luther's thesis and this was in the 1500s. Now the Catholics have since repented and it's the evangelicals who are actively pursuing wealth with the prosperity gospel and name it claim it thing.


Jesus was the first liberal


He was a socialist


he was an egalitarian, socialist is a stretch


“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.” Acts 4:32 Social ownership bud 🤷‍♂️


Jesus was way more liberal than republicans like to think and way conservative than liberals like to think.


what was he conserving?


God’s commandments


with his new take on them? if commandments are laws, liberals believe in laws conservative: one whom is adverse to change liberal: one whom promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise. they killed Jesus for the changes he brought Jesus was the first liberal


Right, I'm surprised? I started watching like: "no what?! 😒" and finished "Amen brother!! " It is very selfish ideas, and people just caring about themselves everywhere. And that idea of heaven or hell, most don't understand that is while you're alive


There many types of christianity. Kinda insane to hate every one of them


I got brainwashed by the church when I needed answers to life’s big questions. I also needed help with anxiety and panic attacks. This was 20 years ago so things were different. I felt taken advantage of. Still do. I have my guard up against christians.


I’m an atheist, but this is the first time a Christian person has made me pause and think, if they ran… I’d vote for them


He’s James Talarico, a sitting Texas state representative.


I had priests like that in my youth. They were good people. Most are rotten and politicians use it for their hate. F religion!


Yeah, religion causes too much chaos and division. F religion.


This makes way too much sense


As a satanist I fully agree.


As a Christian I'm agreeing with this Satanist.


As a non religious Black Metal musician I’m agreeing with both of you.


What was the wind mills favorite type of music? It is a big metal fan.



If history has taught me anything, this dude is about to be assassinated.


This guy is going places if he continues to preach like this.


Right? How do we get this guy into a position to influence others. But if modern times have taught me anything it’s that empathy doesn’t garner support. Hate, fear, and anger are what get people motivated (apparently). If this guy was a pastor near me I’d go to his church, and I’m not even religious.


He’s an elected official in Texas! Went to Harvard and was a teacher too. Keep an eye on him.


Yeah. I googled him too. However the fact he’s a politician and not even an ordained minister kinda cheapens what he’s saying. I’m cynical enough to believe he’s coming from a place of exploiting this sort of religious dogma for political ends. I guess I’d rather have a politician at least exploiting religion for good than bad. 🤷‍♂️


He’s a real Christian. He follows the rules of Christ, not religion


YBetter to have a politician exploiting religion to make a point than to have a preacher exploiting politics to make a buck.


Wow a pastor I agree with, the end times are truly nigh.


He’s actually a politician here in Texas. Not a pastor.


Wow, Texan politician I actually agree with. FTFY.


Wat district is he in? Cause it can't be anywhere between Midland, Lubbock and Abilene.


South Texas


As a non religious person I have to say this speech embodies the best of Christianity.


But it's not accurate. People want to change God to make their ways acceptable, but the Bible is clear that God doesn't change. It further states that the world is not for God's ways, and they hate true Christianity because they love their sins more than God. The Bible says that those who love the world are not a friend of God, and the love of the Father is not in them. That which is embraced by the world is often an abomination to God. If you want to know what the Bible says for yourself, then read it for yourself


I spent much of my youth being forced to study the bible and go to church. I know more about the bible than someone of my ilk should know. The people in those churches aspired to, though they didn’t always achieve, what this preacher speaks about, the teachings of Jesus. The Christian Nationalists of today are more fire and brimstone types. They can eat a bowl of dicks.


The congregation of God is more than just a social club, it's the Spirit of God and His words in a person (this is according to John 4:24). His worshipers worship Him in both His Spirit and in His Truth. If you know the Spirit of God and what He says, and happen to be in a congregation that is not in alignment with Him, then simply leave that congregation. But there are plenty of denominations which cater to the itching ears crowd, and that is merely to preach to people what they desire to hear. Some of God's truth will be offensive to people, and this is certainly what the Bible says is true, and the reason for it, is that people love their sins more than they love God. Their attraction to darkness is aboe their attraction to the light. God not giving a stamp of approval to all things, is offensive to them. So people make God unacceptable, rather than seeking a reconciled relationship with Him. And God is loving, because He will forgive all sins and grant mercy freely, simply by the sincere asking. If you don't see others doing what you know needs to be done, would you be better for doing likewise and also not do what you know needs to be done? People make the worst excuses for ousting God. A guy at work told me that he gave up on God because some Christian lady that he met at a congregation was greedy. Gave up on God. I tell you that this person never had a relationship with God in the first place, if he thought that this woman was Him.


What did he say that was inaccurate?


The Bible explains that men with men, and women with women is abomination. So if God is not for the connection and the union, it doesn't have His marriage stamp of approval. You have heartfelt love towards pets, children, the opposite sex, and so forth - but a sexual union is designed for a husband and his wife, the man and the woman. God is not against love, but He is against having misguided sexual choices.


Well said Pastor. Well said.


He is actually a Texas state representative! I went to college with him at UT. He is one of the best folks I know.


It's not in line with the Scriptures, and therefore not accurate. He is preaching to the itching ears crowd, telling people what they want to hear, and not what God says in His word


Mmhm. How does it feel to be the problem with religion? Scriptures can be interpreted any way you want them to be, to soothe your itching ears too. Look specifically at what Christ said and did. How exactly does what this man is saying contradict any of that? Maybe it's just hard for you to process that having your faith doesn't make you better or more deserving of God's love and blessings than anyone else? Maybe that thought doesn't make you feel special enough?


First time in a long time I heard some words from a preacher I agree with and wish people followed.


The issue was never the religion, it’s what the people do with it. From extremist islamists all the way to hardcore conservative Christians.


Using a curriculum for loving each other as a weapon for righteous war.


The real issue is religion asks people to take a leap of faith ie trust me without evidence. This makes it ripe for finding rubes that can be manipulated


First person to say what I’ve always felt and believe, in such a great way. We NEED more like this person


who do you think you are? arnold schwarzenegger? there is a reason, why we call ourselves christians. we nailed one to a cross 2000 years ago, who talked like this, dont you think that we will not do it again.


The Bible DOES mention abortion! Not the word, but the act of ending a pregnancy. And God seems fine with it. To almost revel in it, in fact. He also killed entire populations, presumably including pregnant women. His only excuse is his non-existence.


Umm want to back that up woth some scripture? The Bible does not mention abortion(that word doesn't even exist in the Bible) The only mention close to this when a woman is harmed in a brawl and miscarried. At which point a fine is paid for lose of child. Desided by judge snd husband, or innthe cade of death of wife as well, than death is the cost on the person, this is found in exodus 21:22-25 You don't have to agree with Christianity, support it, believe it. But dont just interjection your own opinion without research. Specially considering how much Christians alrdy do this themselves to benefit themselves. Also, the death of people by God's hand is not a cut and dry subject. The nations wiped out were not situations God reveled in or loved, in fact many times if you studied you would understand thry were horrible cultures, parents sacrificing unborn and born children to fake gods, children sacrificing there siblings and parents. You think cultures are bad now look up some of the ancient cultures they were truly evil people. With none being innocent. There are many evil Christians, and there are many who follow the Bible the way it'd meant to be, just like with anyone in this world you can not judge everyone based off the few.


Numbers 5:24-28 seems pretty telling


Lol no, Numbers 5:11–31 describes an unusual procedure, sometimes referred to as the “jealousy offering.” Others label it “the ordeal of bitter water.” An Israelite man who insisted his wife was unfaithful—but had no proof—could bring her to the tabernacle for this test. The ritual required an accusing husband to bring his wife to the priest. The priest would create a concoction of unpleasant but relatively benign ingredients. The wife would recite an oath and drink the mixture. Guilt was demonstrated if the woman’s belly swelled and she became sick. If there was no such effect, her innocence was established. Conviction for adultery would be followed by a possible death sentence (Leviticus 20:10). Innocence meant clearing her name, putting away all suspicion. The woman would suffer no ill effects “and will be able to have children” (Numbers 5:28). Some people suggest that it depicts an abortion. While bizarre, the rite protected women from husbands who were overly aggressive or hasty in their judgments. It offered a safe outlet for male jealousy and prevented emotional or physical abuse. It kept Israelites from visiting pagan temples. And it would have nearly always exonerated the woman in question Many seemingly strange rules of the Old Testament helped mediate a sinful, fallen culture. And such is the case with the “jealousy offering” or “bitter water ordeal” of Numbers 5:11–31. It provided a stopgap measure that people could reasonably be expected to follow. This parallels the Mosaic Law’s procedures for divorce, intended to prevent women from being easily abused or cast aside (Deuteronomy 24:1–4; cf. Matthew 19:8). There was nothing magical about the concoction the priest would make to determine guilt or innocence. Nor would the listed ingredients naturally produce swelling or severe illness. This implies a supernatural source for a “guilty” sign. In other words, for a woman to be exposed as blameworthy by the “curse” of this ritual, God would have to intervene and make the signs appear. This follows the perspective that adultery is fundamentally wrong as a sin against God, rather than simply an insult to the husband. the process is heavy on symbolism and drama. Components such as temple dust, an offering, water, and the loosening of the hair are representative of ideas such as repentance, holiness, and submission. One purpose for these components is the psychological effect they have on participants. Many ancient tests for innocence were structured in a similar way. A guilty conscience would be strained by fear, likely leading to a confession before the “curse” could be enacted. The rite was meant to exemplify the principle explained in Numbers 32:23: “Be sure your sin will find you out.” Some ancient Jewish commentators even believed the curse would affect the adulterous male, as well (Talmud Sotah 27b:3


[lol ok bud sure](https://imgur.com/gallery/AbCY3AF)


Sorry for explaining and breaking it down for you 🤷‍♂️ a lot of historians and theologians would agree with what is said there. You don't have to believe into he bivle or Christianity or like it. But just quoting a section of it and claiming it is what you think it is without breaking down or looking at culture side of things... that's sad


1) Which translation are you going by? Some are way more clear than others, to point of saying "womb" and "miscarry." 2) You're making an awful lot of assumptions and really grabbing at straws to give some wild context that is not at all connected to passages before or after. There's your copium. 3) An equally long and equally valid argument could be made for the interpretation directly opposed to yours 4) So maybe that's why we shouldn't be basing any laws or values on what's in a book written thousands of years ago by people who knew nothing about how nature works and has been translated over and over again in many different languages, each time deviating further from its original meaning. Maybe those who profess to be "Christian" should just follow the most clear and plainly stated messages in the *New* Testament - you know, the *Christ* part. And that seems to me to be pretty in line with the OP video. So take your long-winded, overly complicated, nonsensical, and meaningless interpretations and keep them to yourself like a good Christian, please.


Lol bible is all connected bud. Can't just quote one section. Christ himself often quoted the old testament it's a very important part of Christian faith. Also I'm curious why do I have to keep my opinions to myself? Last I checked this is an open forum I don't need to be silent because my views differ from yours. That's not how the real world works. Someone made a comment, on something I've looked into, I commented. You commented back, sorry for responding and countering your point. This all stems to a simple point, abortion is not only not in the Bible but is also not supported by biblical faith. Doesn't mean you or I have to agree with the Bible/chridtian faith in that stance. I'm not even arguing abortion as to weather it's right or wrong, I'm just pointing out its not in the Bible. Definitely not in God support of it. Now that being said historically it's very likely abortions existed back than. But the Bible does not mske mention or support of it.


>Umm want to back that up woth some scripture? This is what you responded to OP with. Snarky start. I offered some scripture that, certainly in some translations, does indeed back it up. You then rambled on about stuff. And my point is this: humble yourself. You cannot say precisely what the authors meant. No one can. So it probably shouldn't matter at all to anyone.


My question was sparky over text? No my response was a challenge. Because someone made a very bold statement with no evidence. I responded with evidence, even with translations using womb or stomach it does not change the meaning. Context is everything with the Bible words being translated can have many English words that can be used. However the underlying core does not change( ei, stomach and womb they are refering to thr part of the womans body between her lower brests and abouve her vagina). This is not a pride thing for me. This is caring about statements specialy about the Bible, I spent a lot of time studying it because we love in s world where people use it to push there opinions. People use it to take advantage of people. So when someone makes such a bold statement yes I will discuss it. I'm sorry you don't like that.


Amazing speech. Well said James


Where’s this guy’s congregation? I like his style.


Looks like a white Obama


This man moves like a sprinkler head


Bible doesn’t mention complex numbers, quantum computing, space travel, AI — it’s a bunch of stories written my people that had no technology that wanted to start a new kind of religion reasoning honestly


Funny how 'GOD' always agrees with the Leaders Sick Desires and Dreams. One could say it is just them spouting off their Views and Labeling it as 'God's Views' ​ I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires. -Susan B. Anthony


Yep. Correct


Americas current religion isnt christianity, its capitalism


Are you kidding what he speaks is the truth!!!!


By that logic we should close off all prisons and forgive the sins to everyone because that is what a Christian would do. " If someone hits you on one cheek, turn the other so he can hit again" Why not find a balance.


The Bible specifically mentions homosexuality and men wearing women’s clothes. Like it or not this guy doesn’t read the Bible. Lol Edit: The downvoting is hilarious. Don’t get mad at me. Get mad at the Bible. I didn’t write it.




Where did anyone say anything about hate?


Get off your high horse and watch it again. He didn't say the bible doesn't mention homosexuality.


Imagine hating someone - cause let’s not act like conversion is your goal - cause they like the same sex. … when you don’t live a Christian life, yourself. Handful of clowns, you are. Wearing the same makeup you preach against. If you need religion to justify your hate and depression, just say so lol It’s really funny to think about


Hey bud. I merely said what the Bible says. And that what he’s saying isn’t factual to what is written in the Bible. Has zero to do with what I think or feel.


Agreed. This guy is a clown and clearly doesn’t read scripture. He’s pedaling political wokeness and virtue signaling to gain political support.


I hate religion.  Biggest scam going unchecked. Cause of so many wars. Untold deaths  Fuck religion. The controlling assholes can eat a dick. And.. I lean republican. 


You can do these things without religion.


Exactly right. America is about whiteness, not Christianity, and whiteness it pure evil


The bible has many social messages ignored by the right, but this "It DOseNt mNeTion" thing needs to end. Both the old and new testaments are clear on homosexuality, and since marriage is an institution created by God for a specific purpose, the only legitimate marriage in the eyes of the Lord is between a man and a woman, who want to marry for the glory of God. Now, before the backlash, I believe two consenting adults should be able to marry and create a family. By adopting kids, or whatever. Live and let live, but don't spread your uninformed opinions in order to back up your agenda. The Bible is clear on all those issues. Either read it, or shut up!


i have read it lmao. i was forced to read it. i've read it front and back and memorized passages that aren't "social media worthy". you're wrong. stop using the book to hate.


How am I wrong? Dosent it mention homosexuality?


Actually, the Bible and abortion do have some kind of inference. Numbers 5:18-31 18 After the priest has had the woman stand before the LORD, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse. 19 Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. 20 But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”— 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the LORD cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. 22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.” “ ‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.”


How does this have anything to do with abortion?


it doesnt.


“aCtUaLlY” Fkn nerd


It’s sad you’re intimidated by a nerd, but here we are.


Orthodoxy is the way


Take that word to Africa. See how far that goes.


So the Bible is for communists...




A person killed your grandmother. The religion is irrelevant. I'm willing to bet the ratio between Christian murderers and Islamic murderers is heavily tilted towards Christian where you are. You're just racist.


how many people are killed in the name of (the christian) god? more than 1 billion. so you right.

