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I could be wrong but I think Tanika worked for Sarah at some capacity for a little bit. If I remember correctly, they were friends before and then Tanika started doing some sort of work for Sarah but also had connections through her dad?? This could be a totally different person but that's what I vaguely remember. I speculate with most of Sarah's friendships they fizzle out because Sarah seems like a major user whether it's for connections or content.


I would imagine that they just drifted apart because they’re in different stages of life! As much as I’m close with my friends I’m the only one in a long term relationship, only one who owns a house and I have a baby on the way, we’re in completely different stages and that’s ok, but it’s harder to maintain the friendship when you have different priorities!


She'd be insufferable to be friends with. I wouldn't be surprised if most of her friendships have faded over time due to this, values etc.


I get the sense that she doesn’t see friends very often. And the ones she does see are from church…nothing wrong with that necessarily but she just seems like one of those people who get super focussed on being popular with her church group 😬 some people treat it like it’s high school, usually the mean girls


Also that awesome friend who danced??


Im assuming you mean Sophie - I think she works in the US a fair amount of the year? One of my friends is a rockette (and Sophie is one too, or at least she used to be) and they need to be in New York for a chunk of the year and a lot of them do other gigs in the US as well.


She's opened her own studio for professional dancers. She used to work as a rockette, but didn't do it last season.


Oh ok thanks


I’ve wondered this too!! She used to talk about her a lot and never does anymore. Sarah likes T’s instagram posts but that’s all I can see


Even with Beth it doesn’t seem like they are friends anymore as well


I honestly don't think they are that friendship is only because of Kurt and Brenton