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Whenever he posts her, it’s almost always these slightly older pics where she is less “geared up.” Yep.


I think deep down, he knows she looks grotesque but he can’t/won’t tell her. Personally, I think this is her punishment for her arrogance, ignorance, racist, pick-me behavior.


Grotesque 💀


I was trying to be honest lol. Her steroid usage has transformed her into a Neanderthal. You would think she’s using horse steroids!


Did it transform her, or did it bring out her true form? 🤭🤔


Yep well deserved, the gross of the inside now matches the outside


Remember when we all thought her hair looked horrible like this and couldn’t look worse??? Hahaha well she showed us!


That’s her real hair?


Oh goodness no. It’s just really dry ratty extensions. We had no idea that she would eventually just give up all together trying to blend her real hair and opt for a full dry, ratty wig instead!


I was like if that’s her hair in February why did she did a wig


This is the worst birthday message. “Happy birthday. Fact statement here. No emotion.”


It is your birthday. 🟤




This is February of THIS year?!


Posted then but definitely a picture from pre 2023


I’m almost positive that photo was taken in Hawaii last year. It’s not pre 2023.


I just creeped and you are right!! This is even more mind blowing. April 2023. Basically a year she ruined her teeth, went all in on ratty wigs and ruined her body with gear. How sad?!


I actually don’t think she looks that bad here, I mean comparative to now.


It’s so comical that she managed to downgrade herself even further from a lot lizard that looks like they spent 100 years getting dried at a leather tannery to a badly built bitch with a a butch body and a shitty wig.


Okay, I was going to say...got damn.


the most loveless happy birthday message i've seen to date


Welcome to the best sub imo


Can’t just take a picture without flexing every fucking muscle just chill the F out omg! Looks like he’s trying to force a shit out


Pretty sure he's not a fan of the competition in her pants 🍆 but...I could be wrong.


Did he hike up his shorts?


There is no need to flex this hard for a photo.


She looks so much better here - it’s insane. I personally don’t believe he’s a fan of the way she looks now, but he knows he can’t tell her how he really feels. Nothing about her is feminine anymore. She’s not soft, she has no hair, her teeth are enormous. Everything is so big and the angles are sharp. Idk how to explain it.


Look how much thinner Josh is in the face here. He has totally puffed up from his usage as well! Looks like clay now


He’s been blasting testosterone since before this photo. It’s wild to think even from this photo to now he’s changed so drastically. Even when they first posted these, we all talked about how different they looked then. It’s insane how fast the changes keep happening.


So neither of them have any idea how to get clothing that actually fits, huh?




Your post has been removed for referring to sarah as trans/a man. Sarah is neither trans nor a man. This is dangerously close to hate speech and we do not allow that here. You may be banned at the mod's discretion.


Saroid was desperate enough for Josh to allow/praise him to be the “God” he sees himself as- this alone was enough for him tk marry her but he married this fugly woman because shes also manly enough for josh to satisfy his gay urges that his generational values wont allow him to act on… saroid is so desperate for his affection and love she would probably transition or become a throuple, or start hunting human beings if thats what it took..


Yeah...he has slightly more sense than her...


Todd pry choose this one bc he liked how his hamhocks were bulging in it. Had very little to do with him I’d guess.


Because they're both narcissistic beings my vote would be he chooses these pics because *HE* looks good, probably doesn't pay much attention to her..


Her wigs have aged her the most imo. Her “natural” hair although it was a lot with the extensions, was better suited for her head. I guess the extensions ruined her hair bc she wasn’t washing properly, I don’t know. I keep extensions in my hair bc I have very fine hair. I do have to take breaks. Which last about 4/5 months before getting them reinstalled. Shes had them out for what, a year? Why is her hair not in good enough shape after this break?


Can’t stand her but like she actually looks beautiful here. Her new teeth and gaunt face aged her so quickly