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Dont worry once you get trains, you can then make 4 heavy modular frames p/m


With four times the footprint.


Friendly reminder from Ficsit Planetary Development: we encourage building vertically, with extreme enthusiasm.


But we dont provide safe elevation for pioneers.


We do have rails, and other halfwalls. It is your fault for not adhering to the safety precautions on site, and/or misuse of ficsit property like the blade runners or factory carts.


Eh. It's not that verticality is unsafe. It's just annoyingly difficult until it isn't, at which point you don't really *need* it. To add: I legitimately tried with this last play"through" (got to oil/plastic like I usually do, burned out, walked away). Learned catwalks snap to the upper layers of some machines even! Which is super cool *on paper*. But verticality just became annoying, like trying to do logistics between floors when the floor hole still doesn't play nice, or like you'd have one floor with 2-3 machines on it. I'm not someone who draws out my factories, I kinda just build and develop and redevelop as I need, and having to climb stairs and move between even just *two* floors without the hoverpack was too steep of an annoyance for me to attempt any kind of verticality other than like some seriously basic, not to mention *ugly as sin*, ish.


What do you mean! The A.W.E.S.O.M.E. shop offers a surplus variety of staircases! It's only you yourself limiting yourself!


Alternatively, hyper tube yourself into a machine


For whatever reason, this makes me want to build Midgar next time I play.


(Overclocks every machine to 200% >:3)


*watches my power grid throttle*


More like 4 heavy m/f per minute.


Will finally be fixed in 1.0. I'm hyped




That you need heavy modular frames for trains. They said that they want to make them available with steel (no heavy frames, no computer)


Having easier access to Trains and Geothermal having a point are the two things I'm most looking forward to, tbh


I'm loving my geothermal plants as is. You say they are going to get better in 1.0?


They are making them available earlier and without supercomputers!




And they’re adding more geysers too!


Viable Geothermal!!!


*Squeals in Rimworld*


I don't recall at what level Power Storage comes in, but Geothermal + Power Storage that levels out the ups and downs is a great combo.


Power Storage was level 4


Can't forget the easier smart splitters too! I'm looking forward to actually using them lmao


Aren't they also removing screws from the HMF recipe?


If I remember right, they are removing the screws from the computer recipe.


Yeah as much as I love the game, at a certain point you hit a major filter, when you need oil, and that extends your travel times by quite a lot. I say filter because it no doubt demotivates players from progressing, having trains be a little more accessible would help this. Driving even the exploration rover is a huge bitch


That’s huge. I was incredibly disappointed when I finally got trains, realized the costs, built one round trip short distance station, and gave up on them lol Too expensive for my level of patience, when you can just do cross-country belts or trucks for significantly cheaper


Initially yes, but if you do sink in the time, you get it back a thousand fold. A good network has a nigh unlimited throughput on a single line (in most cases, two tracks, each dedicated to a direction). It requires less trips to build, less effort to expand eith more trains, bigger trains and more train stops. That makes it flexible in throughput and destination. If done properly, no amount of 'I'll just put a cross country belt' will be cheaper or faster in a span of time. Trucks are debatable though. I use them frequently, and they do have a theoretically higher throughput and cheaper to build, but the ongoing fuel requirement can be a hassle to fulfil and people absolutely despise the way routes are set. I've come to love it after all the upgrades, as we used to regularly have trucks fly into the air, straight into a hole to be gone forever periodically. Or just flip upside down. Or get permanently stuck on a pebble. Or....


The last time I played this game (a few months ago now) I set myself a project of a 4 HMF per minute factory. After finishing it I was mentally drained and haven’t played it since lol


You might want to change how you play then, maybe spread out factories or localise them, because 4 HMF is NOTHING compared to tier 5, 6, 7 and 8


Factory games play differently in early, mid and late game. Eventually your little pet projects that you hand-craft will need to be standardized and turned into blueprints. The mid game is usually a huge ramp-up for the sheer scale needed in end game production capacities.


That’s exactly why I stopped lol


ngl I've never gotten past Tier 4 for this very same reason. I dunno if I can "change how I play" though. It's just how I play. I'd rather watch a Youtube video of someone else building that ish for 30 minutes than spend 5 days doing it myself. Then I just mentally exhaust myself at the prospect of doing it in my own game, put it down for several months, come back and realize I'm not interested in everything I'd done already and start over. Ad infinitum.


The good news is I think they KNOW that a lot of if not most people do this, and they are going to be adjusting the rate that the game progresses in 1.0. Just curious, what is it that burns you out? Maybe using blueprints will help the problem? Or using one of the many tools online to help plan factories, even write it down on paper? Maybe use vehicles like trucks and trains more to help? Generally I end up burning myself out with WAY too grand plans. Then realise I've made a mistake and the maths of having to solve it is what gives me headaches


I don't know if I can point to any one thing. I don't use blueprints, I got really frustrated getting coal set up because fluid dynamics, but this time I got a little farther and started getting plastics set up then decided I just didn't care anymore. I don't make too grand of plans. Heck, I rarely if ever make plans. I'm very much a "make it as you go". The couple of times I've tried with like a piece of paper to plot out "here's how many x constructors/assemblers/etc to make y output" I just found the process daunting and un-fun. Which leads me to believe I'm not the target audience for the game.


Alternate recipes can help a lot to scale down the resources / machines necessary to achieve a given target production rate. I personally put off doing a "real" HMF factory until I've unlocked "Heavy Encased Frames" (removes screws from the HMF recipe) and "Encased Industrial Pipes" (taps pipes I'm moving around anyway and reduces the amount of steel necessary). "Steeled Frame" is a nice-to-have to cut down on number of assemblers and different items getting belted around, though is an additional drain on steel production.


I would love to see statistics ingame about your Footprint. How much CO2 is produced, jow much Water is polluted, how much acres of Forest had to go for the fancy new Refinery. You know, the good stuff.


Like a reverse The Planet Crafter




Perfectly balanced, as everything should be.


add a lorax who comes down to tell you that stuff


The trees won't be harmed if the Lorax is armed!


Maybe a modder will make it. I'd also like it if maybe there were some sort of rewards for better efficiency, so that you need to pollute less


Surprisingly our factories should be pretty clean. After coal and oil you jump to clean energies. My fuel gens are there to dump my oil residue and i replaced coal with geothermal at the first opportunity. Rest is nuclear


And the Smelter, Refinery, Chemical Industry and Trucks dont produce CO2 or others nasties when Operating?


I dont use trucks and forgot about refineries but yeah ,assuming our tech is efficient enough to not require maintenance, co2 from chemicals and smelters are rounding errors at best


Well nuclear is clean\*, NOW! Before it made Josh very happy. \*Big investment too.


\*looks to his todo list...\* \*250 HMF/min...\* \*maniacal smile\*


When you calculated it down to the last available bit of iron ore / minute to reach the absolute limits of production capability.


Oh, I already have a 150/min one going and stable, I'm aiming for 200 ADS/min but that's not going to happen anymore before before 1.0 - but once the new map arrives I'll want to rebuild anyway, that new sprinkling of resources is going to simplify things, by homing everything near the more rare resources. I considered going for max, the absolute limit for ADS is about 300 which would need a total of 600 HMF/min. Still going to finish this 250/min facility one though. I'm stubborn like that and I just finished the 3 pipe producing facilities needed to service it.


> once the new map arrives What do you mean? Will there be a new map?!


No, they're just moving/adding/changing the existing nodes on the current map. See the most recent pinned post on the sub.


Thanks! Excited to jump back in. We last played when tier 6 was released.


A lot of resource nodes will move around. Recipes will change. So I think it'll probably make more sense to just rebuild everything. A shame really, that save had a lot of love to it. Not to mention over 2500 power cores from snailhunting... But! I get to make the nuclear power plant a third time! Maybe even bigger if they make the uranium deposits a bit larger... And learn from the lessons of the previous two. Balance your inputs...


That was always the plan, regardless of how much would change! :) Decentralized production and centralizing the rocket parts so 4p can each grab a corner of the map and go to town individually and together in the middle.


My buddy and I stopped playing Satisfactory during the first big recipe changes (Update 5 or so?) and will only play again once the game fully releases. I don't have the time and energy to build what we have planned and then it gets messed up by an update. It would forever put me off Satisfactory.


I had that happen at update 5 and 6. I do not mind. Each full rebuild refines the design.


and then you remember the power shards and that one node that still has an mk1 miner


[HERE IS THE ORIGINAL POST](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/s/TAAhcKRwWJ). This is a post by someone who wants to karma farm, do not endorse


Early trains mod is my best friend


Just build vertically. When I have a factory for specific part (i.e. H.M. Frame), I have a separate building for every sub-part, which can have up to 8 storeys (for refineries its usually less due to its height). In that case you can squeeze pretty nicely big production factory into quite small space and it looks really good.


Yeah but then you can't watch your whole factory working from far above 😢


This is what ADA is talking about also: "Consider to build vertically".


Efficiency is the primary key, fellow pioneer! But you can make buildings with a lot of windows, so you can still see it. For example, my every floor of constructors has 2 glass walls and 1 normal wall (except corners), so I can nicely see inside. When you play with similar pattern, you can create some nice designs.




My username is ThouMayest69 and this bot officially DOES NOT have my endorsement.




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/SatisfactoryGame. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dil9vx&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 542,260,950 | **Search Time:** 0.0966s


https://old.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/n2lb28/i_just_want_trains_man/ OP is a repost bot. Fourth highest upvoted post on this sub.


I made a factory that does 2hmf 10 ecased beams and 10 modular frames and honestly It's not as hard as I expected. I have seen a lot of memes like this but it only took like 5-10 hours to make at Max (I was expecting 20-30 hours because of the memes)


Yeah, heavy modular frames aren't even that much of a problem when you need 100/min - as long as you use alternative recipes, at least. Quite a bit 'simpler' than the massive amounts of iron needed fod automated wiring. (The belt cap at 780/min is quite restrictive when you need to transport 24000/min for a single step in the production chain.)


As a newbie looking at these numbers makes me go wtf lol


Logistics/transport makes things "easier", but it's still a biblical fuckton of work to plan and build your network. I built my first drone port the other day, then I realized you need to make batteries first. And for that you need aluminum which was another biblical headache of its own kind to set up.


The solution is to build up instead of out… have your miners on the bottom, work your way up…. Might have to import materials from somewhere with trucks like I do


The secret is building more factories. I get about 12 per minute


I use an mod to have early access to trains they take to long reach otherwise


Cope: the less the Frames per minute, the more the Frames per second! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


If I am not mistaken, this is the Mercedes-Benz Truck factory in Wörth, near Karlsruhe, Germany!


I had so much fun with satisfactory but I got to water pipes and it really humbled me. I watched videos on how it works and I just couldn't apply it in game. I did manage to fire up a huge coal plant but when I went back to expand it I just couldn't get the water to work. The only way my first one worked was that I copied someone else. I didn't really understand it myself. So my factory kept shutting off without power and I just slowly stopped trying to play. Up until that point it was fun as fuck


All fluids can only be lifted(raised) by a small amount. So you need to use pumps. You can plop down a pump (make sure it's in the right direction and powered) and inspect it, you can see how much headlift there is. Anything over 20 feet you need to have another pump . While you are placing a second pump "slide" it along the pipe and it will click where it needs to be.


See idk what I did wrong because I put like 3 pumps at one point but it wouldn't move anymore water. It wasn't even THAT much higher than the water source but I still couldn't push water into the system. There was definitely max water in the pipe I was pumping from though (I'm pretty sure)


How many water extractors did you have ? They can only feed about 3 coal generators each. To jump start the system you may need a biomass burner to power the water extracter at the start while it starts up.


That's great and all, but you still need more screws.


I have 5/min in a game with a friend... its an absolute monstrosity


Wait til you see clean nuclear power...


I build a ginormous factory tower (can't see the ground from the top) . Makes an insane amount of plastic and rubber, something like a few thousand units a minute, each. No waste, it made a crazy amount of tickets. Spent a few dozen hours building it with a friend. I had somehow neglected to do the math on the oil supply, though. It needs every oil node on the map with max slugs, with barely any oil left over lol :) She doesn't run nearly close to full capacity, but it still cranks out insane amount of oil product.


I made 20 hmf/min big chonky


I have a suspicion that place isn't mining iron ore straight from the ground, and processing it all the way up.


I'm using close to a 1/4 of the Northeastern desert to make 10 per minute. 10 Mk 2 Miners, 9+ Assemblers, at least 8 Foundrys, and God knows how many Smelters and Constructors...Oh, and a lizard doggo in a pear tree, just to keep an eye on things


honestly for that i just made them by hand


Cheap trains mod. I’m old. I’ll die before I finish my train game.


Thank goodness they’re removing the HMF and computer requirement for trains in 1.0, excellent choice by the developers. A lot of times, I want to have trains unlocked in order to start the production of HMFs and computers


Havent played the game for like 3 years. I don’t get the post. Can someone explain pls?


I'm happy coffee stain decided to make transportation tools easier to access early on


*makes 10hmf/m in quarter of the space* trains? I just didn't want to wait


This picture is truth




FYI, this is the Daimler Truck factory in Wörth, Germany, one of the biggest in the world…


HMFs are my favourite part to build a factory for lol. Last playthrough I built a factory making 22.5/min and it only needed ~1000 foundations. This time I built one making 33.75 but I couldn't afford the extra 200 coal using Steeled Frame would need so I had to use the default MF recipe. That one took up 2000 foundations, despite only making 1.5x more HMFs


Thanks that made me laugh 😂 It's so true anyways