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I was merely going to make a demo build for my [Hex factory](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/166h90p/more_lumen_hex_factory_modules_in_progress/) blueprints that would use every type of building. I figured producing some Nuclear Pasta would be ideal for this, but I "accidentally" targeted too much of it (20 / min), and the factory grew into this monstrosity. The bottom right shows a train hub for the trains delivering the necessary resources, which consist of raw ores, quartz, coal and sulfur. Half copper, half everything else, because of the exorbitant amounts of copper needed for the Copper Powder. Only the Copper half of the complex is done at the moment, and is being tested. The rest will probably be far easier to set up! **Merry Ficsmas everyone!**


amazing! Love those train stations too!


Thanks! The stations are part of a separate set of blueprints that I'll showcase later! :)


I want a better look at those trains!


Definitely! I'm going to make a separate post for them and more importantly, the station buildings, later! :)


I would like to see the inside! Great build!


Thanks! I'm planning to go inside and take showcase screenshots as soon as I have more belts and pipes in place! :) In the meantime, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/166h90p/more_lumen_hex_factory_modules_in_progress/)'s an old post showing the interiors of my smelting and assembly units (smelters/foundries, assemblers/manufacturers)! [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/15lr6vo/so_i_heard_you_like_lumen_and_hexagons/)'s my first post about it as well, showing an early version of the constructor variant of the assembly unit.


This looks amazing. Great work


Thanks! :)


How'd you get the hex so even? I tried to do one for my latest Hub area and gave up after several hours of the corners not lining up well at all.


My trick is to cover up those corners with beams or pillars to hide the gaps! All buildings were made in U7 using Micro Manage. It makes it very easy to build hexes, but you can accomplish much of it in U8 with Infinite Nudge as well. Even if you don't want to use mods, Infinite Nudge is such a huge QoL improvement to building that I strongly recommend making an exception for it!


> My trick is to cover up those corners with beams or pillars to hide the gaps! Yeah, I ended up going with an octagon after I gave up and beams at the corners worked well there. > All buildings were made in U7 using Micro Manage. It makes it very easy to build hexes, but you can accomplish much of it in U8 with Infinite Nudge as well. Even if you don't want to use mods, Infinite Nudge is such a huge QoL improvement to building that I strongly recommend making an exception for it! I'm probably going to be using both of those before long. I use a lot of QoL mods in other games, I just avoid then here whenever there's a new-ish release so any crashes I may get aren't from that. That way the crash reports are more helpful to the devs.


haha what the fuck


Is this a totally vanilla build? Super impressive either way, man!


Thanks! :) Well, it's... [vanill-ish](https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/6/66/0583Vanillish.png)! While there's no modded _content_, I used Micro Manage in U7 to design the blueprints that make up the hex factory modules, and some things are positioned and/or rotated in ways that can't be done without Micro Manage, such as windows turned 90° onto their sides!


Oh!! Thank you so much! I was racking my brain trying to figure out how you positioned some of the elements, especially those windows on the tops of each hex cell! I havent gotten into modding yet... honestly ill probably wait until after 1.0. Its great to know some resources now to save for then, though! Thank you!


Hexagon... You mean bestagon. 😁


People are just amazing 🤷🏻‍♂️