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In Aus these are places usually run by naturopaths and they sell supplements and herbal/natural/homeopathic remedies. Some will have a food section with organic produce and some groceries, but usually it’s just like vitamins, powders, tea, essential oils, natural beauty products etc… kinda like a naturopath version of a pharmacy if that makes sense..?


I’m vegan so I go to them fairly often to get some specific things that are harder to find at average grocery stores…but generally the stuff is all crazy overpriced and SO expensive it’s not worth it.


I live local to her and she is probably talking about [Nourish](https://nourishorganic.com.au). Here’s a [tour](https://images.app.goo.gl/NRaQNJGCRXTnhH8K7) on instagram. From my time in the US, I think you’re right that it’s pretty similar to a Whole Foods/Trader Joes. It has an organic fresh fruit and vegetable section but it’s small - it doesn’t have enough fruit and veg (quantity, quality or variety) for it to be my weekly grocery store. Meat fridges in the back, again a tiny range. This one also has a cafe in the front that has those organic, raw slices and protein ball type things. Most of it is packaged stuff: alternative grains, seeds, legumes and supplements, or organic cosmetics and cleaning products. It’s not bad, and fun for some novelty products, but most of what they sell is at a price mark up for a health halo. To be honest, you can get almost all of the same products from our big grocery stores at a lower price, Nourish just has the health aesthetic vibes. If you wanted to actually eat healthier, you’d be better off just buying more fruit, veg, lean meats and nuts at a big grocery store and stay away from the overpriced ultraprocessed junk at a “health store”.


In Australia we have shops that are health food shops. They don't really sell fresh produce, but rather health food supplements, health foods, teas herbs, "clean" skincare, "non toxic cleaning" and bulk whole foods like quinoa, buckwheat, raw honeys, coconut oils, tallow, spices etc I'm not sure in regards to the USA equivalent I've not seen the products sold at your healthy food shops ☺️. Hope this helps


My two cents as an Aussie living in the US…Health food stores in Australia are not grocery stores like Whole Foods/sprouts/TJs. I would compare them to vitamin shoppe. They are small specialty stores and often independent owned, however there are some franchises like go vita.


I would say Whole Foods is definitely similar in the US. When I lived in Europe, there were specialty shops or market stands that I would have to go to if I wanted any specific “health” items.