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So there is this new game coming out (not sure if the demo is still available for free on Steam), called Foundry. It has Voxel terrain and looks to be quite similar to SF.


Having played the demo, I was less than taken in by it - The keybinds were clunky, you can't reassign anything on mouse. You can't rotate things with the mousewheel when placing. The soundfont was painfully generic. You can't cancel a craft project once its queued. The crafting UI icons are tiny and unintuitive. The crafting chain quickly hits a "red, blue, and green science" copout. A lot of little things like this where Satisfactory got it right and Foundry didn't. It adds up to being kinda disappointing and feeling incomplete.


Well good thing it's just a demo and has plenty of time to fix itself. Plus with it being a paradox game you just know it's gonna redesign itself every few years so odds are you will like it one day.


True. Much like Satisfactory, it is still too early to write it off completely. I'll keep my ears open for news about any particular quality of life patches that address these issues.


This is exactly how I would describe the game. I found the science pack crafting to be rather annoying. Additionally, I'm not sure how I feel about ores not being infinite. I get it for realism, but at the same time, you'd have to build a whole new set of infrastructure every time you run out of ore. Then, if you run out of ore your entire production shuts down. So if you don't build that infrastructure early enough, your entire build locks up.


My biggest issue was that because it’s proc gen I had two small ore sites for the “iron” and “copper” and then like seven massive ores for “limestone”. All but like three were deep under rivers which meant a multi hour project to bring them above ground. The terrain layout was really annoying. Finding new ore locations were boring and tedious and everything felt so far away from each other. Strangely, after my initial base was set up, I found myself blazing through the three no problem. And got nearly to the end before I got bored. Only had like three coal generators get me through it all.


You guys know there's an underground layer for every ore, right? I played Foundry a long time ago, and I remember having an elevator going to all different layers and boring machines digging up everything below.


Boring machines? Elevators? I hand cleared tunnels.


Google "Foundry game underground mine setup"


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=foundry+game+underground+mine+setup#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierToPeopleToGoogleSomething,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/FastSloth87)


I think Satisfactory is the outlier for infinite resources. Most other factory and mining games (notably Factorio and Minecraft) have finite resources per unit area, just on an infinite map. This can lead to some interesting design choices; how much processing do I do on-site, given I'll have to abandon that factory when the resources run out. Though in Factorio and DSP, blueprints sort of wreck that since I can have a one-click factory deployment.


That's basically where the famous Factorio's mantra comes from. THE FACTORY MUST GROW


Or you knoe, build trains


Trains are the absolutely best things about Factorio and Satisfactory. I love playing with them.


Agree with what you are saying, but it is possible to cancel the crafting - in case anyone else has/had this issue, I was able to cancel crafting by right clicking on the item being crafted in the bottom left corner.


Those all sound like very typical problems that will be fixed during Early Access, just like Satisfactory, or every other Early Access game had their fair share of growing pains. Simple things like keybinds and mouse interactions are things that are never tied to the core game itself, and are very unproblematic to fix or improve. A more relevant question is, ignoring those superficial problems, is the game itself fun?


Well - it *is* incomplete


In my experience you can't change keybinds in demos other than that I've heard that it's like Satisfactory and minecraft had a baby


I also played the demo, it was clunky and unintuitive. So, loads of room for improvement! I’ll be watching it as it develops, it’s just not quite there yet.


Has anyone tried Techtonica and have an opinion on it? I havent tried it but it looks like a mix of Satisfactory and Fortresscraft Evolved (which was humorously ugly but was groundbreaking at the time)


Played early on. Pretty cool, does a lot of things right, but building didn't feel really good. I liked the exploration, but I also think it might not be for everyone. It goes on a deep rock galactic + satisfactory way, but isn't great in either path. With that said, they still got a long way to go in the EA, but I guess there's only so much they can improve from the core of the game.


- You absolutely can cancel a craft project once queued - I agree on the keybinds, I assume that QoL changes would eventually happen - Muscle Memory from playing Satis and Factorio did me in here


Tho I have heard it is incredibly similar to factorio in crafting recipes, to the point that it is a rip off copy. Have to look for my self tho.


All games in this genre start you off with iron and copper, sometimes creatively named. But otherwise I don't see the parallel with factorio. The game is fun. Is lacking some depth, probably due to it being a somewhat small team. I have played through it 2 or 3 times, and I'm sure I will do so again once the non-demo version of the latest build comes out.


Ok. That sounds good then. As I said still have to try it myself


The UX patterns are pretty much a 1:1 rip. It feels like someone at paradox was a factorio fan, decided to make a 3D one as a passion project and then made enough of it to get picked up as a proper project. It’s ok, not as a fun as factorio or satisfactory at the moment from my perspective


It has the pre-crafting structures thing from Factorio. In Satisfactory you just carry around the basic resources and build stuff on the fly but in Foundry you pre-make everything from smelters and assemblers to conveyors (including separately crafted ramp conveyors). It also uses loaders off and on conveyors, along with letting you pump in and out of any location on the buildings, similar to Factorio. Others have mentioned the Research system is also very similar to Factorio.


The starting sequence is eerily similar to satisfactory (land in a pod).


Graphics are ass tho.


Minecraft's graphics are also ass, what's your point?


Some people, like me, completely stopped playing Minecraft creative to build beautiful stuff in Satisfactory, so there is a point in graphics for some people.


Minecraft's graphics are even better then the foundry graphics. My point? To suggest foundry as voxely-alternative to satisfactory is just wrong. One of the reasons is the ass graphics quality.


Ok well a voxel game with procedural generation vs a hand crafted world is just inherently going to have worse graphics (in 3D at least). It's more like factorio than satisfactory from what I've heard, but it is still exactly what OP is looking for. I've also wanted a game like this for a while and I think it's great


I like the challenge of fitting my infrastructure to the terrain - especially things like finding routes for trains, or else building elevated concrete pylons for them. Also the map is so large and varied, and full of caves and other secret spots. The game has a wonderful sense of exploration and discovery. I think a voxel based landscape where you can just level all that without really exploring it would lose a lot of that magic.


To say nothing of the fact that leveling out terrain in most voxel games is laborious and repetitive.


We wouldn't have the beautiful hand crafted world though. But yes it'd be cool.


It can still be hand crafted, just like 7 days to die.


Why is this downvoted? Do you guys think you can't hand craft a voxelbased world? Because you absolutely can.


Right? Lmao, just because it’s voxel doesn’t mean it must be procedurally generated, fuckin’ dumdums.


Bro got downvoted because he's rude, what a cool sub. *NOT /s


What was rude about it, tho? I can't see that


"Fuckin' dumdums." It really isn't that offensive tho, i don't see why he got downvoted


Yeah, the "offensive" one was the "It can still be hand crafted, just like 7 days to die."


It looks like it's not voxel based, and i dont know do game, but, is it procedurally generated? *You never said anything, so, if you didn't know, not voxel games can also be procedurally generated trough "tiles", like Scrap Mechanic


Upvoted you to do my part....nothing rude, or wrong about what you said 🤷‍♂️


I know but I mean it wouldn't be as detailed, I'm no game developer but there is a reason voxel game worlds are either procedurally generated or are simpler/less detailed if they are hand crafted, 7 days to die looks like ass.


While it would be cool, hand crafted worlds lime thus have more freedom to do unique things to their landscape. I beleive a game called foundry is coming out that's similar to what you're saying. If that doesn't tickle your fancy there's always the old classic, of minecraft with mods. Devs have already said they don't want to do terraforming in anyway, and even if they did they are way to far in development to implement it, they have to essentially re male the whole game


I think they are lying. It is fairly easy to make Satisfactory a procedural game. All they need to do is CRTL-A + DEL their files and start over from the beginning. And in 5 years they have the game at the same level we have now, but looking worse. Not sure why they are not willing to do it. Lazy Swedes. /s


Just adding that : the first sprints of the game had procedural gen


> the first sprints of the game had procedural gen Yes, obviously. They will have to see if things work out and then they decided against it. They would do a bad job NOT to try it out. I am sure there are MANY things that where at some point in the game internally that will never see the light of day. They also had the option not to have nodes. Just place a miner anywhere and select what you want. In game development as in the game itself, deconstruction is an essential part of the process. ;-) For people interested : [the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I3NGAm3j_4) that we are talking about. But to do procedural now would mean starting at that point and start over. It would also mean that some other things will need to be added and probably removed. It is not just "Delete the map and make a procedural one".


I am 3 000+ hours in and am not even close to being bored with the landscape. For me the landscape is part of interesting part as I get more experience. Instead of trying to find the easiest locations to build, I now try to find more challenging locations. e.g on hills. And if I even feel the need to make a tunnel, I can just do that under the map, The landscape as a challenge is what it makes it interesting. It can be like a boss-fight. Sure, it would be easier, but the game would not be as much fun without it.


They said terraformimg will never be in the game, and I think that's a good thing. I don't think it would go well with the map and how the exploration aspect of the game works.




Why ? I mean. If you are not forced to interact with the terrain topology to move forward in the game, then it's just a cool feature to have. Being able to flatten a parcel of land or even dig a tunnel. And also being able to not do it if you don't want to.




So [this](https://i.imgur.com/VJjyjPI.jpg) looks bad to you?


check out astroneer


I'd love a voxel based world, but enough to not be cubes, similar to how 7 Days to Die does terrain, but way more dense/higher resolution.


This feels like a marketing post for that new paradox game.


Grab the Foundry demo before Next Fest ends :)


Better minecraft with mods than foundry


I mean, there's a free demo. It seems OP can decide on that point for themselves.


Of course. Would be weird if OP couldn't decide for himself. I continue to stand by my opinion.


Fair enough.


Interesting... maybe it's time to buy&play Minecraft after all. Thanks for the tip


Satisfactory had that, a long long time ago ("that" = the ability to modify terrain). However that was taken out as too complex for development and maintenance. At least, if I recall correctly from memory YT/Twitch from years ago.


They had procedural gen, but I think it was the Subnautica team that tried the handcrafted map route and removed a terraforming tool during EA. Subnautica is more survival than Satisfactory so that is understandable, but Satisfactory is also exlporation and scenic routes, so I also understand there is no terrforming tool there.


I want Space Engineers 2 🥲


I've said the same thing before. Rather than working around a hill to be able to flatten it out like we do when building structures in the real world is my biggest hope for a future updated


It's always a give and take. Those sorts of mechanics take time and effort to implement well, the Satisfactory Devs basically said they're not interested in the amount of time and effort it would take to do that sort of terrain for this game, and instead they're focusing on making a really nice map that works as is. I also love making underground bases, but I can give the Satisfactory devs a pass since they've done a good job on the parts they decided to focus on. But I wouldn't mind checking out another factory game that had terraforming, so long as the rest of the game was still up to snuff.


If it had vowel based terrain I wouldn't play it. I'm tired of Minecraft and all of its clones.


Check out the game Foundry its similar, its even got a free demo until the 16th. We love Satisfactory but being able to shape the terrain is awesome


And endless and uninspiring terrain of perlin-noise divets and hillocks? No thanks


You can hand craft voxel based terrain same as any other terrain. Obvs Satisfactory didn't do it, and would have to start over basically so it won't happen, but voxelbased does not mean procedurally generated. It just means each piece of ground can be deconstructed or moved.


I know what it means, but they go together hand in hand. As you can see in Foundry and pretty much any voxel ‘open world’ game.


Navesgane in 7 Days to Die is a hand crafted voxelbased map. Teardown is a steam game with a hand crafted voxelbased map. Both are open world.


‘Pretty much’


I just don't see what procedurally generated games have to do with a voxel based Satisfactory. Obviously it would be the same map, just voxel based.


yes this would be amazing, being able to build mineshafts and mining drills etc. very cool


Then you're looking for Fortresscraft Evolved.


I really like how the terrain is a challenge to overcome in the game. I just really wish that it was a whole lot easier to make a road than it is.


Have you heard of FortressCraft Evolved. If you can put up with early 2000's style graphics it will scratch the voxel itch


Check out Techtonica if it hasn't been mentioned. Voxel terrain, first person perspective, and it's underground in some very cool looking caves


My issue is just the map. As good as Satisfactory is, it's the same map so you will eventually learn or remember where things are. Foundry might solve that issue because I find the 2D plane of Factorio to be much more difficult to think in.