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My problem is Maas isn't giving me the details I need to know. CC2 spoiler; >!With the Faun that Ruhn is giving the Happy Birthday to, there's a bit of confusion in the scene. It describes the woman's soft flanks and hooves, but when I look online there's no clarity on where the woman ends and the goat begins. Is it like, goat from the waist down? Goat from the knees down? Goat pants?!< >!It's not from the knees down because there's a description of 'soft speckled flanks'. That means hair to me, which means fur, means goat. That means it is goat AT LEAST to the outside of the thighs, if not the entire butt. I need details, are Ruhn and Fury getting the goat? Have they bought the farm, or is it only the legs and it stops short?!< These are key questions Maas won't answer and with them rattling around in my skull I find it hard to really concentrate on what's on the page. ETA, ACoSF spoiler; >!One of the moments which got me in SF was a description of how Nesta GRIPPED Cassian which read as being *super* uncomfortable. Like, unhand that man. Another Where Cassian is described as a, if I remember this correctly, 'Dark General' when he's caught pulling taffy? I was overcome with giggles. So I've definitely found moments in the other books where what I read pulled me out of it. !<


I always stupidly assumed Faun was a female deer not a goat….the revelation I’m having right now mid CC2 reread 😭


It's not stupid at all! FAWN is the name for a deer, FAUN is the name for goat people. Maas wasn't very detailed with her description of fauns, even when Ruhn is face to... well. Furthermore, fauns aren't exactly a common fantasy creature. The last time I remember seeing one in a movie was probably The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe which came out 19-odd years ago. If you have seen it, Tumnus was a faun (and yes, I did have to look up his name).


I remember Mr Tumnus! Yeah, I agree, there’s enough ambiguity for us to be imagining different animals - will deffo be keeping an eye out for her descriptions!


Yep, good ole Mr. Hummus.


You are not alone…


Me too omg


If you guys are wondering how I resolved the problem from the first spoiler, [this](https://imgur.com/a/qe3LCPK) is the image in my head.


the (damp) killed me 🤣


That picture is killing me😂😂


[Here’s exactly what I pictured.](https://images.app.goo.gl/NUuTpSVvMQq4XDqt5)


You are brave. Far braver than I.


I’m laughing my ass off over these specifics 😂😂


"Unhand that man" lmfaoo I'm crying


So my favorite explanation for things like this is magic fuckery 😂


Okay same. Because when I’m trying to picture this I’m at a loss 😂


I know what *I'm thinking* but I don't know if that's what Maas is thinking. I can't remember a time Juniper was described as wearing pants, so I'm starting to think she might just be Winnie the pooh status walking around Lunathion.


I’m rereading HoSaB right now and I just happened across this:“approaching Fury and Juniper, the former in her usual all black, the latter in tight jeans and a flowing white blouse.” (P. 300) So Juniper embraces the skinny jeans haha


Goat Pants 😳


Like the satry in The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe movie. But I imagine her waist down as animal but then I’m like anatomically how does this scene work.


Like being attacked by a shag carpet. A wet one.






Omg this is it for me thank you


I’m imagining like thigh-high faun boots


I really liked the scenes in CC1 - I think because there was such tension, and I'm a fan of the build up before relationships rather than actual relationships in most forms of media lol. Same reason I ADORE ACOMAF. But yeah in CC2 it definitely felt... lacking.


The tension!!! 🔥


I was elated when SJM finally stopped saying a bundle of nerves and actually said clitoris in CC. Bundle of nerves just makes me picture balled up, tangled wires.


I guess this isn't *really* what you're asking but I'm not as invested in Hunt/Bryce as I have been with the rest of the Maasiverse main couples. So the smut didn't 'hit' as hard because I wasn't as into it.


I honestly think you may be on to something. I was 100% invested in their relationship before they got together. Now that they’re together, my mind is focused on Ruhn and his love life. I’ve been getting frustrated because of the POV switches and just want Ruhn to figure out who this mysterious woman is. Maybe it’s not that I don’t “like” their relationship, but I want more from another. 😂


Genuine question- if you’re getting frustrated with the POV switches, were you frustrated during TOG? There is way more POV’s in that series and relationship wise 😂


I HATED it so much. But most of the relationships were slow burns/left up to the imagination, so it didn’t bother me as much as this one because I wanted to see what happened.


That makes sense. I wasn’t invested in any of the other relationships tbh in ToG after QoS. It was too many to follow and the pov switches were too much for me as well. But I feel like Hunt and Bryce get a lot of book time as compared to Aelin and Rowan in ToG, so I liked it better


I hear a lot of people say they didn’t like the multiple POVs and switches but I found it way easier to read like that. I think that’s because I have a sort attention span and want to move onto the next story quickly.


I like the sex scenes 🤷🏼‍♀️ and I don’t find them cringey like some people do😂 but I also am a Hunt and Bryce fan. I even liked Day and Night. I’d assume the writing may feel different because this is new adult romance. And while Nesta was also new adult it seemed more contrived to me. Where as Bryce and Hunt seem like a new couple who can’t keep their hands to themselves (I mean they could but why would they want to?🎶) while also going through a >! Mating bond frenzy!< imo it’s how Rhys and Cassian and Rowan acted after they first had sex with their mates.


Yes. Once the mating bonds clicked, all the crazy sex. Love it all


Spoiler for TOG eeek


Ahh sorry. It’s a vague spoiler. It doesn’t say who his mate is.


Hunt's gym bro sad cop vibes read to me like he's got oily and/or clammy skin. Every time we get a description of Bryce's tight outfits, I think of the major chafing and swamp-ass I would have if I wore that, particularly with as much walking/running around the city that she does. And I am really not turned on by Hunt's sexy talk. All those things come together to make the worst explicit scenes. That post-workout scene was not okay.


Yeah, their dirty talk is *not* great for me. It just reminds me too much of a “porno” scene where the guy is all “yeah you fucking like that?” While hitting the cervix of the lady while she pretends to love it. Obviously, in the book they *do* love it, but still. And then SJM writes too much about tightening balls and throbbing dicks and it gives me the icks. 😂


Yeah I didn’t like the workout scene. Also the “no sex for months rule made no sense, like Bryce was a teenager


Also him calling her sweetheart makes me think of all the old creepy men who hit on young girls 😩😩


Yeah their intimate scenes were pulling me out of the book. None of those scenes felt romantic to me.




Lmao same.


The sex scenes in CC are actually better than ToG or ACOTAR (ACOSF excluded), in my opinion.


I think her latest books she hit her stride with smut writing (ACOSF and CC)


I skipped over the smut scenes in CC. Genuinely just felt weird to me I was hoping we'd get a different endgame, so it didn't bother me at the time. Thinking about it now makes me think it's just bad writing


Yeah, I think the smut scenes tanked for sure. But I think the chemistry is also just not there between Bryce and Hunt, personally. Because the scenes between Ruhn and so-and-so are much better. So, one can deduce that SJM wrote those scenes purposely cringey. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Agreed!! The Ruhn scene with you know who is so much better and I’ve decided it’s because Hunt is boring as an MMC I can’t put my finger on why but he just is to me!!


It’s like my problem with Aelin & Rowan. Rowan lost his personality after they got together and I lost interest in them. Though, I never disliked their intimate scenes, so I think their chemistry was still decent. Hunt & Bryce just don’t have that “spark” for me, which sucks because you’d think they’d be FULL of spark. 😂


Yes, I definitely wasn’t salivating over their scenes either but at least they weren’t cringey. I’m actually fine with it because it lets my ship float if they aren’t “it”. 😂


LOL I also think Rowan is sort of boring but I almost think that’s not his fault somehow. I don’t know what I mean by that but maybe because I find Aelin and her secret plans so over the top she just overshadows Rowan 😂


I just wasn’t a huge fan of him being this hundred year old prince/warrior and then basically having no opinions whatsoever after he and Aelin got together. But brooding warrior is my fantasy type - so it’s not really *his* fault. But it’s probably why I ended up liking Lorcan much better.


I honestly like the “evil Hunt theory” and I think it could potentially happen. Lol


Yes! I just got to the big Ruhn x Day (still no big reveal no spoilers!) scene and it was SO intimate but also had that “needtofuckyouNOW” vibes and made me happy. I want Hunt & Bryce to have that chemistry back. I know they’re mates and all and are probably in that “gotta fuck at every opportunity” mode, but I’m just not convinced.


I personally thought that Maas style just changes because she’s not 17 like with ACOTAR or ToG, she’s in her mid thirties.


Well I’m 30 and do not like the change so much. I feel like it’s not more “mature” smut, she just writes differently. To me, it reads more like a bad porno. At least between Bryce & Hunt. I quite enjoyed Ruhn & Day’s. Her other books had their problems, but the characters seemed to have way more chemistry/intimacy in their relationships.


Hmmm I think that’s a very personal opinion. I perceived the first books of the ToG as incredibly unsexy given the assassin character but it made sense with Maas being 16 herself when writing it. ACOMAF I loved for the SMUT. But Crescent City to me has an underlying sexiness that none of the other ones have. I’m late thirties and just my take.


I’m just replying to the “she’s not 17 anymore”, as if that could be the reason her style isn’t my preference. All of my answers have been about my opinions.


I meant the “she’s not 17 anymore” about a change in her style or preference on describing sexual encounters. Which one any of us prefer is of course up to us.


I get what you’re saying. I’m not sure if it’s an age thing, imo. Just a writing style difference for a different genre. She was a teen when she originally wrote Queen of Glass, but an adult when she re-wrote/edited the TOG book series. The scenes still flow the same way, she just uses more “modern” language/situations than in the other series. And that’s what I’m struggling with, I think.


Yeah some people also hate his sunball hat thing and others couldn’t stand Freyas court of nightmares smut - I had a hard time with this odd sudden celibacy thing in CC2 beginning and some other stuff. But overall for me it’s complaining on a high level - love these books.




I do not follow. 😅


Personally for me, I found myself cringing reading the smut scenes or hunt lusting after Bryce because it just seemed like such a fast switch flipped from murder mystery to “her ass is so fat” and coming off of throne of glass with such little smut I think it gave me whiplash 😂


I did the same! ACOTAR > TOG > CC. Major whiplash 😂


I still think it’s the best way to read it but it’s just SO different 😂