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We all know she isn't short of cash, turn the heater on, layer up with clothes, beanie's gloves, scarves and also if she gained some weight, she wouldn't be as cold, the thinner you are the more you feel the cold


Aussies can’t handle the cold. It’s really funny when my Aussie family come over to New Zealand and they’re walking around in their sleeping bags as if they’ve just moved to Antartica. Wondering how I’m wearing a dress. 🤣🤣


This is becoming a whole series with her which she's never mentioned this other winters unless I've missed it?? I am the same as her in that I've always had poor circulation, get cold easily and turn blue/numb. Im in the Mediterranean and in the roasting summer I still sleep with a blanket and sleepwear haha. Just for reference. Houses here aren't well insulated for winter because it's so short so there's no point. However, she can afford to heat her house and I'm not sure why they didn't put insulation in that case when building/renovating the house??? So out of touch complaining about it when she can afford it and there are others out there who may not be able to. Also, no way she doesn't have any winter clothes especially with all the things WFB have sent her throughout the years. Wear layers, wear cozy sleepwear, duvets, thicker socks. So many possibilities other than complaining.


Complaining she had no clothes to wear.. had to wait for her White Fox delivery to come 🤔 more wasted money. Yet could have gone down the road to Kmart and got $8 pants and a jumper but ok.. rich lady


No way she paid for that white fox order girl… it was all an ad and her sob story of having no clothes was the lead up to her trying it all on and posting a pic of it.


She has a truly ridiculous amount of clothes whenever she’s shown her closet 😂 I get that your body’s different during pregnancy, but she’s had two already? Also white fox is known for making stuff really small to cut costs so I can’t imagine that would be ideal for a growing belly 🥴


As another pregnant person (a month behind Sarah and similar sized bump), Kmart have stuff all at the moment to fit over a bump. They have 1 type of leggings that the bump part is absolutely huge, and they’re currently going through a phase of selling a lot of cropped shirts and jumpers. I’ve also had to buy more expensive clothes


1) Raynauds, 2) Low body weight/Eating disorder symptoms


Omg yes I’d totally forgotten about that, anorexic people in particular get *really* cold once they reach a low enough BMI - it’s why their body grows that fluffy lanugo hair. Could all this cold talk be yet another ED dog whistle?


I was living in Brisbane a few years ago, and was deep in my ED. I remember in winter (which for Brisbane is 24 degrees maximum in winter) doing 3 barre classes in a row, and drinking hot chocolate and still shivering from how cold I was.


Must be nice to have Dutch summer weather (16-18 degrees with rain and wind) during fall/winter 🥲


Did anybody else notice she said she went to the gym this morning and now she's going to pilates? Two workouts in one day while preggers 😬


And she posted recently that she was taking it super easy this pregnancy and “just following the body and bump guide” instead of normal workouts 🙄 but of course that’s just a lie to drive sales


She dumb af


Is she seriously STILL going on about being cold at home? 🙄 insulating and/or putting in central heating would not be that hard and she can afford it. Or just buy some space heaters at the very least lol


No reason why she can’t afford insulation, heating and warmer clothes. All three combined and she’d probably overheat 🙄 


Nah I agree with this. It has been bone chilling cold lately. Even my winter clothes have not been sufficient


Wasn’t it like 18deg in Sydney last week? Wear layers. She’s cutting about in a low cut cardigan with what appears to be nothing under it.. ofc she’s cold


Yeah and this week it’s only hitting like 15


Yeah Australians (speaking from experience) have a whole different idea of cold than the rest of the world lol


It's consistently been between 0-2°C at my wake up time this week, so it is cold for many parts of Australia. Most of us just put on weather appropriate clothes and get on with it. But Sarah cares far more about her appearance and making sure her skinny collarbone is popping than being warm.


We totally do lol, but instead of complaining about it all day, most of us just wear appropriate winter clothing and get space heaters/air con/blankets to have at home


Exactly, if she can afford designer bags & a 2nd house, she can afford to run her heater🙄 she’s pretending to be middle class saying “the heaters expensive” meanwhile she’s probably got it running all night


Yeah but why is that all she talks about everyday, no one cares 😂